
10 Reviews
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Coma (I) (2019)
woowza... color me impressed..
18 August 2020
The visuals are stunning, Russians always use a lot of white and details unlike hollywood where they use a lot of more which is confusing rather than impressing. People compare it to other movies but you can make that comparision about any movie. It starts slow and you have no diea what is going on. The over dubbing dont work well.. But if you want to understand then you need at least subtitles..

Much of the movie story line is understandable.. Although some are confusing like without a back story to it, there must be some russian folklore or event that you cant fathom without growing up there. Like ghost stories are different in all countries..

Like many of the russian sci-fi movies, it did leave an impression of wow what did I just watch. Last movie I felt like that was matrix and all the new ones are so boring. But like the last 5 Russian sci fi have all been impressive.
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Invasion (2020)
Another fantastic Russian scifi.. But you need an open mind
8 July 2020
I love watching them because they are out of perception. So you either love it or hate it as you can not place what you are seeing in a context of your experience. Its not a comic book but how things work in a different way. The audio is dubbed nto english which is okay but many things might be missing but they did an ok job on it. Sub titles might have been better as the flow is just a regular scifi of alien guy falling for earther and came back from the dead to get her back.. The scenery is as strange as prometheus but with a twist.

Watch it just so get your mind out of a knot. If you cant grasp anything then it means you are too focused on the scifi movies of the past which have more context to real life. There are no humans dressed up as bears in this. Although not as strange as some others and not as much action either, it is a different way to show another love story.
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The Blackout (2019)
Had to give it full marks for making Aliens
28 May 2020
This one reminds me to aliens but instead of another planet we have it on earth. Some very well done CGI and with the Russian twist to it.. It starts off slow but it keeps you wanting to know more. Although not scarey like aliens this is close in how the action progresses.. I truely enjoyed a movie after many decades. Maybe because it was hollywood like without it being hollywood.. ie I did nto feel dumbed down or so much going on I did not even see it with all the weird CGI and sound going on.

The audio is available in english as well..
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68 Whiskey (2020)
Love the show, reminds you of Mash
30 January 2020
I cant believe people are trashing the show because it is not realistic. I bet if they were all macho and killing hundreds and blowing up schools the show would be more realistic?

The show is more about the humane aspects of people, in this case people in the US military medical side. It is very refreshing to see something like this. It shows that american military are also made up of people and not just terminators and storm troopers.

Although mash was way before my time the few episodes I saw kept reminding me what soldiers were like especially the ones who have to patch up the aggressive gung ho types. Even after retirement and discharge many of them still act macho in civilian life as if it makes them lesser beings. Yet a lot of them commit suicides as well. Maybe if they behaved as humans and they were shown as humans even if thrown into situations of brutality, they are still humans and not rambo and have needs and sometimes require understanding and acceptance.

It took them 40 years to bring out another show that portrays the other side of the US military.. So it must not be popular.. I gave it a high score because I enjoyed it. Its not realistic so what. Not like any show or movie are realistic. What should determine it is if you like the characters and enjoy watching it. I am still kinda ticked people want realistic shows, and they think NCIS and FBI and all those other shows are in any remote sense realistic. Heck they probably think battle star galactica is the new US space force..
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Messiah (2020)
Where the shin beit is shown like the brutes they are and you want to see even more
2 January 2020
I would never watch something that was just propaganda dressed up as entertainment. So I was not even going to watch it but watched the 1st episode and was hooked. The thugs are not shown as the nice guys and their actions excused. Its a little political and a little religious and a little propaganda but its not overt for a political motive but a story to tell. There are no good or bad guys and are shown as they really are. Coming from netflix this is not an oscar material but its really good from a story perspective. We know all people have a family and a story to tell. Its not like the bad guys dont fell or experience the same things as the good guys but who is good and who is bad? No one does things to be the bad guy, they all do things so they would be doing something good.

Its the first show which is not sci fi or entirely fictional fantasy based that I have given such a high score. Whats worse is they dont show anything scifi or fictional.. But its made for you to believe in the story.. Like the show itself, your beliefs also shape the narrative thats being told. Which means this show would be meaningless to them and boring but for others it would be gripping. Cant wait for season 2..
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OMG who stole the $300 million to make this?
10 September 2018
I remember how anxious was to see some of the old star wars movies. Even though now they look cheesy they had some character. Unlike the terminator movies, star wars was always cheesy. But it over all worked out. Darth vader and the jedi's worked like for good or bad.

