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Within the Rock (1996 TV Movie)
Generic 'alien on the loose' flick
3 February 2014
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A huge asteroid is on it's way to smash the Earth, so a team of scientists and drillers is sent there to dig into the rock and blow it up from the inside. While digging they find a chamber with some sort of alien fossil inside. Of course eventually this fossil becomes alive and starts to maul the crew one by one.

This movie is basically a fusion of Alien and Armageddon (although not as good as either film, not even close).

It's an okay movie in the genre, although I will admit seeing it at a young age left an impression on me. The creature looks decent enough. Sadly there's nothing really redeeming about this movie. All the aspects are just.. generic. I think that's the best word to describe this movie. It has a few good scenes, but in the end it just doesn't wow you.

If you're a fan of movies like these, go ahead and watch it. Just don't expect a masterpiece.

My rating is 6/10
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Carrie (1976)
Fantastic movie!
29 January 2012
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Carrie is about a young, timid girl in high-school who gets bullied around and mocked every day. At home she has to deal with a very strange and quite possibly disturbed mother.

Because of this she has no confidence and has nothing good to say about herself. This all changes slightly when she's invited to the prom by one of the (more) popular boys.

Carrie discovers she has the power of telekinesis; the power to move or influence objects with the mind. It seems to trigger whenever she's in stress, is angry or is confused.

Things are building up when one of the girls in Carrie's class is denied entry to the prom, and she blames Carrie for it...


After watching this just now, I have to say... wow. Just wow. This movie is truly amazing. The movie has a fantastic build-up and it's great to see so many elements in this story come together, for good or worse. I was on the edge of my seat for the 2nd half.

The acting is perfect. Sissy Spacek as Carrie steals the show. She portraits her role as a confused, scared young woman with much power and emotion. Piper Laurie as Carrie's mother is another amazing role in this movie. None of the other characters look bad; they all play their roles just fine.

Another thing I'd like to point out what's good about this movie is the music. Very fitting, strong (and also very unnerving) music that plays throughout the movie.

I'd recommend this movie for anyone who enjoys dramatic stories. Carrie is a breathtaking story of sadness, hatred, confusion and a thin ray of hope...

9 out of 10 stars
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Charming, a little predictable but still fun
11 October 2010
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The Wasp Woman (1959) tells about the leading lady of a cosmetics company who is afraid (and later almost paranoid) about aging and losing her beauty. She turns to a scientist who has been experimenting with royal jelly taken from a queen wasp. After seeing the results on some animals, she agrees to partake in the doctor's experiments. The woman is injected with the serum, but she wants more. After the scientist is run over by a car and ends up in a coma, she sneaks into the laboratory and injects herself with even more serum. The results are satisfactory, although something is also very wrong...

The movie ain't that bad. Sure, some elements are pretty cliché now, but that's what makes movies like these stand out. You either love it or hate it, but I personally like the charm of the black-and-white movies of this age (50's - 60's).

The acting is okay, the music is standard and the effects are... hokey. But it all works for the movie and they make a good combination together.

There's also a small moral to learn from this movie, which is a nice little touch in my opinion.

In overall, I give the Wasp Woman 7 out 10 stars, just purely for it's classic atmosphere and plot.
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Somewhat enjoyable Godzilla-like movie with a twist or two
7 October 2010
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The Giant Behemoth is a movie about a giant, electric, radioactive, prehistoric monster. Haven't seen so many adjectives for a monster have you? The beast goes on a rampage in London eventually and it's up to a team of military men and scientists to put a stop to the creature without harming the people of the city.

At some points of the movie, it clearly takes inspiration from or even blatantly copies parts of Godzilla movies. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it might upset fans of big G.

The movie starts slow, but once the last half hour kicks in, there's a lot of stuff going on. If you are a fan of giant monster movies, then this one should be in your collection.

The Giant Behemoth ain't bad, but it isn't outstanding either.

6 out of 10 stars.
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More violent then I anticipated...
7 October 2010
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I was quite shocked after watching this movie, to be honest. In a good and bad way, mind you.

