
30 Reviews
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
Great Romantic movie..
2 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, If you watch it as a simple Sci-Fi flick, you'll be disappointed.But thats NOT what it is at all.I'm just gonna mention some points so that you could enjoy this movie more. 1: The code was written by Max but Will Re-Wrote it in the beginning of the movie when he was being uploaded.The whole "Virus" idea was based on the fact that the code was still original. 2: The Copper-covered garden blocks electromagnetic fields and so NO virus could've entered there. 3: It was Will, it was always Will caster who was doing everything his wife ever wanted.In the end, She told him that she doesn't want all it.Thats why Will stopped doing it.The virus did NOT work, Will shut everything down himself because the person he was doing it for, didn't want it anymore. See, The movie is not just a simple sci-fi movie.It has deeper meaning than that.I didn't mention the "Crosses" that kept appearing on Will & Evelyn's necks.Also, the fact that Paul Bettany was in the movie pretty much shows that the directer wanted to involve a religious side to it. Anyways, i Think its a great movie.Just open your minds to all the possibilities and see how good this movie is!
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One of the best movies
6 July 2013
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Yup,This is exactly what a great movie should be like.Amazing story,amazing direction,amazing acting by all the actors. It was an extremely touching story and its a kind of a movie that leaves a mark on the viewer.Hollywood took a major step ahead in its progress with this movie. I don't usually review that many movies but this movie was so extra- ordinary that i had to say Hats-off,and say something good about it.Go ahead everyone,watch this movie.People who haven't watched this movie,you guys are missing a treat.All the Hollywood viewers just have to see this to appreciate good cinema.One thing though,The movie's run-time is a bit long and that might prompt some people not to watch this movie.I urge you all in a very humble way,NOT to mind the long run- time.Its a great movie.It just IS!
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Fantastic..Just Fantastic..
1 May 2013
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Yup,This was the most beautiful and attractive film I've seen in a long time.I'm even going to go to the extent of saying that it was the best in the series. The things that made it the best in the series for me,and made it so attractive and worth watching over and over again were following..A great story-line,great acting,great development and finally(and the best of all) an absolute gem of a villain in Aldrich Killian(Guy Pearce).. I'm not going to post lots of spoilers here because that usually 'spoils' the movie for people,but i am going to absolutely recommend it to everyone.The scenes are very well filmized,with the marvel of 'Marvel comics' coming through to full effect.Tony Stark was always great at whatever he did.This time though,he has achieved a level of greatness that is always expected of a super-hero. I'm a big fan of all the Avengers,and i am so glad that this movie just opens up so many doors..
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Da Vinci's Demons (2013–2015)
Leonardo Da Vinci,One of the most intelligent humans in history
21 April 2013
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There are many good things about this show that make it worth watching and worth following.I'll try to go over them one by one. First, It is based on a real human's life.Leonardo Da Vinci was undoubtedly the most intelligent human of his time,and one of the most intelligent human beings ever,so it is proper and just to give him the due respect by dedicating a show so that people who don't know him,can learn about him as much as they can. This show does that.It brings the history with a nice touch of change.The actors taken for this show also do it justice.Tom Riley is an extremely good choice for the main character,and he absolutely fits. Historical shows are always good if they can teach you as well as can provide some kind of enjoyment.This show accomplishes that.It has the potential to go ahead and become the number one show on TV. Another good thing about this show is,that they chose a character with a lot of room.Da Vinci was the most versatile of humans of his time.He was a writer,a painter,a sketch artist,a philosopher,a poet,an Anatomist,an astronomy student and had great interest in anything that was natural.He was a scientist too.He was so versatile that he could be made to look like a super-hero quite easily without changing his personality much.And i see that the writers have managed to accomplish that too. All in all,I strongly recommend this show for people who like to learn and study as they watch shows.I also recommend it for people who like the cinema made in the old times.If you like shows like Spartacus,Game of thrones,Camelot and Legend of the Seeker,You WILL like this show.
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The Odyssey (1997)
Extremely UNDER-RATED!
16 March 2013
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This is just the sort of movie any adventure lover would LOVE! Beautiful scenarios combined with great camera work and a great adventurous story to go with it..well,What an absolute diamond it was! Odysseus's adventurous story is nothing new to most people who know Greek myth,and this was a great step forward in bringing that beautiful journey to the viewers. This movie does NOT deserve the ratings that it has gotten.Anything under 8/10 is a crime,in case of this movie.I rate it 9/10 and i stand by my vote! It is recommended for anyone who loves adventure movies.u'ld love it,no doubt about it. The only thing that they could've may be improved was,the time-line of the movie. It is way too lengthy and that may repel some viewers,but still its worth a shot. The acting was great too.Odysseus's role was played to perfection.We see such amazing Greek mythological characters as Achilles and so many others who we have always loved. Ah,just watch it!!!
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Extremely bad!!
12 February 2013
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DO NOT watch this movie.This is a disgrace to the Hindi cinema!I am a huge Indian movie fan and i was absolutely shocked to see an actor like Govinda doing a movie like this.and then,Priyanka chopra also did a movie like this?!what the hell is going on here?did i miss something? Govinda once used to make great Indian comedies.what happened to him? And Priyanka chopra is herself one of the best in the whole country.she knows better than to do than to do these kinda bad movies. Just don't watch doesn't have any story line,any real comedy,any good acting or any thrill.Its very very boring and as i said,a disgrace to the Indian cinema. I'm actually ashamed that i saw this movie and i don't want others to fall into this "Good cast" trap.
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Quite interesting..
30 June 2010
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Well,I've been a big K.Sutherland fan for quite some time now and i am surprised that i missed this movie.Hadn't watched it so got it from a friend and watched it.I have to say that i was not expecting this kind of movie from him,Hats off to all the people involved in the making of the movie.The writer did a great job,then the direction was good,Actors were all terrific and the movie was able to create such a sweet drama that it kept me at the edge of my seat.

