
10 Reviews
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The Protector (I) (1998)
Awful, awful, awful.
31 May 2005
This movie apparently had a budget equal to its creators' lunch money, and, by all gods, does it show! Constantly repeated sets, repeated footage here and there, almost no camera motion, static lighting, cliché dialogues, very bad fighting scenes... I have no idea how this ever made its way out of a studio. It's worse than shorts shot by film school dropouts.

Avoid at all possible cost, as this thing has no real redeeming qualities of any kind. Rent only for two hours of cringing at pretty much every scene, or to play a practical joke on a friend too trusting in your choice of movies to have them waste two hours of their lives.
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Plot? What plot?
26 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I have no idea why this thing is in this database at all.


This is an Internet MOVIE Database, is it not?

Let's, then, define what a movie is. It's something that involves characters acting out a plot, right? Well, this has neither.

Characters? They're flat and simple. Everyone's so predictable and dumb that I find it really hard to call them "characters" at all.

Plot? Like I said, what plot? Okay, a big earthquake severs California off the rest of the American continent. That's fine. Now let's roll a die and pick from a Big List O' Ideas. Bad Ideas. Hey, dammit, it's only an earthquake, so: (1) why do mutations spread within days? (2) why does all the visible world turn to a desert, and all the world's population seems to have died out? (3) why is all communication disrupted and no large-scale military search-and-rescue operations? (4) why is the Earth's axis shifted?? now ask any physicist why an earthquake can't cause that. (5) why are the world's waters toxic all of a sudden? ... must I go on? The screenplay writer was apparently in the middle of a huge writer's block, and he went to talk to someone, whom he asked: "what should I make the plot revolve around? Mutants? Toxicity? Natural catastrophies? World anarchy? Planetary disasters?" His conversation partner must've, jokingly, answered, "all of it". And the screenplay dude took that seriously. Ouch.

Okay, I've seen many Dolph Lundgren movies, they were mostly B movies, but fun and relaxing B movies. I watched this one, hoping it to be another. And I ended up hacking my way through completely nonsensical plot and dialogues so corny that I laughed through most of the most "serious" scenes. So much for pathos.

This is Mad Max without the kick-ass characters and plot. This is Volcano with aliens coming out from the lava. This is Armageddon with a big green lump of toxic space moss instead of the asteroid. This is Waterworld with a giant squid monster and no dry land plot, and Costner turning out to be an Allah's prophet.

Stay away. Stay very far away. Watching the news for the fifth time might prove more entertaining. 1/10.
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Enchanting with the music and the mood.
3 April 2003
The movie, although not faithful to the original novels, succeeds in creating modern gothic vampire vision. Somebody tried to insult QotD calling it a 1,5h music video clip. Actually it is a complement. The everpresent gothic music combined with the music-video-like shots made the movie so moody - and "Queen of the Damned" is a mood-driven story.

I do not understand the die hard fans who complain on the modifications of the story. The plot has been modified to be less confusing for viewers who do not know the novels. The number of characters had been lessened and I have no problems with changing Lestat's maker or skipping Mekare's character. The biggest change - the romance of Lestat and Jesse - seemed a very nice addition to me.

Actually, I think that a faithful adaptation would be a complete failure. The slow and gloomy mood, that was perfect to XIXth century New Orlean and Louis's angst, wouldn't fit Lestat's rebellion and his music. And while the book can be slow, descriptive and combining multiple elements yet conveying them well, the movie simply cannot do it without turning chaotic. "Vampire Lestat" and "Queen of the Damned" can be split into at least three movies - the creators had to choose something.

Some of the special effects, like the flying or walking out of the flames were the only thing I actually didn't like in this movie. But Akasha's death was very nice. The cast was good, Stuard Townsend was convincing as Lestat, especially on the concert, but I preferred Banderas as Armand. I loved Jesse, Maharet and Marius though. And of course Aaliyah was perfect with her quasi-ancient-Egyptian accent.

So if you are into gothic music and vampiric dillemas of loneliness and eternity (and you don't consider books to be movie scenarios) "Queen of the Damned" is one of the few movies which show vampires as something more than blood sucking monsters. But please do not compare it to the "Interview" movie. It has a completely different style, precisely as much different as different were Louis and Lestat. Personally I find it thrilling first to watch a vampire's existence from Louis' "bottled hunger" point of view, and then switching to one devoid of all morals but surprisingly outgoing for a vampire, Lestat.

I'd give "Queen" 8 of 10 as it had some technical flaws, but I decided to give it 9 as it's vastly underrated by people who hate it simply because it didn't match their vision of the books, which can be clearly seen by looking at the votes breakdown.
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Darkness (2002)
A decent movie... but frankly I was expecting more.
2 April 2003
Well, it is difficult for me to judge this movie. As a die-hard fan of dark moody films, like The Others, The Ring, Sixth Sense, The Blair Witch Series, The Crow, etc. I set really high standards. I expect every scene to have a meaning - if something flickers in the background it has to come forward at some time, if there is a lot of references to something then it means it has to have a deeper meaning sooner or later, etc... but, alas, this movie tried to seem to be more than it was. It's enticing, thrilling and delightfully creepy in the beginning - but later it starts to get more and more repetitive and, frankly speaking, boring. How many times can one character ask another how they got some weird bruises and not get any answer at all? How many times can weird shadows appear in dark rooms, without even trying to mean anything?

