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The Manson family and their lesser known victims.
27 November 2017
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Helter Skelter is a British theme park ride where children climb to the top and slide down to the ground in a spiral fashion. The Beatles wrote a harmless song about it. Maniac cult leader and thankfully now deceased Charles Manson's only success in life was that he unfairly tarnished the term forever. He literally failed at everything else.

The Tate murders involved the murder of beautiful and talented actress Sharon Tate in her home on 9th of August 1969. What made this event most despicable is that she was eight and a half months pregnant. Four friends died with her that night. Manson was a such a coward that he stayed home strumming his guitar and smoking pot while his idiot followers carried out this heinous act. This one event signaled the end of the hippy free love movement. Sharon Tate's address was 10050 Cielo Drive in Los Angeles. This address is so infamous that the murder house was demolished and the current owners lobbied successfully to the Los Angeles council to change the address.

Most documentaries on this case focus on two people: Sharon Tate and her husband Oscar winning film director Roman Polanski. This one is different in that it focuses on the Manson family and their lesser known victims. Namely the four friends that died with Sharon Tate and the Labianca family, who were murdered after the murderers fled the scene. Its worth watching this one as it goes into great detail, especially if its viewed in combination with one that focuses on Tate and Polanski, so that the viewer gets the full picture.
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Benson (1979–1986)
Excellent comedy
25 October 2017
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Something compelled me to rate this very old TV show. When I googled Robert Guillaume' afterwards to see what he was doing lately, I notice that this great old comic had passed away just nine hours earlier.

Robert Guillaume's dignified role in this sitcom did more for race relations in this country than most politicians, sportspeople or presidents. It showed to audiences across America that Black People could be intelligent, wise, funny and helpful to others. You have to be as old as me to realise how powerful such a character is and the widespread positive effect it had. Watching a Black person in a position of political power was ground breaking with this show first aired and did away with many negative stereotypes that had abounded for centuries.

The greatest thing a Man can do is leave their country in a better place than they were born into. Goodbye Robert Guillaume. May you rest in peace and dignity.
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Mediocre film about nothing.
19 October 2017
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This was a self important bore fest. The plot was boring. The music and glitzy camera work tried to make it seem important, but putting a silk hat on a pig still makes it a pig. The standout performance was Michael Pena who is usually great in everything and Amy Adams who is probably the best American actress working today. Jennifer Lawrence looked like she was spending more energy in angling for the soap opera limelight than actually focusing on her character and Bale looked as bored as I felt watching this drivel. All of the characters were irredeemable. I didn't want them to succeed, I wanted to see them fail. It was just so contrived and half-baked. There are far better films worth your time.
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Good visuals yet boring story.
8 October 2017
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I saw the original long ago while on honeymoon in Europe. I've probably only seen it once since then and maybe I'm missing parts of the story, but this film didn't really make any sense. Here comes the plot.

Ryan Gosling plays K a replicant blade runner whose job is to hunt down older generation replicants (nexus 6). I think the movie said he was a nexus 8, a version safer and more compliant. For most of the movie K robotically carries out his orders in a passionless unemotional way. This makes sense since he is a robot, but its really boring to watch.

He tracks a nexus 6 replicant down on some out of the way place, "retires him". While on site K finds remains that are discovered to be that of a Female replicant. The body has bone damage consistent with a rudimentary attempt at a C Section. It's assumed the attempt killed her. Its also assumed that since she was buried, it was probably friends that did it. Enemies wouldn't bother being so respectful.

Central computer records show that she had twins. How they could figure that out just from bones is anyone's guess. Since such a birth happened in a black market part of town you would think such information would be hidden by the surviving nexus 6 that were harboring the deceased Woman. The records show the twin girl died, but the twin boy survived.

K then presumes he is that boy. Turns out he is wrong. He suddenly gets emotional about it, which doesn't make sense. I understand this film explores the difference between human and robot, but is just out of place and feels forced. Speaking of feeling forced, the visuals and music also seems similarly contrived. I don't like it when movies try to trick me into feeling a certain way.