First, let me tell you the story of Food of the Gods in a nutshell. On an island, a strange goo (I guess) mixed with animal food changes some of the animals into giant monsters. Wasps, chickens, worms and especially the rats turn out to be a real menace. When several people get involved and end up being locked inside a farm, it all comes down to a struggle to survive...

Why was I shocked, you may ask? For one thing, there is a lot more gore or at least nasty scenes then I thought there would be in this film. I guess I either underestimated the movie or classified it as the wrong type from the beginning.

People get attacked by a lot of critters, but the main enemies are the rats though. People get ripped to shreds. Even though you do not see everything, it still was rather unpleasant to look at sometimes. By today standards, it would probably be nothing to the average gore-hound, but back then I'm sure it would be very scary or even gruesome.

But the thing that got me most is the violence the other way; towards the rats. They get shot, punched, chopped and even drown in the end. In particular the final scene was actually very sad. I really hope the film makers didn't use real rats for this footage. Me questioning about this topic does prove that the guys in the visual effect department did a fairly good job.

In overall, this is a pretty good movie for it's time. Go check it out if you like movies about (giant) animals attacking people.

7 out of 10 stars.
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Eating brains? Oh my...
7 October 2010
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What is there to say about this movie? Not an awful lot really. It's a standard (almost cliché) black-and-white movie about parasites latching onto the necks of people, controlling them and eventually making them die.

The acting is mediocre, the story develops slowly and the effects are ... well, 'okay' for it's time. If you are a fan of movies from this age, then go ahead and watch it. It's only an hour long though.

One thing I should mention is Leonard Nimoy (you know, Mr. Spock?). Barely recognizable, but he is indeed in this movie.

I give this movie 6 out of 10 stars, since it has all the charms of a movie of it's age. Enjoyable for the fans, but not really outstanding.
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Not as bad as other similar movies of it's time
5 October 2010
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The monster that challenged the world! You can tell from the title alone that this is a very cheesy B&W monster movie. You will probably assume that it has a clunky story, boring characters, lame monster design and very cheap effects.

Well, yes and no. This movie isn't as bad as I first thought it would be. It has that classic charm from most movies of it's time.

Let's break down the elements of the film one by one.

To explain the story in a nutshell, it's about a giant mollusk-type creature emerging from a lake after an earthquake, terrorizing the countryside. It's up to a handful of people to stop this creature.

The acting: it was quite good actually. It's always a little tricky to act 'serious' when you face a giant fabricated monster, but they did a nice job in this movie. I didn't find any major inconsistencies in the plot or dialogs, which is nice. There are of course always some scenes in a movie like this that look pretty bad, but there weren't many in this film. In overall, I couldn't really complain about the characters.

What is there to say about the music? It's just a classic, standard score that fits a movie like this just fine.

The monster is quite original for a change. Sure, nowadays it may look silly or even unbelievably cheesy, but you got to have an open mind for films like these. I thought the monster was well-done and actually looks a little intimidating in some scenes. Not bad guys.

What else is there worth mentioning? Well, if I have to name one point of critique, it would have to be the underwater scenes. A lot of shots are re-used and sometimes it doesn't look very realistic. Maybe it was done on purpose, but it just looks a bit messy.

The monster that challenged the world is really not that bad. If you are a fan of B&W monster movies, then this one is a must for your collection. 7 out of 10 stars!
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Dead Space: Downfall (2008 Video)
A very nice prequel to the first Dead Space game!
4 October 2010
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At first, I didn't think an animated movie would be a good medium for a prequel to a survival horror game.

Turns out I was very wrong! I loved the Dead Space video game with it's creepy atmosphere, disgusting monsters and violent scenes. At the end of the game, there are still several mysteries unexplained though. And that's where Downfall comes into play.

Dead Space Downfall explains almost everything about the events of the game Dead Space. Mainly the whole reason WHY they brought the marker on board and what the purpose of it is. There's also a lot of dialog and a collection of characters of which some return in Dead Space through flashbacks, audio logs or cut-scenes.

In overall, this movie connects very well to the first Dead Space game. It's very violent, bloody and scary at times; just like the video game.

I highly recommend to watch this if you've played Dead Space. Don't watch it before you played the game though. It would spoil a lot of the nifty plot twists in the game...

