
9 Reviews
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Hello Ladies (2013– )
Serious Promise
14 October 2013
I understand the criticisms but the show has only gotten better. If you are a fan of gervais and merchant's other works, definitely check it out.

Stuart (merchant) can definitely be dislikable but i think overall he is a man who is just blinded by the medias portrayal of the Hollywood dating life. Episode 2 in particular, he comes off as an unsympathetic character but it picks right back up in episode 3 playing a desperate awkward loser. I hope the show picks up its steam like it did this week, because if it does, this show is a winner.

Not to mention the side characters are amazing like Jessica and Rory.

The show contains merchant's dry humor as well as the office- us (also creators of the show) silliness. Try it out and keep up with it as it is only improving.
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Brave (2012)
Anesthetically beautiful, Storyline lacking
6 December 2012
I gave this a 6 purely for it's beautiful CGI. The animation was spectacular, and I couldn't stop staring at how beautiful it was- particularly Merida's hair. The voices were spot-on and fit perfectly. However, going into the movie knowing zero about the plot, I was immensely disappointed.

The story I would, however, give a 3. The story is one of the most bland, cookie-cutter animation story lines. Girl wants more, girl meets witch, witch casts spell, girl must learn lesson to reverse spell. Also I never really understood where the "Brave" part came into play. I suppose the main character was "brave" in wanting her own destiny, but I was expecting it to surround some sort of gallant adventure.

Overall the movie was really forgettable to me, and at times boring. There was barely any humor to break up the monotony of the storyline. Personally, in order for an animation to be memorable it needs to be either; an unforgettable story or a really humorous script. Brave was neither. This story will be easily forgotten in 10 years and will most certainly not go down as a classic.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
One of the best character comedies
13 September 2011
I will admit that during the first season, I was alongside the majority of people saying this comedy sucks. But looking back on most comedies, the first season is always choppy due to the writers and actors figuring out the characters.

Today, Parks and Recreation easily has the best cast of characters on TV and is genuinely funny. Like Exec-Producer Mike Schur (also co exec producer of The Office) says, it's a character comedy; where the characters are at the center of it all, like the classic hit Cheers. Every single character on Parks and Recreation is lovable. This is a heart-filled comedy among cynical comedies (30 rock, The office, etc. Which I like btw) and you fall in love with each character and laugh along with them. Even the most cynical characters- like intern turned assistant April and die-hard libertarian boss Ron- are extremely lovable and good hearted.

It is a show worth trying if you want to laugh and smile. I would suggest starting at the beginning of season 2 because that is where the comedy lifts off. I now look forward to it each week to see what the characters are up to!
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Thank you Australia!!!!!
29 January 2010
Thank you Australia and Chris Lilley for creating the funniest show on television!!!!!!

I saw Summer Heights High on HBO, here in the states and I thought "This looks dumb". Dumbest thought ever. This is the funniest show. The realism, the quirkiness, the pure genius of Lilley! It honestly feels like a real documentary- only freaking hilarious. I cannot even pick a favorite character, they are all so hilariously brilliant in their own way! And I love how Lilley used non-actors because it just made the sense of realism even greater. But the characters themselves are relatable! Everyone knows a Ja'mie, a Mr G, and a Jonah. Maybe they are exaggerated but we all know them.

If your like me and your not sure whether to watch it....WATCH IT! You will NOT regret it, that is unless your sense of humor is unfortunate.
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Its not mindless humour
24 January 2010
For those who think it is strictly potty humor and immaturity, you are in fact the mindless one. While the show does contain its share of potty jokes it also contains a lot of satirical material and pokes fun at social problems, racial barriers, cliché's,stereotypes etc. You just need to read into some of her material a bit more to get it.

What I also love is that not everything is a punchline. For those expecting a formulated joke like Friends (I LOVE friends fyi), you won't find it here. Instead Sarah uses situations and other ways to achieve her humour which is more realistic. We don't walk around in this world and have witty punchlines for everything said, which is in most comedies. Instead the Sarah Silverman Program makes it more realistic in this sense.

So don't take it as mindless humor because it is so much more than that.
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The Mighty B! (2008–2011)
Funny show
14 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Im in my upper teens but I still think this show is really funny.

Amy Poehler does such a funny voice and it kinda reminds me of her character Katie on snl.

I really think Nickelodeon finally is back and has a great show. They have been needing a hit since Spongebob and I think the Mighty B may just be it. Its funny for all ages.

Give the Mighty B a chance, its not another awful Nick show like Avatar the last stupid airbender. I really think this show will last for years to come like Spongebob has already done.

Give it a try!
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The Hot Chick (2002)
don't listen to the critics this is hilarious
18 November 2007
This movie is hilarious. its one of the only 1 star movies that I really really like. If you like Rob Shcneider then you'll def like it.

Yeah its not an award winner but its enough to make you laugh out loud. BUT you have to be somewhat immature to laugh at this movie. If you are easily offended or like more witty humour then this isn't for you.

Rob as a girl is hilarious. The facial expressions and the voice right there is enough to make me laugh.

If you see this movie don't go in with a serious attitude. its just a silly funny movie. I can see how people don't appreciate it because they are older and more serious about matters. But under the age of 25 you probably will get a kick out of it
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Funniest movie ever!
18 November 2007
This is by far the funniest movie ever. I went in NOT wanting to see it because some people said it was awful. But I have never laughed in a movie theaters so hard. The people that don't like this movie don't like Will Ferrel. If you don't like his kind of odd quirky humor then you wont like it. Although I don't know how you cant. Even if you don't like Will Ferrel I still cant see how someone could find this movie bad.

Go see it definitely. Some people I know didn't care for it the first time AT ALL but the second time they watched it they loved it. My friend I was with didn't like it at all, but when it came on DVD she watched it again and its now our favorite funny movie. So if you didn't like it in theaters give it another chance because you may like it the second time.If you wanna laugh really hard go see this movie!!!!
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Happy Feet (2006)
One of the worst Animated Films ever
18 November 2007
I saw this movie thinking it was going to be amazing since the reviews weren't too bad. Turns out it was one of the dullest, most mind numbingly awful movies ever.

I love musicals but this "musical" suckedddddd. The songs weren't catchy in the least and the dancing was so boring. All you see is animated penguins tapping for half an hour each time.

It wasn't even funny! I thought it would be amusing but not in the least. I probably smiled 2 times in this movie and thats at Robin Williams little quips. But they weren't enough to laugh.

Overall this movie is bland, drawn out, and unfunny. I advise if your kids cant pay attention well to a movie, that not to take them to it. Im guessing older people liked the movie because the visual effects were good. But as for a young person like me, and all my friends, it was terrible. I was glad when it was over
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