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Not an easy movie, for uneasy people
9 December 2023
I was very intrigued about the premise of this movie, as I thought this would be another "The day after tomorrow" movie. It was much more exciting and stimulating than that. Whoever doesn't understand the messages within the movie and the end, I just might think you are part of the problem. The reason why everything is not clearly explained, is because you get the same experience as the characters. What is going on? You are basically transported within the same fear, as they are. At the end, in 2 moments, it is explained through a small monologue and an image.

I absolutely loved the thrilling buildups (great and weird camera work, and editing), the performances were great (although both lead women were made like frustrating characters, which could have had a bit more of an arch). The set design and visuals were great.

I wouldn't say I would watch it again, but I did really enjoy this movie.
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You can see what's coming...
21 November 2023
I didn't believe we needed another installment of this franchise. Nevertheless I was intrigued where this would be going. If they wanted to start a new chapter for a trilogy, it definitely needed a great script... and this is where it was lacking.

Yes all actors are giving it's (almost) best, the action is there,... but the first 2/3th of the movie, it's all about the games. We've seen it. Kill and survive.

The last third of the movie just flips it all around, and where it could've gone right and more intriguing. But, the lack of good writing, dialogue and bad pacing delivers us a very confused ending to the movie.

Again... try to suck us into the story and getting interested in a further franchise, but this was a total fail. If another movie comes, I'll wait till it's on a streaming platform.
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Scream VI (2023)
In the top 3 of the franchise to me
12 March 2023
There are so many good and fresh things about this movie, blowing new life into the franchise.

I love the new setting in NYC. It actually makes even sense. Myself living in a big city, you can still be easily murdered in a dark ally way, while somebody passes by. Sometimes you feel so separated from the world, even if you have 1000s of people living around you.

The whole train scene as well was clever and well done. It for sure was one of my favourite scenes.

But this movie is more bloody, gory and visual. I finally needed to look away, and it was just all right in your face. The kills were brutal, and smart often.

One thing which bothered me, was the lack of new characters - and somehow, i just new who the killer(s) were from early stages. It just made sense to me, and there were not much new characters introduced (or alive) by the end. Nevertheless the ending was hardcore and brutal.

I'm very curious to see where the "insanity" of the main character is going, but clearly some storyline is developing and curious to see what the next installment will bring. I would rate this movie out of all six, for sure in my TOP 3.
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Let it be the last dance
12 February 2023
This 3rd installment started of strong, with a very sensual dance between Hayek & Lautner, but then it went all lost. Bad storyline, no character developments, the dancers in the club were extras, the dances we received were boring and done before (except the last "wet" dance - but which is apparently a copy straight from the US show). On top of that, I couldn't believe it was directed by Soderbergh. Clearly everyone got a lot of money to do this, but couldn't care less to end this trilogy off in a good way. There was no edge, there was no originality,... spare your money, and just rewatch one of the other 2 installments.
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Great thrill ride with a lame ending
6 February 2023
I always look forward to Shyamalan's movies. Although I do believe he thinks he is the new Hitchcock (including his little cameos), his movies are mostly always solid and have flair.

First of all the good stuff: very solid acting performances, with Bautista and Kristen Cui being surprising and captivating. Loved the DOP and use of old cinema film. Couple of really strong scenes and WTF-moments, which kept me questioning: what is going on?

There were 3 major massive disappointments, which really pulled it down for me. The flashbacks took away from the pacing, and sometimes I really didn't understand why they were there. I know it brought a link into things, but it could've been done differently and these flashbacks were used, just for the sake of it. It brought the rythm down, and took away the anxiety aspect for me.

Second part was the ending. Obviously this is based on the book, and it is what it is... but, I was hoping for a twist still, till the very last frame. Very lame and not satisfying.

Third thing - too many open questions for me.. a bit too much. I don't mind keeping things guessing, or using your own fantasy to answer these open parts. But, I felt almost like, we weren't getting this info, cause it would make plot holes.

The premise of the movie is amazing, the further handling of it is something else. And even having a Shyamalan at his best directing moment, he still can't safe a lame plot or unfulfilled story line.
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Better than expected
28 December 2022
I love a great biopic, but I'm always a bit scared it will look like a Hallmark TV movie. For sure when it's about these big stars. All honestly, let's be fair... it's not easy to push someone huge and impressive life span in a 2.5h movie. The past years we had Aretha, Elvis, Bohemian Rhapsody, RocketMan, tick tick... boom. The one more original presented than the other.