I give Dead Space Downfall 8 out of 10 stars.
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Not as good as the original, but still enjoyable for Blob fans
4 October 2010
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Since this is a direct sequel to the original Blob movie, this film picks up almost immediately where The Blob ended. A frozen piece of the Blob is accidentally allowed to thaw out and from there it eats, eats and eats some more until it reaches a climax similar to the famous cinema scene of the original. Only this time; it's a bowling alley.

The main problem I have with this movie is that it doesn't deliver anything new really. It's just different characters, a different environment and a slightly different plot.

If you really love the Blob and can't get enough; then this movie is for you. If you are not a Blob fan, you may not find much to enjoy in this movie.

A mediocre, but slightly enjoyable film. I give it 6 out of 10 stars.
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A pretty good King film
4 October 2010
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The story: The Tommyknockers is a pretty interesting movie about a quiet, friendly town called Haven. Everything's peaceful and perfect until a woman uncovers a strange rock in the woods. Slowly, yet surely, strange things begin to manifest amongst the townspeople. People are disappearing into thin air, people are inventing new, unbelievable machines, people are acting really strange all of a sudden... One man is skeptic about all of this and decides to put a stop to this madness. Only one problem: the whole town turns against him.

I won't spoil how it all ends and how the mysteries are explained, since that would destroy the purpose of watching this.

I liked the acting; it's pretty solid and all the characters do their part well. There's the local sheriff, the seducing femme fatal, the kind grandpa, the ambitious kid, the alcohol addict and so on. It may be not Shakespeare, but I think they did a good job.

I also have to note the music. It fits the movie and it adds a certain creepiness to the whole story.

If I have to name a bad thing, I have to look pretty hard. Maybe the last few scenes are a bit.. off compared to the rest of the film, but that's just me. For some reason they didn't seem to fit in the story. When everything is explained, it took away a part of the charm this movie had for me. I liked it better when it was all a mystery.

Last, but not least, I must mention the duration. The Tommyknockers is about 3 hours long, so just make sure you got the time for watching it.

I give this 8 out of 10 stars.
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Coraline (2009)
Wonderfully animated; basically a 'modern' fairy tale...
4 January 2010
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If you like fairy tales, you will love this movie. This film has everything: story, funny characters, entertaining dialog, good scenes, beautiful animation and a nice moral.

I loved Coraline. It's a very kind, but also mysterious movie about a young girl who, by pure curiosity, travels to a parallel dimension of her house. There she meets her 'other mother' and 'other father'. Everything is fantastic and everyone seems so nice. However, after awhile it becomes clear that a dark power is trying to lure Coraline away from her real family...

There's so much to tell about this movie, but I think it's best that you go watch it yourself, before I spoil too much. Coraline is truly a wonderfully animated gem. It's a movie you will watch again and again over the years, maybe as an annual tradition!

9 out of 10 stars!
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Part 5 of the Friday series isn't horrible, but I have to admit that...
1 January 2010
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The series is going down in quality with every sequel it seems. Which is really a shame, because they started out so well.

So what story do we have this time? We follow Tommy, our fearsome hero from the prequel, as an adult who's badly traumatized by the events that took place in Friday 13th part 4. Which is understandable. You follow a group of people inside a 'nuthouse', as how one of the characters in this movie calls it, who basically get killed by Jason one by one at a time. However, the story behind Jason this time is a little different. I won't spoil it here, but I have to admit it was a nice touch.

But still, it's not a really good movie. It's what you have seen 4 times already but just with different characters. There's not much new here, except for a few new 'creative' ways of killing someone. That's all there is really.

For fans of Friday, this is of course enjoyable, but it's not really recommended for fans of horror films. They can stop after Friday I and II, in my opinion.

5 out of 10 stars, but probably more for the fans of the Friday series.
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Dracula 3000 (2004)
Oh my... this is the worst movie I've seen in a long, LONG time...
1 January 2010
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Everything about this movie is just terrible beyond words. I don't even know how to fill up 10 lines of text, because I basically described this movie in one sentence.

But just to give you an impression, here's the story: Crew of a small spaceship dock on a larger one that's been lost in space for 50 years. After a bit of investigating, their own ship disconnects and leaves them stuck on the deserted ship. One of the crew members breaks open a bunch of coffins on-board and eventually you end up with Dracula... IN SPACE! You didn't see that one coming, did you?

