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I also wish I could give this movie a 0.
24 January 2010
Why oh Why do people like this movie? I lost interest in the first 10 minutes. The rest of the movie I kept wishing for it to end. It has a laundry list of stuff it did wrong; The suspense scenes went on way to long, there was usually no point to all the violence, it made me feel bad for the nazi's (thats a first), Diane Kruger in 2 scenes then gets killed, shitty ending, stupid plot line with the nazi guy and the french theatre owner, terrible accents, and Brad Pitt doing nothing and saying nothing importent for 2 hours. I will never ever ever see this movie again. This is the new definition of the worst movie I have seen. This was worse then vampire town or red blooded American girl and thats saying something. Overall DO.......NOT....WATCH.....THIS....MOVIE!
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Good for now but later?????
10 November 2008
Firstly I want to say I am a huge comic and sci-fi fan so I know a lot of these shows with abilities. When I heard about this show I looked forward but didn't pump myself up for it. When I saw it, it was absolutely freaking awesome. I loved the idea, loved the story arcs, loved everything.

But as the 1st season got into the meat, I felt that they had expanded the ideas so much that the final 5-6 episodes were basically to try and tie everything together. This made for a very scrambly feel as it all came rushing around the final conclusion. The ending for 1 was kinda weak. I wanted a huge ending with lots of fighting. Didn't happen.

Season 2 was bad at the start. I avoided watching it. But when the DVD came out I bought it and I really enjoyed it. Season 3 so far has had some busts and some awesomeness. Sylar as a good guy is good because I like the character. Seeing mohinder turn evil was cool too. Claire's story so far has been bad, very bad. Peter hasn't found his rhyme yet. After all he spent most of season 1 learning about abilities, season 2 he had no memory, and 3 his powers are taken away as he becomes a monster. Heroes has fallen flat. It needs to do something crazy and unexpected. Namely kill off a character. Nathen is good to kill and so is Tracy, and ando maybe.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
Great sitcom. God please these friends
4 November 2008
This show shows what can happen when talented actors strut there stuff. To be honest, the comedy in this show is great friends comedy. If you are in college or in your 20s, you will love this show. Most people probably won't find it funny, but if you do, you laugh very hard. Unlike other comedy's, this targets that audience who love friends comedy. It isn't like 2 half men or the office. It doesn't try to appeal to every person. It focuses on one demographic and hits it them over the head. I like this better then office and 2 and a half man, because it is sex comedy and relationship comedy. no weird comedy of the office and no classic comedy like men. THIS show just rocks. The actors are famous from other things. Allison was awesome in Buffy, Jason segel was awesome in freaks and geeks, and NPH was awesome in anything he is in. Give it a chance. Watch 3 episodes then make your decision.
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Animorphs (1998–2000)
Check it.
14 September 2008
When I heard animators had become a show I jumped for joy. I read the first 15 or so books, so I knew the mythology. The acting was amazing but the writing wasn't up to par. I wish they would bring all 26 episodes to DVD.

The stories were fun and worked well to the main plot even though it was different from the books. Keeping some secrets pushed away worked as well. Namely Marco's mom. The show told her story later on, not like the books which told her in the 4th book, I think. Give the show a shot. Just try to think of it as a re imagining of the mythology and you'll like the show.
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The Outer Limits (1995–2002)
Scary and brilliant
12 September 2008
I caught this show a few times when I was young and it was playing tilt, My parents loved it and now in syndication I feel what they feel. This show did what the original limits and twilight zone (new and old) couldn't do. This show used some old ideas and some truly original ideas.

I still cannot believe Jonathan Glassner and brad wright did this. Those guys were producers on stargate sg-1. The show kept the audience entrenched in the story and set a truly scary atmosphere. This is what was not there in the new twilight zone. Rod serling coming in added to the scariness, forest coming in lightened the mood.

The ending whether good or bad made for a scary time. You could never predict what was going to happen. I am still trying to find the seasons on DVD.
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