
18 Reviews
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Your Name. (2016)
Starts off slow but, boy, does it takes off
29 March 2024
If it wasn't for the singing soundtrack this would EASILY be a 9/10.

It's a solid 8. Beautifully drawn, filled with intricate details, amazing lighting and awesome colors throughout.

And in our current time of rehash, franchises, live action of old cartoons, and mostly non-original reinterpretations of old classics in movies, this original gem is even more rewarding.

Also what pulls your eyes and attention is the beauty and care put into making these drawings - they're truly magnificent and poetic.

On the other hand, the music sang in key parts of the movie is like a rowdy kid kicking you chair from behind. Or a loudmouth talking over key scenes, distracting and pulling you out of this otherwise beautiful watching experience.

We were lucky to watch at home, where we could lower the volume during the songs. But I tell you: the songs are terribly bad.

So otherwise terrible bad songs, it's a unique and refreshingly original story told in a crafty, exquisite, emotional way.

Did I mention the singing sucks?
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Didn't age very well
12 March 2024
Some movies are able to go years on end without aging. See 1957 "12 angry men": even watching it in 2024 the story holds your attention, the characters are fleshed out, and the cinematography is beautiful.

Here at home we're on a marathon of sorts, presenting classic movies to my 16 year old daughter, and some movies - like this "Apes" remake - haven't aged well for some reason or other.

Sometimes is the pace, sometimes are stylistic choices from their time period, sometimes is the cheesy music (and let's be honest: 80s movies were basically just excuses for cheesy soundtrack), and - like this remake - it lacks a soul.

Tim Burton was a gun for hire, the production and effects were more than adequate for the time, probably anyone with an ounce of brass with 20th Century Fox dip their fingers in this pie, making it essentially a committee-directed film.

And when we watch a movie like it after many years, the end product is unforgiving.
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Argylle (2024)
So many moving parts
20 February 2024
Making movies is such a mix of art, science, mood, zeitgeist and luck that, actually, is impressive we have so many good stories realized and recorded.

Argylle has everything. But luck, I guess. Great actors, interesting concepts, amazing execution (CGI, effects, photography), characters, director. Everything.

And yet, it feels empty somehow. You end up waiting for the story to begin over and over and over, then the movie ends.

I really wanted to like this movie. I went yesterday to the theater with my expectations lowered for so many bad reviews but, hey: it's Dua Lipa, it's Henry Cavill, it's Matthew Vaughn, it's Sam Rockwell! How could this mix be less than a solid 6?

Unfortunately it is.

No spoilers, but at some point in the movie you'll recall "Madagascar Animal Circus". Really

But again, I wanted to like this whole project.
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Cobweb (2023)
Curious random ideas. Sort of.
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
But you know what? The more I read peer reviews here, and the more I think about this film, the more stuff won't actually makes sense.

  • Why are we shown the buried skull in the backyard?

  • Why are the parents constantly smiling and on a brink of nervous breakdown?

  • Why do the parents keep the creature?

  • How come its eyes glow in the dark?

  • Why the creature voice changes from "sweet little girl" to "I'm Batman"?

  • How does it have super human strength?

  • And how is the kid able to hold it, when 3 strong young adults were not?

  • Why does the teacher move further inside the house once she notices it is a bloody violent crime scene?

  • Why is the kid moving back to live in the same house, with the same monster?

  • Why the teenagers go through the house expecting the hero to be alone?

We are thrown all these false leads, and nothing comes to a conclusion. Yes, there is a concept of red herring but you can't make a whole movie based on the same trope over and over, to bring down a Deus Ex Machina at the end and force-feed whatever you want to the audience..

Most probably because I'm not the target demographic. It feels like a film made for teenagers who never - ever - saw a horror movie with all the same overused horror tropes.

Nothing makes sense.
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It's "Bug's Life". But in space
27 December 2023
It's "Bug's Life", but then again, it's Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai" and its derivation - "Magnificent Seven".

The exact same character dynamics: a representative of simple farmers that goes to the city to try and assemble a ragtag group of skilled individuals banding together to protect the weak against powerful oppressor.

You know the drill.

The thing is: once you notice the main trope, it's inevitable you notice similarities, references, inspirations.

I gave it a try because I was curious to see how so many talented people together could not deliver a better rate here in IMDb. Unfortunately all the other reviewers are correct: it's more of the same. Cliche after cliche.

It's a shame. I really wanted to like these guys and this production.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Such a missing opportunity
14 May 2023
Interesting character sketches, attractive concept and amazing production value - *everything* spread impossibly thin and stretched over impossible lengths of time. Say, 10 minutes of actual story plot stretched to 4-5 episodes. Along with some improbable romance arcs (improbable and useless to move the plot ahead).