Eventually K finds Dekkard (Harrison Ford) who confirms that the pregnant Woman was actually a replicant called Rachel. This of course means a miracle happen. A replicant actually gave birth, something hitherto thought impossible. Suddenly for the first time ever in the movie an action scene happens when the bad guys want to capture Dekkard. K suddenly decides to disobey his own programming and saves Dekkard. He introduces Dekkard to a young woman, who he believes is the missing twin girl. She happens to be Dekkard and Rachel's daughter. The End.

This movie was quite boring. I think it went for almost three hours. You could probably cut out an hour and the simple slightly confusing plot would still work. Something would be gained though, the film would flow better and be more entertaining. The plot dances around things that happened earlier; hunting down Nexus 6, some sort of rebellion, etc etc but none of that is in this movie. It should have been, it would have made this a better film. Maybe they'll do a reboot later and clear up all the confusion. I voted this movie a 5 out of 10.
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Watch "When Billie Beat Bobby" instead.
6 October 2017
My wife and I support the ideas shown in this film, but the film itself isn't so great. The story line of each character seems under cooked. They are not that well rounded and this makes it more difficult to enjoy the movie. I am now going to recommend a better film that covers the same ground this one attempts to cover. It is called "When Billie Beat Bobby". It was shown on ABC in the late nineteen nineties. It starred Holly Robbins as King and Ron Silver as Briggs. Watch that instead. It is a far superior film despite both films sharing the same writer. My wife tells me it is on DVD so buy it and support good work.
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Wonderful movie.
27 September 2017
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This film reminded me of the tale of Huckleberry Finn. That story's inner strength lies with the adventures boys get up to when their parents are not around. This film tells a similar story about two boys but involving a more modern plot, that of what two boys get up to when their drug addict parents are taken away by the state.

Child Welfare exists to help children, but they don't always make the best decisions. Sometimes kids fall through the cracks or are directly or indirectly harmed by its policies and actions.

The two boys try, fail and eventually find a way to live some semblance of a normal life despite working hard to avoid the authorities themselves. Some of the acting is uneven at times and the scene with the shop keeper didn't play out right. However the two lead actors were very good most of the time. It's hard work carrying a film, its even harder to do that at such a young age. The entire film revolves around them, they are in every scene. Its a film that is at times painful to watch, but the way the two characters bond is really realistic and well done.
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Old School (2003)
Ah memories
27 September 2017
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This movie has great nostalgia value to us older people who went to university. Its also a very funny movie in itself. The best scene has Will Ferrell leading a campus nude streak down a suburban street. He encounters his wife who is shocked to see him. But not as shocked as Will Ferrell is when she points out no one is following him. Todd Philips directed this and he tends to divide opinion. Some claim he is unoriginal. I agree with that, but his sense of comic timing is quite good. He also seems to allow his actors a large playful space to perform. He looks to be going into more serious filmmaking now so it will be interesting to see how his career unfolds from now on.
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SLiDE (2011)
Unsettling creepy producers
18 September 2017
The producers of this TV show exploit the female actresses on this show. They're really crossing the line and deserve to be revealed as the scum they are. Really unsettling news coming out of this production. Controversial men that treat young actresses like sex objects need to be banned from the industry. Disgusting awful behavior.
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Deserves respect.
18 September 2017
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This movie is essentially an updated version of The Lost Weekend which is a really old movie made long ago. A day in the life of a decent person that has fallen victim to the grip of alcoholism. Nicholas Cage's character wants to drink himself to death. Aside from all the drama that surrounds, thats really what he wants to do. The one Woman that could have saved him but loves him anyway, is performed by Elizabeth Shue. She respects him for what he is, and helps him on his way. I guess that is what true love. Accepting someone for what they are without judgement and that accurately sums up this magnificent film.
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The International (I) (2009)
A pretty good espionage thriller
25 October 2016
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This movie is solid entertainment. It packs enough intrigue and suspense to really grip you until the last frame. Clive Owen is usually pretty wooden, but he excels as the under pressure Interpol agent tasked to solve a crime while simultaneously not stepping on the toes of an incredibly powerful cabal of dangerous big business, contract killers and corrupt law enforcement officials. He has to walk a tightrope which provides the central tension of this powerful film. Naomi Watts is equally good playing his partner. This movie was also directed by Tom Tykwer, the excellent German director of Run Lola Run, so you can be sure this movie moves along at a fast pace. This is a good conspiracy theory espionage thriller set in today's high tech world of big business, corruption and war profiteering. Recommended.
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Solid B Grade Fantasy Epic
15 October 2016
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I use the word epic because this movie charts the life of a hero from small to warrior king in one movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his think accent does the opposite of what you would expect, it adds resonance to a fantasy hero figure from a strange far away land. The original stories were set in Northern Europe, but this movie is set in a desert which probably has more to do with making it easier for a Californian film crew than the fans of the original stories to fathom. This of course means nothing to people encountering the Conan myth story first in this film. Arnold is great as the hero of this picture. The other actors in this film give it their all, as does the late great James Earl (Darth Vader) Jones via his usual earthy deep toned voice and commanding presence (Arnold is barely half an inch taller). This is indeed a fun excapist film, but it is quite violent so you should not let your children or grandchildren watch it.
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Excellent movie I saw as a child. (SPOILER)
18 September 2016
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My Father took me to this movie at the old Rialto Theatre in Pasadena. It horrified me, but in a good way. The opening scene shows a Woman complaining to her Husband that She doesn't want to do something. The photography focuses however on a small boy, lying on the floor playing with toys. His ears prick up when he realizes that She (we later realize this is his Mother) is talking about sending him away. Seconds later an air raid siren sounds. The Boy runs downstairs to follow the commotion. Pandamonium reigns in the streets. He literally has to dive for cover after being strafed by enemy planes.

