
8 Reviews
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With this gem, it's more than the giant leeches that suck . . .
15 December 2003
OK, so that's an incredibly cheap shot, but it's and incredibly cheap movie. I can remember watching this on Saturday afternoon TV as a child and thinking it was scary. I was sadly mistaken or just way too easily frightened. The giant leeches look like wet suits with rubber donuts stuck to them. Give some credit for the music working to set scenes . . . unfortunately the weak cast just doesn't carry it off . . . So, yes it was never intended to land an Oscar nomination, but great B-movies still entertain between the borderline special effects & acting often because of campy scripts. This movie is simply bad.
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John Q (2002)
Truly a cast with heart!
19 February 2003
An outstanding cast delivering outstanding performances. Denzel Washington, Robert Duvall, James Woods, Anne Heche and, child actor, Daniel E. Smith provide a formidable base for a cast that has no weak links. The lesser roles filled by people like Ray Liotta and Shawn Hatosy are right on the mark.

Even the educational dialogue on the shortcomings of our health care system worked (for the most part). The only place it faltered was the occasional slip across the thin line between emotionalism and sappiness. There was also a somewhat muddled message about the morality of John Q's actions. He was motivated by a good cause and he and his family have been severely wronged . . . but his actions put others at risk; that was wrong and leads to consequences that must be faced. That doesn't mean that he had any other choice or that the end result wasn't positive.

Washington is truly one of the great actors working today and movies like this and 'Training Day' are providing vehicles for him to prove it.
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OK . . . so three of the stars go to George C. Scott.
18 February 2003
Sooo . . . first let me be honest that I thought I was buying a DVD of 'The Exorcist'; you know that movie with Linda Blair. Somehow I missed the Roman Numeral 'III' stuck in the middle of the 'O' in Exorcist on the cover. Took me about twenty minutes to realize something was drastically wrong with this movie, or at least my expectations of it. You see, I'd never seen the first Exorcist, still haven't, but I knew there was supposed to be this rather gifted child star. Nope, not in this one. And some really outstanding special effects, especially for 1973. Nope, there are some reasonably passable gore scenes, but nothing like a spinning head, and, considering it was 1990 when this one was released . . . what a disappointment.

Now, I have always had a lot of respect for Mr. Scott. . in fact his 1971 black comedy "The Hospital" still ranks as one of my favorite movies. But what drives a gifted, principled actor to sign on to a project like this? I really hope he thought it would turn out far better than it did.
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Insomnia (2002)
A real wakeup call for Robin Williams fans.
10 February 2003
Far from a fast paced action thriller, this somewhat film noir piece is one of the more disquieting movies I've watched in quite some time. Virtually all the cast's performances are right on target, although at times, Pacino's character seems a bit over-the-top. The script is nothing particularly special, but it does provide a great vehicle for especially Swank and Williams to excel.

It's not that I haven't enjoyed Robin Williams' dramatic forays in the past.. especially 'Dead Poets Society.' But there is something exceptionally evil about his version of Walter Finch that stems, at least for me, from the deeply ingrained belief that Williams is a nice guy. I had a similar feeling with Michael Keaton in Pacific Heights. The expectation that at some moment the character would revert to its unhinged, off-center, comedic lunacy. And when it doesn't it is truly frightening.

It does take a fair amount of patience to watch this rather slow, psychologically-heavy film, but it is worth it and, if it weren't for the somewhat disappointing ending (no spoiler intended because you may love it), it would get even higher marks.
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A really terrible name for a slightly above average movie.
7 February 2003
Director, Ellory Elkayem, has all the elements that make a great horror flick, but somehow just misses being able to make anything truly special out of them. The scripting does a pretty good job of providing the tension - release necessary to make you jump out of your seat occasionally. Arquette basically plays the same character he portrayed in the 'Scream' series. That's ok, it's what's called for in this movie as well . . . a bumbling, head-strong, likeable hero. And, really that's where the biggest disappointment (other than the dumb name) lies. With one exception, everyone plays his or her role adequately but there's nothing special. Geeky kid who no one listens to until its almost too late (ok); bad guy mayor (ok); tough single-mom-sheriff-love-interest (slightly better than ok); belligerent teen daughter who is actually a good kid just trying to spread her wings (actually pretty good); and intellectually challenged deputy who manages to come through in the end (borderline). The one truly bright casting move is the paranoid talk show host given just the right touch of crazed prophet by Doug E. Doug. Doug (works for either first or last name) is probably best remembered for his inspired character acting in early '90s comedies like Class Act also fairly recently spent a stint as one of Hollywood's Squares.