Absolutely recommended to all K.Sutherland fans and to all those who like serious drama with good acting.I just have to say that i am a little disappointed to see the rating of this movie.It is absolutely under- rated..
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Kick-Ass (2010)
Did NOT like it at all.
29 June 2010
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I don't get it,i just don't!I mean,whats to like in this movie!?it wasn't a comedy,it wasn't a superhero movie,it wasn't a teen movie and it wasn't an action or an adventure.I just don't know what this movie was about!I see the comments here and see that a movie like this gets one of the top ranks and i just wonder what the heck is wrong with people who rank the movies.

For me this movie was a complete waste of time,I gained absolutely nothing from it and these are the kinds of movies that i hate.

I implore you all in humblest words,go watch this movie and see if you like it.Donot believe what others want you to believe,just see it for yourself and see if there is anything to like..I KNOW that there isn't anything in this movie..WASTE WASTE WASTE.
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I JUST don't care what others say,i liked it!
28 June 2010
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Yup,my title says it all.This movie for me is extremely under-rated.I mean,come on people!People have commented that situations like these don't exist anymore in romantic comedies or in real life,with cute guys bumping into you by getting into the same cab and blah blah blah..I say,this is a romantic comedy and its a freaking MOVIE!Romantic comedies are just supposed to be nice romantic movies,with comedy of course,and a nice sweet happy ending.This movie has all those things..I'll say it again,for me this was a good movie and i absolutely couldn't care less about what other people think about it and have commented about on this movie.I keep saying it over and over again,people please just watch movies to enjoy them and NOT as critics..The main problem is with audiences and not movies.Movies are good ONLY if audiences watch them and want them to be good.If audiences watch movies just to criticize them and not enjoy them then what the heck is the point of watching the movies!
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Beauty & the Briefcase (2010 TV Movie)
Liked it..
28 June 2010
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This was a nice little romantic comedy without much fuzz.Saw the comments on this movie and one of them said something like "you've got to be kidding" etc etc..I kept that in mind while watching the movie and i have to say that the person writing that comment doesn't know what he/she is talking about.You have got to at least watch a movie before you go and comment on the movie and make the audiences believe that its a bad movie..Now,the movie was nice,sweet,nothing extravagant just a little romantic comedy..Plot was good,the acting was fair enough,There were good looking people(Which you always want in a romantic comedy),and most important of all it had a good ending.Definitely way better than what i thought from the comments.I absolutely have no idea why people write all these bad things if it is a good enough movie.Why be so critic and not enjoy the movie!Just sit back,enjoy the movie and stop being such a harsh critic that it doesn't let you enjoy movies..cheers
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I Liked it..
27 June 2010
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Yup,this was far better than the second one.Well,this sequel thing is a tricky business,and the second butterfly effect movie was an example of that.they missed the trick there and the movie was a big flop.But this time they ALMOST got it right.It wasn't a perfect movie,wasn't better than the first one but still was worth spending time watching it.Pros and cons,well,as we know every science fiction movie has a lot of both.I personally always evaluate the movie by analyzing its pros and cons.This time,the pros were more than the cons.This movie had a good plot with a teasing sense of suspense that keeps the audience guessing.The biggest con was the ending,they try to show us that the kid(Jenna)was the bad person but they leave it unexplained and this movie would have had a better ending without this Jenna's second coming.All in all,this is definitely a good one,cheers mates.
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Not even close to the first one..
27 June 2010
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Yup,my title says all i have to say.It was not bad but it just was not in the same league.There were just too many cons for me with a few pros.First off,The plot for this second movie wasn't good enough.Second,the direction was not up to the standard.The acting was just fine..screen play could have been better.The biggest problem was,that it looked like the movie was made in a rush with no thought process.There could have been so much more interest in this movie just by changing a couple of scenes..The basic problem in my view was the writing,it was just below par.The first movie was terrific,with both pros and cons but ultimately with more pros and so it was successful.But this second one,well,nope.Doesn't do for me.Still giving it a 5 though,because i like sci fi movies and i never get bored in sci fi.Choose for yourself mates,if you really like sci fi,and you don't wanna criticize,go ahead and watch it.NOT good though..
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Brilliant brilliant JUST BRILLIANT
26 June 2010
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THIS is absolutely how i want my movies and how i want them to end,it would have been a little better if the end was a little more tragic because then it would've been proved that the so called fate cannot be changed..Anyways,i have no complaints mates.This is just a classic which is absolutely should be there somewhere with the very best of the movies.The reason for this movie to be rated under 9 might be that it does not have a happy sweet feeling about it.It is not like other science fiction movies that leave you either fully satisfied in the end or leave you just wondering.It explains everything without any suspense left for the end.This movie is recommended for anyone.Just phenomenal,thats what i would say.I say give this movie a chance,don't watch it as a critic mates,just give it a teeny tiny chance.I KNOW you would like it if you can watch it without criticism..cheers mates..
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Extreme Emotional drama..
23 June 2010
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I am not a big fan of the show but i AM a fan of romantic movies so i decided to watch this..well,It started out well but then there was just...too much drama for me i guess.. I am gonna give it a 5 out of 10 because the acting was good but i just don't like this much serious drama i guess.. The movie is good for people who like emotional drama with a nice smooth ending.. Do not watch this movie if you just wanna watch some romantic it if you are open to a serious real-life emotional stuff.. All in all,i thought it was just OK.. It was enjoyable at times,not too good at other times..Go ahead and watch it if you are a big fan of the show.But if you aren't,not your cup of tea..
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Killers (2010)
Nope,doesn't do it for me..
22 June 2010
