
7 Reviews
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Gamer (2009)
New Idea, Sloppy Editing but brilliant action
22 September 2009
First of, the idea appeared to be a concept already explored, namely in the film "Condemned" with Steve Austin.

Although the underlining concept has been approached before, this film is not "Condemned" and does not pretend to be. "Gamer" is a gory and gruesome action thriller, which aims to be looking at society's not so distant future when Reality Gaming is taken to the next level.

Personally, I loved the idea and thought the film was entertaining. Gerard Butler certainly has changed since titles of "The Ugly Truth" or "PS I Love You" and is well deserved of the lead role in this film. Believable in every aspect of his character.

A definite must see.
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Fargo (1996)
Strange, slow and nonsensical
19 September 2009
Who writes these reviews and rates this movie so high? Its not for me - i was expecting something a lot different from this film. It was slow paced, hard to relate to and seemed like it was set in a parallel world that was 40 years prior.

The film context has been used before. The acting was possibly perfect for a slow town American film (not ever venturing to one, i couldn't be accurate on that one!)

I found the characters slow, unreal and boring. I do wish I'd stayed clear and not listened to the 8.3 votes! (COME ON PEOPLE!) Above all, if you want a film that is set in a slow paced environment and with characters that you will struggle to relate to on an old genre, watch this but rate it correctly!
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District 9 (2009)
Must See - A compelling, original piece of writing!!!
15 September 2009
I, probably like many others was not expecting much from this film - the trailer was very short and the idea was far fetched. The only reason for viewing this film was the high ratings on IMDb.

Wow, was I shocked. The trailer of this film shows a snippet of the actual film, probably accumulating the first 20 mins of the film before we actually get into a great, original, compelling piece of film and artistry! I don't want to give the game away but the idea is new and fresh throughout the whole film. The shooting style is fresh. The South African language is fresh. My only annoyance was the way that the lead character swore. I never want to hear anybody say "Fooking" again - in fact, it became comical by about the 4th time. This film has a somewhat unserious tone to it and certainly doesn't take itself seriously.

Overall, 9/10.
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Enjoyable & Easy to Relate to!
14 September 2009
Well, this movie certainly "passed me by" - cannot even remember seeing a trailer in the UK for this at the cinema or when purchasing a new DVD.

Impressive. Yes. Its the old story of revenge and the director really gets you believing Kevin's character. I did have it in my head that this would be the same old story with the predictable outcomes - whereas part of this is true, the story is told in a more believable way, to a degree. Kevin, does not suddenly turn into a Jean Claude Van Dam or Steven Seigal hero overnight and the comedy is added when he consistently drops his weapons whilst reading the instructions for use and could not correctly shave the back of his head (clearly as he couldn't see!) In the circumstances, its all believable and I think I would find myself doing exactly as Kevin has done here.

Anyway. Overall, this film is a definite one to watch.
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Echoes of Momento & The Butterfly Effect but more touching!
10 September 2009
Well, I am shocked and surprised. I had written this movie off as a "chick flick" and was dragged to see this by my wife as it her was her choice this week. I am glad that I went. Throughout the whole film, I was kept entertained and wanting to see the next development. Personally, I enjoyed the combination of lead actor and actress.

The concept of the film had echoes to that of Momento or The Butterfly Effect but equally different on its own merits.

The combination of characters is touching and you can really relate to this heartbreaking story.

I cried towards the ending of this film (its not a surprise, when a story gets me, I have to show emotion!)
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Knowing (2009)
Great Concept, original film apart from the last 10 minutes
10 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was in ore of this film. Fabulous concept and really good flowing, gripping screenplay. Nicholas Cage plays a very good character.

The final 10 minutes, once they introduced the alien concept and the "end" was disappointing to say the least. I actually found myself upset and exasperated that the final part of this film had stopped it from being a classic.

Some may find the coincidences in this film far fetched (because they are) so view this film with an open mind and you will enjoy it as I have.

In all, really good film, great concept, enjoyed everything but was left annoyed and angered for the ending. A must see still but prepare to dislike the final 10 mins!
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Funny People (2009)
Title is no-where near appropriate!
10 September 2009
I laughed 4 times throughout the length of this film and walked out after 1hr 20 mins - I could not take anymore. Do I appreciate Adam Sandler, yes - Happy Gilmore is a classic and he is very funny. Was the film funny? No. Although the concept is more of a drama as opposed to comedy, I was not aware of this (as the film has not be advertised correctly).

Too much depth went into this story and took it away any enjoyment.

Grossly disappointed and was not the only people to walk out - I counted 6 couples before we had already walked out of the cinema. Coincidently, I also walked out of "Click" as I found that boring and unfunny.
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