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Zoolander 2 (2016)
Surprisingly good acting.
13 February 2016
Ben Stiller an Owen Wilson are RIGHT on the money, and their characters don't feel forced or watered down. I was so worried about that, because it seriously ruins a movie when you get actors trying to revive "old characters", and they just don't make it believable...not with this film, Thank God! And Penelope Cruz is surprisingly a Strong act, very impressed. Will Ferrell is also Very Good..considering this is Zoolander! Everyone else was "sub-par", many of the cameos felt Forced and fake. But that's expected in comedy. Also, the movie's Plot was surprisingly in-depth and serious...you almost forget that you're watching Zoolander at many points! Then it will suddenly make up for the boring stuff and become outlandish. There were tons of quick laughs, but not loaded many Huge Huge laughs. Probably because it's IMPOSSIBLE to get the shock value of the First movie...that's what made the first one a success. After the First movie, the cat's out of the bag...we know what to expect Generally Speaking, you'll never re-create that lightning twice! But considering everything, the sequel was actually pretty solid. It could have definitely been much worse. There were also TONS of references and inside jokes poking fun of the fashion industry...so if you can take the movie Light-Hearted and catch the mockery, you'll enjoy it! Just don't expect a non-stop laugh fest, because this ain't it.
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7 Days in Hell (2015 TV Movie)
So absurd, it's hilarious.
17 January 2016
This movie is basically a "mock"umentary of a tennis rivalry, and it's partially filmed like "MTV's: Behind the Music". It's only about 40 minutes long and doesn't have a traditional movie plot, it gets right to the point....It's a mock film. And a Brilliant one at that! It's very similar to "blades of glory", and takes everything to the extreme with silly tennis matches, and fake interviews from Real famous stars. I don't know how Andy convinced people to make cameos, but it really adds a new level of hilarity and almost convincing credibility, lol. This movie DOES contain Nudity/Sex and Cursing, so DO NOT let your kids watch.
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Point Break (2015)
Real Dangerous Stunts, 10 Stars for that alone.
2 January 2016
First off, this movie was NOT a remake, let's get that clear right now. Point Break(2015) is an Extreme Sports movie, with a "re-imagining" of the Point Break plot thrown in. The fact that most of the Action Scenes were REAL, that alone is mind blowing. The extreme risks these guys took to film Alone was worth 10 stars. The story was typical and plain, and the acting from Utah and Bodhi were Good. If you want to see Breath Taking scenery like NOTHING ELSE, with the plot to Point Break thrown in the middle, go see this. Just don't go in with expectations, except for Tons of adrenaline junkie sports and amazing shots. It's a fun movie, and a fun ride, nothing less, nothing more.
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Are you kidding???Typical Hollywood cliché garbage!
20 December 2015
How can people be so brainwashed by this movie? Just another cliché' pro-American war propaganda film, end of story! This film is Nothing new, doesn't bring anything to the table...The plot is obvious, every scene is Predictable, we've all seen this script a million times...beaten and sold to the Highest bidder, pushed by the Hollywood war machine. The main character is "always" a lone wolf, just killing everyone in sight, totally unstoppable! He has a southern accent, and just the right amount of Scruff on his beard! How original, Not! I couldn't even Finish this movie, what a joke! I almost Never give bad reviews on here, but this was just crap, talk about beating the dead horse!
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Pixels (2015)
Good movie, better than I expected.
30 October 2015
Good movie, not really a watered-down Sandler flick like I was expecting. It has some comedy moments that miss the mark, but it has many that Hit Hard. The movie has a strange way of sucking you into it...I can't remember the last time I felt like I was truly INSIDE of a video game or movie. Major props to Sandler and his Visual Arts company...absolutely mind-blowing, especially the ending, just wow! I was only planning to watch 30 minutes, and finish the rest tomorrow, but I just could NOT turn it off! I was pretty impressed with it. I don't think a lot of people realize how much time and hard work was put into this film, but I appreciate it, bang up job guys!
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I liked it! Light hearted, yet well done!
27 September 2015
I'd say it's a weird mix between Office Space, Shaun of the Dead and Fright Night. I give it an "A" for originality as well. There were a few times when things were lining up for a cliché' horror movie moment, but suddenly things veer off the page or jump right to the point, in a hilarious way! I also appreciate how they didn't try to re-invent the wheel. It's almost like they knew where "their particular" sweet spot in comedy was...and kept riding it out through the entire movie. There wasn't any rocky highs and lows with comedy and horror mixing(like most movies of this genre). It was kind of chill and relaxed, yet just enough excitement to keep you curiously hooked on the edge. The personalities really sync in a light-hearted way, it feels pretty genuine and stupid at the same time. It's almost got like a weird sympathetic view towards the vampires too, it's silly yet believable, haha.
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Ted 2 (2015)
BETTER than the first one.
27 June 2015
First off, the negative reviews are absolutely LAUGHABLE!...there's no way you can be a fan of Ted 1 and Family Guy and NOT like this movie, Period! (or you're lying about being a true Seth fan, because you'd Know what to expect from him) Ted 2 follows the exact SAME comedic formula as Ted 1! Lots of curse words and sex jokes and no holds barred, to the max! There are Lots of cameos, I was pretty shocked how many people Seth convinced to take part in this movie. The comedy is exactly what you'd expect... crude, nasty, no lines are drawn in the sand. There is obviously drug use and fights and arguments and downright touching moments to balance it all out, as well as plenty of adventure. The plot goes from serious to hilarious many times during the film. But why wouldn't anyone expect that, Ted 1 does the Same thing. Either way, If you're into crude humor that likes to intentionally cross lines and annoy the "politically correct", this movie is perfect. And there are TONS of "F bombs" in this movie...lots...obviously.
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An Apocalyptic Masterpiece!
15 May 2015
This movie is basically like Water World meets Twisted Metal, only on dry land, and more Artistically done, without an overly elaborate plot.