This was boring from the get go. There was no chemistry between anyone. Harison ford had chemistry with a guy in a Ghillie Suit. And he made it work. That is not there here. After a while it just got tedious and boring including the music which does not work. I see the 8 score and say no way. Dont they have any sense of rhythm? Nothing matches anything here. Also there was none of that anticipation of things to come, more like who cares.

So my question still is, what did they do with the $300 million? When you saw the 5 minutes of matrix and they spent $30 mil on it, you could say yea I can see that..
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Clancy got some Intel on the Soviets and made credible stories
1 September 2018
But in this day and age we have real time news and we can find out about anything we want to if we go look and this series is mostly CIA propaganda. They added stuff in there not to advance the story line but to show the humane side of the CIA operations. Maybe they should have just made a CIA humanitarian propaganda movie instead. The execution was on a 5 scale but the mutations made it enjoyable even if the rest of the story was watchable. And a score of like 9? No way!!!! half the people give it a score of 1. If it was more a 5 it could be believable. This has strong undertones of trashing Hezbollah because the main villain is from there and he is trying to create a caliphate using Sunni's which we know would not be possible as it has never happened in history. So okay its a movie and not real life.. And until the CIA got involved to show what great people they are, it almost worked. After that it became scifi. With all the headlines recently after that it just became more incredulous to watch and its very predictable. I enjoyed the man in the high castle a lot but this they could have made it more a comedy.
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Not a war or action movie and its basically a story about one man who is dueling with another sniper.
18 August 2018
Some reviews make it seems like this is an action movie and in fact there is no action at all. They dont even show any explosion or bombs or tanks or anything. This is basically about a Serbian who kills a lot of nato soldiers and now he wants to leave but cant go home and he is in a duel so he cant even just leave.

If you followed some of the NAF commanders and their stories this will add some visuals to the stories. And basically thats why I even watched it. It is so slow and boring that it is not interesting to anyone else.Yes there is a story about the Serbian sniper and why he gets involved. Why those who speak Russian feel like they are being targeted and killed and they want to protect themselves and other Russian speakers from invaders and nato. But there is no propaganda involved here. I mean they dont show anything so how can it sway anyone's mind on anything? But if you wanted to learn more on the story of the Russian speakers in this part of Ukraine then this sheds some light but not in a big way since you already need to know much for ti to make any sense.

So unless people are also putting all Russian speakers into the RF army, there are no Russian troops either. They do show how they deal with attacks and such but this is not the intensity of Syria. They do show a bunch of volunteers from around the world since none of them gets paid. More than anything it gave me a sense of how I would fight invaders who are hell bent on my destruction. And it gave some comfort that others are also taking things into their own hands to do something about the injustice they faced. Not something I would waste my time with normally if I already did not follow the events taking place. Most others would either sympathize what this guy felt and why he feels he needed to do something or nothing at all. In many respects in what I felt this gets a rating of 8. But for many others this is below par on any other level.
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Odyssey 5 (2002–2004)
Don't bother to start watching
21 July 2010
Although elements have been used in other shows, this has a lot of unique elements to make it stand out. Some of the acting is pretty intense as well. They could have cut off the nudity without any loss as well and made it for general audience. It does take a while to get into the show since it starts off fast and then slows down drastically due to character development and then starts moving faster and then there is no more and leaves you hanging hence don't bother start watching. It would be like watching 2001 space odysey and then having to wait 20 years to figure out what it meant but here that wont happen.

I think the character development put off too many people and the rating drop off. But this show would be a lot more interesting than some others like voyager or earth final conflict etc.. IF only there were a few seasons and some completion like farscape.
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Evilution (2008)
High School movie try out
14 October 2009
Well lets see how the movie goes. Sandra Ramirez has a sex scene in this movie with the nerd. She don't take off her cloths so there is no nudity, there is no touching and no kissing, you can imagine they are having sex when even a $5 lap dance has more contact and intimacy. She does take off his belt but thats how close shes comes to him.. Some of the actors were cool like the gang banger and junkie punk. But they could not find a hot chic who could touch any of the actors let alone kiss them. They could have saved the money by skipping the women and adding in some rabbits and chimps. It is after all a killer zombie movie. Maybe a few blow up dolls would also do the trick. Editing out the 15 minutes of eye candy that was revolting and the movie was fun to watch. There were even some CGI effects in this unbelievable ,,,,,.
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