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Elevating the music DVD to a legitimate Art.
26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The music Home Video has been around for a while now. A couple of older ones that come to mind are 'The Dead Kennedys-The Early Years' and 'Panteras-3 Vulgar Videos From Hell' (which is a collection of their three home videos. There's also 'koRn's-Who Then Now', and whilst I'm not really into korn anymore, back in high school....I watched this a lot. lol.

There are also live releases, from pink floyd, or from festivals like, the sounds from the underground DVD's.

The home videos are more about, day to day life of the bands, how they got together, it shows the bandmembers personalities etc etc. And the live releases are usually live shows, with video tour diary segments spliced in between.

Some bands on the other hand just have DVD releases which are just slapped together. There're just MEHHH basically. But with Heima, Sigur Ros' add the music DVD as the 4th (true) artistic output bands have. So there's the LIVE show, the album (as a whole album, and inclusive of the artwork), the videoclips (even though only a few bands really make artistic clips), and now the music DVD.

Heima is a beautiful film in it's own right. Not just changing between clips of Sigur Ros' playing live, and shots of Iceland at random. But thoughtfully and meticulously planned out, the visuals heighten the already extreme emotions that Sigur Ros bring about through their music.

For fans and n00bs alike. Heima should be seen by all.

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Rest Stop (2006 Video)
Actually Starts Out Strong. But Then Turns Unfathomabley Bad.
25 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Is unfathomabley even a word...?. When I say it starts out strong, I mean the first half an hour. When she is first stranded at the rest stop, then goes into the office, radios for help and then gets drunk. Then as she's sitting in the car park she starts crying. Her actions, and the timing/pacing of it all up until this point is all really realistic.

Oh by golly gosh. Does it get bad. This could be a so bad it's good movie if it involved being very high and having a shot of something alcholic every time something retarded happened.

But besides that, this is more worthless then used toilet paper.

1/10 . (Reviewed after first Viewing)
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Chasing Amy (1997)
25 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was a VERY big Kevin Smith fan back in high school. Now that's not to say that I'm not anymore, or that I grew out of it or anything like that. It has more to do with the likes of Jersey Girl, and him doing segments for Leno and living in LA etc.

Not that by any stretch of the imagination does this mean that I DON'T like him any more, it's just more-so along the lines of, my fandom decreased somewhat.

I loved 'Chasing Amy'. Loved it to bits. One week 'Amy' would be my fave Smith film then the next it'd be 'Dogma', and it switched around a lot, until I got older and realised, that perhaps I liked them equally. lol.

I hadn't seen this movie in a long time until just then, like seriously, I kept putting hiring/buying it off for some reason or another. (I had it on tape somewhere, but who the hell knows where that ended up). Watching it just then was like a whole different experience, considering all the relationship type experiences I've been through since my last viewing.

At first, when it started I was thinking about the end, and how weird it was going to seem and if I was going to dislike it now. But the end came, and my thoughts were more along the lines of 'oh, Holden's just an idiot, with an idiotic plan'. And Alyssa talks sense...'What if I moan differently' etc etc.

Now, the thing is, I know quite a few girls like Alyssa. So I kind of feel like why would he make such a big deal out of it. But then again, a lot of people would. The main thing that I would've been angry at her for was lying to me, not necessarily at the start, that was a lie she had carried for a long time, but then after they got together she kept the lie going. I don't know, but there's quite a lot of depth to, how they got together, then how they broke up that I didn't see before, because I only saw the black and white of it.

Now onto the actual film-making. Sometimes the acting was a little off, a line here, a line there kind of thing, I guess it adds to it's 'American independent charm', but with such quality performances overall it could really do without these minor hiccups.

The 'Jaws' reference was hilarious MOSTLEY as I had literally JUST watched it, on cable, I noticed it was on before I was going to start this on DVD and decided to watch Jaws first (Check my user reviews, just wrote a review for it before I started watching this). So that was weird and cool, especially as I had forgotten about that part.