This movie is very Primitive, Gritty and Real and gets to the point. Yet it does so without selling on Excessive Gore or other typical sell-out ploys. There's not a lot of character development or very "forgiving" moments, yet it still shows just a hint of compassion on the surface on occasion. Deaths are very UNpredictable, and countless people dying. The photography was amazing, fight scenes are done old-school, meaning they don't take 6 different camera angles to show a 2-second punch scene. It's done in longer takes, so it's easy to follow with the eyes. Yet some some scenes move really fast, like it's simulating the effects of adrenaline or drug induced viewpoints. The film style was unique, kinda like a quentin Tarantino movie, yet not nearly the same, very artistic, yet raw. The music is also like an orchestra going along with the movie the whole time adds to the drama.

The custom vehicles in this movie are flat-out IMPRESSIVE, I guarantee you, they must have dumped some Serious cash to build them, tons of fabrication, not 3d effects or "prop magic"...these cars look like the Real Deal. Just a great masterpiece, on a sick scale!
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I actually liked it!
28 February 2014
Yes, it's cheesy and contains plenty of insanely nerdy moments. But it's also very bad ass and plenty of scary action! This movie potentially crosses into new territory, by having such an odd mixture of Classic Cars, Music, Toughness, Gore.....and fantasy role play. The comedic timing in this movie isn't everyone's cup of tea. It has tons of Laugh-out-Loud moments, and they are PERFECTLY timed at the most awkward moments. So if you're not paying close attention...you can miss 'em. But there are some Great quotable lines in this movie, no doubt.

Steve Zahn is great in this movie, Just the awkward and sporadic comedy moments you'd expect from him! I couldn't believe he signed up to be in this movie at first, but wow he nails it. -- Jimmi Simpson is also uncomfortably hilarious. Many people know him from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", and there's nothing normal about this guy, so enough said! And of course Peter Dinklage is HILARIOUS...I can't even begin to explain. You just have to trust me on this one. Overall, I thought the movie was hilariously stupid, yet seriously cool!
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Cop Out (2010)
Not THAT bad, some people expect too much
17 April 2010
Like I said, i guess some people were expecting WAY too much here. If anyone was expecting to compare this to clerks or any other Kevin Smith film, you probably need to A.) get a life and B.)not even waste your time babbling

This WAS NOT written by Kevin Smith......period. He directed it, which means he simply took the job as Director. And don't tell me for a second that you wouldn't take the job, because no one will believe you, especially considering if they mentioned they were going to hire Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan. After all, it's not like people are knocking at Kevin Smiths door begging him to direct movies every day. So he's a writer and director, he will go where the work is! Smith simply got left with a cruddy script, and forced to deal with it and direct it!

