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Being Human (2011–2014)
Canadian Version is Pretty Good
18 January 2011
I was skeptical after seeing the American remake of Shameless and it being such a rip off of the original Brit series. I just knew that a Syfi, Canadian remake of Being Human had to be even worse then if it was a US remake.

I have to admit that I was pleased. I also saw the Brit version online and loved it. I am hungry for season 3. I really didn't want to see another shameless rip off and I didn't. Yeah granted there are some similarities to the original and that's a good thing in my opinion. It means the writers will come up with original scripts for this show.

I'm hopeful this series. One detractor though is that I'm almost guaranteed not to get any cussing or nudity like in the British version. I really think this show is more a Showtime cable for the rated R crowd not the PG-13 set. So I hope they will give us some grit in future episodes. I mean for god sake its a Vamp and Wolf TV show.
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Not Bad Actually
18 January 2011
I was skeptical after seeing the American remake of Shameless and it being such a rip off of the original Brit series. I just knew that a Syfi, Canadian remake of Being Human had to be even worse then if it was a US remake.

I have to admit that I was pleased. I also saw the Brit version online and loved it. I am hungry for season 3. I really didn't want to see another shameless rip off and I didn't. Yeah granted there are some similarities to the original and that's a good thing in my opinion. It means the writers will come up with original scripts for this show.

I'm hopeful this series. One detractor though is that I'm almost guaranteed not to get any cussing or nudity like in the British version. I really think this show is more a Showtime cable for the rated R crowd not the PG-13 set. So I hope they will give us some grit in future episodes. I mean for god sake its a Vamp and Wolf TV show.
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Overdone To the Max
9 January 2010
First off let me say that I used to live where this movie was filmed and its some what like that but this movie is madness maxed out. Its really not like that. They show these people has having no humanity what so ever. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Bad things do happen but when u live in a neighborhood no matter how down trodden the people are still your neighbors. You have to live with those people. They show crackheads as just animals with no souls. Its not true.

Another reviewer said that it was unreal because the transgender character was beautiful. He's obviously not been around many trans women or seen many. There are some trans women who are absolutely stunning like the character in this film.

Again this movie is gritty but its sensationalism. I also resent that the only redeemable characters are white people. All the black men are barbaric and the white are more docile. This is not true. I'm sick of seeing this mess in films.
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Law & Order: Great Satan (2009)
Season 20, Episode 3
Sick of The War of Propaganda
9 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is straight up propaganda. Law & Order has been riding this terrorism train too long. I'm so sick of the Hollywood War on Terror propaganda machine. Find a new theme. Its cliché. I'm a huge L&O fan but so far this season is starting off bad for me. I hope they find a new horse to ride.

Typically I am hooked on every episode. So far this season has ridden two cliché horses. Terror and Black men as criminals. Its so typical and wrong. When will they find some original material?

Something new is needed. Something quick.

Trying to fill the extra line. How many more ways can i say that I'm sick of this propaganda bull.
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Norbit (2007)
Eddie Hates Himself
21 June 2009
Yet another display of Eddie Murphie's disdain for Black women. Especially if that Black woman is Dark Skinned. Nearly every movie I've see Eddie make has the Big, Fat and Ugly woman be dark skinned where the acceptable and desirable woman is a light skinned Black woman with long hair. I'm sick of seeing this. Eddie needs to switch up his formula. Every movie he makes is the same premises, the main character is trying to escape some ugly parody of a dark skinned black woman and attempting to win the light skinned woman. This is cooning at its worst. Plus I'm sick of seeing Black men in drag the joke is long since worn out.
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Irreversible (2002)
Shock and Awe
24 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie I have to say is difficult to classify as a great film or as a horrible film. It surely can not be classified as run of the mill or middle ground at all. Its hard to find words to classify it because while it evokes an emotional response for sure, you feel guilty for having viewed it. Its borderline snuff porn with A+ actors and Director. I like films that elicit some sort of emotional response. Irreversible definitely did that. One of the most disturbing things about the movie besides the obvious 2 most violent scenes in it was the actual wet sound effect of each time The Tapeworm penetrated Alex. To top it off when he roles off of her, the actor actually had an erection.

People talk about this being an unflinching look at reality, that may be true. I ask who's reality is it? It seems to me Irreversible used the backwards story telling to give two different morals to the story. Watching it from end to beginning gives us the impression that this movie is about revenge and consequences for bad actions. However, it the scenes were played in reverse and it went from beginning to end you would see that there is an underlying implication of misogyny beneath the obvious view of a misogynist act of violence.

Played backwards it can be seen that the director and writer may harbor some misogynistic views of females as inferior objects for men to manipulate as they desire. That the rape scene seemed to me to be a punishment of independent female sexuality rather then showing the rapist as a despicable person. If the film were in typical chronological order we would see that "The Tapeworm" never has any sort of consequence for his crime against Alex and that the only people who suffered were people around the situation, besides Alex.

What really sealed the deal for my opinion was when I re-watched it recently and was able to put everything in order for myself. The end shows 2 men talking about their lives. One man says he went to jail for having sex with his daughter. The second man says to him, "There are no crimes just actions." Now if that's not an indicator of someone who does not view rape and child molestation as criminal then I don't know what else would be.

Irreversible has to be studied for sure. So this is why I can't bring myself to say its an excellent film. I will say that all matters of opinion and situations should have the chance to be explored on film. I like an emotional challenge and I was surely given that here.
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