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You can't compare it to the movie.
1 May 2023
The movie was one of a kind, and the show seems to be taking the premise and exploring Alex's side more deeply, while possibly adhering to the original ending the movie had, but never stuck to. It's certainly worthwhile in 2023 to finally explore Alex's story, but this show doesn't capture what made the movie so special.

The acting is good, the writing is so so, but it's simply missing the magic of the movie. Maybe it's a lack of chemistry among the leads, or that the present day unravelling of the mystery/Dan's daughter's storyline feeling clunky. I'll probably stick with it to see how things play out, but I'm not disturbed and captivated the way I am during the movie (and I've seen it many times).
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Law & Order: Mad Dog (1997)
Season 7, Episode 18
One off the creepier episodes of L&O.
2 September 2022
One off the creepier episodes of L&O.

Law and Order has certain episodes that stay with you, often times because of the dark storylines, intelligent writing, and powerful performances.

This episode is no different, with the debate as to whether McCoy goes too far and especially Burt Young's performance, who plays creepy in a very effective understated way. But I also found two unique aspects to it that stuck in my head for a good while afterward: the music and one special effects shot.

The L&O score is generally very similar episode to episode, but here, a few scenes that were dark were accompanied by a new musical accompaniment: a simple one to two note ping. It reminded me a lot of episodes of Unsolved Mysteries who often did the same thing. It was eerily effective, in small part because it was unexpected.

The other element was a special effects shot used when a crime tech showed the detectives an imprint in the lab. The show superimposed an image (no spoilers) which is something I have VERY rarely seen done in the show, if at all. The above mentioned music accompanied this scene, making for a double dose of new and disturbing.

I can't help but keep thinking of those single few notes, that image, as well as Burt Young, a good few hours after I've watched the episode. It compelled me to write this review as it's not often a procedural with as many seasons as Law and Order can surprise you.
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Uncoupled (2022–2023)
Not perfect, but enjoyable!
31 July 2022
It's fun enough and while many are saying Marcia Gay Harden is their favourite part, it's Tisha Campbell for me! Went through the episodes quickly, finding it a nice balance of comedy with heart.
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Such a disappointment
23 May 2021
Watched the original and this back to back, which made it painfully clear how bad the sequel was. I was laughing throughout the original, I laughed once during the sequel. Watched it once and never again. I'm just going to pretend it doesn't exist during my annual viewing of Coming to America.
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A letdown of a finale for this series.
13 April 2021
The series wraps up not saying goodbye to its beloved characters and sending them on their way with love, but wasted on a premise for a spinoff for Blair that never took off. It's unfortunate and disappointing all these years later to be missing a proper finale.
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A storyline that would never fly now.
11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode features a storyline where a female passenger who hasn't been near a man for six months kidnaps Gopher. She locks him in her cabin and plies him with champagne and aphrodisiacs in an effort to seduce him, not letting him leave for two days. She even ties him up and gags him when the crew comes looking for him. The craziest part is once she lets him go, he is suddenly interested in her.

This storyline doesn't land today, and instead feels creepy. Really makes one realise how things have changed since 1983.
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The only unhappy ending.
11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Love Boat is a pretty feel good show, with numerous storylines: some dramatic, some funny, some in between...but they all get resolved in an hour always leaving passengers happy as they disembark to head home.

This episode is unique as it's the only one (that I know of) that features an unhappy ending for a passenger couple (the show seems to save its sad outcomes exclusively for the crew, who all lose numerous loves in various ways over the seasons).

The other storylines in this two-parter are typical TLB fare, but the one featuring John Forsythe and Ursula Andress stays with you. Both actors are compelling in making you believe they are truly in love, but despite any hope you have for a typical ending, tragedy befalls them. In rewatching the series sometimes I choose not to watch this episode because it ends on a sadder note, sometimes I steel myself and go for it. This is a memorable one simply because it's a little different than the rest.
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Hart to Hart: Harts and Fraud (1982)
Season 3, Episode 24
They used a scene from another episode!
6 March 2020
This episode is interesting, with enough twists and turns to keep you entertained. What makes it stand out for me is that the intro scene where Mr. and Mrs. Hart are riding their bikes is an edited version of a previously shot and aired scene from "This Lady Is Murder" Season 2, Episode 3.

It's not merely the action that's repeated, but they included the dialogue as well. Jonathan says he likes to ride behind Jennifer, she asks if that's a compliment, and he replies "you can be sure of it". Then he says he could really go for Max's huevos rancheros, with Jennifer responding that the vegetation is beginning to look edible. They cut out when he suggests they get an ice cream, but left in his saying they'll race, with the loser treating (which makes little sense without the ice cream part). Jennifer then asks he give her a 30 second head start, which in "This Lady Is Murder" facilitated the plot point of her getting kidnapped.

I've never seen a show do this before, so this makes this episode rather unique in my view! It's a little disappointing that the show was too lazy to shoot a new intro, but my guess is it happened late in the editing process and they realised the episode was short on time. Rather than shoot new exteriors they shot a new interior intro and matched the clothes to their existing footage.
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Hunter: Rape and Revenge: Part 1 (1985)
Season 2, Episode 6
Intense episode.
12 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first of a two part storyline that centers around Sgt. Mccall's rape and Hunter's attempts at obtaining justice. (Spoiler: he doesn't, which leads to the second part where he takes the law into his own hands).

It's interesting to watch this episode now, after years of Law & Order SVU and a recent Grey's Anatomy on the same subject. They depict the hospital examination process realistically, which you didn't see a lot in police procedurals at the time. (Not a lot has changed, although they seem to ensure the doctor is female for female patients, these days.)

What's more interesting is we see McCall's progress through a therapy montage (her with her counsellor, Hunter working on an injured shoulder). So it avoids a thing many shows from the 80s did where someone endures a trauma, and suddenly in the following episode they're fine. Today's shows write previous history into many future episodes, but it wasn't something we saw a lot back then. At least with this episode we see that time has elapsed and she's done a lot of personal work to get where we'll see her in future episodes.

It's not easy to watch the usually tough McCall so affected by her rape, but it's certainly realistic. This episode really cements the connection between Hunter and McCall, showing just how much she trusts him, and he cares about her. An important one for the series.
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The Facts of Life: Concentration (1986)
Season 7, Episode 18
A rather touching episode.
11 February 2019
This was one of those episodes that had a serious subject matter in a storyline. Largely due to the performance of Nehemiah Persoff as a concentration camp survivor, it is rather touching. Recommend watching this one, if only for that.
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