Now okay, with all the purely stupid "Kevin smith flaming" aside.

This movie was pretty funny. It definitely had a lot of cliché or obvious moments in the movie. But if you can put those aside, it's not THAT bad.

Tracy Morgan was being just that...... Tracy Morgan! Here's another area I have a problem with, people bashing Morgan for a poor performance...... He was FUNNY in this movie! He didn't exactly shine, but he was his normal edgy, goofy self. Seriously what were people expecting? A golden award winning performance? Ha..... Give me a break. Tracy definitely held the movie together.

Bruce Willis was pretty funny as well. Again, were people seriously expecting a grammy performance? This is a cop action/ comedy, bruce WAS funny, i love seeing him throw around the F word and cursing in every sentence, and considering Die Hard 4 was censored to hell, this movie shows he can still talk like he did in the original 3 Die Hards. People also mentioned how he "dragged" through the film. I disagree, his character IS a little slower and angry, but wouldn't you be too if you just lost your job as a police officer? So now that we have some logic here, Bruce wasn't that bad at all. Like I said, he acted pretty solid, threw tons of F bombs around, and I was just glad to see that! It really made him look young again and reminded me of some of his earlier films!

Sean William Scott was also in this film, and trash talked too. Once again I disagree, I thought he was his typical self! He wasn't quite as great as in dukes of hazard or evolution, but he does have some funny lines in this movie! Not to mention, he still looks young and active, so nothings really changed. ( and watch a few minutes into the credits, it's pretty funny)

Overall it's a pretty funny action cop movie, with some typical cliché moments. I thought the bad guys were really lame and fairly new edge typical too. There are a few failed attempts, but other than that, it's a funny movie if taken lightly and as long as your not expecting a ground breaking comedy. It's not going to win any awards, but it's just goofy, funny and kind of quirky.
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What a great classic action/sci-fi!
27 March 2010
I gave it 10 out of 10, gotta get that overall rating a lot higher! I can't believe the low ratings on here! I don't know a single person who hates this movie! I thought it was common knowledge that this was a great original movie!?

It's one of those movies that you can really put yourself into it.

This movie is a great 80's action/sci-fi/horror movie. The plot is simple, yet kind of silly. I mean back then most cars were carbureted or had primitive fuel injection with little to zero computers in them, so it doesn't make sense. However if they did a remake of this movie today, it would make much more sense, obviously 90% of things out there are computer assisted or controlled completely.

But this is a good classic 80's action horror movie, it is cheesy at times. Certain things don't make any sense at all, but it has some good solid action and tons of explosions and guns. It's funny watching something like this, because when I was younger, this movie scared the daylight out of me, but now, it's just plain ol' hilarious! I mean how can you NOT out run a big-rig or just step out of the way at the last second as it's charging you!? Those things have the speed and agility of a house on wheels! It's just funny things like that, and all of the killing scenes just had me laughing out loud! It's kind of hard to take it serious, it's not done completely cheesy and fake, it could have been a thousand times worse if someone other than King directed it. But it's still funny to think these idiots can't get out of the way of a big rig coming from over 200 yards away! But the movie makes good effort to stay realistic with a lot of scenes. The acting of Emilio and the lead girl, along with a few other characters aren't that bad at all, but some of the acting done by everyone else was kind of goofy at times.

But it's an original classic movie, no stupid over-paid actors or Oscars here! But that's what makes this movie great, plus ACDC has a million songs throughout this entire movie, and it really goes perfect with the flow of things ( a lot of 80's movies are known for doing this......)

But it's got a good soundtrack, and good flow, a lot better than the crappy music they make today! If you can even call it music!
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Extract (2009)
Serious acting, and seriously funny!
7 March 2010
Wow, what an underrated movie! Although I'm sure it's only a matter of time until it gets more credit:

First off, Jason Bateman was OUTSTANDING in this film, his acting really held this movie together, along with Mila Kunis and Affleck.

The pool boy scene was hilarious, and Mike Judge is good at finding the comedy in even the most embarrassing/worst situations there are.