I can honestly say that Dracula 3000 is the WORST movie I have seen in ages. I'm just glad I didn't see this in a cinema.

The acting is woody and/or just plain bad. The story is weird, yet somehow original. But it just doesn't work. There's absolutely no tension or horror in this film. I think it's supposed to be a horror movie, but it just fails. And if it tried to be a horror-comedy, then it failed twice because there's not much humor in here. And IF it's there, it's the usual stuff which is really old by now.

A lot of cliché's, a thin story, annoying characters and an atrocious ending, I may add, make this movie a MUST-AVOID!
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Turned out better then I expected
27 December 2009
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Story: The Iron Giant, a metal giant man from space, crashes on Earth and befriends a boy. A man from the government is trying to get evidence that the giant man exists and is determined to see it destroyed.

Sounds really cliché and simple, but looks can be deceiving.

The Iron Giant at first seems like a story you've seen or heard of so many times before. However, what Iron Giant is different at are a few things.

The animation for one thing. It's a classic cartoon style, but assisted with computers. I think it worked out great for the movie.

The relation between the boy and giant slowly builds up and is fun to watch. There are some touching scenes.

There's also some nice humor in here. The Iron Giant is a fun, heartwarming family film.

I can recommend this title to just about everyone. It's a great movie!

8 out of 10 stars.
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WALL·E (2008)
Beautiful and adorable; Disney and Pixar created magic again...
25 December 2009
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This movie is truly amazing. Before Wall-E I hadn't seen a movie in which there was no, or almost no, dialog. And yet, using hand gestures or facial expressions, the viewer can perfectly fill in what is going on.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

Wall-E is the story about a small, clumsy cleaning robot that got left behind on Earth to clean up the mess we, mankind, left behind when we fled for the stars. Poor Wall-E fulfills his daily duty even after hundreds of years. Then, one day, a strange spaceship lands on Earth and deploys a searching drone, called EVE. Wall-E falls in love with the female (apparently) drone, but the feeling isn't mutual. EVE is looking for something important. Wall-E slowly tries to make contact with his mysterious visitor, and eventually succeeds. And when EVE returns with her mission completed, Wall-E follows her. A crazy adventure in space is what results from there...

The computer animation art is truly beautiful. Everything looks so smooth, so detailed and so very... alive. You'll forget after awhile that 80% of the characters in this movie are robots. They seem so human! It's a bit hard to explain here.

There is very good music in this film too. Very moving, powerful music that fits with the scenes nicely.

Like I said, there is almost no dialog. It really adds to this movie and makes it an unique experience.

Wall-E is in my honest opinion the best Disney/Pixar movie of 2009. A wonderful movie for young and old; it's a gem you will not forget anytime soon and will probably watch multiple times over the years to come.

On a side note, I think it was a nice touch that Sigourney Weaver did the voice for the space ship's computer...

Wall-E is definitely a must-see for everyone. Your heart will melt.

10 bright stars!
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Delivers more then the prequel
25 December 2009
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...but that doesn't mean it's much better.

28 weeks later is a sequel to 28 days later, but only in events. There are no recurring characters from the original.

The UK has been declared 'infection-free' after the USA army went through it. A project is started to re-inhabit Brittain and start life anew. Yet, somehow the Rage virus finds it's way into this sacred place and the terror from before strikes again...

Okay, I'm gonna be fair and say that 28 weeks was slightly more entertaining then it's prequel. There was a bit more of everything, but in my honest opinion, it didn't deliver anything really new. The rage 'zombies' are basically the same and there are no plot twists or clever things added to the story. There is one thing about a possible cure though; it makes the movie slightly interesting.

But in short, just like 28 days; I believe that 28 weeks later is an enjoyable movie for the fans, but not really a movie that everyone should or has to see.

6 out of 10 stars.
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Lifeforce (1985)
A rather strange, but interesting movie...
24 December 2009
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I really had no idea what to expect from this movie. I didn't even know it existed until I found it on IMDb by accident. After acquiring it recently, I finally was able to watch it.