This was recorded in this 'trendy' extreme dark - low contrast - setting in which you can barely see what's going on. Game of Thrones season 8 vibes here.

As a sci-fi fan, as Andy Weir's 'Martian' fan, I'm aware of space mechanics, limitations and possibilities. When a character spends 8 episodes with "I know we can save her!", I couldn't stop thinking "so, what? It takes months to send a spaceship to orbit".

Also, at one point one of the astronauts impossibly 'swims' in space to move around. That was a low point

On top of everything, Japanese actors are bad, unfortunately.
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Encanto (2021)
OK. Despite the endless musical numbers.
28 December 2021
The musical numbers were so - SO - heavy handed and forced that watching this movie was like having an idiot kicking the back of your chair - but in your own house.

Every time one of the characters started their cringe-worth singing exposition you'd get yanked out of the story and placed squarely in front of a screen, just waiting for it to end, so the story could move forward.

All movements, tropes, funny faces, clichés and 'jokes' from the past decade are here.

This film feels like a generic Disney clone. But since it was made by Disney, it is technically flawless, visually beautiful.

Unfortunately, all the clichés overweight the witty parts. 5 out of 10.
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I don't understand why all the hate
26 December 2021
As I wrote this few lines, this movie stands at below 6.

I don't get it why.

Yes, it IS full of references of previous installments. Yes, it lacks the amount of action "Matrix" makes you imagine. And yes, some of the original cast were not present.

But so what?

I have just finished watching it. And although I didn't love it, I didn't hate it either.

I learned that watching any movie rated below 6.3 (here on IMDb) will make you regret having wasted those hours of your life, but Matrix Ressurections is far from that.

This movie could have been a special show. Something "based on the Matrix original characters" and people wouldn't have been so offended. Or could've helped them lower the expectations.
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When a committee designs a movie
31 December 2020
So, now it is confirmed: DC *can not* make superhero movies. And we understand the first WW was a success because of Patty Jenkins sheer vision and guiding hand. As soon as Comcast saw some potential gold mine, all matter of corporate hands with some power tried (and managed) to dip their finger, hands and toes into what could be another blockbuster.

And mangled every opportunity with clichés and overused tropes. To death. Creative death.

As always, technically flawless. Great FXs, great lighting, great AD, cinematography, colors (great colors!). But that's it. Chris Pine's entertains as always. And beautiful Gadot is definitely NOT an actress.

You can perceive the director's and her team underlying tones here and there. But everything - everything - is trumped to pulp by the bureaucratic power of a mega-conglomerate more concerned about franchising opportunities than to tell a coherent story.

A shame. Such a shame.

The first WW had soul, was warm, had a story, a beginning, an ending. This one, not really.
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Life (I) (2017)
Aw, please!
20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
You know you *might* be watching a bomb movie when the main actor's character is killed in the first 15 minutes - just like Samuel L. Jackson getting out of Deep Blue Sea (1999).

A great cast, notable crew and good effects wasted away in a stupid story line that yanks away your suspension of disbelief from beginning to end.

As most fellow reviewers have observed, the "story" is just a sequence of characters stupid actions and unbelievable decisions that forces you to facepalm in amazement pretty much all the time

Should you REALLY want to watch this (instead of just reading the plot summary over in Wikipedia), lower your expectations. Way down

Ryan Reynolds is entertaining as ever, though. But that's it.
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Polarizing, for a reason.
18 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK, 1st thing 1st: it IS well written, acted and delivered. I'm on the 3rd episode and it is still compelling and interesting. BUT be prepared because is so heavy handed on "the world is full of gay people and only you are not aware of this" attitude. Every other scene is heavily sexualized. VERY much. And as I said, "you should really know how gay people relate on bedroom" is thrown in your face. I didn't get how these imagery is going to help the storyline. I mean, it's 2015. Audiences are pretty much savvy on storytelling and there are so many different ways to show or imply relationships. How flashing a wet dildo help out delivering the message? This Wachovsky's need to "address some particular issues" very publicly - and constantly - is what keeps nudging me out the watching experience. Pretty much like a kid in the back kicking your chair at the theater. But again, if they're able to balance this cringing "need" with the great storyline, it might turn out something to look forward. Well, at least *I am* hoping they reach that balance. : )
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Minions (2015)
Hold it if you watched the trailer
13 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK. The movie *was* OK. Kind of. But if you've seen the trailer - the long one - all the jokes (I mean ALL of them) are packed there.

Don't know exactly why they market films these days. Trailers: a 15 second cut of the whole movie. They include even the ending somehow.