David Koechner was hilarious too, I'm a huge fan. One person made the comment of how he was Under utilized somehow? That makes no sense, David is ALWAYS playing small parts, second, his part in this film was to be just an annoying neighbor, that's all Judge was trying to get across. A character such as that cannot possibly get anymore complex or be given anymore scenes in which the way he directed it.

Ben Affleck was really hyped up and good in this movie, he really gave the movie a conversational druggy edge point of view. And you can really feel it.

Mila was awesome in this movie, I was very surprised that she even considered the role, but hey...actors are actors, they go where the work is. She was very confident in her sneaky/ bad girl role, and she delivers a very solid performance. I just wish Judge would have put her in a lot more scenes!! She was SO good for this movie!

The one guy I had a problem with was Matt Schulze. He had good energy, etc, however he really didn't fit in. I hate people that try to act edgy or tough. Just because you think you can play guitar and where stupid MMA T-shirts DOESN'T make you cool or hardcore....it makes you a poser. I'm sorry, but he sucked in Fast and Furious, and he sucked in this too.

One guy that surprised me was Gene Simmons (although I saw his name in the beginning credits). Gene was HILARIOUS and full of energy. I'm not a huge fan of him, because I think he's kind of shallow and a pansy , but I gotta give him credit here.

Overall funny movie, people take Judge films way too seriously. This one has some serious acting in it, but it's raunchy too, but anyone watching this film and ISN'T a fan of Judge films should probably sit this one out, unless you like some of the big names in the movie.

This is different then other Judge films, but also has his familiar style. It reminded me MUCH MORE of a Kevin Smith film, like Clerks meets Office Space. But this film isn't supposed to be Office Space, yet the comedy style from that movie appears somewhat present.

But the movie has a storyline which has a real feel to it, and a couple characters have real problems. Things take a bad turn here and there, but the way in which Judge adds a relaxed view on things towards the end really makes it a pretty good comedy.
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A solid movie without the cheap thrills
31 January 2010
I was expecting to watch this movie and it was going to be littered with tons of cheap thrills and phony sound effects or something to that effect. Because it seems like quite a bit of the war movies I've seen try to take that route, and seeing as this is a movie about an army bomb squad, I was definitely expecting some cheesy moments. This film did not have any! ( of course you will see the arguments on here, of the soldiers uniforms or patches not being a correct match as in reality, but even then....who cares? It's a movie, not an actual documentary.)

The only unrealistic moments I noticed were when the main characters went rogue and stuck their noses where they didn't belong, I mean it could happen, but eh...I don't know. Because the main character in this movie is a loose cannon, and his fellow buddies are trying to keep him in line and they do it very realistically. Although I think the continuous "wild man" moves would get him suspended or thrown out. ( but hey, it's the desert and they are at war, people will lose it sometimes, not to mention their group is very small and usually aren't monitored heavily.)

But it's sort of a double edged sword, I think the whole "loose cannon" part of the main character makes this movie VERY funny at moments, I mean I was busting out laughing at how he seems to have a death wish several times in the movie! ( like while checking out a car bomb, he goes from dead serious, to out of nowhere just taking off his bomb suit, and just starts kicking at the car and getting physical when the thing is loaded with TONS of explosives, haha.)

It kind of reminded me of my buddy that was in Iraq and some of the crazy things he did like that(without the explosives), so there IS some reality to it per say. I think we all know people that sort of have a death wish in some way, shape or form.

This movie is LOADED with moments of suspense, and it really feels like time is moving slowly during these moments. It's not rushed or ruined by cheap thrills or stupid outcomes what so ever. I think it accurately gets one point across VERY well. In that, it depicts that deep fear or nervousness of sitting next to a bomb trying to remove the charge without being vaporized. Yet you see the main character being extremely calm like a bomb! (no phun intended, ha) It's sort of stressful yet funny how cocky he is during moments like those.

Then later on they may be caught in a small fire fight or something to that extent, so the movie isn't JUST about a bomb squad.

For instance, the sniper firefight scene, that was pretty neat. I won't go into details about it, but I sort of had a problem with how an AK-47 is a match for a Barrett .50 cal at long range. Obviously the 7.62x39 is fairly limited on accuracy and distance. Unless I mistook the AK for a Dragunov?

But other than that, no problems.