I wanna dance with sombody is presented as a more typical life span movie. Knowing most of the life of Whitney, after watching her docu movie Whitney, I was a bit scared it was going to be focused mainly on her negative life span. Luckily most is about her music career, the highlights and some amazing performances. It was great to see her shine on the big screen! Obviously they need to mention her bisexuality, her messy relationship with Bobby Brown, the push back from the black community not being a black singer and her drug addiction. It was sad in the end to see her going to rehab, and trying to get on top of it - but she clearly wasn't clean yet. We all know how the story ends. It was very difficult to see...

There are some great performances in the movie, set design and costumes are on point (for sure all the music videos, it was just insane how exact the copies were!) and great to hear all her hits in the movie. The last act was going quite fast. No mention of the Eddie Murphy relationship, and other parts were missing. But again, the movie was pact with all her facts already, but didn't notice the 2.5h hefty length of the movie. Sometimes it fell on the edge of Hallmark movie, for sure the more dramatic scenes... but I mostly felt like the movie wanted to put itself above that with some great scenes and big captured moments.

I wanna dance with somebody might not be 100% accurate, and things are missing... it's a great movie to see Whitney's life, and focus mainly on her positive achievements in life. Her struggles and heartache are part of her story, which needs to be told. She was for sure the Voice! Go and see it!!!
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Barbarian (2022)
2 movies in 1
7 November 2022
I red great reviews, and seeing a commercial horror movie scoring more than 7/10 on imdb, I needed to check it out.

The premise of the movie is great. It is best you don't know too much, so you can fully enjoy what is going on, and suspect whatever could go wrong. The acting of both actors are great, their life choices clearly not. This is where the story goes already a bit too wild for me. Locking doors of a bathroom to be safe, but going down a dark, deep hole with scary noises?

Then halfway, the movie shifts tone and story.

It gets from thriller to gore, mixed with humor (well I hope that was the meaning of it). The more you get to the end of the movie, the crazier it gets... policemen not even interested, crazy homeless people, a selfish film maker,... then there is a short but crazy back story going on... it all becomes a bit messy, still original and different, but when the film ended, I was literally questioning myself what I just witnessed? (And not in a good way).
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Smile (V) (2022)
Good scares, bad execution
25 October 2022
I Love halloween time, some good horror movies come out, and I was looking forward to see Smile. A lot of hype around it due to the marketing as well.

From the beginning, you directly get quite disturbed, due to the music and camera angles, mostly. When the story starts to unfold, I really felt like... I have seen this: it follows, final destination, The Ring,... people running for their faith of death, as they got chosen to be the next victim. So, not directly an original concept. The further it got, the more disturbing or frightening. The jump scares were all well timed and build ups well executed... but everything missed something. For sure the end. Without giving any spoilers, I saw the ending coming. It wasn't original. And the creature in the end, reminded me of the grandmother in IT - part 2. Nevertheless, I enjoyed myself... but, I had too much of deja-vu all throughout the movie, which I believe makes it a bit forgettable and overrated. I hope they come with a better story line for part 2.
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Pinocchio (I) (2022)
Unnecessary, but not too bad
9 September 2022
Pinocchio was one of my favourite Disney movies growing up. It has that dark edge on it and a lot of life stories. Probably doesn't carry the biggest Disney songs, but it's a very nostalgic and cute Disney movie.

The movie follows mainly the same path as the original animation. Some scenes are even frame by frame identical, and as it has been ages I have seen it, it's still printed in my mind - so it was very nostalgic to see some scene come to life (such as the entrance as Pleasure Island or changing into the donkey-scene). But then there are the add-ons, which are the new songs... which are totally not in the atmosphere of the movie. They are too modern and actually unnecessary to be added. It actually took me out of the whole experience, cause I was confused. Zemeckis does deliver a really good movie... the VFX are amazing, the visuals are great and he manages to give more background to the story of Gepetto and Pinocchio.