The dialouge is of course just perfect. Hmmm why can't Smith make another GREAT movie?? I really liked the 'one year later' part. They all seemed like they had to fight through lots of pain, and that they were still struggling, but surviving. Then it left it all unsure...the only way it could. (I didn't like the one panel they showed in the Chasing Amy comic, the 'I'm so sorry Amy(or did it say Alyssa?), wherever you are. I'm sorry'. Why would he have put that in the comic? instead of waiting until the next time he saw her, whenever it may've been).


(Reviewed after 10+ viewings, although as I mentioned, I hadn't seen it for 6ish years)
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Jaws (1975)
Thankfully, Spielberg hasn't re-released this, replacing Jaws teeth with walkie talkies.
25 July 2008
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Jaws is great. There's not much else to say. Everything works, the location, the actors and their chemistry with one another, the way it's was shot...everything.

The only thing that one can complain about, is that there should've been more talk about how this was an anomaly in nature. Sharks don't purposefully attack people. Obviously the whole point of the movie is that there is a shark that attacks people willfully. To maintain credibility it should've really driven that point home on a few occasions.

This was the movie that started the BIGGG Hollywood blockbuster. It's too bad that not even 50% of the big summer blockbusters released today even come close to touching the quality of the film making in 'Jaws'.

9/10 (It'd be ten if it had given itself full credibility).

(reviewed after 5+ (at least) viewings)
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Ghoulies (1984)
Pretty Bad.
25 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I like really bad horror, I really do. But not in the way this is bad. I actually like the start of the movie, not the intro with the escape of the baby so much as the introduction of the main characters and the party and stuff.

I dug the 80's-ness of this I guess, there were some really hot girls in this, which some GOOD horror movies lack. I can't believe that Marishka Hagity(sp?) from Law and Order-SVU use to be as hot as she is in this (I don't really like Law and Order, but will watch it maybe 6 times a year when I'm bored).

Once the Supernatural elements come into the main part of the story it just gets crap. Honestly it feels like a story a kid wrote, the way it flows, and the way things happen. Actually come to think about it, it does feel like a kids movie in a lot of ways.

The only thing this movie could be good for would be to play drinking games to it. Otherwise, avoid it.


(Reviewed after first viewing)
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Swingers (1996)
Good, even though it didn't directly speak to me.
25 July 2008
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Swingers must be VERY relate-able to some people. People who were trying to break into the entertainment business in the 90's, who were around the age of the characters in the film and were living in LA.

To me, I can't really relate to any of the characters either through personality or in the way they hit on girls, or just went out to have fun. I feel like Judd Apatow may have taken quite a bit of influence from 'Swingers' even though to me, a lot of the relationship type themes and scenarios in Apatow's work is easier for me to relate to.

'Swingers' has many funny, funny moments. Good pacing (for an 'about nothing film', my fave by FAR being 'Dazed and Confused'), and although Mikes characters actions made me go 'What ARE YOU DOING??' at times, like when he started talking about his ex to the girl in Vegas, or when he called Nikki over and over again, or at all ON THE NIGHT HE MET HER. It is still realistic, there are obviously people that are like that, so it frustrating in an endearing way....and I guess it's what brings the laughs most times.

The chemistry between the actors is it's strongest point. There really isn't much to fault with the film. But at the same time there's not too much that REALLY appeals to me in a personal sense, and thats were films like this really stand out.

8/10 (Reviewed after 4+ viewings, although first time in 7ish years, so I couldn't remember much at all)
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Vertigo (1958)
The first hour drags, just a little. But then it picks up and keeps gaining speed.
24 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Vertigo, I feel takes a bit too long to get where it's going in the first half. (Although I may feel differently when I watch it again).

But to me a lot of it, (the first half) felt kind of like 'character set up' material from a TV series, that would be put in between other scenes of other characters doing other stuff, so interest would be maintained. Whilst I didn't get bored exactly, I went from completely intrigued in the first 30 minutes to less and less until the death from the church tower.

The cinematography is brilliant, but does anyone need to point that out, it is Hitchcock after all. But I loved the way he shot San Francisco, he really truly knows how to romanticize cities by shooting them beautifully. Sure the fact that now this is more then 50 years on, so it's 'San Fran 50 years ago' adds to the romanticism, but it's still wouldn't soar to the levels it does without the cinematography.