It's a great movie, not your typical war movie, this one is slower paced YET suspenseful the entire time just about. They pretty much just go on-call to bomb sites most of the movie, and there is action along the way or in between.

Good movie, 9 out of 10 for realisticness and originality and a different directing style for once!
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Pandorum (2009)
Not into sci-fi's, but this was great!
8 January 2010
Alrite, like the title says, not usually into these kind of movies, but this one has to be an exception.

Basically there are a few flight crew left on the ship, no memory except for their training. They find blood thirsty mutants running around, and now they must get to the ships nuclear reactor before the ship permanently loses power and they are stuck in space forever.

This movie reminded me a lot of several movies. It reminded me of Doom, because of the extremely dark scenes throughout the movie and the fact that they are in outer space, the ship seemed similar to the moonbase. -It reminded me of Descent, because of the monsters/mutants, and the killing scenes and the dark and weird camera angles. -It had the feel of a few other movies too, but I could go on and on.

This is a VERY well made movie, tons of scary edge of your seat moments. It also has plenty of weird moments that don't make any sense. The overall journey as the crew tries to make their way through the ship actually makes you feel like your in the movie. Just tons of little moments and small details, it just sucks you right into the movie! It's kind of hard to describe, but a lot of other sci-fi or horror movies make me lose interest or I'm somehow able to feel separate from the movie. Often times yelling " oh BS! That's not real, that wouldn't happen in real life! What an idiot, I would never do that!"

But this movie is in the depths of space, so it's hard to just imagine yourself being somewhere else or even losing interest in the movie. There's no saying " oh I would do this or that differently". Your in space in a giant spacecraft, you are forced to deal with the reality of the situation, no matter how sane or insane it may seem!

One thing I keep hearing is, how many plot twists there are in this movie. I think that is miss-leading. I don recall many twists, other than a few weird mental breakdown parts with a character or two. The ending sort of has a nice surprise, but i wouldn't call it a twist.

But that doesn't change anything, this movie is a very raw sci-fi action thriller.

This movie hammers out very strong with a psychotic numbing effect in the beginning. And it follows through with very real moments of what it's like to be hunted by a species that's superior in instinctive killing, while trying to escape to the next temporary safe area. And it ends with more action and a nice surprise. For such a dark action movie, I must say, I enjoyed the ending scene a lot!

It's a very solid movie, and if you're into sci-fi, monster or zombie movies, or thriller or dark action movies, you will love this movie.
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Actually not that bad!
3 January 2010
I typically hate "couples" movies, or anything that would typically fit this kind of bill.

I'm not even a fan of Vince anymore really.....he's just not funny anymore....he just has this attitude about him that says "hey I'm saying something strange, but it should be funny! You should be laughing!"

But I saw the trailer, and the one part that had me was the yoga instructor performing REALLY inappropriate positions and doing all that grinding movements, and the suave accent he had....now THAT is my style of comedy...I just love sex jokes and homophobic situations, or things like that. Something about that awkward tension is just insanely hilarious to me.

Another reason I wanted to see this movie, is I'm a huge fan of Jason Bateman, from Arrested Development. If you've never seen that show, you must check it out, one of the BEST and brilliant comedy shows out there, period!

The movie followed a fairly solid and easy plot, which is obvious, so I won't go into it. The movie had it's funny moments, and a few small failed attempts....not surprisingly enough due to Vince Vaughn! But the scene in the beginning of the movie where an "apparent" burglar tries to break into his house, and Vince just casually pulls out a pistol to investigate, THAT had me by total surprise. The last thing I expected to see in this type of comedy was a gun! But more power to anybody who exercises their 2nd amendment rights!

Anyways, I thought it was a decent movie. I don't know if people were expecting a lot more out of this movie? I wasn't expecting jack....so maybe that's why I'm giving it higher ratings.

Plus I automatically favor any movie that takes place on a tropic island,etc....I'm just tired of seeing cities or sky scraper's for the background on 90% of movies out there today!

This comedy wasn't anything ground-breaking, but between all the sexual tension moments, and the yoga instructor and several characters having funny accents....I'd call it a fairly decent comedy.
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Very under-rated movie
3 November 2009
I borrowed the movie from a buddy at work. He kept telling me the movie was "alright"

So i figured, what the hell.

