
74 Reviews
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On Thin Ice (2003 TV Movie)
I stayed riveted!
7 June 2023
I don't understand how true stories get such low ratings! Makes me wonder what's so fascinating about the people who gave it a low rating! If their lives were made into a true story, what would it rate??? What do these people expect?? I'd love to see them do something so brave!!! I didn't have a problem with the acting or the storyline, it was believable and convincing. Watch this with your kids, it would be convincing enough to sway them away from the drug scene. I know exactly how she feels about getting justice for your family. There's a couple of people I know, that need her kind of justice for their life, but they're never gonna get it, until the next one!
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Deja Vu (II) (2022)
Just awful
5 June 2023
If I could've given a negative rating, that would've been too good for this movie! Everything about this movie was awful, from the script, to the acting, to the stupid wigs!! AAbsolutely everything! The plot never made sense. There was zero continuity and I wasted 11/2 hours I can never get back! How does A movie like this even get made? I have more interesting videos on my cell phone!!! 210 more characters? Can I just write, "this movie is sh@t!" Over and over and over again! I'm wasting even more time on this review! Just take my word for it and save yourself. That's the best review I can give!
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5 December 2022
I was going to comment last night but I wanted more time to think on what I wanted to say. So strange that it had an 8.6 rating then and now just a 7.7🤔🤔🤔 No other reviews have been added since!

But anyway...I don't think ANY movie has touched me so deeply. The commonalities to my own made it almost unbearably hard to continue watching. Did some research and the movie was very factual to the accounts I could find. I just wonder if those were actual letters, and if so, are they on display at his home?? (Along with her diary.)🤔 I would only like to know if those letters and her diary are still intact and on display somewhere. Go see this! But take LOTS of tissue!!
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Absolutely loved it!
28 November 2022
The one kind of movie I adore the most are movies based off autobiographies bc those are the only kind of books I read. I just finished this book and it too too sad that they didn't keep in so much of it. If the movie were 3 hours long ppl would stay riveted bc that's how good the stories are! To entice you, I will tell you that one story includes a 2 carat diamond ring, which the kids found!! Another involves naked women dancing in a swimming pool changing room! I'm not even kidding the book is phenomenal!!!! I wish they would have left in how and why Lori, her older sister actually got to New York! It is so much more interesting than the way they portrayed it in the movie! Just leave well enough alone Hollywood. TRUTH is much more interesting than what you all come up with!! So do both! Watch the movie and read the book! I promise you'll have a hard time putting it down. If they had extended the time the movie would have had a MUCH better ending if they had followed the book!!!!
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Was this too wholesome for Hollywood??
21 September 2022
I can't for the life of me understand why there were only 2 seasons of this series!! We laughed so hard and the actors were superb!! I love that Mary Carpenter plays the some kind of wise cracking gal she played in "In Plain Site,"which we are now watching! There is something for everyone in this show. Even my 11 year old granddaughter found it amusing! I could go on and on but just watch it and you'll find yourself wanting more. I just love the middle kid who is a little con man and smart alec and always up to something. So smartly written and we just want more! I can only think that covid had something to do with it because it was perfection in my family's eyes!!
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Two Ways Home (2019)
Pretty perfect and honest....
19 September 2022
For years I've dealt with my daughter's bi-polar condition. For years she had refused to take medication, even tho I've begged her to. She lost everything, lost custody of her 3 children, and even one to suicide, but that's still not the end of her rope. Even tho her daughters are safely out of her clutches I'm preparing for the day she tries to take them down with her. She is an evil human being that got her disorder from her dad but she won't take responsibility for her actions. Maybe she will see this movie someday and it will somehow get thru to her. All I can do is pray she opens her eyes and ears to the truth, that a good life is def possible.
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An encouraging movie for the whole family!!
13 September 2022
I love movies based on true stories. You can always glean something from them, even if the acting isn't great, but I thought they did just fine here! I would have liked to have seen more "faith" incorporated but I think they wanted to portray his character as someone who wouldn't call on God, even tho his life depended on it, but God still showed up. I loved that his mom was always there for him even when he didn't deserve it. They intentionally wanted you to perceive that he was a loner type individual who needed no ones help. But he was a changed man when he got off that mountain. Humility replaced his pride!
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Gimme Shelter (2013)
Not overly thrilled but...
10 August 2022
First, I don't think many 16 yr. Olds are capable of raising a baby, esp with so much emotional baggage! All you are doing is continuing a vicious cycle. This movie was based on a true story so for ALL the ignorants that raged about a "white" man, and the movies pro life message, need to shut their pie holes.

