
7 Reviews
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28 Days Later (2002)
Danny Boyle finally redeems himself...
6 July 2003
Trainspotting, Shallow Grave... Brilliant! The Beach, A Life Less Ordinary...Crap!! For me, this was the tie-breaker. And after watching 28 Days Later... twice in 6 days, I have no doubt that Danny Boyle is for real!!

This movie is not for everyone. If you can't handle slow beginnings that build to a climax and you need to see action at every turn, go see Charlie's Angels 2.

But, if you're tired of seeing the same Hollywood crap over and over. If you want to see how a good story, great acting, and fantastic directing can make up for the huge budgets that are wasted on Hollywood Garbage give this one a try.

In my humble opinion (which I know doesn't mean very much) it's the best movie of the year (so far).

You made a believer out of me again Danny! Keep it up!!

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Ringmaster (1998)
There is only ONE Reason....
31 May 2003
There is only one reason to watch this pathetic piece of trash and that's......Jaime Pressly!! Oh my god this woman is beautiful, sexy, hot, breathtaking, gorgeous, etc. This was the first movie I saw her in and as soon as it was done I ran out and bought Poison Ivy 3.

Jaime's pressence alone is deserving of one star. Aside from the hottest woman in Hollywood there isn't one other aspect of the movie even worth mentioning.

Run away....far away......aaaaaahhhhhrrrrrggg!!!!!
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Spawn (1997)
OH MY LORD...............
20 May 2003
This has got to be the worst comic adaptation I've ever seen!! It's worse than the Punisher!(and that movie sucked)

The special effects look cheesy. Michael Jai isn't anywhere evil enough. And what was John Leguizamo doing in this pathetic film!

This is just ANOTHER example of a movie being made without thought, without heart, and most of all without a decent budget!!!

If I could give this movie a minus rating I would!

But I guess 0/10 will have to do! yourself..........
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Absolute Classic!!
20 May 2003
This is one of my favorite comedies of all time! Thank god the Execs at Paramount gave this role to Eddie instead of Sly Stallone. This was supposed to be a pure action movie and Eddie turned it into one the funniest movies to date.

For all you young people who wonder why Eddie Murphy is so popular and keeps getting big bucks to do crappy kids movies, give this one a chance and you'll see why he is one of the greatest comedians ever!!

ps. All the best scenes in the movie (at least the funny ones) were improvised on the spot by the MAN himself!
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X-Men (2000)
Take another look
13 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(spoilers **)

I've read some of the comments about this movie and I've had plenty of discussions with my movie friends about it. I think this movie was very good, but it did have one major problem.....The Budget!!

Since this movie was filmed in Toronto I know some of the people who worked on it. They told me of scenes that were supposed to be in the movie that were cut out for budget reasons. It seemed to me that most of the scenes where the mutants would use their powers seemed staged. Like this is going to be the Magneto lifting car scene. And this is going to be the Storm using lighting scene. Storm flew only once in the whole movie!

When I saw Spider-man last summer I noticed that he used his powers in a very natural way. He used them all the time. And I said to myself, that is what X-men was missing.

What makes the second X-men so much better is that the budget was huge. The Mutants used their powers in a much more natural way. Hence, more action scenes. Also bigger budget means more mutants.

What I loved about this movie was the script. The dialogue between Professor X and Magneto were amazing (especially there first exchange). The acting was excellent (Stewart, McKellan) on the whole. (except for Halle and Anna) And the fact that the two leaders of the Mutants are friends and yet they fight for different ideologies.

If you like X2 go back and take another look at X-men. The same people were involved with both, so how could one be so much better than the other??

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One of the worst movies ever.........
28 April 2003
Do I require an IQ of 20 to appreciate this laugh of a movie?? When I saw the trailer for this, I just hung my head in sadness. I could tell that this movie was made to cater to the little teeny boppers of the world who watch way too much Buffy and Dawson's Creek.

This is by far the WORST adaptation of Les Liaisons Dangereuses ever created. If it weren't for the strong original story line this movie would have been an episode of the usual crap on the WB.

Phillippe should have stuck to his usual garbage movies, which don't require any acting skill. And Sarah Michelle should stick to killing vampires. Merteuil and Valmont are two of the greatest villains ever created. But in this movie they have neither the wit nor maturity to have the characters come off as the most evil people in the world.

Besides the 'kiss'(which I didn't mind), the only redeeming part of the movie was the performance by Reese Witherspoon. She did an admiral job, even though the script was weak.

If you want to see the proper adaptation rent Dangerous Liaisons. It is superior in every way (3 Oscars). But if beautiful people who can't act is your thing go out and buy this one!!
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The problem with people
7 December 2002
The movie is fantastic that much is clear! The directing, screenplay, acting, score, cinemetography, all top notch. What I hate are people who go into a movie trying to find it's flaws instead of just enjoying it. If this movie wasn't rated so highly on IMDB I would bet that there wouldn't be 1 negative comment. Don't hate, appreciate. Take the movie for what it is. An American, Hollywood classic!!11/10
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