
14 Reviews
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Almost perfect
8 December 2017
I hadn't heard a thing about this movie but decided to watch it because I've liked so many films Elijah Woods has appeared in.

I was instantly taken in by its first dark and comical scene...and had a good laugh over its "punch-line."

A promising start.

Most movies are so predictable that I often find myself easily guessing where the plot is going...but this one took so many interesting twists and turns I literally stopped trying and just sat back for the ride.

If I was comparing it to other films, Fargo, Shawn of the Dead, and Pulp Fiction come to mind...but it's NOT derivative of those types of movies at all. As with those films there are both sweet and tender moments...moments of drama often undercut with a dash of comedy...and some violent action.

There's a lot of interesting editing and shot selections à-la Edgar Wright comedies...and the pacing is lively and light...and keeps you on your toes.

Woods is great...playing a part I didn't expect from him. The female lead, Melanie Lynskey, is amazing too. I was going to write that I'd never seen her in anything before but just discovered she was the ditsy stalker on Two And A Half Men. I didn't watch much of that show...but did enjoy her character. In this film she comes across like the quintessential girl next door...very reserved, cute and perplexed by the world she's living in...but there is a vulnerability and real depth to her...and it's fun to see her character grow strength as the film puts her through the paces.

Otherwise the rest of the ensemble is excellent and very well cast. I got a kick out of the "rich wife" and her tweeker-dood son was spooky and were the actors playing his druggie buddies.

Heck...everyone was great. :)

This is a deeply layered, fun movie...and I know I'll watch it many more times.
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The Great Wall (I) (2016)
Beautiful & Absurd
16 August 2017
When I heard about the plot for this movie I thought what could go wrong.

After watching it — there is apparently a lot that did.

First of all the movie is generally beautiful to look at. There are epic vistas, amazing architecture, sweeping camera moves, and colorful/interesting costumes and surroundings.

Enter Matt Damon who puts on some kind of weird accent — that sounds a bit like an Alaskan Inuit — whose performance is "comfortable" but not inspired.

The actors around him are generally pretty good — although some key roles are terribly miscast.

What sends this movie off the rails is a script that meanders around a very weak "love" story, a lame sci-fi nod, bad CG, ridiculous scenarios, and the go to for every film-maker alive without a decent story to tell: gigantic battles filled with CGI HORDES of combatants climbing all over each other. If you've seen "World War Z's" zombie scenes — you'll get the idea.

Then you have the moralizing — which today's film-makers can't seem to live without. In this case: Weapons are dangerous and must be kept from people (except when needed to blow up your enemies), that young women can do ANYTHING...including being generals of armies before they're 22, and that white Europeans are either benevolent good-guys or greedy villains.

As for the ridiculous scenarios — I actually found myself laughing at how over the top they were. If you think people should bungee-jump into battle — this is your film. :)

With all the money that is spent on movies — I can never understand how so many can end up this bad.
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Plodding and painfully boring and filled with irrational moralizing
31 July 2017
I read reviews that gave me a pretty good idea of what I would face if I foolishly attempted to watch this movie.

I thought, "How bad could it be?", but then found it it was even worse than could be imagined.

First of all this film is achingly dull, and filled with absolutely implausible scenarios like rafts that somehow magically float upstream.

The music is drab and the dialog is forced and stilted...and all the young characters speak in that faux-Shakespearean English that has become ubiquitous in so many movies today where apparently no one has ever heard of a contraction before.

Usually, films give you establishing shots and introduce characters in some kind of chronological order. This one dispenses with that, however, and characters appear at midpoints in scenes as though they were always there. It is a REALLY weird directorial or editing decision! Maybe it had to do with the film's budget...but it was very strange.

With all that said, what really killed this film dead for me is it's heavy handed moralizing.

If you love being lectured as you watch movies...then this one is for you.

If you're looking for a somewhat realistic story, decent acting and some sense of being entertained — then run from this one as fast as you possibly can.
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Bokeh (I) (2017)
Dreary, boring, dull, depressing, pointless
29 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Not really sure why I hung on through this entire action-less, plot-less film.

As the minutes of my life slowly evaporated while watching it, I began to dislike the characters more and more — especially the female lead — so much so that when she's discovered dead I felt nothing but relief that she was finally gone.

And if you happened to be one of the two last people left on the planet and the other one was either of these characters you'd want to die too.

Anyway — since I already wasted an hour and a half of my life watching this art-school film reject — and don't want to waste more of it on a review about this abysmal film — perhaps my way of giving back to the world will be if I can help someone else avoid the same mistake I made by watching it.
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Please allow me to save you 2 hrs 33 min
22 May 2016
Let me start by saying I was a big fan of Tarantino's early work. I rate some scenes from True Romance, Reservoir Dogs, and Pulp Fiction as some of the most engaging I've ever seen...and own copies of all three, which I've watched numerous times each.

