
13 Reviews
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Togetherness (2015–2016)
Why was this canceled?
2 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching both seasons and enjoyed doing so. The character development is amazing. As a 40 year old who is married and a parent, I empathized with Michelle. When you are in your 20s, you have goals and a vision of what your life is going to be like. Once you get married and have kids, all of that is put on a shelf, on hold. As a woman, we are taught from a very young age by our mothers and grandmothers that our immediate family comes first. If for a moment we think of ourselves, we might get guilt trips or we may feel like we are being selfish. Mind you having an affair is not a quick fix. It is one of the major reasons for divorce. However, as a married woman for over 18 years, there are cycles you go through as a couple. There are moments you are in sync and others that you cannot remember what brought you together in the first place. All I know is that it definitely takes work. I love that Tina and Alex finally slept together at the end. I loved their onscreen chemistry. Baby Frank is adorable and I can see how Tina was crazy about him.
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Arizona (2018)
Don't Bother
8 September 2019
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This is definitely NOT a dark comedy. I have seen plenty of those and this is a horror movie with a touch of comedy. The scene of Danny McBride wearing a hoodie backwards was hilarious. We could not stop laughing. That is where it stopped being funny and evolved into an extremely violent, gory movie. We stopped watching when Lefty started licking Vicki's blood off the floor. We were done after that. Also, Cassie's daughter was an idiot. First, she opens the door halfway to a total stranger. Then she hides inside her mother's bedroom and does not even lock the door?!? Wtf! I loved Danny in Vice Principals and currently in The Righteous Gemstones. This is not his best role. Skip this movie.
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Started Off Great....
17 August 2019
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This telenovela started off fine. The main actors had onscreen chemistry and did wonderfully portraying Antonio and Julieta. This was a romantic comedy/drama. We invested two months in the characters and storyline so we were quite disappointed that the ending was rushed. It felt forced and did not flow naturally.
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Forever (I) (2018)
Surprisingly Different
6 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As a woman in her early 40s, I sympathized with the main characters Oscar and June. As a wife and mother, it is easy to forget your own path and focus on your spouse and children. It is what we have been taught by our own mothers and grandmothers to do. Even if we for moment contemplate on doing something away from our family, we feel guilty or might be accused of being selfish. At a time when it is difficult to connect with others, when it happens it is a rare gem. I loved episode 6: Andre and Sarah which explores this connection and bad timing. They complemented one another perfectly. You actually feel badly for them when this miss their chance at true happiness. I connected with June and her feeling for something more. Once she separated from Oscar, she realized that she truly loved and needed him. I do agree with other reviewers, the fact that they are dead and you see them eating, drinking, etc, is confusing especially since they have no body. Not sure how that would work in the afterlife. I like this show and I can't wait for Season 2.
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1 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I do not know what was more boring the last episode or this documentary. Please skip this. They could have had more interviews with the cast members. The lady in charge of location was really dreadful. Every second word was an F bomb. She did this because she thought she would come across funny. This documentary was a disaster. Two hours wasted on this?!?
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
Hilarious and Addictive
1 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am obsessed with this show! As a sarcastic person myself, I enjoy the continuous witty sarcasm between the characters. I like how David and Alexis have evolved throughout the seasons. I think Alexis is adorable with her mannerisms and quips. I appreciate her style and how she is comfortable in her own skin. David is just "cute as a button", reference to the show and Patrick. I love the dynamics within the Rose family. The parents are stellar comedians and I remember them fondly from SCTV. I can't wait for the upcoming Christmas special and then Season 5!