I'm not sure if James Stewart was supposed to be a bit of a jerk, but when he pulls Novak up the stairs in the end and the argue, then they kiss. It sure wasn't a 'Happily Ever After' kiss, which would've made the ending ALL the more effective.

The end, even the way it was is just brilliant though, unexpected and dark. People went on and on about 'The Mists' ending, which I feel just make the characters in it idiots, but this was shocking.

Great, deserving of it's accliam and will be an eternal classic.


(Reviewed after first Viewing)
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23 July 2008
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I remembered this being way better then it was. Not that I remembered that it was a GREAT film. But a good, entertaining popcorn flick. My memory must be worse then I thought.

The first thing that struck me was that the picture quality made it look like a TV movie, the intro was horrible, the little plot reveals were done in an amateurish way the way the scenes were shot made it seem clunky and cheap. This stayed true for the rest of the film.

When it introduces the main family, the 'imperfectness' of them was done in a lame way. I didn't care ONE bit about any of them. When they were driving to the house, there was a shot where the car was leaving the city on a bridge, heading across the screen in one direction, then when it cut to another road with them driving past, it was going the opposite direction. Just straight forward BAD directing.

In fact the only two things that were good about the movie were the house...even though it really could've been better, plus it wasn't shot very well and the lawyers death was pretty damn cool, especially how his tie falls off first.

I remembered the ghosts being great. But they sucked, only the fat ghost was creepy, because of his mum taking him around mostly. None of them were used effectively though.

Total waste of what could've been some good mindless fun.

I must watch the original.


(reviewed after third-ish viewing (must've seen it at least a couple of times many years ago))
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22 July 2008
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I'm a REALLY big fan of the original TCM, I hadn't seen this for a while so I got it out today, and just finished watching it.

From the very outset I knew something was wrong as the voice over, is reading the fill in a little too fast. It kind of makes you realise that the whole film came about in the same way. The ideas were put to paper a little too fast, there wasn't enough time just having it sit in the writers head growing, and becoming refined.

The nest part of the intro, the ten minutes with the frat boys shooting signs and then playing chicken with the wrong hill billies, was awful, and leaves a bad taste in your mouth that pretty much sticks around for the rest of the movie. The tone and pace of the whole sequence is so different to the rest of the film, it just doesn't even fit in right, and a much better re-introduction of the maniacal family was really in order.

The comical bits were pretty stupid, as if that was the direction they wanted to go in, it should've been very dark humour...It could've been very disturbingly funny. The end scene in the original with the grandpa trying to bludgeon the girl with the hammer is pretty powerful, one of the few scenes in any movie that scares me a little, it feels like your in the same messed up situation. The end scene in this is just....meh.

If the film was more dark, the final shot in this, mirroring the final shot of leather face in the first. Again would've been powerful and really effective.

Bill Moseley asking if the tape was from the Rambo 3 soundtrack was retarded, not just because the movie only came out two years after this (I just looked that up, didn't know it off the top of my head), which could've still made sense and is not necessarily a goof. But it doesn't make sense that the family would know what Rambo was, as they are segregated from society and only the dad interacts with other people.

I liked the chilli cook off idea. That worked well with the black humour theme, it's just too bad everything else they tried didn't.

Once again Tobe Hooper shows of his ability to shot the exterior's of buildings really well. Actually I think many of his shots in this were good. Just the script killed it self.

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Frenzy (1972)
Fairly Average Throughout, But Really Comes Together In The End.
21 July 2008
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As I wrote in the summary, 'Frenzy' felt fairly average throughout it for the most part. I didn't feel the suspense, the panic of a man on the run from the law, after being wrongfully accused of a series of murders to the level that you'd expect from a Hitchcock film. But in the final sequence when Finch is walking up the stairs with the tire iron, it's exciting as you don't know if he's actually going to commit a murder and go to jail when he was eventually going to be found not guilty and set free.

