
9 Reviews
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Resurrection? the most ironic movie title ever...
14 January 2004
How could they? After the glorious sucesses of Alien and Aliens, and a slight let-down on the third film, how could they go and make this? it's with out a doubt, one of the worst films in a series ever! (and that includes Delta Force and Police Academy) Ok, so the special effects on the ships and the Aliens themselves were good, but what was with the New-Born at the end? ok, sure, they wanted to keep the samples of the Aliens and such, but to like "cross-breed" it with Ripley? what the hell?! And speaking of Ripley, again Sigourney Weaver does a great job, even with a tired and limited script in front of her, the rest of the cast however, are either left in the black too much, like Michael Wincott's Elgyn, or are played waaaay over the top (more ham than a butchers shop) like Brad Dourif's Gediman, however, luckily for him, he went on to star in the Lord of Rings trilogy, Ron Pearlman went onto star in Enemy at the Gates, and Sigourney Weaver went on to star in Heartbreakers...ok, so two out of those three did well...but what about the Director and the film itself? well, in my opinion, both should be sent far out into space, and definitley, not as the title says, be Resurrected...Oh dear.
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Transformers: Armada (2002–2003)
It's not Generation One...
11 June 2003
Of Course, it'll never be as good as the G1 stuff, but it is a decent variation on the Transformers idea. New Characters and a totally new plot make it stand out from the rest...(in my opinion, this is a "proper" Transformers idea, eg. its not Beast Wars!...the Transformers should be Cars/Planes/Bikes/Trucks etc not Spiders and Rhino's!)

Of Course the annoying Brats in it let it down a lot...the Transformers themselves are still brilliant (Naturally Starscream's the best of the "new" bunch)

IF your a fan of Transformers i'd reccomend watching it, like i said, its not Generation One...but for a Fan its pretty good!

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The Relic (1997)
The Relic is exactly right...
2 June 2003
This is a definate Relic, they should stick it in a hole some where, cover it up and leave it forever...

It really is that bad!! The acting? its so wooden the cast could be mistaken for Trees. The Relic monster itself? its about as scary as my next door neighbour's cat at three in the morning...

This film is poor beyond belief, it really is rubbish. Do me a real favour and please, please avoid this it is really...really terrible

my rating 1/10
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Fever Pitch (1997)
Own Goal...
2 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers

(POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Although, what its spoiling is beyond me...

Fever Pitch, based on Nick Hornby's autobiography, is a romantic comedy about a man, a woman and a football team. Sadly in my view, these 3 things make a terrible film. It all starts in when a young boy called Paul (Luke Aikman) goes to watch a Football match with his Dad (Neil Pearson), after seeing one match, Paul instantly becomes a `Gunner', or an Arsenal fan to those people who hate football. The Years go past and Paul is now grown up (now being played by Colin `Mr Darcy' Firth) and is also a High School English Teacher and Coach of the Schools Football teams. When new Teacher Sarah (played by Ruth Gemmil) turns up, Paul's life takes a horrible see, he fancies her, but there's a problem (warning, if your not sitting down, you might want to.). Sarah isn't a football fan! So, the film is all about two things, the first is Paul getting Sarah to like football and the second is Sarah getting Paul to be not so obsessive about it, and to sum it up, that's it! Although other Gunner's will see similarity's with this film, Non-Football fans will not get what its like to support a team through thick and thin, and there's bound to be wives/girlfriends out there that can find similarities with Sarah, being a Football `widow' so to speak. For me though, its not the bad acting or the theme its based on, it's the plot, its based on Nick Hornby's life.doesn't say much does it? The acting is fairly wooden, and very repetitive, one example is this, where Paul shouts, `Should have scored there 'which appears in nearly every scene. Another thing that makes this film slightly rubbish is the fact that its British, it's a Brit Flick, and we all know there's not many any decent ones (Trainspotting err.Get Carter, err.. Nope that's it) Colin Firth is wonderfully cast as Paul, as it doesn't take much acting to shout `Go Arsenal' and he seems to be able to do that, just. The rest of the cast is a shambles to say the least, Ruth Gemmil hasn't got much to do as Sarah, except moan a lot.Mark Strong (who plays Steve, Paul's best mate) is also a barren and lifeless actor, who struggles to even be noticed in the film, as all he does is watch Football. Not a good film then? Well if you like Arsenal go see it and relive the `Glory' days, but for those out there that hate football, or Romances, will find this film sad and depressing. Also if you're a Tottenham Fan you might not want to watch it, apart from the few scenes where Arsenal lose. In my view I wouldn't pay to go see it, nor would I buy the video, its that redeeming features etc, its just another film, in which the Director (David Evans) has made fall flat on its Arse-nal Other Films 1, Fever Pitch 0
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Red Dwarf (1988– )
May the Farce Be with you!
2 June 2003
Red Dwarf is a classic, from the very first episode to "Only the Good" in series VIII, Red Dwarf is sheer class.