But as in a superhero movie - in which you want to see HOW the good guy is gonna win at the end - this movie spreads thin throughout an hour and half, so you can see how their yellow cuteness and silly nonsense will take you.

It is still cool. But wish someone had warned me. I'd have waited to see it on TV.
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Bad acting, but really good kung-fu sequences
5 August 2013
Should've read more of this movie "hate it" reviews beforehand. While it was not that bad (aside from bad acting, clichéd character mistakes, plot holes, broken narrative pace, characters that never get tired), the rave good reviews and its high rating raised my expectations.

Not a bad movie, *IF* you're looking for a kung-fu movie, that is.

Feels like a movie out of the 90's (or the 80's), when character explain cleary for minutes what's already clear. Or when it tries to create thrill moving REALLY slow (it doesn't).

Being a low budget production don't account for giant plot holes. Or way too much visual "style". Low budget productions are allowed to have *bad acting*.

If I didn't know IMDb better, I would say this rating (7.5 - as I'm writing) was clearly genre-fans artificially over-hyped.
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Sad, sad movie
19 August 2006
Though very well conducted, this is a very sad movie. With weird characters and surreal situations, it keeps you interested on their lives and where (and how) this all going to develop along the flick. Elaine Cassidy as Felicia is superbly cute. You would remember her from Alejandro Amenabar's "The others"; side with Nicole Kidman - Elaine played the "mute girl" Lydia. Bob Hoskins is good as ever. Quite convincing and intense. Their backgrounds are suggested to the viewer more than shown on screen. But even with all this good elements together, it's something I would NOT recommend watching if you're on a bad mood day.
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The Hunger (1983)
Good book, poor adaptation
1 March 2006
I decided to rent "The Hunger" while re-reading the original book in which this movie was based on. I believe this is the 3rd time, or so, that I read this good book.

Since I watched this back in 1983, I couldn't even remember who were the other actors besides Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie. Susan Sarandon and Cliff De Young were kind of a surprise.

And... sorry, but I hated the movie: oversimplified the (interesting) original story. And way too gory. It also offers heaps of gratuitous pseudo-"sex" scenes and slow-motion cigarette drags.

The film is relatively short (by today standards) but it seemed much longer due to its self-indulgence: not scary, not amusing, non-interesting characters.

If only, this film can be watched for the makeup effects of Dick Smith, Carl Fullerton, and Antony Clavet done in Bowie's face. More impressive yet if you remember this was done in '83.

Anyhow, my recommendation is: get the book, don't touch this movie.
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An endless string of cringes
14 July 2004
He's just some kind of self-delusional madman within his own world on "intensity" and "stress".

"I'm so intense!", "I'm so funny!", "I'm fat but I don't care because I'm so cool!"

The movie's fine as long as you don't mind watching Jack Black "perform" his "intense" and "inspired" grimaces and "funny" faces every 10 minutes.

I don't know, he always feels like a Jim Carrey wannabe. Except he's not funny at all.

But the kids on the movie did OK. With that happy ending tone all over it to the point I felt it could be a Disney -Touchstone release.

That is: as long as you don't mind Jack Black, you can watch this movie. Maybe.
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It broke my heart
19 January 2004
The Terminator is a character idolized by thousands of people around the world. The imagery - along with unconscious symbols - made this character an icon for generations.

Jim Cameron ingenuity (with the help of Bill Wisher) gave us two movies that complement each other, folding the story in ways ever more interesting each time you watch them.

Action packed, fun and original. We helped spread the word on Terminator mythology.

How come a movie studio using their rights to use a character build up such a opportunity-jackpot-halfbaked popcorn movie just to make cash out of loyalty of this huge fan base?

I felt betrayed and sad when I saw this (God permits) last installment on this sequel. What have they done to my robot?

What did they do with my movie?
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A modern romantic tale
10 January 2003
With so many crap movies being produced, it is not easy to figure out why director's Tom Tykwer following movie after "Run, Lola" has been released only to the DVD. Let alone far 2 years later.

The fabulous Franka Potente plays Sissi, nurse in Wuppertal psychiatric hospital. Her life crosses with Bodo's (played by Benno Fürmann) when she's hit by a car: Bodo - which has just accomplished a hold-up - stops his runnaway only to perform a emergency tracheotomy on Sissi, so she can breathe while waiting for the paramedics.

After her recovery, she tries to get closer to the stranger that saved her life - and his feelings are not mutual. But the more Bodo drives away from Sissi, the more she insists. And more their lives entwine.

The result is not as original as "Run, Lola", but it brings back the same elements combination that must be Tykwer's signature: an absolut romantic tale (check out the movie's name) told with a modern package.
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