
31 Reviews
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Better than I expected
20 February 2023
I was bored and this was recommended on Netflix, had no expectations, but this did not disappoint at all! I guess there is still some hope for Netflix to have decent movies in their selection.

This movie is perfect mix of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Django. Might be something else too, but those two are the one's I find most similarities.

Nice shooting/fighting scenes and plenty of very beautiful scenery/cinema shots all across the whole movie. Also, I liked the build-up to introduce the "main bad guy" of the film, that happened to be the only actor I even recognized clearly from the cast.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Amazon adventure
14 October 2021
Quite good and balanced action and adventure film with mix of comedy.

OK'ish background story, maybe a little too much of a fantasy side for my taste, but sure will work just fine for younger viewers.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
14 October 2021
With Morgan Freeman kinda as a narrator in this, this felt more like one of his great narrated documentaries than just a movie.

Not too much of a overly edited CGI Sci-Fi film that you normally would see these days. Just a perfect balance of science and fiction with good performances from actors.
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Did they make this as horrible as possible?
7 October 2021
Didn't like the first Suicide Squad that much, but during this I only could think: Is this meant to be as bad as possible? Because that is exactly what it feels to watch this abomination.

HIGHLY recommend NOT to watch this, ever, by anyone. Use your two hours in any way other. Just not this.
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Hard Plastic (2020)
Would give this 0 stars if it would be possible
5 June 2021
As a background of 22 years of playing disc golf, this was just.a huge abomination to the whole sport.

Every aspect of this film felt off, nothing even felt to be even close to be real.

I spend.little over hour of my time on this, so you wouldn't have to!
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Greenland (2020)
So boring i had to watch two other disaster movies after this
21 December 2020
Big fan of disaster movies, but this was pretty big disappointment. It is not bad, cast (mostly the main roles) does decent job, but somehow it feels that there just isn't a working story to grow.

Almost everything in this movie is so predictable, if you didn't know it 15 minutes before it will happen, you sure get the feeling or line in the script at least one minute before. Will not recommend to anybody.
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Disappointed for the hype
5 February 2019
Been listening Queen pretty much my whole life and it's definitely in the top 10 or 5 of most listened artists for me. And by that it was the only reason why i did watch this till the end.

Malek did a great performance, no doubt about it, but it just can't carry all the rest of the movie till the end.

Maybe i'll see this again sometime, but it sure is not because of the movie itself, just because great music.
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IO (2019)
Poor attempt of a movie
21 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I expected way too much of this and it didn't deliver at all.

This whole movie is like from the Blade Runner 2049 movie. The desolated place where Deckard hides and ONLY that part, that's the whole damn movie, with dusty/cloudy air and the breeded bees, and in the end it turns out it's ok to breath, what a waste of time.

I can't say that the acting were poor, somehow they did ok, but overall the movie sucks.

Yet another useless Netflix-movie, don't bother to watch this!
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22 July (2018)
One of the best Netflix movies
14 November 2018
It's been a while since I've seen a great Netflix movie, they all seem to be just average or below that, but this was close to a masterpiece.

Actors did a great job and the story went on in a good pace. This movie gave a wider look to the whole story about the attacks and the aftermath.

Didn't know that much about the attacks before, just some things what I've seen from the news, this gave a much deeper insight to the whole story that you get just from the news.

Only thing I would change in this is that it would have been spoken in Norwegian, now it just didn't felt that real.
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Outlaw King (2018)
Not so great, better if it was mini-series
12 November 2018
This was well filmed and acted, especially the battle scenes were one of the greatest in any movie. Scenery of the filming locations were magnificent, as I expected. This could have been much better if this was made to a mini-series, now it feels to be just too packed.
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Not your regular 'murica flag waving movie
12 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Very enjoyable movie and was very surprised that the three main characters were actually the guys who did prevent the attack. Didn't know about this movie before I watched it, their acting was decent, much better than "real" actors who you see in so many B, and even A class movies.

I didn't like that much when the timeline jumped back and forth quite many times.

Movie about real heroes that actually are real heroes.
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Slow paced story, but somehow enjoyable
9 November 2018
Slowly paced movie, but somehow I enjoyed this and it felt this was over too fast. Not your regular World War II related movie, but I liked it.

Movie was missing something, I can't tell what, maybe I am just too used for more action packed or much wider story WW II movies.

If you are a fan of War movies this might not be for you, but for a history point of view this is 'Must See', even tho' this doesn't follow so correctly the true story.
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The Vault (I) (2017)
"I don't like ghost stories"
9 November 2018
Just like in the movie what Leah said. Yet another lame "horror" movie.

Maybe I am just emotionless, but there is still to find a single horror movie that is even slightly scary. I liked the idea of the movie and the back story of the bank, but that is it.

Nothing special about this, just like any other horror movie I've seen, will not watch this again, waste of time.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Not the greatest, but enjoyable
6 November 2018
Watched this with not-so-much expectations, but Vikander truly is an amazing actor and very believable. Not that many actresses could redeem Jolie's legacy, if anyone.

I liked the story and the the actions parts were done pretty nicely, Vikander fits to the role of Croft very well. Even when there most certainly were SFX's in play she totally pulled of most parts of the action scenes to make it as real as possible.
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Hard to choose was this good or not
30 October 2018
As a big fan of movies, TV-series and games I liked the idea very much and the movie was made very well. Don't know about the book, still after 31 years haven't read a single book fully, so I cannot say how does this follow book, but that hasn't been problem for me in any movie.