Each episode is brilliant in its own way, and NONE should be missed! Yes, a few of the other comments on here say "Avoid series Six and Seven, as there not that good" How can you say that? a true Dwarfer accepts Red Dwarf as a whole, not as an individual. Every Sitcom/Comedy has bad patches, but in my Opinion, Red Dwarf dosen't have any. Yes losing Rimmer in series VII was a blow, but still, Lister, Cat, Kyrten and Co, still hold the fort down and provide a brilliantly sharp comedy.

With the Movie in the works as this is written, now is possibly the best time to catch up on Red Dwarf (and with them on DVD too!) Series 1 and 2 are brilliant and set the rest of the series up. But what really makes it stand out is the cast..

Craig Charles as Lister is *exactly* correct, His portrayal of Dave Lister is spot-on to quote Craig "i did alot of research too!..i simply went out got drunk and ate loads and loads of curry!"

Chris Barrie as Rimmer is also spot-on, from doing the Rimmer salute to Rimmer flaring his nostils every fives seconds at Lister, i can't imagine anybody else playing him. It wouldn't be right!

The rest of the cast are also amazing, Norman Lovett in my opinion was the better of the two Holly's though, Hattie Hayridge was also brilliant in the role...

But i'm losing the point here, NONE of the cast are wrong, they each have there own styles and quirks to the roles (though Robert Llewellyn was the better Kryten!)

To get the most out of Red Dwarf, you MUST watch all the episodes from Series 1 to Series 8, missing any will mess up future episodes...

I'd Recommend this to EVERYBODY who likes either Sci-Fi or Comedys in general... My rating 10/10...WATCH IT NOW! go! why are you still reading this? go to get the DVD's/Video's now! go on!!!
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Gremlins (1984)
Cute Little Monsters Huh?
2 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible Spoilers)

This film is brilliant, throughly enjoyable and definatly worth watching again. I've had this on video for an absolute age now, and still it manages to make me watch it really does have that special something.

Yes it does take a little while to start up, but it does set the Gremlins themselves up nicely, an example of this is Mr Flutterman (Dick Miller) who mentions that Gremlins used to get in tanks and planes in WWII...

Zach Gilligan and Phoebe Cates do a very good job as the "Hero and Heroine" of the film. In fact, the cast is very good, i can't find a fault with it...but...the real stars are of course, the Gremlins

Everybody by now should know who and what Gizmo is.(if you don't, why have you been living under a rock?) Gizmo is the cute little Mogwai that starts of the whole disaster in the first place (dont judge a mogwai by its cover and all) But, for me the Gremlins themselves are alot better. The good thing is, no two Gremlins are alike, each is differant, and that itself is a testamony to the designers for such a good job. Stripe is brilliant, the lead Gremlin who constantly taunts Billy and Gizmo throughout the entire film.

It's a brilliant film, a few little mistakes, but all in all..a very well made film 9/10!
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James? WHY!!!!
2 June 2003
What on earth possessed James Cameron to make this "film"? i mean the first one is bad enough, this just takes the proverbial biscuit and the tin as well...

Where to start on this...abysmal thing...

The Acting... Oh dear...Is it really classified as acting? i've seen wildlife with more charisma than these bunch of morons. They could have got Kermit and Miss Piggy and Co and done a better job!

The Piranha's... They Fly!!!!! Wow! thats possibly the most pathetic thing since Piranha One..its terrible, it really is. Special Effects wise, i could make a more realistic Model Piranha out of a yogurt pot and some sellotape.

Cameron however, went on to make the wonderful masterpeice that is Aliens, so its not all bad...

--AVOID-- 1/10
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The Rock (1996)
Not so much a film, more a way of live...
26 November 2002
This has to be one of the best Action Films ever made!!! Nicholas Cage's performance as Stanley Goodspeed, is one of his best, far better than that of Memphis in Gone in 60 Seconds...And Sean Connery? a true movie legend, when these two get on screen together the two have a perfect chemistry. Ed Harris also shines as the Good/Bad General who just wants a Burial for his Ex-Comrades, and he especially shines when he and Commander Anderson (Brilitantly played by Michel Biehn) have an argument in the now famous Shower Room Massacre scene, one of the best bits of the film...

All in all, a very good Action film, with a truly wonderful cast!, A classic!
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Aliens (1986)
For once a decent sequel...
26 November 2002
After a cracking first film, James Cameron went a hell of a lot better with Aliens, one of the best Sci-Fi Films ever made! again with Sigourney Weaver at the helm, this time supported by a brilliant cast...Michel Biehn, Bill Paxton, Carrie Henn, Lance Henrikson to name a few... this move starts fast, and never slows down!

The scenes with Paxton's Hudson getting overly nervous, are one of the best scenes in any film ever! Hicks (Played by Biehn) is also one of the better Characters in any film ever, a brilliant character played by a brilliant actor...the film deserved more credit, but you can't have everything can you?
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