
1 Review
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Even better than I hoped....
26 October 2012
Got to see an advances screening of Wreck-it Ralph today. I had been waiting for at least a year for this film and it did not disappoint.

I am a hardcore Disney fanboy and was before I even played my first video game. But I have to be honest, sometimes Disney doesn't get it. They see something is trending and an instant money maker and jump head first even if they don't understand the topic they're tackling.

So it does make you wonder if they could really do justice to a film dedicated to something they really don't excel in. Video games are not Disney's strong suit(except for the rare cases like Kingdom Hearts, which really only succeeds, because they have little to nothing to do with the production). Trust me I've played enough cheap marketing/movie tie in/ buy it for your kid because of the characters on the box Disney games to know what I'm talking about.

But Wreck-it Ralph nailed it. Start to Finish it is a love letter to gaming, made by people who understand games(and I highly suspect John Lasseter's role as Executive Producer greatly contributed to it's excellence).

It really reminded me of why we love games. It's not the technology or the graphics or the marketing hype. It's what they make us feel. The broad range of emotions they extract from us as we immerse ourselves in their world. The joy of victory, the stinging pain of loss, laughter and even tears. I felt all of those in this movie.

The world has become an ugly place and personally, my faith is what gets me through. But when you experience a game or a movie that takes you to an imaginative world where anything is possible, things start to seem a little brighter. Those stacks of paperwork you're facing seem smaller. The grisly news headlines get a little further away. That's what art and beauty do. They heal; help us see things in a better light. And I thank God for them.

I didn't expect for the movie to get me waxing philosophical, but that's the kind of hairpin I am.

Side notes: I was a little disappointed that they lingered SO long in one environment and I, frankly, find the crude humor tiresome. I thought the 3D was excellent, providing a nice immersive depth and texture without ever seeming gimicky( and I'm not a die hard 3D fan). Also, be sure to get there in time for the short at the beginning, Paper Man. Reminded me of classic Disney animated shorts, and that is not a bad thing.

A few weeks ago I was leaving California Adventure Park and overheard a little boy talking to his father about Wreck-it Ralph. With the wide eyed enthusiasm of youth he said to his father, "It's a movie about video games....who doesn't like that?" Well said, kid, well said.
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