
7 Reviews
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Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek is BACK!!!! (NO SPOILERS HERE)
7 May 2009
Being that I'm a Trekkie at heart, I had high expectations coming into this movie. And I can honestly say those expectations were BLOWN AWAY.

From beginning to end, this movie just kept me at the edge of my seat wanting more. It had the perfect mix of humor and seriousness, while still making itself approachable by both non-Trekkies and Trekkies alike. I have to say that was what pleased me most about the movie...the fact that it was so accessible to casual moviegoers and still catered to Trek fans (especially those of us so worried about maintaining "Star Trek canon"). Speaking of which, I have to say that the little plot twists here and there were excellent. And the characters (as portrayed by the new cast) were DEAD ON!!!

I applaud Mr. Abrams and the cast for making such a wonderful movie, and for reinvigorating the Star Trek franchise. I look forward to the sequels, and hope they ALL come back next time around.
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Frisky Dingo (2006–2008)
Absolutely HILARIOUS
23 April 2008
I've been out of the loop in terms of Adult Swim programming for a while, and recently came across Frisky Dingo via OnDemand. Not knowing anything about the show, but finding the title hilarious, I figured "Oh what the hell". I'm glad I did. As a matter of fact, I bought the season one DVD shortly after watching my first Frisky Dingo episode. Now I'm just craving for more. I find the characters hilarious, especially Killface. His dialog alone is worth watching the show.

Watching shows like The Venture Brothers, I was happy that Cartoon Network was actually creating "smart" cartoons geared towards adults. Frisky Dingo is absolutely hilarious and a must see.
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Family Guy: Blue Harvest (2007)
Season 6, Episode 1
IMO, this was one of the best Family Guy episodes to date...
23 January 2008
Being a fan of both Star Wars and Family Guy, I was absolutely excited once I heard of "Blue Harvest" being produced. I immediately knew this episode was going to ROCK! Plus, I also thought it was VERY cool of Lucasfilm to gave their blessing to produce this hour-long episode.

After watching this episode repeatedly, I can honestly say without a doubt that it was one of the best Family Guy episodes EVER. Filled with tons of Star Wars-related gags and the usual hilarious absurdity, it was definitely the hardest I'd ever laughed watching Family Guy.

If you're a fan of Family Guy or Star Wars (or both like me), you definitely need to watch this episode.
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God-awful, yet entertaining
20 April 2005
I remember how my friend convinced a few of us to come out and watch this movie a few years back. We were all a little reluctant, but we all said "Oh, sure why not? It couldn't be that bad!"

Oh, how I wished I stayed home that night! After the movie, we all gathered in the parking lot and sat there laughing about how horribly bad this movie was...we were just in disbelief that something so stupid and incomprehensible could ever be produced by a major studio.

First off, the storyline is ridiculous, the acting is unbelievably horrible, and the cinematography is a joke. Speaking of the camera work, the crazy "angled" look wore off after the first few times, but we get that the WHOLE movie! This movie just gives you unintentional laughter throughout, so I guess that's its only redeeming factor. My friends and I were cracking Rasta-Travolta jokes for weeks. And we just loved how he delivered his lines in such a Shakespearean manner. Our favorite being, "Well, since you rat-brains had enough time to SMELT the gold into bars...." Classic.

I think Steven Rosen of the Denver Post said it best when he reviewed this movie: "You don't watch this movie - you survive it."
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The Venture Bros. (2003–2018)
One of the funniest shows around...
19 February 2005
Without a doubt, this is probably one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. The characters themselves are unforgettably hilarious. First up, we have Dr. Venture, a selfish and fame seeking "scientist" who lives in his famous father's shadow. Next, we have the Venture brothers themselves, Hank and Dean. Both are naive and sometimes downright stupid, yet have the best intentions at heart...usually leading them straight into danger with hilarious results. Which brings us to the next character, Brock Samson. He is the powerhouse and enforcer of the group, and is probably the highlight of the show. Never one to hesitate running headfirst (with trusty bowie knife in hand) into danger, he is the protector of the family. Imagine Race Bannon from Jonny Quest, but add Arnold Schwarzenegger's muscles, a libido the size of Texas, and a mullet, then you've got Brock Samson. Definitely my favorite character.

The show has all the elements of a Jonny Quest episode, but with a humorous (and sometimes raunchy) twist. I sure hope this series makes it out on DVD sometime soon.
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Jason X (2001)
16 May 2003
Why anybody in a major movie studio would approve of this garbage is beyond me...Everything in this movie makes absolutely no sense at all, but then again this is HORROR afterall. Nothing HAS to make sense! Oh well, at least Lexa Doig was around for eye candy. Plus, the dialogue was so bad it was actually funny. The only other thing I find irritating about it all is that Freddy vs. Jason is coming out soon, so that screws up the continuity of the Friday the 13th series even more. Let's just hope Freddy vs. Jason helps us forget that Jason X ever happened.
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Baby Boy (2001)
I really tried...
13 May 2003
I really tried to like and appreciate this movie, considering I'm a John Singleton fan and all. But I just couldn't understand what the heck was going on here. The story went nowhere and the acting was horrible. Also, Ving Rhames's talents were utterly wasted in this film. Sorry everybody...this movie was just unbearable!
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