Do I agree with their choices, no, because I have lived with the horrible outcomes and consequences of my life choices and now, my daughter's choices, Very little good comes from premarital sex and being selfish by not allowing your child to have better than you did. Adoption can work! I don't know why we can't figure this out as a society, all the ruined lives speak for themselves! Sad just sad.
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127 Hours (2010)
A hard learned lesson....
29 July 2022
I'm sure his experience has helped ppl be uber prepared for these types of adventures. I loved everything about it! I laughed when he drank his urine. ("it's no slurpie) I ugly cried during the cutting and when he was rescued. The flashbacks and hallucinations were so real and vivid. The acting superb! Appreciate life and never take a day for granted!
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For Hope (1996 TV Movie)
Touching tribute!
3 June 2022
I cannot believe some of the compassionless, heartless and downright cruel comments, I have just read! I honestly thought all the ratings would be above a 7. Don't ppl understand this was NOT for entertainment value, but to bring awareness to a devastating disease. I'm sorry your fragile worldview cannot handle the realities of a horrific disease and it's effect on family and friends. Grow up and start living in the real world and find some empathy instead of wallowing in your pool of narcissism. Unless you've done something to improve this world just shut your useless pieholes! Thank you Mr. Saget (rip) and family for bearing your hearts and fragile memories to bring about awareness of this debilitating disease. God bless you.
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Oh, hell NO!!!!
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can I get the 80 minutes I just lost, of my life back?? If people give this movie any validity, no wonder 50% of marriages are going down the crap hole!! The only redeemable part of the movie is toward the end, where Paul Rudd finally comes to his senses and is honest with himself and his wife....but maybe that was because he was just dumped by his 18-year-old honey! Even so, Danny DeVito over Paul Rudd? Oh hell NO! Not in this lifetime or the next!!!!
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Consumed (II) (2015)
I'm sure everyone trusts the government these days!
18 March 2022
Better do your own research and stop listening to main stream media! If ya think Bill Gates and the likes have our best interests, over their big money, you've got your head way to deep in the sand. But wait till ya just get sick from all this crap in our food, but by then it will be too late. I'd rather err on the side of safety and only shop in stores who guarantee no GMO's on their shelves!!
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Fun family movie!
3 March 2022
Just a fun family movie! No sex, no cussing, no violence, no kid in the middle of a gender crisis! Just good old fashioned FUN!!! Who wouldn't want an Uncle Steve???
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...First Do No Harm (1997 TV Movie)
Just more proof!
27 February 2022
They've been right since the early 20's when the richest of the rich took over and saw the money to be made in big pharma. They "donated" to the schools to make sure the students learned MORE about pharmaceuticals than natural homeopathy. And that's how big pharma got it's start and is still DOING HARM TODAY!!!!
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Sold Out (I) (2021)
Loved it!
16 February 2022
Finally something different than the usual "love story." I was so hoping to hear Kelsey sing and I was NOT disappointed!! It just felt real and natural, more like a documentary than a movie, which is what made it so perfect!
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Thoughtful and honest
20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of ppl commented that the second half was bad. I enjoyed it the most, for the simple reason that both I and JR got complete satisfaction watching the "voice" take a ride in a police car!
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13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just terrible. Ask a complete stranger to get married?? After just knowing them for a few days? I think there were better options. God help anyone that desperate or lonely.
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Christmas Stars (2019 TV Movie)
9 December 2021
What a refreshing change from that "other" network that can't seem to come up with anything original for new Christmas movie ideas!! And anytime a movie actually uses the actors, singing their own original songs, gets a "10" every time!
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The Chosen (2017– )
It is life!
7 November 2021
You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll want a hug from Jesus when it's all said and done!! It touched me to my core and Jesus is more alive, than ever before!!💪🙏💜
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The TRUTH IS stranger than fiction!!
31 October 2021
First let me say to all the people who rated this a 3 or dare you, in one sentence, dismiss the YEARS of hard work AND documentation, it took to uncover this BS! You "suggested" they didn't have the documents to prove their statements!!! Did we even watch the same documentary? All I can do is leave a quote that is SO much more relevant today than it was, 60 yrs. Ago, when it was first quoted: "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not realized the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." ~ J. Edgar Hoover.
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22 October 2021
I'll bet ya the ppl who gave this movie a high rating are somehow involved in this film, in one way or another!!!

Everything I warn my granddaughters in how NOT to behave! Good Lord! What a mess!
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Entertaining enough....
30 July 2021
I think a line from the movie sums it up pretty well.... "A bus ride in rush-hour to mediocrity." Plus I hate when movies have such an unsatisfactory ending.
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Free in Deed (2015)
21 July 2021
Mental illness is a far cry from being demon possessed. Both are very real and frightening. This movie depicts the way man thinks Jesus healed and is a far cry from the truth.

Don't know why we think being over emotional will work any better, than just saying the words Jesus said, without "theatrics." Truthfully movies like this just give Jesus a bad name because this is not how He acted or healed people. Watch the series "The Chosen," if you want to see a more accurate depiction.
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Evergreen (I) (2020)
I gave it a 1 on account that I love the "1" Hwy. too
27 May 2021
This movie is for you if you want to hear all of today's unintelligent rhetoric, ppl being politically correct, passive aggressive.... And using stupid humor to try to undo sad remarks...Just FEEL them for God's sake!!! I wish Bigfoot had put them both out of their collective misery!! 😳If you are looking for a love story, watch a REAL love story, like "Still Mine," because this ain't one!
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Still Mine (2012)
Perfect! I love true stories!
26 May 2021
It's just the perfect true love/life story! No glitz or glammed, just love and understanding and the fortitude necessary to win battles in life!
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