
16 Reviews
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Mixed Feelings
24 November 2009
I have always been a big fan of Indiana Jones...but this one crosses into a new area that changes the way I have always looked at the Indiana Jones movies.

Part of the excitement about these movies has been that they could happen that way..sure some things are way Hollywood but the basic idea's and concepts in the movies have been very realistic for the most part.

I thought the movie was really good up till the ending sadly. Was nice to see that most of the same characters were used. All I can say is the movie is worth seeing at least once but keep an open mind.
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Blood Ties (2007)
Blood and Romance
24 November 2009
When I first started watching this show I wasn't sure how it would go but then as I watched show after show it really pulled me in. All the characters were very different. Not your normal set of characters.

Everyone gave a special something to the show. Also the love triangle always played so strong. You were always left wondering who would turn to whom.

The stories behind the episodes were pretty unique I thought. I even enjoyed the music that was interlaced into the shows. The end song was very catchy. It was just music but it just worked. Very sad to see that no one picked up the show and kept it running.
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Changeling (2008)
Lost and Hurt
24 November 2009
The role that Angelina Jolie plays in this movie is so strong, you feel the emotions this character must go through. You fully understand the idea and thoughts this mother had.

The movie revolves around this one persons life and you see everything that impacts her from all sides and the suffering she feels.

I was impressed with the costumes and makeup, it all just adds so well to the time that the these things all took place. You get a very strong feeling for what life was like at that time and how people were treated then.

Angelina Jolie has such a strength to show so many powerful emotional feelings and can draw an audience in to feel every bit of it.
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Wanted (2008)
Sexy Action
24 November 2009
This was another great movie with Angelina Jolie, she is super hot in this one and plays a great wild and sexy character.

I very much enjoyed the writers take on the office environment. The boss and cubicle mess. I think we have all experienced that working situation before.

The movie is full of action and cool stunts / effects. You never get bored watching it.

The movie also contains twist that one may not expect either. It's interesting to see how sides are chosen when the truth comes out. The music really helps build up the scenes too. Great sound track.
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Catchy Followup
16 August 2009
I am a big fan of the original "10 Things I Hate About You" and I wasn't sure how I would feel about this new TV version. I was very surprised to find that they kept the father from the original movie version staring Leger and Stiles.

This added to my appeal to start watching the TV show. For the most part the cast is fairly new to the world. A few have done other items but this is a bigger spot light for them.

The show itself has turned out to be cute and sassy. There are some moments that I am reminded that the this may be set for an audience of a younger age then I but I still find it entertaining. I wondered how they would turn a movie into several little shows. It has turned out pretty well from what I have seen so far. They have given the all the characters a chance to develop and have put more into their personal backgrounds.

The interesting twist of this series vs. the movie is the relationship between Kat and Patrick. That has blurred a bit in this version. But the overall reaction is still attractive between the two.
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Bones (2005–2017)
New Twist on Crime
10 February 2009
I have watched several police and crime type shows but when I first came across this show and discovered that there cases were based on not the living but bones of the dead from leftover crimes. I found this different, a new twist on crimes and solving them. I have now fallen in deep with the show and enjoy watching it greatly. The characters are both strong in the roles they all play and they still have that base of comical fun mixed in that keeps it amusing despite that they are what you would say "digging up the dead." I would have never thought that so much could be understood by the right tools and the study of bones but then again we do understand a great deal about the dinosaurs and they have been dead for centuries.
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Watch for Bites
20 July 2008
This is an older movie but its a funny little film. The movie moves fast and keeps your attention and draws you into the main characters life.

Just how hard would you fight off a person who shows up in the middle of the night wanting to please you and seduce you? Life can change faster then you know sometimes though...and for some of us. We may not even understand at first why those changes are going on. The film is funny, face paced and quick witted. Obsession with the night life can cause some interesting personality conflicts at the office at times too.
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The Jokers Smile
20 July 2008
I had high hopes for this film and I was not let down. The movie was drawn up with a strong cast of very good actors and actresses from the start.

The mood of the Joker plays the perfect setting through the whole movie. "Evil is best met with a smile." Good and evil fight hard in this one. Life can make a person stronger or weaker. What happens is your choice,you can make it happen or you can leave chance to the flip of a coin.

Ledger will be missed. I have seen several of his films. This was a great art of work for him. I don't think anyone could capture it quite like this.
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Dark & Cold
20 July 2008
I read the book first then watched the movie. The movie follows the book well. I enjoyed watching the movie come together from start to finish even though I had a good insight on what to expect.

