
9 Reviews
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Far better than I expected
29 June 2010
I was not a fan of "300", and I felt Butler was miscast in Schumacher's dreadful "Phantom of the Opera", but here, he's excellent as a sexist with a heart of gold, who falls for a sexy TV producer with brains as well as breasts. Not a generic Boy Meets Girl/Offends Girl/Loses Girl/Gets Girl chick flick, "The Ugly Truth" has more than enough laughs, and (almost) never resorts to sophomoric humor. Katherine Heigl is perfect as the pretty girl whose heart Butler ultimately captures, the script is well-written, and the direction competent.

I would like to give this a 10, but then Heigl didn't get naked, and that's the Ugly Truth... ;)
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Homo Erectus (2007)
7 March 2009
Sad statement about the current trend of cinema, that some film goers actually enjoy this dreadful "film" from the Adam Rifkin school of schlock.

Rifkin shamelessly imitates Woody Allen (and Mel Brooks, to a lesser extent) in a 90-minute no-laugh-fest with nothing whatsoever for the audience than a parade of female body parts and endless fart jokes.

Not one joke -- NOT ONE -- warrants laughter. This film literally has no redeemable qualities whatsoever. I can't imagine what David Carridine and Gary Busey were thinking when they signed up for this dog. As for Rn Jeremy, there's nothing he could have ever done in his entire career of porn that could be as humiliating as this dumb, stupid, worthless movie.

Only gets 1 star, because IMDb doesn't give the option for Zero.
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10,000 BC (2008)
Apocalypto B.C.
7 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Uh... didn't Mel Gibson already make this movie? Only with a script instead of CGI? Roland Emmerich (ID4, crappy Godzilla remake, Day After Tomorrow) serves up a film with zero suspense, zero drama, zero believability, zero suspension of disbelief, and, amazingly, with zero originality. Again, Mel Gibson already made this movie, only instead of bad actors with dreadlocks and lame CGI birdosaurusus, Gibson make a dramatic, thought-provoking masterpiece, and Emmerich made just another lame bargain-basement action movie that should've been released on the Sci Fi Channel.

Give a friggin' caveman a camcorder and he'd have made a better movie.

4 out of ten stars, just because I enjoy laughing at bad movies. And at least 10,000 was ten thousand notches above garbage like Adam Rifkin's Homo Erectus, which is a shoe in for this year's Razzi Awards.
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Dinosaurus! (1960)
Had its moments
4 December 2007
A harmless low-budget movie from one of the people responsible for the original "The Blob" and "The 4D Man". Hurricane pulls up perfectly preserved dinosaur bodies from the ocean floor; Tyrannosaur and Brontosaurus, and a caveman. Lightning strikes, dinosaurs come to lift and terrorize bad actors. Caveman comes to life also, befriends kid, and ends up riding the brontosaurus.

I saw this years ago, and remember it as being kinda cool. Always remembered the caveman trying to eat plastic fruit, then wondering into the bathroom and flushing the toilet. The FX were OK, I guess. Think they used puppets, and some stop-motion. Final confrontation with the Tyrannosaur vs a tractor was cool. Kind of a precursor for Ripley's duel with the queen in "Aliens."

"Dinosaurus!" certainly won't make you forget "Jurassic Park," but it's an enjoyable little movie.
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Encino Man (1992)
Dude, seriously
20 November 2007
Although this movie didn't come out until 1992, my guess is it was written back in the mid 1980's, probably after Teen Wolf and Weird Science came out. It just seems like one of those harmless '80's teenager movies. I don't remember laughing very much either. There are a few scenes where Pauley Shore actually tries to act, managing to evoke sparks of true emotion, but otherwise Encino Man was kind of a yawnfest, especially compared to something like Airheads, also with Brandan Fraser, which is really really funny. The people who made Encino Man tried, and Megan Ward is hot, but like I said, if you're looking for funny, you might want to keep looking.
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Iceman (1984)
a drastically underrated movie
20 November 2007
People think Timothy Hutton didn't do any good movies after winning the Oscar for Ordinary People, but that's not true. Among other really good movies he's done are Q&A, Taps, Falcon & The Snowman, French Kiss, and Iceman, which is way better than you'd think it would be, considering the plot is so much like Encino Man. Scintists dig up a Neanderthal and thaw him out. Some want to study him, and one (Hutton, in a good performance) just wants to communicate with him. Most of the actors are good (Danny Glover has a small role) and the script isn't stupid. The Iceman comes off as a real person, not just a furry guy with a club. Like Quest For Fire, the guy is played as a primitive person, not just an ape.

The Iceman is played by John Lone (the bad guy in Year of the Dragon and the star of The Last Emperor), He almost unrecognizable under all the makeup, but his performance is right on the money, A lot of his acting is through body language, and its really good. He conveys many emotions with subtle and unsubtle movements. Again, this is underrated movie, and Mr. Lone should have gotten an Oscar of his own for his performance.
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Caveman (1981)
Dumb, but kind of funny
19 November 2007
Bainless and silly, but with a few scattered laughs. The real "star" here are David Allen's stop-motion effects. He's no Ray Harryhausen, but the FX are more than competent. The acting isn't so great, though. Young Dennis Quaid tries, but Ringo and Shelley Long seem to be just walk through the movie, never really trying to get into the spirit of things. A few standout scenes though, most notably a caveman's charades about a recent dinosaur attack, and Ringo "inventing" rock & roll.

Among the numerous scenes that simply fall flat, a caveman stepping in dinosaur poop and pronouncing, perfectly: "that's 5h!+." Woody Allen got away with spouting contemporary dialogue in ridiculous settings, like the Napolinac revolution, etc., because he actually made it funny. Mel Brooks did it a lot, failing almost every time. So did this director.

Still, Caveman isn't a dog. It's certainly not Airplane with apes, but it's not Three Amigos either.
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A classic
17 November 2007
When this movie first came out, some critics scoffed that it was superficial, unrealistic, whatever. I disagree 100 percent. In fact, I think Quest For Fire is one of the best movies of the early '80's. Ron Perlman, Rea Dawn Chong and Everett McGill are all excellent in their roles, playing these early humans as people, not apes. When one of them is attacked by a cave bear, you feel sorry for him, concerned for him. The animals in this movie are also well done. They're not monsters, but rather animals. Dangerous and lethal, but animals, played for realism, not exploitation. The music is also excellent, as is the photography.

Quest For Fire was directed by the guy who did Name Of The Rose, which is another underrated masterpiece starring Sean Connery and a young Christian Slater. If you haven't seen this movie, or Name Of The Rose for that mater, I strongly suggest you do so. You will not be disappointed.
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Me Tumak, you Loana
17 November 2007
Ever notice how many NUMBERS there are in Ray Harryhausen movies? Twenty Million Miles To Earth, Beast From Twenty Thousand Fathoms, First Men In The Moon, Three Worlds Of Gulliver, Seventh Voyage Of Sinbad, and of course, One Million Years B.C. Much as I loved this movie when I was a kid, it doesn't quite stand the test of time as do some of the other Harryhausen movies do. The effects are still great, but acting and so forth seem to have faded with time. As a kid, Raquel Welch and John Richardson's love story just slowed the movie down. I just wanted to see dinosaurs. Now I think the best parts of the movie are the confrontations between Tumak, and his father and brother.

Still enjoyable though, a solid 7. (5 if not for Harryhausen). I think they should have spent more time with Tumak and his tribe. Quest For Fire, arguably the best caveman movie ever made, was all about the people who lived back in those long ago times, not the monsters they fought.
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