
24 Reviews
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A Solid $8 Worth of Summer Fun
19 July 2006
You've seen this movie. No new ground is trod here, nothing that is going to change the world. At times, it seems like a paint-by-numbers comedy that has been done to death. That said, it is a very enjoyable little excursion that keeps reality at bay for a couple of hours. Coming out of the film, my wife and I formulated the opinion that this film would appeal to married people more so than the date night teenagers towards whom most summer films are marketed. Any wife who has ever been mystified by her husband's inexplicable love of chicken wings and televised sporting events will appreciate the film, and any man who has ever been torn between his wedding vows and the almighty Guy Code will dig it as well. The bottom line is, don't go expecting this movie to change your life. Just enjoy it. Kate Hudson is adorable, Matt Dillon still carries considerable hunk appeal, and Owen Wilson does his standard schtick. But it all turns out well in the end. Well worth the $8.
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Forget the Hype
20 May 2006
Let me start by saying that I've never read the book, probably won't, I don't buy the whole conspiracy, and I'm an Anglican Catholic (sort of English Orthodox). That said. I enjoyed the movie. I didn't think it was a cinematic triumph or anything, but it was a solidly entertaining film. I liked Hanks and Tautou in their roles, I felt it was a pretty engaging whodunit, and my only real complaint is that it felt just a twitch too long.

It's a movie, folks. It isn't going to change the world, or rock the foundations of anything. It's just a movie. Get yourself some popcorn (layered butter, of course), and just enjoy it.
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Cry Wolf (2005)
Tight, Well Done
27 September 2005
A tightly-plotted thriller that is self-aware enough to play upon the expectations of its audience without pandering. Deftly hints at various red herrings without letting the plot become unfocused. Everything that happens makes sense, and there is nothing that comes out of nowhere for the sake of the oh-so typical "twist" at the end. In fact, even though the ending could be considered somewhat of a surprise, it does make perfect sense and isn't forced or fashionably ironic. The young cast does a great job with the very taut storyline, and the direction is excellent. I'd like to see this one get the attention it deserves while still in the theaters, but it should definitely take off on DVD.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
Made-for-TV Quality
26 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Fot the most part, this movie feels like a "made-for-TV" effort. The direction is ham-fisted, the acting (with the exception of Fred Gwynne) is overwrought and soapy. Denise Crosby, particularly, delivers her lines like she's cold reading them off a cue card. Only one thing makes this film worth watching, and that is once Gage comes back from the "Semetary." There is something disturbing about watching a small child murder someone, and this movie might be more than some can handle just for that reason. It is absolutely bone-chilling. This film only does one thing right, but it knocks that one thing right out of the park. Worth seeing just for the last 10 minutes or so.
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Fellini Meets Dario Argento
2 September 2005
A very imaginative and enjoyable film that suffers mostly from inexperienced actors trying to deliver stilted dialogue. The influences of Fellini and Dario Argento are fairly naked, but the story is unique enough to keep it from coming off like a pale imitation. Ostensibly the tale of a young girl left to her own devices in Rome after the death of her father and abandonment by her mother, the story concerns both the girl's obsession with punishing wrongdoers (a woman she sees steal a bottle of wine, her adulterous dentist) and the way she deals with her grandmother who has come to take her back to New York. There are some truly squirm-inducing moments as the girl brutally deals with the world around her, and a not-so-surprising "twist" at the end. Worth the rental, but not one to own.
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Talky, Thinly Plotted
25 August 2005
Another case of a stage play taken to the screen with no adaptation. There is a different dynamic for stage dialog versus movies, and it is painfully obvious as the characters deliver lines with no sense of pace. It comes off as a bunch of people just saying lines *at* one another. That's just one of the things that's wrong with this movie. What's worse is the loose, relatively incoherent plot. The simplistic relationship between the characters leads to a letdown when the final "dark secret" is revealed. The film tries for an intense, psychological edge; but the intensity never escalates beyond a bunch of people screaming and waving various weapons at one another, and the psychology never gets much beyond Psych 101.
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The Eye 2 (2004)
Far Better Than Expected
22 August 2005
I generally don't go into sequels expecting much. This movie isn't really a sequel, in the traditional sense, as it has nothing at all to do with the original. But it is a very effective little thriller, with some disturbingly good special effects and a decently conceived story. Better than a lot of the fashionable J-horror films currently being imported, and a worthwhile evening's entertainment. Hsu Qi is great as the lead character, a suicidal woman who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant by a former lover. If you fell in love with her in Jackie Chan's "Gorgeous," you will probably enjoy seeing a different depth of her talents here.
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Funny, But A Bit too "Stagey"
31 July 2005
A very dark, funny little movie. Parker Posey is tremendous, and most of the film exists as little more than a set-up for her character. My only real complaint is the stilted, "stagey" way the dialog is delivered. It feels like they are going for a 1930's Broadway play vibe, a twisted Rogers and Hart show, and the acting shows that direction. On a live stage, I'm sure it wouldn't have been noticeable; but the delivery is conspicuous when captured on camera. Still enjoyable, but the effect is distracting. See it for Parker Posey, and for a surprising Tori Spelling, and try not to worry too much about what happens at the end.
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About As Dumb As They Get
4 March 2005
There isn't enough space to explain the many ways this movie is a disappointing mess. Silly special effects and an incomprehensible plot are the least of this movie's problems. The film looks like it was conceived in the mid-eighties and just stewed until it could finally be made in the early nineties. The mullet-headed "hero," (complete with fashionable "Miami Vice" three-days shadow beard), the ham-fisted slams at Ronald Reagan, it would be funny if it didn't take itself so seriously. As it is, the movie is just pathetic. I actually feel sorry for the poor actresses who wasted their fine nude scenes in this awful movie.
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Shorty (2003)
Good Story, Could Have Been Better Movie
2 March 2005
A lifelong Virginian, I have to confess I had not heard the Shorty story before picking this movie up at the video store. It's a touching, entertaining story, and Walter "Shorty" Simms is priceless. There are some poignant moments (such as when Shorty's nephew is killed in a hunting accident) and some sports-movie drama (H-SC's goalline stand against Macon), but the production itself is rather amateurish. It looks like it was made by a local TV news crew, and lacks the depth it could have had if it had been made by more experienced filmmakers.