The movie leaves you thinking about what you might do in a place where your cut off from the rest of the world. Could you manage to remain calm in the dark for 30 days? The characters were interesting and this does contain your classic Hollywood vamps you see in other movies. This will be a good horror movie to watch for those who are looking for something a little different. Its got a little action and suspense with a twist of dark romance.
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Alien Apocalypse (2005 TV Movie)
Never give up
20 March 2008
When all is doubted and all seems lost never forget that one man can bring back the pride and that man is a "Space Man" and a doctor. Who later discovers that while meeting a beautiful lady she has the best cure of them all, ale. Not only a great way to heal the sick but a great way for helping to forget your sorrows and remember the past before (they) came…the film is what you expect. Corny funny. The humor is light but it draws you in. The world has changed so much since we last knew it…life is just living everyday and trying to make do with what is left of what you have which is not much of anything. Out of fear even some of the humans have traded sides hoping to be on the right side when the time comes. One mans non-stop courage gives hope and determination to everyone around him…he gathers followers returning faith that has long faded and proves that sometimes you have to take control of the madness yourself and stop relying on someone else that may not even really exist anymore.
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Secret Window (2004)
Written IN my head
14 February 2008
They say that when you make up a lie and you say it enough times you start to believe its true but what happens when you write a story and you read it enough times? I guess the same logic could apply. Writing can be stressful to a writer when he leaves a story unfinished. Life itself is plain stressful just on its own. But an active imagination and a lonely writer can be deadly when life starts to stress you out. Your mind starts to write its own story and sometimes the lies begin to become real or do they? Reality and imagination can become a blur. Conversations you have in the world around you seem so real and things you do begin to seem like pages out of a story. This film keeps you guessing all the way through as to what will happen next. The characters all create a wonderful cast of believable settings and you find yourself involved into the story from start to finish. Nothing is ever what it seems and people are driven to the deepest depths of unimaginable things when things don't always go there way and hurt is deeper then they know or would like to admit.
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Juno (2007)
Classy & Cute
6 February 2008
I enjoyed the film a great deal because it was classy. It took the lives of two very realistic characters and put them into a very realistic problem. The characters were believable and touched on subject's student's embrace these days in high school. The comedy itself swings around the lifestyle of living in a somewhat small town vs. the larger city lifestyle. Where everyone knows everyone and everything you do so nothing goes unknown. But the main character has a funny way of dealing with all the issues at hand with her fast pace humor or quick jokes. So no matter the situation it seems nothing will ever be a let down. Life is never simple as it goes though and even when things seem as perfect as can be things can change on you. Through the strength of true friendship and trust along with the deeper understanding of love one can find ways to over-come what burdens the heart. You can find that with time problems can be resolved with careful planning and discussion. In the end everyone found their rightful place to be with lessons well learned.
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Cloverfield (2008)
What's Out There?
28 January 2008
To me a good movie is the kind that leaves you wondering what's going to happen next. Something that makes you think…what would you do if you were in that situation? How would you re-act? I liked the film. I really only had one real disappointment with this film and that was the how it was filmed through the eyes of a single camera. Some-what like "The Blair Witch Project " thankfully our camera person in this film was much less shaky then that of the Blair Witch crew so you could actually see what was taking place as it was happening. The character build up was nicely done. You're quietly introduced into the lives of a group of individuals that at a perfect time were all brought together. If not for this moment some may not even have spoken to one another. Within a second everything changes and the city feels like it's become a war zone…no one even knows what's going on. You, as well as the characters are left waiting wondering looking around for a clue as to what happen…once the chaos starts. Earthquake, plane crash, bomb? What?
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Death is slow
16 January 2008
I am a big fan of the first AVP and though this one picks up right where the first one left off, the story line is a great deal different. The characters believable as they might be don't fit the film. It seems that the cast seems almost more set for a TV type setting then a movie. The flirty girl, the mom coping for the love of her daughter, the desperate housewife fearing the worst when her husband goes missing…all modern drama you would find in today's TV pop serious. The feeling you normally get watching Aliens or Predator was not here. It was like watching the movie Gremlins except here, no one fed anyone after midnight.
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Not a Fantasy Vampire Story
5 December 2007
I would not call this your normal fantasy vampire story. It doesn't depict the normal horrors of the vampire world as we normally see or hear about from vampire movies or stories. It's a bit slow and tame for a vampire movie but has a lot of big named movie stars like Lucy Lu and Marilyn Manson that add some interesting character elements to the film. Lucy gives her character a very sexy feel, though her character's mind is set on revenge she still gives in to the softness of human feelings of loss and regret. Manson's part I thought was very different, I like it because we know him as a very different person and this role was nothing like anything we know. I credit him for playing something totally refreshing. Though the part might just seem like he's playing a kick back guy running a bar, it was not expected. That's what you want from actors, someone who can play several different roles and be convincing. The film over-all has it lulls; I don't think it would have done well in the theater. It has a potential to do well, if a few unnecessary scenes were removed from the film I think it would be really good and would come together better. As it stands I found it just a tad bit slow.
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Great Twist
19 November 2007
I liked this story because it's not your classic suicide story. Its takes the morbid taste of suicide and gives you a twisted perspective of life after death. It's creative in this way. For that, I credit its writers. The main characters are fun and believable and then there are a handful of side characters through out the movie that add a fun element to the film creating a unique charm. Despite that this movie is based on the tragedy of suicide it's not a horror movie at all but a dark comedy, you will find places to laugh. My favorite part is the black hole…for truth be told I think I knew a person who actually had one in there car. The movie has a lots of continuous odd events that occur through out it's entirely which leave you wondering just what will happen next.
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