I usually look forward to beautiful women in Hitchcocks work, and there were none in 'Frenzy'. But that's really just a minor qualm.

The scenes with the detective and his wife, who cooked daring and exotic dishes, didn't quite make sense to me. I couldn't tell if Hitchcock was poking fun at the English (Yes I realise he was English). I say this because for the most part the English people that I know feel that food is better, the blander it is. Even though the dishes she had made didn't necessarily make my mouth water (although I'd definitely be willing to give them a try) the fact that he scoffed at the 'Roast Duck in a Rich Port Sauce' made him seem like a simpleton. (Or perhaps I'm just a bit of a food snob).

All round 'Frenzy' doesn't compare to some of Hitchcocks other works, but all the same it has some brilliant shots, and over all works very well.

8/10 (Reviewed after first viewing)
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Full of Flaws, for Sure....Ohh, but the End, the End....
21 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had never actually heard of sleepaway camp until one night I was flipping through channels and came across the doco 'Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film'. Now horror is my favourite, genre. The reasons why I love horror are many, but when I tell this to people and get a negative reaction, the kind thats like 'you seem like an intelligent person. Why horror??'. I usually retort with an explanation of how, in my opinion, horror has the most diversity within any one genre. There's the high art, for example the paintings of Zdzisław Beksiński, or the writings of China Meivile. There's really popular stuff, that is really well crafted and deserves it's popularity, let's say the work of Stephen King, Wes Craven's films, old EC Comics etc. And then there's the pure pulp, the Friday the 13ths and the Sleepaway Camps. They are all great depending on what mood you may be in. (I also feel that it can be mixed with other genres much more successfully. Sci Fi-Aliens. Period Piece-The Others. Comedy-Shaun of the Dead. Kids-The Lost Boys or Goosebump books. etc etc).

(wow rant).

What I was saying when I was quite rudely interrupted, by myself. Was that I hadn't heard of 'Sleepaway Camp' until I saw the documentary (And that that was weird as Horror is my fave genre). They talked about the end, showed the end, and I was like 'What the CRAP!!' and I had to see it. So I went to ebay and bought it (for $1.20, but I live in Australia so it was $10 postage. Being here in Oz is probably also why I had never heard of it before, it might not have come out here, because I had NEVER seen it anywhere). I received it today and watched it, it would've been awesome if I didn't know how it ended, but it still had mass effect, I was watching it with my sister and her b/f, who hadn't seen the doco. They like me, went 'What the CRAP'.

But, every positive comment on here praises the ending, so if you've read them you'll know that it is the main thing the film has going for it. The acting is ahem, bad. Truly awful, but in that bad horror film way, that you can watch it and chuckle, rather then be annoyed by it. The deaths were good, and I was surprised by the quality of the make up and prosthetics. The pacing was good, and even though the acting let it down, I also really believed the way the kids were being mean to each other.

All round this'll be a movie I'll probably watch quite often, once a year or something thereabouts. Instant classic to me.


(reviewed after first viewing)
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House of the Dead 2 (2005 TV Movie)
Actually Fairly Decent
20 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm pretty surprised by the extremely low score this has here on IMDb.

I remember when I tried to watch the first 'House of the Dead' and stopped it halfway through because it was just too damn awful. So a while ago when this first came out on DVD someone had told me that it was a lot better then the first one, I didn't get around to watching it until just then...on late night cable.

The movie is pretty much tongue in cheek it doesn't take itself too seriously. Take for example the library scene. Because of this, all the plot holes, the illogical happenings throughout the movie can be forgiven, as it is purely light entertainment.

The archetypal military characters, were done well and fitted the feel of this kind of zombie film. The chauvinistic bald lieutenant had a great performance (which separates it from most cheesy horrors), especially his rant at the end. The banter back and forwards especially the moments concerning the bald chauvinist, could've been taken from a film that would've been taken much more seriously by the general film going public.

The hardcore dancing/Circle Pitting zombies will also make any metal head/hardcore fan laugh, at least a little.