That been said, as much as I enjoyed it, I don't know if this version was necessary. But that could probably be said of every live version from Disney classics.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Fun, crazy and over the top
21 August 2022
Can't deny saying, I love an original movie... and Bullet train comes with a kind of original idea with loads of fun. The characters are fun and likable (although they all are bad guys), the action scenes are well choreographed, the violence and gore is just enough to satisfy me and not got too gory, the jokes are well timed, the cameos are hilarious... it had it all to become a real good action flick, set on a bullet train through Japan.

I was just missing something... I don't know what it was, but it was lacking something genuine I think. It all was well thought out - but it was connecting for me sometimes and there were a few plot holes!

That been said, I did have a really great time with this movie. I would give it a solid 7/10.
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Nope (2022)
Kinda messed up
15 August 2022
I love directors, which I know I am going to get another great story line and angle... and who know how to surprise me. Peele is one of those, who I have added recently to my list. Get Out and Us, both very strong thrillers, were different and unexpected. You never know what will happen or where it goes to. Same with Nope. The trailer gives some small bits away, but watching the whole movie was still a full puzzle of riddles and story lines coming together.

I loved all performances... main actors and supporting ones. Everybody added a layer and made sense in the grand scheme. Keke Palmer was absolutely my favourite. Comic, nervous, emotional, scared,... she showed a lot of kinds of emotions and done it brilliantly.

The scene with the monkey (which clearly everybody is talking about) has a meaning... even in 2 ways. An underlaying message, which is actually the grand message of the whole movie + a side step story to one of the characters. If you don't understand the main message, what Peele is trying to deliver... than nope, you will thing this scene is weird.

Also loved all the movie references Peele inserted: ET, close encounters, war of the worlds, old skool alien movies,...

The finale was great, seeing everything unfold. Quite u expected parts happening and adding more suspense. Everything is very well build up. It could have been just a little bit more scary to me. I was at the edge of my seat, but I didn't feel too scared all the way through. But, I loved the messed up feeling of Peele's ideas

Also props to the DOP, sound and music. It all added extra layers to the great directing. I absolutely need to see this again to put it all in place and wrap my head around. For sure a must watch!
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Prey (I) (2022)
I prayed for more...
11 August 2022
Always been a fan of the Predator franchise. It's just such a soft mix between SciFi, mystery, thriller, action,... don't think there is much out there like this. Having a prequel, I was hoping a bit more on info on the actual predators. Basically this story was just a snapshot within their existence, in another time and setting.

Absolutely loved the cast, the production design and great visual effects. But as a story, it didn't had much around it, except kill/survive. Nevertheless, there were some great scenes (the brown bear scene, the foggy dead woods scene, the swamp scene,...). Absolutely had it's moments, but it could've been much better, if the writers were a bit more clever.
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Boring & predictable
26 July 2022
First of all, I never red the book... but maybe I need to?

I didn't like this movie that much.

I knew what was going to happen all the way throughout the film from the start... even the last plot twist. It was all so predictable! The story doesn't have much around it to be fair. And I didn't really understand what it tried to be... a court room drama? A who done it thriller? Or the next "the notebook"? It was difficult for the director to pick a narrative.

But, props for the production design, DOP and young & upcoming main actors. This just made it a little more watchable.
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Elvis (2022)
Loved it, BUT...
26 June 2022
... I was expecting to know more about Elvis. It was too much about the Colonel. He was even narrating it. This story could've narrowed down a bit more, and they could've zoomed in more about his life, choices (good and bad ones) and his romance with Priscilla - which all became more like side stories. I did love that it was clear where he got his music writing and sound from.

Not knowing that much about Elvis history, this could've been a more informative movie. With Luhrmann directing it, you know it was never gonna be dull, and be colourful and flashy. Which made the 160min length of the movie, not feel like that. The blend of modern music in the movies, was a bit forced as well this time. The highlights were the Elvis songs.

The performance of Austin Butler is mesmerizing. The energy, the flair, the voice, the flamboyance,... everything was there. Hands down, one of the best biopic performances ever! Tom Hanks was ok... playing the Colonel was a bit too bad guy/villain to me. Even a bit of overacting. Not my favourite Hanks performance.

I believe most of the public will like this movie, and I would recommend it. Very entertaining, well directed and amazing creative team.
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Dark and twisted
12 June 2022
I think Dr Strange must be one of my favourite hero's in the Marvel series. It's the whole fantasy and magic, which gives this character a lot of possibilities to work with. In this installment, I can also feel and understand his struggle, to mot move more and more to the dark side, as he experiments with black magic.