(Spoiler coming up) When he returns to his apartment, He finds both his Parents dead in the rubble of what used to be his childhood home. The sequence is reminiscent of Luke finding his Uncle Owen and Aunt Baru dead in Star Wars. It's a huge emotional moment in both films, and in the lives of two young human beings.

This is not a movie for children. It's a movie for Men reminiscing about when the tumultuous boundaries of their childhood were broken. Excellent movie, powerful and under rated. I also cannot seem to find this on DVD anywhere. I hope it comes on bluray some day.
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Pretty Awful 2/10 (spoilers included)
4 September 2016
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The opening scene is ridiculous. It literally follows the "idiot going outside to investigate a noise" cliché that was ridiculed in the movie Scream. The idiot of course leaves the door open. Zombie enters. Kills family. Stupid.

The character in that scene, nay, the screenwriters of this t.u.r.d. need to win darwin awards. This movie is so stupid. It's actually dumber than the first one, the zombie diaries. Both are awful examples of found footage films, well videos not films.

Do not waste your time.

This film, and the original movie, both suck.
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Top Gun (1986)
Decent fun film
19 February 2016
As a former Air Force cadet I'd like to point out how popular this movie is among airmen. It's easily the most well known popular film around.

That said, the USAF Aircraft in this film are not fighters, but low level bombers. The were employed in the sort of role that is now predominantly carried out by the newer and more effective warthogs (A-10 tankbusters).

I presume that the production crew were smart enough to realize that filming jet fighters is nigh on impossible regards the close up photography involved, so they went with slower aircraft.

For people that know military aircraft, the idea that F14 Tom Cats (low level bombers) being handed tasked with the job of clearing the skies of Migs (much faster more nimble dog fighting type fighters) is completely absurd. That said, this is a remarkably fun light entertainment type movie that everyone, even those in the know, can enjoy.
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Eight (II) (2016)
Caught this "film" at the TIFF light box
12 February 2016
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This movie was slow, turgid, boring.

The filmmakers attempt to gain sympathy vote by making a film about some obscure form of mental illness. It's a pity their ability to dramatize it was poor compared to how they explained it at the Q&A.

The only thing interesting about this movie was that it was shot all in one take. But literally nothing happens. The people that made it need to quit making movies. They suck because this movie was boring as all hell. A decent looking lead character in a slow boring movie, does not a good movie make.