Again, because it was tongue in cheek and didn't take it self seriously. 7/10

(reviewed after first viewing)
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El Mariachi (1992)
20 July 2008
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Like Peter Jacksons 'Bad Taste', any person who's ever thought of making a movie, or has made a short here or there, watching 'El Mariachi' fills them with with glee, because of the knowledge that this is a movie that they themselves could've made.

I at first didn't know how good it was going to be at the start, as some of the shots didn't work as they were fully intended. But once immersed in the story, you really get taken away on the low budget action ride, that is Rodriguez's first film.

Not too much I can really say that other people haven't, yes it's amazing that it cost $7,000. Yes it's an inspirational billboard of encouragement to all budding film makers, etc etc.

The thing I liked about it best, was the pacing. The story just unfolded at EXACTLY the right pace. Because of this, it has a great re-watch value, (I only just saw it for the first time, but I can tell). When I get up tomorrow I'm going to go get out 'Desperado' as I haven't seen it in a long, long time. I haven't seen 'Once upon a time in Mexico' either so I'll have to grab that as well.


(reviewed after first viewing)
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Silent Hill (2006)
The Good Bits Were Good. But As A Whole, It Doesn't Keep Up With The Good Bits.
20 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Halfway through watching this for the second time (late at night on cable, having seen it a couple of years ago in the cinema when it first came out). I found myself thinking 'I remember this being a lot better'. It definitely picks up later on in the film, with some VERY well shot scenes of creepy goodness. As well as the story coming together in an acceptable way.

Parts that stand out, being the scene in the toilets when 'the darkness' comes, and the paint/reality peels away, and the wired up guy crawls out. The dude with the big sword...the dragging sound was supringly effective. And of course the hot dead nurses.

The bad... The fact that Radah Mitchelles character doesn't seem overly concerned that she's lost her daughter in this demon world. I know I'd be running around in hysterics if I was in that situation. This is especially cringe worthy as it is after all, a film based on a video game, and it really should try at ALL costs to maintain it's credibility.

I also didn't quite dig the characterisation of the cop. When she cuffs Radah's character, and then doesn't take them off AS SOON as she realises that not everything is quite right. (The road that she drove into silent hill on no longer being there). Your meant to like her, and this makes you dislike her, especially if you have a disdain for cops in the real world as it is already.

Overall, it's decent with some great scenes, but the film falls far from greatness all together. Will probably buy it one day when I see it for $10-$15.

P.S. Radah Mitchell's Aussie accent was really obvious, when she was screaming 'Sharon, Sharon!'. Perhaps not the best word for an Aussie trying to maintain an American accent to say repeatedly. And I think I should mention the very opening shot, just of Mitchell, calling out for her daughter, it kind of jolts you into the film in a not-so-blatant way, but extremely effective. (I think her accent was good in that part too, it's more so when she first gets to Silent Hill that it falls apart)


(reviewed after second viewing)
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Bringing back credibility to the action blockbuster...
18 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Just got back from seeing this, I was originally going to see it after the w/e, but I was bored today so I watched 'Begins', then I had to go see this as soon as I could.

There is very little that's bad with this movie. The acting, the pacing, the score (including the levels at which it played at the suitable times), the lack of CGI messing up scenes, a MUCH better Rachel Dawes, it goes on....quite a bit. But what would be the point of repeating such praise again and again in these IMDb user comments.

The only things that I didn't dig so much, and this one goes for Begins as well, is that Gotham City doesn't look right. Pretty much the only thing Burton did right was gotham city (and I also liked the way he portrayed it's inhabitants), I do have a feeling that it was done as to not mirror the Burton films though. Also Two Face actually becoming fully bad could've been kept until the third movie too. It would've gone really well with the whole flow of the saga, because unlike ALL other (superhero) comic book film adaptions, the villains carry on and the films are linked by them. It's not just new villain who dies at the end, because thats not how the comics work. So yeah, he could've just crawled from the wreck after he shot the driver, and left the audience unsure of what exactly happened to him.

I'll have to wait and see how it flows into the third installment though, it may end up working really well.

