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Midnight Diner: Toshikoshi soba (2014)
Season 3, Episode 10
Wonderful Finale
2 July 2021
This is a simple yet beautiful episode that wraps up this wonderful series! Faces from the series all gather around the table for Master's on New Year's Eve and brings smiles one last time. Fun and lighthearted but also bittersweet in saying goodbye to all the familiar faces.
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The Mist (2007)
"The Mist" is worth watching!
22 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a member of IMDb for many years now and rarely do I take the time to comment on a film. In addition, I watch, on average, about 10-15 films a month, split among all genres including horror. Lately though, I've been very disenfranchised with most horror films especially with the proliferation of shock/gore/splatter/torture-porn films such as Hostel 2, The latest Saw film, Captivity, etc. Enter "The Mist" and I leave the theater saying to myself "this is why I go see movies".

Frank Darabont should be the only one adapting Steven King novels and short stories...period. He brings a human balance that's missing in most horror films these days. You can have the most unbelievable, and maybe even the most ludicrous, situations and events, but if you make the characters believable and further peel the layers to expose fear, prejudices and vulnerability then you have the foundations towards making an effective film. I was absolutely gripped during the entire film, and that all-too-rare-these-days sense of dread permeates through almost every scene and left me emotionally exhausted at the end. And speaking of the ending, isn't that what almost everyone is talking about? I'm not going to give anything away, but in my opinion, I loved it. I can see why it can split into camps of "loved it"/"didn't like it" but for me it was a great conclusion to the entire storyline of the human condition. I wouldn't have changed a thing.
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Turistas (2006)
Why did I left my friends choose this movie?
3 December 2006
To be upfront and fair, I love horror films: everything from campy, cheaply-made indie stuff to slick, high-budget ones. All I ask is you give me not-so-much as a good story, although that would help but some kind of purpose as to why I'm there to see this film. As you can see, I almost never write a comment or review. But I was almost obligated to do it here because I need to vent knowing that I'm not going to get my money back for the admission and popcorn and coke. Turistas was absolutely DREADFUL. Folks, there are no spoilers to this film because the previews and commercials pretty much did the job. And to Josh Duhamel: stick to television, buddy because you have no big-screen charisma. I for one hopes this movie tanks in it's first week so the idiots who greenlighted this crap will lose their jobs. That's it.
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Open Range (2003)
Very Worthy Western
4 July 2006
By far one of Kevin Costner's finest pieces, right behind Dances with Wolves. Costner's hard work (as actor, director and producer) has paid off handsomely in this finely crafted film. The story's structure is simple but the difference comes with the heart that Costner, Duvall and Benning instills in their characters. I've seen my share of westerns - good, bad and sucky - and it seems that the genre has fallen out of favor with today's movie-going audience. But this film proves (along with Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven) that if you put a little intelligence into the writing, add top-notch actors (can Duvall do no wrong?) and direct it in a way that blends the story, characters and (beautiful) scenery seamlessly then the audience will find your film.
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Robbery (1986 TV Movie)
Had potential
19 June 2004
One of the great things about living in Los Angeles is that I can find really obscure titles and occasionally a hidden gem. We have a store called Cinefile that has so many titles that you just can't get a your local Blockbuster or mom/pop video store. "Robbery" intrigues me and after viewing it I have to say that the quality of the film was definitely made for television or direct to video. But the storyline and premise had a lot or potential. The planning and execution of the robbery was displayed very well, and kind of reminded me of "Heat" although in a very less dramatic fashion. I still couldn't tell if this was made in England or Australia. What was really great about the story was the precision and discipline of the robbery crew going up against the mob who wants to get the stolen money.

The police were pretty much relegated to the sidelines in this film although you can tell that the writer and/or director tried hard to make them relevant by having one of them be a mole inside the mob. If this film had a $10 million then we could very well had a hit.
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Phoenix (1998)
Great Film
15 June 2004
I saw this movie at an art-house theater here in L.A. and it's too bad that it's theatrical run was very limited because it truly is a wonderful film with great all around performances, a tight script and wonderful job by the director. I happen to see this film just recently again on cable and looking at it now I have to say that it was probably ahead of it's time. Many of the faces you see in this film have gone on to become big stars. But let's not also forget how the director was able to blend and mesh the rough edges and desert heat of Phoenix with the narrative. This was a film that kept you glued to the screen with not a dull moment. There were no cheesy lines or ridiculous dialogue that makes many films of this genre fail. Phoenix succeeds in every way.
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10 April 2004
I am speechless as to how this film was allowed to be made, let alone how Franchise Pictures can consistently churn out one bad movie after another. Please, someone tell them to stop! Let some struggling writer with a halfway decent script be allowed to pitch their material to the distributors than have Franchise enter another piece of junk into the pipeline. Yes, I have wasted a good ten bucks on admission to more than my share of films. But that's the thrill of the movie-going experience. I wanted to demand my hard-earned ten bucks back after watching this unfunny, time-waster. Matthew Perry has to stay in television. On the big screen he exhibits no charisma and just can't deliver the jokes. Bruce had a decent outing in the original Nine Yards, but he found himself in a lost cause with this film. Natasha is always great to look at and Amanda tries, but Kevin Pollack-dude, please choose your materials more carefully. Here is an absolutely talented actor who will have to bear the stigma for the rest of his career of having starred in his version of a Hudson Hawk.
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Foolproof (2003)
Pleasantly Surprised
29 February 2004
I rented this video on a whim as I enjoy heist flicks, but went in expecting really grade B material. I ended up thoroughly enjoying this film! Ryan Reynolds and the cast were funny without overdoing it and worked well together. The film wasn't burdened with cheesy dialogue, hokey special effects and the such. Throughout it maintained a smart approach toward keeping the characters in the forefront. Yes, the heist sequences were detailed and decent in their own right and is on par with that of Entrapment but maybe even better: cool to watch without it being way, way over the top. But we never lose sight of the three central characters. It's finding these small niche gems that make watching films an adventure.
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Rip It Off (2001)
Is there a plot?
22 February 2004
This film has absolutely no direction. I was a little skeptical of the concept but saw that it could actually work. But the story and dialogue just got lost and the film got muddled into the second act and fell apart from there. Any comedic or dramatic elements of the film got in the way of each other.
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Funny & Inventive
16 October 2003
Very original and very funny. Had me wanting more! Joe adds a lot of wit to the piece and maintains a sense of fun throughout the piece. The dialogue is just right without being overbearing. I wish he can build on it and hopefully produce a longer piece.
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