Avoid. Horrible boring. Pathetic. Amateurish.
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Zombie Nation (2004)
Doesn't meet the "so bad it's good" category.
2 February 2016
I admit it. I only rented this because it had the beautiful and talented Karen Maxwell acting in it. Having seen the film, I now wish She hadn't been in it, because while I love watching her in films, I now regret her having this piece of crap on her film bio. I was expecting a "so bad it's good" movie. This doesn't cut the mustard by a long shot.

Where do I began? The complete nonsensical plot? The fact that it's basically an excuse to get pretty people to stand around other pretty people? There's actually no horror in this horror film. The only horror involved is the realization that you spent money on seeing it.

Looking at the rest of Uli Lommel's filmography, I realize he is just a low rent Uwe Boll. A clever guy that makes great looking trailers and posters that just happen to promote something he spends way less time on. His movies.
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Oldboy (2013)
This is a good movie. Ignore the hate.
23 January 2016
I thought this movie was decent. This movie is a remake of an Asian original film of the same name.

Yes I've seen the original and I think they're about as good as each other, just in different ways. Most remakes are sub par, but this was okay I thought. Some are a definite improvement, Dawn of the Dead, Solaris, The Man Who Knew Too Much. Sure plenty are crap, but if you haven't seen the original, switch your brain off and enjoy this movie for what it is, a decent take on the most powerful theme in movies, the revenge theme.

For those who have seen the original and are crying over my last sentence, go jump in a lake.
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In Her Skin (2009)
I hated this film on the first viewing.
21 January 2016
This movie is a puzzler. On the second viewing, I thought it was pretty good.

I don't know why that is for certain. Is it because, on first viewing, the film makes you angry about innocence stolen and snuffed out forever? This is the natural reaction you get from watching this, but the final shot makes you feel as though the makers of it disagree or were too busy being even handed, respectful to both families,that they leached the ending of it's inherent power. You'll have to see this film to find out. I will just conclude with this point. Dear filmmakers, choose a lane. This isn't one of those stories where you can "take both sides".

Miranda Otto is the standout performance, but the entire Otto family is wildly talented, so unfairly, a genius acting performance is to be expected from her clan and as per usual, she doesn't disappoint. Guy Pearce is solid and the young actors in this film are uniformly excellent. A solid crime film, based on a true story that you won't soon forget.
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Valkyrie (2008)
The best Hitler Bomb Plot Movie I've seen.
20 January 2016
There's probably a foreign language (German) film that is far superior, but I think this is probably the best Hollywood attempt at this interesting subject matter. I went and saw this at the cinema, not for Tom Cruise, but because I've seen a few documentaries on the subject. This movie of course stretches credibility in parts, but let's be honest the primary reason for movies is to entertain. You want enlightenment, go read a book or watch a documentary on the subject.

I'm not the biggest Tom Cruise fan, but he is excellent in roles where he is being pushed by unseen forces. He's able to create a level of tension that is believable. For proof of this, doubters can go watch The Firm, as well as the first and best Mission Impossible.
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The Scribbler (I) (2014)
Self Indulgent pretentious crap
19 January 2016
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I have not read the graphic novel this movie is based on nor have I ever watched an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I raise that point because apparently a few of the background performers in that famous TV show are plentiful enough for fans to remark this movie is something of a reunion. Whatever. Both things are lost on me. My thoughts here are just on this movie, nothing else.

This is one of those movies that make you admonish it for being an exercise in style over substance. Visually it is good value. It is photographed well and you can see real effort put into the production design. Trippy camera movement and odd angles add to the atmosphere of random voices whispering in corridors, vague figures and shadows dancing about on the periphery. This movie is one long schizophrenic's interpretation of another schizophrenic's manic stricken nightmare.

There isn't much order in the chaos. This movie is absent a coherent plot. Michelle Trachtenberg's famous long dark locks have been cut so short that she's unrecognizable and made to look quite plain. Stupid decision really. You need your stars to be recognizable. Rookie mistake.