Worth seeing, and very enjoyable; just overlook the production values and amateurish feel of the project.
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King Arthur (2004)
He Said/She Said
6 January 2005
HE: Almost as bad as a major motion picture can get without actually stooping to casting Madonna in a lead role. Meandering, slapdash retelling of Arthurian legend that seems determined not to use any Arthurian legend anyone has heard of. Rips a page from the "Braveheart" formula, hoping to be successful just by having a lot of people with vaguely British accents say "freedom" a lot. All in all, the time we spent watching this would have been better spent shaving topiary into our dogs' fur or giving the parakeet oboe lessons.

SHE: As I sat there, thinking of all the innocent people who have never had the good fortune to be exposed to the actual literary deeds referring to King Arthur, and how this evil movie would make up their paradigm, I began to wait for smoke to come out of the DVD player. It didn't, but I had a good idea - I like movies with horses (I also like movies with plots, decent dialog, and characters more believable than sock puppet monkeys) but even that could not save poor King Arthur. I think it might have been vastly improved if performed only by horses. At least then the dialog would have contained more than two words. ("RUSSSS!" and "YAAAAAAA!").

Also, Japanese filmmakers ALWAYS attempt to keep anything amusing out of a film which is not supposed to be amusing. Anybody not laugh their ass off at the woads and woads of Woads?
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Club Dread (2004)
A Bit of A Letdown, but Still Worthwhile
6 March 2004
As much as I loved "Super Troopers," I was almost afraid to go see "Club Dread." "Troopers" was like lightning in a bottle, that rare combination of everything done right to make a great comedy. Could Broken Lizard do it twice in a row?

Sadly, no.

That's not to say that "Club Dread" isn't a very funny and enjoyable film. It's just that some of the magic that made "Troopers" so fantastic is just missing here. Jay and Steve are so occupied with their fake accents that they really don't get to shine. But, it's still a decent film worth the price of admission; and while it's not on the same level as "Troopers," I don't think it going to damage Broken Lizard's bright future.
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Going Greek (2001)
Good No-Brainer
11 December 2003
This movie isn't going to change the world, or bring all people together in the spirit of unity. It's a good no-brainer (turn your brain off and enjoy). Yes, you've seen the movie before; there aren't many, if any, surprises here. But it is still an engaging cast, and has the feel of a movie that was made to be fun and fun to make.

Rent the DVD, however, for the deleted scenes. It seems to me they cut out some things that were important to the story, such as it was.
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In A Perfect World
16 October 2003
In a perfect world, Bill Murray would win the next Academy Award for Best Actor for this film. And Catherine O'Hara would win Best Actress for "A Mighty Wind." Scarlet Johanssen would win her pay-back Oscar for the next worthy project she appears in. Sofia Coppola would finally be absolved for "Godfather 3." Alas. Comedy is never appreciated for the art that it is, and movies like this that defy easy categorization and require actual mental involvement from the audience are almost always wasted on the art-house crowd who applaud anything they don't understand because it MUST be genius.

So then. Go see this movie. Revel in Bill Murray and Scarlet Johanssen unmitigated brilliance, marvel in Sofia Coppola's deft touch, luxuriate in the rich visual imagery awash in every scene. Love this movie, and let it break your heart just a little. Leave the theatre better than you came in.
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Girl Fever (2002)
Once More, with Feeling
23 July 2003
If you've already seen "100 Girls," then you've seen this movie. The names and locations are changed, and a few minor plot points are altered, but it's still the same discourse on gender relations wrapped up in a hook-driven romantic comedy. It won't change your life, it won't make you a better person, but it will provide about 100-odd minutes of fluffy, carefree entertainment. Sometimes, that's just what the doctor ordered.