What an interesting film...

It's hard to explain the story in short, because for one thing this movie is just over 2 hours long. And the story is rather complex, but here goes: Crew from a space shuttle find a strange alien derelict in the tail of a comet somewhere in outer space. Once they board the ship, they find strange, bat-like creatures who seem to have been dead for thousands of years. They also find coffin-like crystals that contain three bodies of humanoids. The crew takes back the bodies to their ship. Weeks later, the shuttle reaches Earth. However, none of the crew survived at first glance. Something awful happened on that ship...

I could go on, but it's just too much to type it all out here. Like I said, the story is very complex. The funny thing is that the movie starts out very eerie and tense. It's a giant mystery that slowly reveals itself until it bursts in a crazy finale. The ending is just weird, sadly.

Still, Lifeforce is a good watch for fans of sci-fi mysteries. I must also note that the effects are good for the time.

7 out of 10 stars.
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Shutter (I) (2008)
Shutter starts out cliché but gets more interesting as it develops...
24 December 2009
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Most of the time I watch a movie that starts out awesome and dims down near the end. With Shutter, it's the other way around.

Because, for the first 30 minutes I wasn't really impressed. Sure, a bunch of stuff happens and it's a nice story that goes on, but it's not really impressive. But as the movie progresses, so does the quality of the film.

A photographer and his newly-wed wife accidentally hit a woman on a road at night. The woman then mysteriously disappears. Everything seems to be OK at first, but then strange things start to happen. Something seems to stalk the couple, by appearing in pictures. The photographer seems skeptic at first, but eventually agrees that something's not right. Together with his wife, he tries to understand and ultimately stop who or what is after them...

More and more is revealed, and by the end you are on the edge of your seat. Truly, Shutter is a creepy, interesting movie.

I had my doubts at first, but in the end I decided to keep Shutter in my collection. It's not the BEST movie of it's genre, but definitely interesting enough.

7 out of 10 stars.
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28 Days Later (2002)
I heard so much about this movie, but was disappointed in the end
24 December 2009
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Everyone around me said 28 days later is a movie you HAVE to see. And so I did, a few days ago.

But to me, it wasn't really so big as I had anticipated.

Before I begin, what is this movie about? Here's a small plot outline: A new type of virus spreads throughout the UK, turning people into hungry, aggressive ... zombies I guess? (I can't really compare it with something else). A few survivors do their best to escape the terror and flee together in search of a sanctuary.

I have to admit that, yes, the movie has it's moments and is indeed awesome at times, but it just didn't really grab me for the full, almost, 2 hours. And by the end, my interest was sadly long gone.

Maybe this ain't my type of movie though. I'm sure fans of zombie (or zombie-like) films will be entertained.

6 out of 10 stars.
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An excellent 'modern' take on an 'old' movie type!
24 December 2009
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I'm a big fan of classic black-and-white horror movies with goofy monster designs, stupid dialog and acting and a lame or inconsistent plot that makes no sense.

Well, Alien Trespass has all that, but it's a 2009 movie!

Here's the story: An alien crashes on our planet and it's captive, a violent creature known as a Ghota (or however you spell it?) escapes. Our alien goes on a chase across the country to find this Ghota, or else mankind is doomed...

I can see from which movies this film has taken inspiration. Here's a short list of movies that came to my mind while I was watching this: Teenagers from Outer Space (1959), The Green slime (1968), Island of Terror (1966) and The Blob (1958) {They even show parts of this classic movie in a scene at the cinema!}. I'm sure there are more references, but those are the ones that I recognized right away.

Alien Trespass is not for everyone. I'm sure a lot of people think it's a lame, stupid movie that doesn't appeal. HOWEVER if you are a fan of old classic sci-fi 'horror' movies then this is definitely a watch for you.

Alien Trespass captured the spirit of 50's/60's movies perfectly. A job well done!

8 out of 10 stars.
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The Descent (2005)
Best creepy movie I have seen in a long time!
14 December 2009
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I wasn't really sure what to expect when I saw the cover of the movie. I figured it would be something bloody in caves. Probably a standard horror movie with buckets of gore and a lame story.

Boy was I wrong.