Sadly, for me, QT has completely lost whatever gift he gave that early work. His early films were so fresh...and constantly challenged ones expectations making their story-lines unpredictable and entertaining.

And his reputation for creating dialog and characters in those films was WELL deserved.

BUT...Inglourious Basterds contains only flickers of that earlier genius.

IF the dialog does share any of that former is COMPLETELY masked by being in foreign languages a LOT of the time (French, German and Italian)...and then the subtitles (which over-ride your disc's) are tiny and hard to read.

So you strain to understand a LOT of what is being said.

The story is historically inaccurate to say the least...which would be OK if it wasn't completely flat and unbelievable...and in addition you find yourself caring so little about most of the characters that when they are killed off you don't care.

Brad Pitt puts on a phony accent and smirks his way through another performance...and is paired with Christoph Waltz who is appropriately menacing at times...and completely over the top at others.

So the movie begins to take on a cartoony, farcical feel...complete with lame characterizations and ludicrously improbable situations.

I bought my copy at a LOW price from a sale bin at a store (no wonder there)...and will likely NEVER watch it again.

Hopefully I'll save some of you time you'd not get back otherwise...but if you read this and go on to see this can't say I didn't warn you.
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A Good Movie
1 January 2014
This movie was completely off my radar but recently I saw Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio on a TV show talking about all their work together.

So when I saw the DVD for 3$ at the store I thought I'd check it out...and must say I thought it was a very good film.

I'd just had dental surgery and was on a bit of pain meds so I can say for sure it really messed with my mind (in a good way).

Other reviews say the story was telegraphed...but I never felt like I got ahead of the plot...and until the very end felt like it was still surprising me.

I'm not a huge DiCaprio fan (other than Gilbert Grape) but thought he did a respectable job in his role. The surrounding cast was all very Ben Kingsley as usual.

IMO...I woulda liked to see a lot more of Max von Sydow...and have his role and story greatly expanded...but I've always liked him as an actor.

Sometimes I thought the "sets" seemed a little a lot of it was shot on a sound stage rather than on location...and I found that a bit distracting at times.

This movie was a welcome change though from all the movies that seem to rely only on building up to epic battle scenes and chases...I've grown so tired of that formula.

Anyway...I'm glad I got a chance to see this one...and will definitely watch it many more times.
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Where should I start?
5 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I buy quite a few of those 5 dollar DVD's you see in bins at stores now.

When I got this one home I had second thoughts before opening it and decided to read user reviews here.

Those seemed to be evenly split between those who liked it and those who loathed it.

One reviewer said something like: "I enjoyed it...but I had pretty low expectations going in." That was my cue...thinking I'd read a lot of bad reviews and it had a "5" rating or so...maybe that would set the bar low enough that I'd enjoy seeing it.

Unfortunately...even that didn't prepare me.

It is not the fault of the actors...who for the most part put in solid performances...and a lot of the CG/special effects are good...but over-all this movie is completely lame.

In no particular are some highlights in lameness:

  • The invading aliens are completely undefined. Later when I watched the DVD extras it made sense. The film-makers were still working on the alien design as the movie was being they morph from looking like Jelly fish to looking like human soldiers from a video game...who are supposed to be tall...but from a distance...with no people to compare them to...look like humans.

  • I hate the movie-making style where fight scenes and battles are shot with shaking cameras and indistinct action with 1 second jump cuts between weapons firing, people running, shouting, explosions. It's lazy film-making in my opinion...because nothing has to be worked out.

Metaphorically: Just tie a string around a camera, swing it around over your head, and have the actors run around screaming. Then take those shots, cut them up, throw them up in the air in post, let them fall to the ground, and edit them all together.

Voilà...instant battle scene.

-There are ridiculous scenes where the human soldiers are fighting with the aliens...and run through open spaces with the aliens firing their weapons all around...and no one is hit.

-The plot asks you to believe that an invading force would have no redundancy for their power source. Knock it the war. (slaps forehead!) those are some highlights..and I've gone on long enough.

So why am I blasting this movie? According to the end of 2011 it had made well over 200 million dollars...and I'm mad at myself for adding to its profits which will mean the money men in Hollywood will continue to fund more of these kinds of movies.

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If you like Edgar Wright's Shaun Of the Dead or Hot Fuzz....
5 June 2012
So I'll start with a disclaimer: I loved "Shaun Of The Dead" and "Hot Fuzz"...both directed and written by Edgar Wright.