Loved this sequel, Sam Raimi made it darker, and it was a very entertaining movie. Yet, I was lacking something. I don't know what it was, but... the visuals were overtaking a quite mediocre story. Marvel always tries to make it more interesting to throw in some other Marvel characters... but it's just not enough for me.

Still liked it, and for a Marvel fan, recommend to see.
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Not the best out of the series, still fun!
12 June 2022
I love the Jurassic Parc franchise, but there has never been much of a plot, except people screaming and running away from those CGI animals.

The last installment is the same formula. They tried to put some disturbing plot into play, but it hadn't much of a use. For me it's all about the suspense/action parts, and some of the scenes were all bit the same thing I have seen before. I think the best action sequence was the scene in Malta. Well edited and amazing camera work. I loved DeWanda Wise, she gave a lot of flair to her performance. Absolutely loved to see the original 3 have a big part in the movie (Laura Dern cracks me up!). And Bryce Dallas Howard always puts on a great, scary performance. Plus points for the cast for sure.

I absolutely enjoyed myself for 2h30, but it won't be my favourite one of the full installment. Still more than recommend to watch this at the cinema!
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Morbius (2022)
Less money on CGI, more on a decent script
20 April 2022
Well clearly not all Marvel movies will be massive hits. Morbius is one of the first massive flaws for me, where it doesn't even hit to be half as scary as it presents to be. The constant CGI is too much (was there even one shot without?), and the script was weak and predictable. There was nothing new to tell here, and it was all just ticking by and nearing the end, where the big "good guy"/"bad guy" battle happens. At least Venom has a point of bringing something new-ish. Being a "bad person" character and make it in a sort of charming way (although Deadpool was the first one to hit that off and Venom 2 was pretty awful)... that been said, to start of a proper series of this character, it flawed massively, and I'm not even slightly interested in a sequel (although that's what they hoped for clearly). If you didn't see this, just wait till it's on Netflix and save you the money.
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Ambulance (2022)
Too long for what it's worth
20 April 2022
If you're not a fan of Michael Bay, then don't enter the theatre. I mean, this man makes it pretty obvious what you will get served: over the top action scenes and swervy camera moves and positions. Not all Bay movies are a hit, but Bad Boys, Armegeddon and even Underground 6 can highly amuse me. Ambulance starts off strong, I see Bay has found the drone camera and his DOP work is very experimental and lush. But the more the movies goes on, the more I get of the same thing. Some scenes are too long or not needed, and we all know where this will head to. Gylenhall, Abdul-Mateen and Gonzalez try to make the best of it... but there were a lot of plot holes and things, which just didn't make sense. All very frustrating, cause for a seasoned director, it's time to get over the ego-projects and focus on delivering a good movie. Ambulance is for sure not Bay's best movie - but I won't say is the worst as well. It more has that, straight to DVD feeling unfortunately.
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The Lost City (2022)
Wanted to love this
20 April 2022
RomCom adventure movies, something which was a big thing in the 80s. I love a Romcom, but why not add some adventure right? You might think so. The problem with mixing 3 genres is the balance, and at least one part suffering. The Lost City sounds good on paper... I mean, it has Bullock and Tatum... hell yeah, it even got Pitt. But when the supporting cast makes me laugh even more, than these 3 names... clearly something is off! Jokes are not landing, there is a lot of chemistry missing between Bullock/Tatum, the storyline is very predictable... I felt even awkward at some points, for sure the scene where Tatum clearly need to show off his body. Obviously a point in his contract, but the build-in how to do it, is rather lame and it just feels off. I often watch the end credits and see 4 script writers for a bunch of nonsense like this? Why??? Even the adventure part is pretty lame (a small little temple in front of a massive blown up CGI forrest) and some tomb. Where are the lush sets? The dangerous booby traps? The plot twists? I mean, nevertheless I enjoyed myself slightly during the movie. You know you can't expect much, going into this... but all was very frustrating and it could've been much more, and opened a new era in this kind of niche genre. I'm even surprised it scored more than 6/10 on imdb. I hardly can give it a 5.
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The Nan Movie (2022)
Good laugh... sometimes
20 March 2022
I've never really watched the series, so I went in totally new on this. It absolutely had some good gags and oneliners, but there were also moments were the jokes weren't landing. The flashbacks were good for the back story, but all the acting was mediocre. The little animation clips were weird, but they tried something different. Overall still had a good laugh, but... not really the best movie I have seen.
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The Batman (2022)
Bat & cat chasing the rat
5 March 2022
The Batman did exceed my high expectations. I loved it was gritty, dark, realistic and had an amazing visual flair. Yes, it has some Zodiac and Saw-moments, but it didn't spoil it for me. All performances were amazing, even Zoe Kravitz convinced me. Colin Farrell is unrecognizable as Pinguin, and it's good to see John Torturro back on screen. Pattinson gave for me one of the best Batman performances, which I couldn't quite believe from the first moment I heard the casting being released. DOP and visual effects are just top level. I'm glad the music was a bit more on the classic violin level, it had some bombastic moments, but at the right moments (not like a full Nolan film full of deep bass). The only thing, is the length... did it bore me? No... it kept good. But sometimes the pacing was a bit off, and some scenes kept on dragging. 30min less would have been appreciated, and make it even more strong. But, The Batman really is on that too shelf... I can't wait to see more.
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I was a satisfied DOTN virgin
13 February 2022
Never red the book, never saw any originals... so, for me the story and plot was new. The whole setup and introduction was a bit long, and actually put too much nuance on some things, which made me be suspicious already. When the murdering starts, this where it all takes off! Branagh's dialogues are witty and suspenseful. But again, a few quick clues (if you pay attention) gave it away for me and I wasn't too surprised in the end after all. I absolutely had fun with it, and some scenes were amazingly done. Set design, DOP and costumes were amazing. I really enjoy these films, and I hope there are many to follow, so the Agatha Christie memory stays alive.
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Uncharted (2022)
National Treasure-much?!
12 February 2022
I am not a massive gaming fan, but have a PS4 and a copy of one of the Uncharted series. I red some reviews, and most reviews say this has nothing to do with Uncharted? Really odd, cause this movie had a lot of parts and nods to the game I have.