Wow, what i great movie. It's got kind of a satisfying feeling about it when the ending gets close. But it's basically about how someone who has been working hard at their job for years, suddenly gets fired, and now he's sort of out for revenge. But has a twist of Karma thrown in the mix too....and has a lesson to be learned. (obviously as the movie description states)

But it's got that revenge kind of "feel" to it, just like "Office Space". But this movie isn't as soft and funny. It's a little cruel but STILL VERY FUNNY at the same time. Kind of a weird mixture of the two.

And it does have a few sex scenes or sexually explicit stuff.

It seems like these kinds of movies are always swept under the rug when they first come out....just because they involve "sensitive issues", like Workplace Violence and things like that.....

But it IS a good movie, regardless.
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Actually a good movie! wow....
3 November 2009
I seriously watched this movie and almost turned it off a couple times, because i thought it was going to be completely stupid and lame.

How could a movie with "I love you man" as the title, possibly be any good.

But WOW, I gotta admit....great uplifting and funny movie.

The trailer makes it look funny, but you sort of get that "lame" feeling about it.....well at least I got that vibe about it.

But it's frigging hilarious.....

Basically it's about your typical uptight real-estate agent, who is getting married, has EVERYTHING going great....until he is preparing for the wedding and realizes that he has practically ZERO male friends. So he's sort of trying to meet guys, in hopes of finding someone to be his "best man" at the wedding. While at the same time, everyone is laughing behind his back. So he's out trying to meet male friends, and prove everyone else wrong. (he's got really goofy/odd social skills with guys, and always stumbles over his words and can't pull off typical "guy stuff")

But that's what MAKES this movie so frigging great....

I gotta admit, i laughed my ass off most of the way through this movie.
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Delta Farce (2007)
This movie was beyond bad....
11 July 2009
First off, I LIKE Larry the Cable Guy(or whatever his real name is).

I actually enjoyed the Health Inspector movie he did(or whatever exactly it was called)

But this movie SUCKED....flat out, NO WAY around it.....period.

Im sorry, but if you actually found this movie funny, you have the sense of humor of a 5 year old.

The ONLY reason i gave this movie 2 Stars was because....first off because i don't think you can give a movie 0 Stars....maybe you can, maybe i didn't try hard enough. Second off, there was like 1 or 2 small quick scenes i thought were funny.....that's IT.

DJ qualls or whatever his retarded name is, is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE actor. (i realize this guy is a survivor of some kind of illness, but this guy SHOULD NOT be acting....period.)

bill engvall was an innocent victim in this movie....he's a very funny guy, it's a shame he agreed to sign onto this movie.....he probably did it purely because they couldn't find ANYONE dumb enough to sign on, so jeff did it just because he's a good friend.....whatever.

Keith David is AWESOME, i love this guy, he was actually the only funny guy IN the movie.....too bad he got suckered into signing onto this movie too.

This is one of the few movies i've actually just STOPPED watching because it just sucked so bad, the plot was weaker than the rating I gave it. The movie goes nowhere, the comedy was SO DUMB, yet they try to pull the plot off as real for a comedy movie, yet bombs out miserably.

Trust me, I WANTED to like this movie, I TRIED to find the humor in it, but it just wasn't there.

I'm the type of guy that will give any movie a chance, I am not picky at all. I like over 90% of the movies I have seen in my lifetime.....I am not hard to entertain or please.

This movie was THAT BAD.....WOW words cannot describe it.

I'm so glad I actually never bought it, otherwise I would have glued it to a piece of cardboard and literally used it at the local pistol range just to get out some aggression.
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I actually threw this movie in the trash...
11 July 2009
I've NEVER seen such a stupid zombie movie in my life.

I'm one of those guys that usually TOLERATES the low budget incredibly crappy zombie movies.

This movie is garbage! And that's exactly where I threw the DVD....dead serious, I've never thrown away a DVD in my life until I saw this movie.

The beginning of the movie is AWESOME, that short cut scene or whatever you want to call it, it feels realistic. After that, the movie is a complete flop, plain and simple.

The acting is some of the WORST I have ever seen in my life, I literally cannot explain how intolerable it is....it is THAT bad.

The movie has just HORRIBLE and awkward camera angles, extremely bad acting....the zombie scenes are extremely fake and goofy, its beyond belief.