So when I saw the trailer for Scott Pilgrim in the theaters I figured I'd want to check it out.

It seemed like it came and went pretty fast at the movie houses...but I kept it in the back of my mind. Recently I saw the DVD cheap and knew it was time to check it out.

This film is very quirky and in some ways reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite crossed with Kung Fu Hustle...but on steroids...taking you on a fun-house, thrill ride.

It makes huge references to comics/graphic novels and video games...and often the plot and characters veer WAY over the top.

But once you realize you're not going to get a typical story line and Hollywood drivel...all you can do is sit back and hold on.

For the most part it is a very young cast..but their performances are really strong. Jason Schwartzman, who is 31, may well be the oldest cast-member.

The special effects are fantastic (to see wimpy Michael Cera look like a bad-ass in a several scenes is a credit to them).

There are moments where the movie drags a bit...but not many...and there are several good laffs.

Overall...I thought it was pretty good...and recommend it to anyone who likes this style of movie.

BTW...I haven't been a teenager in (*coughs) a long while
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Shallow Hal (2001)
Funny...with a sense of heart
17 May 2012
After seeing this recently and then coming here to read reviews I am really surprised how many people reacted to this movie with such annoyance and anger.

The Farrelly Brothers make sure to build their film on the back-drop of "why" Hal is so shallow...and then even give the person who helped make him that way an "out" for their bad behavior.

Jack Black has been hit or miss for me when it comes to movie making but I thought he was great in this one.

Gwyneth Paltrow is AMAZING. First of all she is stunningly beautiful but plays a role as someone "beautifully challenged" spot on.

Jason Alexander is horribly miscast...and annoying...but then again I've never liked him in anything except Seinfeld.

Anthony Robbins the self help guy makes an appearance as...surprise...himself. He's actually quite good.

Brooke Burns....sooooo beautiful in real life is unrecognizable at first...and just nails her role. If you watch the DVD extras you figure out she's kinda a goof-ball...and it really suits her role in the movie.

Anyway...the movie is supposed to challenge ideas we have about love and attraction...and I completely got it.

For me there were lots of laughs all the way through it and real heart underneath it all.

PS: Rene Kirby who plays Walt is an awesome human! Check out the DVD if you want to be humbled.

: )
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Crazy Heart (2009)
Jeff Bridges is great but....
13 May 2012
I finally got around to watching this after I enjoyed seeing Jeff Bridges perform a lot of the sound track on Austin City Limits recently.

He really nails the role of an aging, beat up, past his former glory, down on his luck, country singer. At one point I said out loud, "He really is a great actor."

Unfortunately there are quite a few things that keep this movie from his level of performance.

I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal on Charlie Rose recently and really liked her as a person. But this was the first time I'd seen her in a movie.

She was either miscast, misdirected, misedited or maybe she can't act but in this movie she seemed to have two tricks in her acting repertoire...she's often either inexplicably smiling or frowning...and you're left wondering what's behind either look.

Most of her scenes with Bridges felt very uncomfortable...there is absolutely no chemistry between them. Their love scene ends up feeling contrived and awkward and it completely stops the movie cold.

On the other hand the child actor playing Gyllenhaal's son and Bridges seemed to have some chemistry...and those scenes have an engaging genuineness about them.

For some reason Robert Duvall, who I've really liked in a number of other movies, doesn't make his appearance until nearly the end. Then the film vainly tries to establish a long friendship between Bridges and him...with lines where they talk about each other as "old friends" etc.

Duvall also puts on an accent that makes their scenes sound like two guys meeting by chance on the street rather than lifelong friends who've spent lots of time in each other's company. Even the sets and lighting in those scenes look like they're from a different they were shot and added on by a different director and crew after the movie was already completed.

Still Bridges valiantly shines on.

The end of the movie is just plain tacky. I guess it's supposed to give a warm feeling to an otherwise sad tail of loss...but it is so contrived and it was the final stake to the heart of this movie for me.

Oh's only entertainment. : / : )
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Funny! : )
15 April 2012
I dropped in on this movie as it aired on TV and was already under way. I hadn't seen it before and didn't even know the title but immediately recognized Cary Grant and Peter Lorre and even though I missed the beginning was taken in by all the fast dialog and zany humor.

After it was over I had to do a search to learn the name of it. Of course I've heard about Arsenic and Old Lace all my life but had never seen it performed anywhere and didn't know the story line. So it was a pleasant surprise to watch it without any preconceived notions and just let it unfold as I watched it.

When I found my way to the reviews for it here on IMDb and read a few that quoted bits of dialog...I was literally laughing out loud at them.