I liked the way you expected the BatCave, but it wasn't there, which again adds to the flow of the saga....I like the fact that the 'batmobile' was destroyed, so hopefully there's a new design for three cos I really disliked this Batmobile even though it sounded awesome.

I'll have to see it again to make up my mind on the, sonar phone watching centre. Not because of the plausibility of it, but more-so the morality. I need to see if Batman was pained by having to do that, because in my opinion, loss of civil rights/human rights is much much worse then death. The scene seemed to say that if it's necessary, it's necessary which is blergghh. They could've just had all the phones in Gotham being monitored, but just by audio, had a continuous track on the Jokers voice print (which are much more unique then fingerprints) and then for it to come up only when it was found, and then only on that call as to not destroy individuals privacy.

Even with all the negatives I mentioned it still deserves a 9.5 . God I wish you could give half points, I want to give many things half points.....10 perhaps if it wasn't for the phone issue, but yeah. Great film.


(Reviewed after first viewing)
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Paprika (2006)
16 July 2008
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This film explores a few things that I possess sizable penchants for.

Lucid Dreaming. And Dreaming as a whole. The moral line to do with the progression of Science and Technology. And, (mediums of) art that aren't usually presented in 'interpretable' terms, being done in said way.

I'll need to watch this film again to write a proper review upon which time I may even change my vote from it's present 9. I decided that it wasn't fair to give it a 10 upon it's first viewing as there were things I didn't pick up on completely I'm sure.

The animation was the best I've ever seen in anime, some sequences blew me away. Seriously.

(I watched it on Cable so I probably won't do my proper review for another couple of weeks, I just wanted to write this now as I literally just finished it) 16th July 2008.

(reviewed after first viewing). **************.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Definitely enjoyable, but a pretty big letdown.
15 July 2008
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Seven is being generous. I want to give this 6.5, but I can't. 6 seems too little though.

I'm not going to say anything that hasn't been said by lets face it every review on here, so I'm just going to write this in point form.

The action sequences were AWESOME, but some of the effects weren't. Like parts with Spidey getting thrown through the buildings, and the glass just looks lame. Although I understand that this is because the parts that look good, look REALLY good. (Birth of Sandman, certain parts with the black suit).

Obviously there was just too much going on. Besides the multiple enemy's, there was the MJ conflict too. If it was just Sandman, Green Goblin and Harry playing games with MJ and Peter as well as the Gwen Stacey stuff, it could've surpassed Spidey 2 easily.

In relation to the last point, Eddie Brock could've just been introduced in this to set up a fourth movie. They could've also keep that under wraps so the fan boys could've eaten it up upon their first viewing.

The actual SPIDERMAN (text) logo used for the films was used IN the movie. During the parade for him, above the stage, and I believe that in the message Venom wrote for him in the black web, the Spidey Animated Series logo was used. Seriously God damn cheesy!!.

Yeah, I can't be bothered writing anymore. Just wish this was all it could've been.

*Shakes Fist*


(reviewed after first viewing)
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Good, could've easily been better though.
15 July 2008
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When I watch Children's' films I kind of watch it in two frames of mind running simultaneously. One being in a state of mind which will reflect on my childhood and be all nostalgic in relation to what is going on on screen. The other being, kind of imagining watching the movie with my children (when I have them). (I'm 25 so I guess it makes sense because of my age, even if it seems a wee bit strange)

So as I was watching 'Bridge to Terabithia' it kind of reminded me of the episode of 'The Wonder Years' when Kevin kisses Winnie. Childhood friendship, with someone of the opposite sex, verging on innocent romantic feelings.

I thought that as a child, the kid growing up in a small town with no real friends, could still be relatable to someone who grew up in a city in another country besides the US, who had many friends. As long as the child is creative. I don't know how to justify that statement. I guess if you know what I mean, you know what I mean, and if you don't, you don't.

I thought the revelation of Leslies' death was truly surprising, and therefore quite impactful. The kids were all good actors, Jessie, Leslie and his little sister, but for some reason there were parts where the chemistry was just a Zooey D. was perfect for the teacher a 12ish year old kid would develop a crush on, and she handled her role perfectly.