Some of the special effects are really outstanding, but they seem to be somewhat wasted on this cast. So, if you like the genre, it's probably worth at least one viewing, but this is not the movie to introduce into the ranks of fans of 'nature gone wild' science fiction.
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Corky Romano (2001)
A friend's 9-year-old daughter thought it was hilarious . . .tell you anything.
6 February 2003
Probably the only thing that got the movie up to a four for me is the fact that I love Peter Falk. One of the world's great portrayers of bumbling incompetence . . . and yet he is one of the only anchors that prevents this from being a chaotic disaster. As Pops Romano, he provides a respectable mix of gangster charm and straight man to Chris Kattan's manic foolishness. Respectable performances are also offered by Richard Roundtree as the harried boss, Vinessa Shaw as a talented female FBI agent bouncing her head off a glass ceiling and Fred Ward as Falk's advisor and Benedict Arnold.

The plot concept actually has some wonderful possibilities and, in the hands of a young Steve Martin or Chevy Chase, could have proved a great comedic vehicle. Kattan, who seems to idolize Ernest or Pee Wee Herman, just provides a muddled mess. Sadly, Peter Berg and Chris Penn, who portray his misfit brothers, both fall far short of their proven capability.

There are some very funny scenes, but they are far too few and separated by way too many boring ones. What I truly miss here is what always attracted me to the Leslie Neilsen movies. There is no 'second level' of wit riding over the slapstick. No cultural references that only the adults get. . no double entendre. . it is just silly.

And, by the way, this doesn't all mean that I am recommending it for your 9-year-old, because hopefully they have better taste and less fascination with some of their body parts and their functions.
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It takes an entire cast working together to make a movie this bad.
27 January 2003
Probably a third of my DVD collection is composed of Horror/Fantasy/Science Fiction movies, with a growing number being direct to video. Some of those direct to video movies are pretty good. "Mimic" is one of my favorites. This one leaves a clear understanding why it never saw a big screen.

There is minimal plot (many good horror flicks have survived this); There is virtually no acting taking place (ok, so the genre isn't noted for Academy Award winning performances); the special effects, if that's what they are to be called, would embarrass an high school stage manager; and, well, there really is not a single thing to recommend this movie. The two most annoying aspects are the almost constant use of a fog machine, day and night, in what is supposed to be a public high school . . . and . . . the excessive use of slow motion which could have been eliminated and would have made this horrible (not horror) movie about a half hour shorter.

Be wiser than I, don't let this thing ever rotate across your optical laser.
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The second worst movie I have ever seen.
2 January 2003
I know when you buy a used (oops, excuse me, previously viewed)DVD for $5.99 you shouldn't have very high expectations, but even that was a steep price for this poor boxed disc.

I will give the producers credit for providing a complex challenge for the viewer . . . to determine which is worst, the acting, the scripting, the camera work, the special effects . . . they all pretty much tie for just plain terrible. Oh, it has the absolutely WORST faked car crash ever used in a motion picture anywhere.

Now all this is pretty serious ridicule for a movie fan who proudly features 'Police Academy', 'Naked Gun', 'National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon" and a host of other campy discs in his collection. But, at least those folks know that ones tongue should be planted firmly in ones cheek, the cast of PW, unfortunately use their tongues in an attempt to deliver inane dialogue. And, although it is almost beyond my belief, the movies characters seem to think they might actually be doing something of value. A back room pornographer would be ashamed to release this mess.

Oh . . . lucky me bought the worst video ever made at the same time . .."Fraternity Demon" . . . maybe the name should have given me a hint.
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