It's NOT a standard horror movie. This film is very cleverly filmed. You'll jump on your chair at unexpected moments.

So what's the story? A group of six women go explore a new cave. Stuff goes wrong and to make matters worse, the group is hunted by strange, creepy predators in the dark. There's also a rather important background story of one of the women who lost her husband in a car accident. It plays a part in this movie.

To be honest, I was on the edge of my seat while watching this movie. Especially the second half. This movie really is creepy. There are a lot of good scenes and frightening moments.

The acting is good too. It's not Shakespeare, but I didn't find the actors annoying. They play well as a group too. There's good dialog and some humor.

Yes, there is gore. And it's quite nasty at times too. But if you are at home in horror movies, you'll be fine.

I also have to mention that the creature design is very creative. The cave dwellers are really scary, mostly because you don't see them half the time and usually don't know when they will show up. Call it an 'Alien' effect. Note that the music stops and plays at certain parts. It helps building up tension.

I really don't have any complaints about the movie other then that the runtime was slightly short for a movie like this. Standard horror movies are usually 90 minutes, but this film could have used some more depth (no pun intended) and runtime.

Still, The Descent is most definitely a worthy watch for fans of creepy horror movies. Be sure to check this one out!

8 out of 10 stars.
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Friday 13th isn't really getting better...
30 November 2009
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I was hoping that after the somewhat disappointing part III, the series would pick up and improve in quality.

Sadly, I was wrong.

Part IV, strangely called the Final Chapter, didn't leave a good impression on me. There were only a few good scares and creative deaths that I cringed about. But it's nothing compared to the first 2 films. Those 2 are still, in my opinion, the best in the series.

If you can't get enough of Jason, go watch this. Amongst all the boring characters, at least Jason is still doing a fine job.

5 out of 10 stars.
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Not that good sadly, but has a few highlights
30 November 2009
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Friday the 13th part III isn't really a good entry in the series. I liked it's two prequels more. Why? Part III doesn't really deliver anything new. There are a few nice, little scenes that do work, but for the most part the movie consists of awful acting, boring characters and a weak story.

About the only good thing in the film is Jason, who evolves even more since his last picture. He gets his trademark ice hockey mask in this movie too.

So if you are a fan of Jason, go watch it; but there aren't really any other reasons to watch this.

5 out of 10 stars.
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The Howling (1981)
Not bad, and the effects are great!
23 November 2009
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I heard a lot about this movie before I watched it. And most of what I heard was correct.

It's a movie about a woman working at a news channel. She's bothered by a stalker and at the start of the movie, she's trying to get rid of him with the help of the police. However, the signal is lost and Karen walks into the stalkers trap without protection. The events that occur there traumatize her so bad that her doctor advises her to travel to a place called the Colony. An isolated society in which Karen hopes to recover her sanity. Her husband travels with her for support. Slowly it becomes clear that what goes on at the Colony is not what it seems at first glance...

The movie really doesn't start as a werewolf film. Like a real werewolf, the film starts human but ends as a beast. I think it's a nice, little touch. The change of story is one of the good aspects of this movie.

I also enjoyed the effects. They are very good for it's time. They might look a bit cheesy or fake now, but don't take it too seriously. The end results look fine enough. I've seen far worse werewolves in recent pictures.

The acting is okay; it's nothing amazing, but also not horrible.

Very nice scenery too! In overall, I can recommend this movie to any werewolf fans. Truly a classic.

8 out of 10 stars.
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I liked it slightly better then the prequel
5 November 2009
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Friday the 13th part II is not a bad movie at all. It still has a bit of wobbly acting, like it's prequel, but you shouldn't really pay attention to that aspect.

What makes this movie is the creepy music, good scenes, creative (and sometimes gruesome) deaths and the little background story of Jason that gets a new chapter here.

I didn't like, however, that they showed basically the whole ending of Friday 13th part one at the start. They could have shown bits, but they just threw in the whole thing. So you could just skip part one and watch this one if you're lazy. A real shame if you ask me. A sequel should only be watched if you have seen it's prequel. In this case you don't have to.

What else is there to say? Not much really. If you liked part one, go watch this one; you won't be disappointed.

7 out of 10 stars.
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