I do understand some of the criticisms...especially that Cary Grant plays his character VERY broadly and seems to hurl and shout his do many of the other actors...but I think that was more the style of the it wasn't a big issue to me.

With that said Peter Lorre is perfect...and Raymond Massey is wonderfully dead-pan. And I loved the aunts played by Josephine Hull and Jean Adair (especially Hull).

All in all I really enjoyed this movie and recommend to to anyone looking for a laugh but suggest you take into account the era that it was made in.
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Rango (2011)
Visually Stunning....but weak plot
16 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers I'll preface my comments by saying I do a bit of art and "hobbyist level" animation and am much older than the nickelodeon crowd this is aimed at.

But from an "artist's" point of view, Rango's character designs and animation are fantastic. Throughout the film I was continually impressed with various scenes. Some of them are so realistic that you could see them seamlessly integrated into any live action film (and no doubt this is where 3D and live action are already well on their way).

Rango's character designs are unique and only in a few cases distract from the story. Case in point: Rango's "female love interest", a lizard, has a bug-eyed, thyroid condition look. In addition, when one villain (a much talked about snake) finally makes his appearance...he is over the top and very CG. Otherwise, most of the character designs are very unique and really hit the mark. The voice acting (and casting) is well done throughout.

The gunslinger, bar scene is suspenseful and masterfully "lit". (Having everything the Star Wars Cantina scene lacked : ) Against that tension, it then provides the biggest laugh of the movie.

From then on Rango begins a slow plot-line descent into the curse of modern movie making: Chase scenes, shootin' guns and flyin' bullets, explosions etc. A curse it seems 90% of the new movies I see fall into. Maybe Hollywood knows something I don't (it sells??) But I'm sooo tired of: "Introduce hero and friends, introduce villains, introduce building conflict, resolve it with HUGE shoot-outs and chases and explosions, and, of course, the hero wins." SHESH! : )

Over all, although I've mentioned negatives, there is something very new about Rango. I hadn't seen these types of characters before....and did I mention the design and animation are visually stunning? : ) I'm sure many future 3D movies will look to Rango for inspiration.
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24 July 2008
I went to Hellboy 2 not having seen the first film. The friend I went with was concerned this may make HB2 hard for me to follow. It didn't.

This film is so good I don't know where to begin.

So many films like this are dark, heavy and plodding...and while this film has moments of suspense and foreboding it also has an amazing sense of humor through just the right moments, just the right amount of humor is injected...and we were literally laughing out loud!

Almost all of the characters are quite original (Dr Krauss!!)...and the plot twists and amazing sets take you on an imaginative thrill ride.

Unlike so many Hollywood films in this style...that rely on special effects and CG to wow an audience...this one never forgets to tell a story too. And the effects and CG are AMAZING too!

Bottom line: This film isn't going to change your life...but I found it to be VERY entertaining!!!

BTW: Guillermo del Toro is doing amazing things on film...this takes what he started with Pan's Labyrinth and multiplies it 100 fold!
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WALL·E (2008)
Pixar fan with a mixed review
4 July 2008
It must be said I'm a big fan of Pixar films...and this film has all the elements you'd expect from their films including Amazing 3D animation and effects and high quality production values.

From the beginning scenes you are transported to the film world they create. There's humor, intrigue, anticipation...and for children no doubt...some moments that may be a bit scary.

The story is cute...but it doesn't contain many surprises.

The characters designs were Pixar's biggest roadblock to giving a heart to this film. For example, the title character has virtually no facial expression except for movement to it's eyes. The animators were able to put some expression into Wall-E's "body" movements...but again this was very limited by Wall-E's mechanical, metal body. Wall-E speaks in a "computerized" voice that even further limits his expression.

EVE, the other lead character, is even more limited, with expression mostly conveyed though very simple LED eyes and no other facial features. Her body is somewhat rigid and her arms are joint less and she has no most of her personality comes through her computerized voice.

Wall-E has an insect companion...again with no facial expression so again all of its "expression" is conveyed through its body language and movement.

This design concept is repeated with all the other mechanical characters in the film.

The 3D human characters, especially later in the film, are identical clones of each other with very little differences allowing you to tell one character from another. At this point, except for one, they all even wear the same clothes.

If Pixar was trying to tie its own hands...and make it as difficult to create endearing characters for an audience to connect to...they did an excellent job.

The children sitting behind me sat quietly through-out the film and at the end they lightly applauded.

So while this film is up to Pixar's usual impeccable production and animation standards...the story and characters held it down for me.

Pixar's short feature before the film was very enjoyable with lots of heart and laughs...and may make this a DVD worth adding to my collection some day.

Sorry Pixar...I'd still work for you any day!!!! : )
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