Which is to say that I liked the film, for all of its flaws. I liked "100 Girls," too. My only real complaint with this movie is its use of the gross-out to keep it from being a total date film. I could have done without the Clint Howard character completely.
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The Wrong Guy (1997)
Not Just for KITH Fans
13 July 2003
If you like Kids in the Hall, and are a fan of their wonderful comedy "Brain Candy," then you will love this movie. Starring Dave Foley, with a cameo from Kevin McDonald and sly references to "Brain Candy" (at one point, paging "Dr. Chris Cooper"), it continues KITH-quality humor.

If you've never heard of KITH, and have no idea what I was talking about in that last paragraph, you'll still enjoy this movie. A wry turn on the "Fugitive"-style drama, a wrongly accused man on the run always looking over his shoulder to one is chasing him. Tightly scripted, well acted, and just plain funny.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Better Than It Had To Be
4 July 2003
Face it, they're Disney. They can turn out a completely unwatchable piece of tripe and it will still make money. And Pixar has completely earned the right to rest on its laurels. In these days where half-assed efforts are more the norm for studio pictures, it is refreshing to see that they actually got their backs into this one. It is funny, touching, visually stunning, and completely entertaining at every level. The voice talent is uniformly stunning, though it is Ellen DeGeneres who steps up a few classes and all but steals the movie as Dori, the fish with no short-term memory. Albert Brooks, it is to be hoped, will finally gain a small portion of the respect due him for this popular but uncompromised role. A must-see.
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A Touch Over-the-Top, But Still Worthwhile
1 July 2003
Let me say that the acting, which would be considered hokey and overdone by today's standards, was pretty much the norm for the time it was made. No one can fault Heston or Hutton for their overdramatic turns here, and you can't blame de Mille for the almost stage-like feel of virtually all the acting. If not for Jimmy Stewart's gentle, layered performance, it might not even be noticeable. That said, the color and spectacle of the film is stunning, and Hutton's mid-air duels with Wilde really are breathtaking. It's a longish movie, but it never drags and satisfies to its cataclysmic climax to its heart-rending denouement.
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What A Big Big Big Big Big Big Waste
15 June 2003
It took me years to finally see this movie, and now I know why. It is slow, ponderous, unfunny, traffics in stereotypes and mugging for laughs, and guilty of misusing the enormous comedic talent at its disposal. I like Stanley Kramer's work, which is why this movie was especially disheartening. He has absolutely no sense of pace or timing, the script is overlong by about 75 pages, and his leads are almost painstakingly kept from being funny the way they know how. There isn't one solid laugh in the whole thing. See it just to say that you've seen it, but that's about it.
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8 Mile (2002)
Better Than I Expected
16 May 2003
After finally seeing this movie, I understand what the hype is about. Judging crossover performances as a whole, I believe Eminem certainly presents a more compelling screen presence than Prince did back in the eighties. The story is realistic, and well-told. Even if you're not a rap fan, as I am not, the movie has more to do with the lives of people whose story is rarely told without histrionics and distortion. My only real complaint is that Eminem's sense of humor, which for me is the only thing that sets him apart, should have been more in evidence. Let's hope he gets another chance to showcase that side of himself.
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A Weak, Unfunny Comedy
10 May 2003
I seem to remember a lot of hype about this movie when it came out, but had avoided seeing it throughout the years. I wish I'd waited longer. Maybe this movie was funny in 1988, I don't know. I was younger then, but it didn't seem like the world was that different. Michelle Pfeiffer, lovely as she is, is never convincing. Mercedes Ruehl not only chews scenery, but stuffs it in her cheeks like a gerbil to save for later. Dean Stockwell is about as convincing as a mob boss as James Gandolfini would be as principal dancer for the Bolshoi. And Matthew Modine demonstrated the most pronounced case of delayed puberty I've ever seen. All in all, it's not bad enough to make you want to pluck out your eyes with a melon-baller, but it's not far off.
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A Mighty Wind (2003)
Subtle Brilliance
9 May 2003
Sure, there are some laugh-out-loud moments, but what makes this movie (and most Christopher Guest movies in the same vein) are the subtle moments. If you appreciated Peter Sellars' performance in "Being There," you will get a lot more from this film than just the big laughs in the trailer. Catherine O'Hara is beyond great. It's a shame that this movie is released too early for serious Oscar consideration, and that comedies rarely if ever get the respect they deserve.
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Not Brain Candy, er, Surgery
7 March 2003
Taken for what it is, "Stealing Harvard" is just a "turn your brain off and enjoy" movie. I'm no fan of Tom Green, but Jason Lee does a wonderful job and director Bruce (Kids in the Hall) McCullough acquits himself. It isn't up to par with one of my favorite comedies of all time, "Brain Candy," but well worth an evening. Be sure to watch the deleted scenes on DVD, particularly the "Band Candy" scene.
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Like Waiting for a Polaroid that Never Develops
2 March 2003
Generally, slow-developing films tend to be spend a significant amount of time establishing characters and/or situations. This film doesn't. It just unwinds, slowly. It spends a lot of its time doing nothing, loitering on the screen. Characters who could have been interesting never are (memo to filmmakers, it is best not to have a main character who is the strong, silent type if ALL he is is strong and silent). Don't let your intellectual vanity convince you that there is more going on that meets the eye in this movie. It is simply waiting for a Polaroid that never develops.
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