That been said... is Tom Holland a Nathan Drake? Not really... sometimes I felt like I was watching Peter Parker on a treasure hunt.

Talking about treasures... It felt all a bit too National Treasure to me. The game is a bit darker and has more back bone story. While this is just rule book adventure/action movie: 1-2 leads with natural charm and making gags, a female accomplish, a bad guy, chasing after something/someone, action scenes,... I did enjoy myself, but I wasn't surprised... except some of the visual effects were amazing, including the DOP.

If number 2 comes, please give it some more depth, give it some more heart and, please don't make it too obvious. But for now, you will still enjoy a good night out at the movies.
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Marry Me (2022)
Sorry Jlo, I left the cinema...
10 February 2022
I love Jlo, but I couldn't bear this movie any longer. So much things were bothering me, and it felt so ingenuine... I was was waisting my time. Also... can someone stop pushing John Bradley into movies please? After seeing his embarrassing role in Moonfall, I really didn't to have another portion of his bad acting.

I was hoping to hear some new good music... but that didn't happen as well. So, I literally couldn't be bothered anymore and left after 40 minutes. Maybe I'll watch it one day, when I have Covid and lay in bed, sick and bored... maybe!
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Moonfall (2022)
Missed opportunity
6 February 2022
After seeing the trailer, I had a feeling this wasn't going to be a typical disaster movie. It took a risk, and mixed a whole SciFi story into it. I love SciFi and disaster movies, so this was going to be a big screen popcorn adventure... but (yes there is a but), there are a lot of flaws, which at some times made the movie a bit ridiculous. The stellar cast tries everything they can do, to deliver a big movie believable, but the script and dialogues just lack. The editing and pacing of the film goes too fast at some times. Some scenes are literally 20 seconds long, and don't get enough screen and story telling time, to digest what is going on. Everything feels more and more rushed, during the entire 2h10 running time. There are also so many holes in the story and things that don't add up, it started to bother me. The whole plot is interesting, but got a bit lost to me. I give it a few stars more for the amazing special effects. I wouldn't recommend directly to see this, but if you want to... best to see it on the big screen.
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