Now the bad. What the hell was up with the AWFUL, AWFUL pop music in it. Not only does it make it less respectful now, it will only date it terribly. There could've been plenty of actual music that would've gone really well with it....for some reason Simon and Garfunkle are popping into my head, at parts when they were running around but there wasn't really any fantasy going on.

As I mentioned before there were a few parts that just seemed off (chemisty wise). It was probably the kids inexperience, but I can't exactly put my finger on it, need a second viewing.

All round though, a good movie for kids, I can imagine it being a movie that a lot of children will grow up holding it dear to them.

I probably felt that this would be a 7.5 but as you can't vote that. 7/10

(Reviewed after first viewing)
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Idiocracy (2006)
House of Representinn'
14 July 2008
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Idiocracy is by no means a great film. But if you want something to mildly entertain you late at night one day, it'll surely suffice.

I just watched it on cable, and as it started thought 'oo00oo Mike Judge' as I love Office Space. Idiocracy isn't quite as good, but it's not too far behind.

Kind of like nineteen eightyfour, only idiotic, would be a good way to describe it. I laughed out loud quite a few times, and there were a few genuinely clever bits of dialogue (The narrator explaining the evolution of what had become modern language, and ending with 'various drunks' comes to mind).

If your expecting an intelligent yet humorous exploration into the potential dangers of our obsession with products and mundane entertainment. You will be disappointed. If you just want a stupid movie to entertain you, you'll probably agree with me that the film is about a 7/10.

(I also know that many people who watch this at 13, will love it throughout their youth, thus DVD sales will probably increase in 5-10 years) 7/10

(reviewed after first viewing)
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Hack! (2007)
Truly Awful.
11 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really dig the premise behind the movie.

Lets say more tongue in check and exploratory of horror clichés then Scream, but not a full blown spoof like Scary Movie.

Aesthetically the casting was really good. The jock, the slutty girl, the alt chick etc etc. But the acting, even though I'm sure the directing was half to blame, just let most of the scenes down. Had there been better chemistry between the actors, it could've worked a lot better. The characterisation also seemed as though it couldn't decide on how certain aspects of the characters were being represented.

Actually the whole movie didn't know how to represent itself. I remember thinking 'is this a spoof?' a few times half way through, and honestly, I wasn't sure until the very end. Even though there were parts that were pretty obviously 'spoof like' they just came across as bad, or illogical. E.g. When you find out the nerd girl was bad, and you remember how she was acting at the start of the movie, and when she was by herself getting on the boat etc. Just illogical.

For the movie to have been truly effective as a newly invented sub genre. The 'Suprise Spoof', lol. It really had to have been a GOOD horror movie for the first two thirds. Even if it was in a clichéd horror way, it just had to have been well shot, and well acted. But alas it just plain sucked.

This movie doesn't even deserve a review this long, but there's two other things I want to mention. It canes me that Juliet Landau was cast in this cos that most probably means the guy that made it is a Buffy fan. As a Buffy fan I want to hurt him.

Also the only reason I gave this two stars instead of one, which is fairly akin to giving one star as you can't give zero (which I figure is because it would mess up the combined ratings), was for the shining scene, because it wasn't expected and was overall a neat reference.


(reviewed after first viewing)
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Knocked Up (2007)
Elements of Realism Abound.
5 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I love this movie.

The one thing I really feel for Apatows movies is that, he captures little moments of realism. Along with realism to do with relationships as a whole, be it sexual, marriage or friendship.

I don't know why more people haven't said that.

From the part where Leslie Mann is screaming at the door man and see screams 'door man, door man'. To when Paul Rudd and Rogan are on mushrooms and their back and forward banter shows that they've definitely had psychedelics before.

I've read a whole bunch of reviews that complain about the unrealisticness of a guy like rogans character getting a girl Heigel's. But people, it really isn't all that unrealistic at all.

The movie has a whole lot of 'classic moments'. A lot of them being in the last half an hour, being one of the main strenghts of the movie, especially in terms of re-watch value.

Truly a bad review, sorry. But ultimately I love this movie because of the realistic HUMAN elements to it.