Ex porn star Sasha Grey appears randomly wearing clip-on bunny ears for some unknown reason, but she looks so cute wearing them you forgive her. That spectacle plus a sex scene with Katie Cassidy (the choreography and photography stolen from a far superior surrealist film, Fight Club) and Ashlynn Yennie wandering about totally nude are highlights in a totally unwatchable turgid flick that would do well to market itself as style over substance.
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Decent flick considering its extremely low budget
19 January 2016
Look if you're expecting high production values, this ain't the movie you watch. Open minded Horror fans watch these really extremely low budget films in the hope of seeing the stars of the years to come, new talented directors to keep an eye out for, cheap thrills, blood and maybe some good looking Women being chased around by maniacs. This movie has some of that, not a lot, but enough to make the movie a decent night's viewing. It's shot and lit very well. It doesn't make you think the crew don't know what they're doing or where to point the camera (a good example is The Zombie Diaries, awful awful film). The breakout star of this film is Jen Dance, who is really beautiful in this and well cast as the timid sweet city girl out in the enclosed tense setting of a creepy looking forest.

Views seemed to be polarized. I don't care, I liked it.

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Identity (2003)
Excellent taut who done it with a twist
19 January 2016
This is an excellent film from a solid director at the top of his game. Most attempts at making a "twist film" fall flat on their face; This is one of the great ones. It's greatness lies in it's simplicity and the way in which it very compellingly weaves thrills, scares and exposition within the film's strong taut structure, leading to a surprising and satisfying conclusion.

The actors are all uniformly brilliant. Ray Liotta again is absolutely a standout performer as he was in Goodfellas for which he was rightly lauded for and John Cusack's brilliant turn makes us wish he had put in a similar performance in his more recent outings since.

I won't ruin it for you, but if you like thrillers, or just compelling stories in the Thriller genre, just watch it. Watch it now! 8/10
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Ca$h (2010)
Pandora's box
19 January 2016
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The Pandora's Box theme is a pretty common theme in crime films. Someone finds a suitcase full of cash (Shallow Grave) or something else of great value in the most ordinary of places.

In this story a suitcase full of cash literally falls into the main character's lap. In the most satisfying scene of the movie (a bad sign if this scene occurs early in the film as it does here), our down on his luck blue collar hero uses the cash to pay off bad debt, sticking it up their bank manager's nose in the process. Great scene. The villain vanquished, the hero returns to his home the victor to share in the spoils with his equally "beautiful people" wife.

The only trouble is, it belongs to Sean Bean, who comes after the money with all the vengeance of Ned Stark looking for his missing head. Once Ned ... whatever his name is in the movie ... finds our lovely but temporarily rich couple, he shacks up with them and the movie descends into a weak 21st century version of Fun With Dick and Jane (1977), minus the witty dialogue and great acting of that crime caper classic, in that "Ned" demands Jane and Joe Schmuck turn to a life of crime in order to pay back what little amount they had time to spend.

Bet you didn't see that coming? Well I did. So I'm only giving it a 6/10
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Good People (2014)
A poor man's Shallow Grave.
19 January 2016
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I rented this movie out, because it reminded me of the plot of UK low budget classic Shallow Grave. That's where the similarity ends, since Shallow Grave was actually good, this movie was slow to begin, slow in the middle, slow in the build up to the predictable somewhat dramatic ending.

I feel as though the makers of this movie couldn't decide what it was. Was it a drama? A thriller? I've been noticing this more and more as the years go on, one of the reasons movies made by committee usually suck. Most of the truly great films were made because one Great Man made them great.

The only positive in it, is that Kate Hudson is a fine actress and great to look at. I liked how she intoned the line "Guns are for pussies"; I'm inclined to agree. It's a pity this movie is for insomniacs and not fans of faster paced compelling thrillers. Tom Wilkinson was better as the genereic cop stuck with the task of solving what passed as the mystery element in this film, both he and Hudson was far better than Franco, who after a great early career, seems happy to get paid well, phoning in his performances. I thought he was thoroughly disinterested in the Planet of the Apes movie. 5/10
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