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This was actually a disappointment because i was expecting some good work from all the good actors that were there in this movie.. So the cast was good,and the story line was fine too.The problem was,that i got this feeling that this movie was made in a rush or something..It might have been pretty decent if some changes were made during the making of this movie.. First off,i was disappointed with the way the movie opens up..There was some good comedy but it doesn't make the bad stuff go away(Which,to be frank,was a LOT). And the worst part was the ending of the movie.Normally if some mediocre movie has a good ending it changes the overall attitude of the viewer towards,this movie for me didn't work.I WILL give it a 6 out of 10 though,and the reason is,that i like both the main actors in the movie..
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Fired Up! (2009)
Fun,Really enjoyable and refreshing..
21 June 2010
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I downloaded this movie because i wanted to relax and have some fun,well,wanted to watch a nice romantic comedy or a teen comedy. This one is definitely a good one.. Good acting,good direction,Good comedy,great music etc make this movie worth to watch.. Isn't too much of a plot and frankly that doesn't matter because its a teen comedy and good looking people,who're also good actors,always make a good teen comedy.. Basically a story of two friends,they play for a high school football team and like all teenagers want to go and have some fun with girls..They go to a cheer-leading competition between schools to meet girls and boy,they find them.. All in all,thoroughly enjoyable,good refreshing comedy..
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Not a good movie,but not horrible..
14 June 2010
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Honestly,not that good.. but there was something about this movie, something that made me sit back and finish this movie. Go watch this movie if you wanna watch some teen comedy just for fun.. It wasn't a teen comedy like American pie or some other great teen comedies,but well it wasn't unbearably bad.. All in all,i thought this movie was OK..The good thing with this movie was that it doesn't leave you with a heavy mind.. Plot of the movie was pretty simple and it does show some stuff that teens suffer from..Go watch it folks,its OK.. Now be assured that i am not saying that it was a good movie,But i do say that it wasn't bad.Didn't let me get bored.At least there were good looking people here,it was definitely a teen comedy,and you always watch teen comedies without complaints mates,thats the way you enjoy teen flicks..cheers mates..
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Utter rubbish,sheer nonsense
12 June 2010
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Oh my Dear God!!I don't know why i watched this movie.. I guess i wanted to finish it and see what happens in the end. Didn't get anything from this movie,It was just a parody thing like scary movies' type but it was stupid,utter nonsense,ridiculously bad.. acting was awful too,but well what could they have done with this idiotic plot..I am pleading here mates,i am pleading to all of you who haven't already watched this movie,DONOT WATCH THIS ****.. I assure you that NOT watching this movie will be a positive for you.. Just go sleep if you don't have anything else to do,sleeping is way better than wasting time and watching this movie..
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Good,but not TOO good..
11 June 2010
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So last night i came home and wanted to watch some light romantic comedy. I looked at my choices and started watching this movie.Started fine,got a little bored,made myself a snack.Then it started getting interesting as the movie's plot opened up..In the end,got bored again,wanted this movie to just finish so that i could do something else. So my summary is,that the movie wasn't that good..It was just OK..i mean,as people say "Whatever"..wasnt a good plot so nothing much in the movie.The acting was fine..but well,I personally didn't like it,may be i was looking for a movie that doesn't leave me "BLAH"..anyways,nice movie..not too good but go watch it if you have nothing else to do..
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Good comedy..
11 June 2010
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I liked it.The plot was pretty different from everyday comedy movies. Oh come on,there was a time machine in it!So they made a comedy with a touch of science fiction,and guess what,I think it worked damn well!! Cheers movie makers of this movie for a splendid job.I think the actors did a pretty good job. This movie is funny,classy,cheesy at times..The only thing that i didn't really like was the ending,but i cant complain too much as i was entertained by the movie.So overall,liked the movie and rated it 7 out of 10.I think thats a pretty decent score for a comedy..So i think that people who want to watch a decent comedy,with some science fiction flick,might actually enjoy this movie. Cheers...
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Exam (2009)
Nice one,Recommended..
8 June 2010
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It was a thrill,a psychological mystery that i personally love as i am a big fan of movies that make you think! There's a famous saying in Greek, it goes,"If you want someone to hate you,make them think!"..So some people might not like this movie as it does make people think.. So the Plot is terrific,acting was pretty decent.Cant say that anyone "Over"acted or something..Direction was pretty simple as the whole movie is made in one tiny little room. All in all,Good one..Liked it a lot..Recommended for people who like to think while they watch a movie,this isn't a movie for you if you just wanna pass time and wanna "Hang out"..Cheers..
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Don't care what people say,I LIKED IT!!!
30 May 2010
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wow wow..I really liked it!I mean,yes i am a huge game fan and so it was pretty easy for me to engulf the plot as i was expecting it,but still there were some surprises and some really cool graphics that i loved!I must say though,that being a game fan is an important factor if you want to like this movie..And Jake did a great job as my favorite game character,Prince of Persia..I hope that they don't just sit back,I WANT ANOTHER MOVIE IN THIS SERIES PEOPLE!!SOON!!!!Loved it,Absolutely recommended,especially for The game fans..i could go into the movie story and plot but i'll just go for the positives and not bore you with the negatives.I liked the graphics,liked the sound effects,liked Jake's acting,liked the Dagger's part and how it was made,I liked that weird guy's snakes and his weapon(Which is also a weapon that prince of Persia himself uses in the third game,the two thrones),and finally and i think the most important thing that i liked was the ending..they could have made a boring ending and ruined the movie but i think they managed to crack it.Way to go mates,hope to see you soon again prince of Persia..cheers..
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24 (2001–2010)
Simply the best
21 December 2009
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24 is an absolute gem of a show.My personal favorite on TV.The script is great,The suspense keeps the viewer entangled until the show is finished.This show simply made a new history when it started.