I know I'm the type of guy that reads reviews for bad zombie movies and thinks to myself ---"How bad could it be, i want to see this for myself"--- TRUST ME, unless you want to LAUGH at how stupid it is, please don't rent,or buy this movie, don't even download it, its that bad. (actually you will laugh for the first few zombie scenes, but after that you get the impression these guys are trying to make a serious zombie movie, and it just becomes flat out UNWATCHABLE.....so its NOT even funny!)

(in fact, their camera work is SO BAD, it should be a felony for these guys to come within 500yards of ANYTHING with a camera lens....they shouldn't even be allowed in a Seven-Eleven store, simply because they sell disposable cameras in there.)

This movie had potential but you can tell they needed an enormous budget and an incredible amount of actors to pull it off, and not to mention good acting.....but this movie falls short in ALL categories. Actually ---"Falls short"--- would be an upgrade to how far off this movie is.

It's like the combination of INCREDIBLY bad acting, ridiculously bad camera work, and general unrealistic prison scenes that make this movie probably the WORST of the worst, if not, it's Definitely in the top 5.

I would actually avoid this movie more than ACTUAL zombies if they ever ran to my front door steps.
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10 Items or Less (2006–2009)
Funny, but something is missing....
2 July 2009
That's the only way i can sum it up.

It has moments that are extremely funny, then it just dies back down to being normal again in a split second. It seems to have trouble keeping audiences laughing, so basically it doesn't keep rolling out the laughs or follow any sort of pattern.

This show reminds me A lot of "arrested development", pretty much because of how I just described it above. It's quirky and kind of strange comedy, then its extremely funny and original, but then it's back to normal, then it has failed attempts at jokes......it's kind of weird.

The show seems like a mixture between "The Office" and "Arrested Development".

But it seems to lack a REAL connection with the characters or storyline. It appears that the show doesn't have a real Bonding "feel" or whatever you want to call it, which can be a HUGE problem.

The acting is good enough in most parts, then it suddenly gets really bad out of nowhere depending on who is on camera.

If you've ever seen Arrested Development or The Office, this show seems right at home at first, but suddenly lacks real character development and something is off about it.....it's close though!
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Role Models (2008)
Vaguely reminded me of Grandma's Boy/40 Year Old Virgin
8 April 2009
Im a huge fan of Sean Willian Scott, so i decided to see it.

This movie strangely had the feel of Grandma's Boy meets 40 Year Old Virgin....with the obsession with Role playing/sword fighting and Sean's obsession with going after women and getting laid, and their refusal to grow up.

The movie had plenty of funny moments, usually with what seemed like quite long periods between those funny moments.

However near the 3/4 mark the movie REALLY seemed to pick up and peaked. I was originally deciding on a rating of 6 or so, but as the movie got closer towards the 3/4 mark, it just got SO funny with the whole "roleplaying" parts and some of the funny awkward moments. I was laughing so hard it hurt at that point, so i hadda bump it up to an 8 rating.

It's got a really good positive message too, which is to do what you love, no matter what anyone else says about it or you. (as if there isn't enough movies with a similar plot)

The story line was actually very boring and seemed to hold a really dull feel to it, yet in this movie that seems "okay" for some odd reason. The cast really brings it alive with the random heavy cursing scenes and occasional punchlines which i've yet to hear in any other movies that i can recall.

It's not a super quotable movie, however its Definitely got a few good ones in there....so it works out okay.

It's basically a movie with a dull story line, but the movie has so many awkward and blatant heavy language on and off, and with the whole "role-playing world of warcraft" scenes or whatever you wanna compare it to.....the movie is just awesome....
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You can cut the racial tension with a chainsaw!
14 March 2009
I loved how martin lawrence kept pushing the racial jokes and "oppresion" or whatever you want to call it.

And the looks on Steve Zahns face are PRICELESS!!!

I think it's a good thing when they put racial differences in comedy movies....because if you can't laugh at it, what's the point? Why get uptight about stuff that doesn't matter in life? You can't go around taking every little thing serious....and if you do then i truly feel sorry for you!

Yes I am white and have many black friends that find this kind of comedy extremely funny...i watch these kinds of movies with them on a regular basis! (so don't even say im racist)

Martin lawrence is EXTREMELY funny as usual.....nuff said.