(reviewed after fifth or sixth viewing)
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Good Classic Film
4 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've been going through a bit of a classic film phase lately.

This movie glorifies women from the 50's as well as New York all round. I really liked it, didn't find it that funny, but very entertaining. 'Some like it Hot' Made me laugh out Loud more then once. This movie made me laugh once, right at the end, the part when you hear the sound of all the girls falling over.

I liked the pacing, with three protagonists, it was well done. I liked the way Marilyn wasn't the female lead. I liked the ultimate messages it sent (if only from the way I perceive it as a classic film).

My oh my, Marylins voice in this drove me crazy.

Good watch, and worth buying.


(reviewed after first viewing)
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Jumper (2008)
Wow this movie was bad.
3 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I got this out on DVD today, hoping for some mind numbingly bad (but in that (sometimes) enjoyable way)) movie that'd have some good action sequences in it, along with all the usual visually impressive sweeping shots and overblown CGI effects.

So going into not expecting anything GREAT. But also not in the negative mindset of 'Oh this movie is going to suckkkk'. It'd have to be pretty damn bad to make me hate it.

It was definitely that bad.

From the unrealistic reactions people had to certain situations. Rachel Bilsons' character just going 'oh hi, so was that why you where watching me for 45 minutes' or whatever she said. When her friend who went missing under strange circumstances, comes back to town wearing expensive designer clothes, someone who most people thought had died. Even though I thought her reaction from when she first saw him jump in her apartment was well done.

To the part when the protagonist is a kid at the start, and he gets back home. Many people saw him fall into the ice, his friend who grows up to be Bilson, is crying in bed, people think he died, but no one went to tell his dad?? To the shoe string plot. Pretty much, guy realises he has powers, uses powers for personal gain, a guy from (an unexplained or elaborated upon) Govt. Agency chase him around the place. Guy goes back to home town, to get girl. That's pretty much all.

The development with the other jumper could've been done so much better. The only good bit was the mention of 'marvel team ups'.

Pretty much the plot went nowhere...

A lot of people have been saying it's good because it shows what you'd do if you really had those powers. Use it only for personal gain, and that you wouldn't help people. The scene where he's watching the news report of the flood, kind of thinks about saving the people on top of the floating bus, then quickly decides not to. Isn't particularly original, think about most comic type villains, and even how many heroes have used their powers for gain. Even in something like Groundhog Day off the top of my head the protagonist uses his (not really) 'powers' for personal gain.

God I suck at writing reviews on here(ramble ramble). Only my second one but. I'll Try to get better.


(reviewed after first viewing)
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Rear Window (1954)
Even if just for the first shot of Grace Kelly. Watch Rear Window.
2 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Rear Window when I was about twelve for the first time. I remember thinking it was good, I liked the story itself as well as realising that a huge chunk of the films awesomeness stems from it's ability to put you right there in the apartment with Mr Jefferies.

I just watched it again last night, and now being 24 I see a whole lot more. This film is so finely crafted, I'd say it's perfect shot for shot. If there are any qualms that I have with the movie, it's just that Thorwald doesn't cover his eyes after the second or even the third flash that Jimmy Stewart sends his way.

I think for many people my age, the mood to watch many of these pre 60's films, comes about much differently then the feeling of wanting to watch something newer. I don't know, perhaps it's the sass of the jaw droppingly hot female leads (Kelly in this being a GREAT example, holding her self as a proud woman when it wasn't so common, makes you think many many dirty dirty thoughts(but in a good way, lol)). The pacing the colouring, the dialog, etc.

Pretty much, American artistic produce was just so damn good in the 50's. The original EC comics(Tales From the Crypt, Vault of Horror, ShockSuspenStories etc.), the cars, the clothes(for girls, it's weird how stuff that was supposed to be modest, seems so hot today, the way it showed of curves etc. Pretty much more sexual then a really short mini skirt)

OK, now I'm off topic. Good movie. One that EVERYONE that has ever enjoyed any film should watch. 10/10

(reviewed after third (maybe only second, but first time within ten years at least anyway) viewing)
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