Visual effects might have been the best I've yet to seen, might have to see 3D-version of this sometime.

But the biggest problem and almost the sole reason to ruin this movie was the lame acting by Sheridan, he is almost as bad as the worst acting ever by Bill Paxton in Aliens.
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Might be the worst biography ever
27 October 2018
Oh boy, not a fan of Cheek and went to see this without any expectations, just expected that it would be bad and it truly was.

Friends have force-fed me Cheek's music and videos so i know something about him. And by that i can say Holma wasn't anywhere close to be believable to be Cheek.

There wasn't a single thing in the movie that i didn't know already just by hearing things about Cheek.

Waste of time and money, my recommendation is that don't watch this.
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Nerve (I) (2016)
Phone addiction and pressure from the crowd
12 October 2018
This was just a great movie of the problems in the modern time. People, especially teenagers and youngsters use way too much time online and get dragged away from reality and common sense when it comes to pressure of the crowd.

Roberts made awesome job in this role, have seen few of her roles and in those she just wasn't believable to the role, but now she did a great job.

Great idea for a movie, great acting, and well directed. The so well known cliché of girl drama in teenage movie was the only thing that bothered me, have never liked it in any movie.
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Yet another great Bateman comedy
11 October 2018
Wow, what a great comedy and a dream come true office Christmas party to be :)

I've always liked Bateman's comedy films, but i think this might be the greatest. Not to take anything from the other actors, good performance from all around the cast.

Not going to get the full 10/10, but still a good 8/10, was just missing something, i can't tell what. Must see Christmas movie.
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Battle Royale (2000)
Almost masterpiece
10 October 2018
It's been maybe over 15 years when I did see this first and at that time I was just a teenager and was just like "Woah cool, movie with killing and lots of blood, this must be great".

Now after a long time I did see this again and have a totally different view to appreciate this. Still there is some things that I might not get, because it's lost in translation and I am not that familiar with Japanese culture, yet this is definitely the best Japanese film I've ever seen.

If you have seen The Hunger Games, but not this you should be ashamed, this is many times better than those and one of the reason The Hunger Games was made for the 'murican people.
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Robot & Frank (2012)
Unique look of aging & family with mix of technology
4 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Don't know how I have missed this before, but I am glad that found this one to see before lost in the "old movies not to watch" category.

Plot is very simple, but that is why it makes this so good and effecting. I can easily see myself in Frank's shoes in the future.

Frank is a bitter old man who doesn't see his family enough and likes to be alone away from other people. That is until his son gets him a assistant robot to take care of him, even tho' Frank resists that in the beginning.

Story moves in a good pace and it doesn't take that much time until Frank discovers the robot could help him with something from the way past.

It's a little sad that the movie ends so soon, kinda felt it misses something from the end, but maybe that is just a good thing.
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The Greatest Musical Movie
29 March 2018
It has been so long that we have a musical movie to enjoy. This was a great mix of Grease (1978) musical and The Prestige (2006) mystery/drama factor.

Right from the start the movie just captured me in, it might have been the best opening scene I've ever seen and the ending wasn't that bad either.

Really great work in every aspect of the movie, critics could have not been MORE WRONG (No, wrong isn't an absolute state).

I think last time I enjoyed a movie this much was back in 1994 with The Lion King and this is clearly the adulthood equivalent of that.
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Trying to be funny
4 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seen many of the Pegg and Frost movies and most of them have been funny, but this just didn't deliver. The movie has a good idea for a story, but somehow I just didn't see how this would have fit in to that.

The "blanks" was a good surprise for the movie and how the movie reveled it was surely nice! I liked it, because I did't read anything about this film (obviously to avoid spoilers) before I watched this. So from that side, the movie had a nice surprise to it.
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Great sport story without too much of the sport itself
3 January 2018
Emma Stone and Steve Carell really pulled great performances in this one. Didn't know the real story of this before I watched the film, heard the names tho.

The movie is not your regular sport movie where usually it's way too much just scenes of the actual sports, this one had much better ratio with the backstory and the sports itself, really appreciated that.

Never before liked Carell's performances, but maybe this movie redeemed something back. Stone was brilliant as always, i bet she can't do anything wrong.
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Bright (I) (2017)
Die Hard meets LOTR in a very awful way
22 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The story is same time simple and still somewhat confusing during the whole movie. Magic is bad and everyone needs the one Wand to stop the Dark Lord, but why?

Where did the 2000 years of Orcs came from and why, did i miss something as i almost fell to sleep while watching this?

Surely they have spend lots of time for SFX and the many many Orc and Elf mask during the movie and you have to give credit for that, but other parts just don't work to make a great movie.

I hope Will Smith can't do more wrong, this ain't a good direction to go.
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Dunkirk (2017)
The biggest disappointment of the year
19 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge war and history movie fan i expected very much from this and by many recommends from friends, but this was just awfully boring the entire two hours.

If i would have known that it was so boring i would have just ended watching, but because so many recommended this i kinda hoped something huge would have happened in the end.

The whole movie felt like you were watching some cinematic documentary of beautiful scenery of landscapes and old fighter airplanes, and that was the only decent thing about this movie.

I think I would rather seen The Asylums version (Operation Dunkirk) of this, and that sure ain't a compliment if you know what kind of movies Asylum is capable of doing.
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