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Last Episode-Disappointing
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I were hooked by the first episode, Season 1. The character development was amazing with each new season. Many characters were not black and white, therefore you connected with their personal flaws. I took off 3 stars for the last episode. It was a slap in the face to all GOT fans worldwide. I agree with many comments online. It's as if the writers ran out of ideas and just winged it. Wth?!? I understand the frustration. We deserved a better ending. At the end, it did not make any difference that Jon Snow was half Targaryen and heir to the Iron Throne. He was banished to the Night Watch to do absolutely nothing because he killed his queen. The same queen that stood parallel to Cersei when she killed a multitude of innocent people because was "mad". I do like that he reunited with Ghost and the Wildlings. Sansa received exactly what she wanted, to rule the North. As for Brandon being appointed as King of Westeros, I have reservations on that matter.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
Disappointing Ending
11 April 2019
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My husband and I spent several weeks binge watching this series on Amazon Prime. It started off quite promising. Sure, there were several scenes that had inconsistencies but at least for us, we connected to some of the characters. Season 2 and 3 went downhill. It seemed as if the writers watched The Outerlimits (the Canadian-American version) , The Matrix and The Host in order to write their script. I like the twist of the alternate reality and when you the viewer realizes the dome is the antagonist and not the protector of the townspeople as you are lead to believe. There is an alterior motive; protect the hosts. The ending was the worst. At least for us, we felt we invested our time to see this series through, and the last episode felt like a slap to the face. So many questions left unanswered. I could not stand Christine and Eva. All I could think was, Dawn is alive and has her young students doing her dirty work (pun intended)? Also, did the writers forget that there were meteorites and fireballs that wiped out everything outside the dome and its adjacent areas?!? This series was not a waste of time but the ending did not provide closure.
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Waste of Time
5 January 2019
This movie had potential. I like zombie movies but even though this is a horror comedy, it fell flat. The fact that you see things in the zombie's point of view was interesting however the movie itself made little to no sense. B movie for sure. What the hell were the writers thinking?!? The script was terrible and in several scenes, the dialogue was so forced, no flow whatsoever. None of the dialogue felt realistic at all. Terrible movie overall.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Disappointing movie
30 November 2018
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I am a huge sci-fi fan and this movie had the potential to be a great movie. Unfortunately, it started fine and then took a nosedive and fell flat. The ending is definitely disappointing and leaves you a bit confused. Be prepared for several graphic scenes. I do have to say that when Natalie Portman's character travels to the light house, the movie improves a little with its special effects. When she meets the alien entity in the cave, it was actually mesmerizing. The colors and shape shifting was amazing. 4 stars for that scene alone.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
The second time around
3 November 2015
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I had initially submitted a negative review last year. I decided to give this show one more chance. I am so glad that I did. I caught up on Season 1 on On-Demand and when Season 2 started, I was hooked. Each episode gets better and better. This series is profoundly different than any other series available right now. Everything is clearly NOT black and white, there is a gray area and this series depicts that area perfectly. We all have good and bad in us but we choose to live the life that we lead. If you are a Christian and live a moral life, that is your choice. If you decide to turn the blind eye and live a selfish, dishonest, and empty life that is also your choice. Free will is what God gave all of us. Life throws us challenges every day that test our character. What I love about this show is that it has complex characters from different backgrounds that encounter difficult life lessons and choices. It is interesting to see how their moral fiber influences their actions. Great show! I am so glad that I did not give up on this series. I can't wait to see more of it.
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Noah (2014)
What a offensive movie!
11 August 2014
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My husband and I watched 20 minutes of this film and then stopped watching it. Based on several user reviews, I am glad that I did. The fact that the writers and director decided to include the element of fantasy to a biblical story is offensive to Christianity and to God to say the least. Some examples are the rock monsters and the mythical creature that befriends one of the children in the beginning of the movie. I expected at any moment to see a dragon fly by! Incredible! This movie is blasphemous and disrespectful to those who believe in God. I enjoy Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies myself however I do not tolerate the use of religious events or depictions in movies which desecrate their significance.
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The Happening (2008)
An Important Message....
29 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Although, several people did not like this film, I have to say that I enjoyed it tremendously. From the beginning of the film, you become hooked. It was incredible to see that only a few minutes into the film, you witness the strange event happening so soon. When the people in Central Park become affected by the chemicals, they look like they are frozen in time. Then the real horror begins. As I watched it got me thinking about years back when sea creatures began "killing themselves" by beaching themselves. There was no explanation for this event in the first place and it created quite a stir. Many marine biologists theorized that there might been some type of bacteria or threat in the ocean that caused it to happen

In "The Happening", you realize that the whole cause of the horrific events is the plants themselves and their sole purpose is to exterminate as many humans as possible. You realize that the plants are pretty much fed up with the human race's neglect towards the environment. As this epidemic worsens, you see the ugly side of people emerge. This movie teaches us all a lesson, be kind to nature and remember to talk to your plants...or else...J/K.... Seriously go watch the movie for yourself, you just might like it. :-)
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