Steve Zahn is one of my FAVORITE un-utilized actors. This guy needs to be in A lot more movies. He's a perfectly honest/good guy in this movie who's trying to hold back his anger the ENTIRE FILM!

You just gotta love the tension between the two in this movie! It's almost just as good as Bad Boys and Bad Boys 2 (bad boys and bad boys 2 are A lot better overall....but tension-wise, martin lawrence and steve zahn are almost PERFECT partners and enemies at the same time)
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This movie needs to get A lot more credit!
14 March 2009
Okay first off....

This is NOT a pure remake of The Dukes of Hazzard....it's a Stand Alone production, from the producer/writer/ director of Super Troopers, and Club Dread. It's supposed to be a dukes of hazzard production taken place TODAY.....NOT a remake or dedication type film.

Second, this movie Isn't a huge budget Hollywood movie.....it didn't go down like that.

If you've never seen the original dukes of hazzard, DO NOT see it before you watch this movie, because it may ruin the movie....because your GOING to expect a remake/judgement comparison between the two....

Basically, if your a fan of dukes of hazzard, you probably will hate this movie, because you've seen all the originals, and you WILL BE EXPECTING a lot of things!!!

This movie should be viewed as a private stand-alone movie with new actors...it's for the newer generation...NOT to be compared to the old dukes.

Other than that, this movie is funny as hell, got kickass car chases and stunts.

Jay went thru extra trouble to make sure the car stunts were realistic and NOT CGI.....which he EASILY could have gone that route!!! Every car stunt scene in this movie has a driver in the car or was done with Chain driven ramp-launchers. He NEVER cut scenes between stunts....ALL car stunts were done in ONE SOLID TAKE!!!

(he easily could have chopped up scenes to make a super fake looking jump...but he didn't.)

They actually designed a special machine to launch cars JUST for this movie, a machine which has NEVER been used before.

It's funny because i see so many bad reviews....yet when i saw this movie in theaters, EVERYONE loved this movie...NEVER heard a complaint.

This was one of the movies that kept me wanting to race and build cars.

If you love cars or chases, this movie WILL get your blood pumping!

It's alittle cheesy at some points and immature comedy along the way, but its Definitely got the vibe of a 70's classic muscle car...and one of the VERY FEW movies that really captures the feel of a muscle car doing what it does best...GO FAST.
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Sex Drive (2008)
WAY different/better than the trailer made it look!
14 March 2009
Yet another movie that fell to a bad movie trailer!

The trailer made it look EXACTLY like another lame sex/teen movie. And while that was the base line for the movie, it just Wasn't the typical American pie kind of movie at all.

Strangely if I had to compare it to something...i would put it somewhere between Ready to Rumble meets Dukes of Hazard meets American Pie.

The whole traveling half-way across the country strangely reminded me of the classic Ready to Rumble for some odd reason....just couldn't get that movie outta my head when i was watching this.

It also reminded me of Dukes of Hazzard(2004) a lot because of the GTO Judge they drive and the car is seen like EVERY 5 minutes,lol.

And obviously reminded me of American Pie because of the Ians older brother, he reminds me of the character Stiffler(Sean William Scott)

They basically travel a lot in this movie, it's like American pie gone Road Trip with 3 friends, and a lot of funny stuff along the way, but its not cheesy as a lot of the other movies.

I TOTALLY thought i was going to hate this movie...like NO DOUBT in my mind...but i was wrong....it was a really good redneck version of a teen sex movie,haha.
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Its like Oceans Eleven meets Grand Theft Auto
16 February 2009
With so many PURE JUNK movies like the Fast and the Furious series out there...This movie brings some REAL cars into the picture.

Nicholas Cage was perfect for this role.

I love the old musclecar/ chop shop, oldschool feel to this movie.

Acting and lines are great....

Action is awesome....(although i saw a few shots in the final chase scene that could have been done with a more raw feel to them) (i compare it to the 2004 dukes of hazzard chase scenes, which WAS a goofy movie, but the DOH chase scenes gave me goosebumps watching the dodge charger blazing by and just a raw muscle car feel to it...while blasting ACDC.....)

This movie seemed to lack that alittle bit at moments.

There's also a lot of realistic funny scenes in the movie....

Great car/race/ grand theft auto type of movie.
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