Kiefer Sutherland is personally my favorite actor on TV now,courtesy of this amazing show.

There should be more crime shows like this,i mean,with continuous story.

A friend of mine recommended this show to me and he said that i would like it.Well,i watched it and i didn't just like it,I simply LOVED it.

Recommended to everyone.People who don't like 24,don't have the ability to appreciate good TV.
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Mind Your Language (1977–1986)
Great comedy
11 December 2009
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An absolutely terrific comedy show.

There's nothing much to say really,A bunch of foreigners come to england and they try to learn English.But they don't seem to fully learn the language because they're like a bunch of kids.

A really nice comedy show with nothing offensive and nothing that leaves a burden on your mind.Absolutely recommended for people who like some comedy after they're tired of work or studies.

The main tragedy is that most of the people don't even know this show because of two main reasons.first off,its an old show.Second,Its not shown on TV now a days because people think its offensive(as it includes people from all around the globe),for diplomatic reasons one may say..Nice show though..
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Memento (2000)
One of the best i've ever seen
11 December 2009
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A great movie with such a great script and idea that it literally play around with the viewer's mind.The movie is based on the a person who is a patient of retrograde amnesia.He got this retrograde amnesia(Temporary memory loss)after he had a trauma.He remembers everything before the trauma but he forgets everything that happens after his trauma.He tries to remember stuff,by taking pictures and writing notes on back of the pictures.but he forgets whatever he's doing every 15 to 20 mins.

All in all,a great idea,Good acting,Great screenplay..Movie runs backwards in time.It starts at the end of the story and end at the start.Its completely upon the viewer to figure stuff out.A must see movie recommended for people who like to keep their minds open during the movie and pay attention..
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