In other words, if you're not a "horror connoisseur", and just enjoy a good scare that does not necessarily have to be a piece of art, and don't mind a banal plothole-ridden outcome, then you're going to like this movie a lot. But if you expect innovation, pieces perfectly fitting one another at the end, subtle innuendoes that converge in a final surprising climax - then, sorry, you're looking on the wrong shelf. 5/10.
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This is a puzzle, not a movie
8 February 2003
If you like puzzles and you like playing detective, this is a movie just for you. It is wonderfully shot for sitting, watching it over and over again, taking notes and trying to solve the mystery. But as a story itself (well, when solved :) if not, it doesn't make any sense anyway), it is banal and contains some stupid popularity-only lesbian sex and masturbation scenes. And completely out of any mood for that matter. I'd say, to get higher rating only. Cheap.

But, as a puzzle, it does a wonderful job.
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Solaris (2002)
Eternity has just gotten a new name.
7 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Reading the reviews of this movie, I cannot help but recall a short comedy clip which I saw somewhere. It featured a modern art gallery, full of well-dressed high-class people, walking around and commenting on various wacky paintings, until the camera pans over to several elderly men surrounding another example of art on another wall. They point at it, comment how surrealistic it is, how the author managed to capture this and that, how perfect and how brilliant it is - until the "painting" begins moving, and drives off, it being just a piece of a soft drink advert pinned to the side of a truck that was parked outside a gallery window.

"Deliberately slow-paced"? I don't mind slow-paced movies, not at all, but watching minute after minute of slow walking and talking about nothing in particular while the important issues remain completely unmentioned, is a bit too much. "Brilliant in its meaning"? _What_ meaning, excuse me? I cannot find any possible interesting explanation of its ending, really - the only two meanings I can see is one horribly shallow, cheap sappy excuse for a romantic sacrifice dressed in an old "meaning of humanity" robe, or a big twist beyond any possible reasoning. The former being surprisingly more likely.

** SPOILERS ** - my quick overview of what, in my opinion, went wrong in the movie.

First of all, who in their right mind sends a single civilian to a space station, when previously a military task force failed in there?

Next, suppose your deceased beloved one materializes next to you. Would your first impulse be to chat a bit and then simply kill that person again (as they're not real anyway), then watch them reappear, and then become emotionally attached to them again? Sounds weird, doesn't it? But that's what Clooney does in there.

This only gets worse in the ending. Clooney sees a vision of his own "clone" (cloone?:) on Earth, and decides to stay on the crash-coursed station. Why? For the sake of his dead wife that wasn't even there? Come on. But if it is so, what does this "Clooney-clone on Earth" stuff mean? It just doesn't make sense at all. The only thing that comes to my mind is "we are all clones created by someone", but I refuse to believe in such a banal idea, which actually doesn't fit in that moment anyway.


So what point the movie is trying to make, remains a mystery to me. "We live only for the ones we love, even when they're dead"? Please. "We only exist when someone remembers us"? Not explored enough. "Everything is just an illusion"?? Puh-leeease...!!

In a nutshell, the biggest problem with this movie was its pride. It presents itself like a piece of deep, meaningful art, giving time to think, to absorb, to conclude... but there is nothing to think of. The message is shallow and undecided, jumping from Harlequin romance to weary existence questions, like a hamburger served on a silver plate. There is nothing new in this movie, except exceptional boredom. It failed as a "cerebral movie", it failed as a SF, it failed as a romance. I'm sorry, but it is simply a bad movie defended only by an old "you don't like it because you don't understand it!" line. Yeah, been there, done that. 2/10.
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Reign of Fire (2002)
Nice idea, good effects... but the rest won't get an Oscar for sure.
14 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. The movie is based on a good idea - dragons in the futuristic world - that is something original. Still, it was the end of the ideas for this movie - the rest of the plot is a typical "kill the big baddie" movie: the heroes come in, they get their butts kicked, then the last remaining heroes go and valiantly kick the butt of the big baddie in return. Usually it's some mafia boss or a big bad alien, and this time it's a dragon. The movie is like a mixture between "Jurassic Park" and "Mad Max", just it lacks some suspense in the tense moments.

There are some plotholes, and even a lot of them, but they are not very disturbing (well, except one - *spoiler* what happened to the rest of the female dragons? Did they starve? *end of spoiler*).

Overall, the movie was not bad. But I'd rather watch it on TV, without paying for it. Still, I don't feel cheated in any way. The movie promised dragons, flames and typical action, and it gave it all. I just expected more... spirit, I guess, as it was boring sometimes. It's ok in its own category though. I'll give it 5 of 10. It's somewhat much in terms of its plot, but the movie didn't promise to be something it was not and the dragon designs were well done.
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Signs (2002)
NOT a thriller. NOT about aliens. And the trailer is a lie.
11 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the trailer, and finding out that it's a movie by the same guy that made the great "6th Sense", I expected an equally great movie, full of suspense and surprises, thrilling and scary. Hey, that's the impression the trailer left me with: people running and screaming, boarding up the house, stalked by someone, flashlights flickering and strange signs in the crops... A perfect thriller, I thought!

I couldn't be more wrong, it seems. The movie is NOTHING like the thriller. In fact, the thriller covers more or less the first half of the movie... The only half that is somewhat interesting. No spoilers here, really: the trailer reveals that it is a movie about (probably) aliens making strange markings in the fields, and stalking people, who run away screaming. And yes, that's what the first half is... but then it only gets worse.

All the suspense is lost, and the whole "what are the aliens, if it's aliens, up to?" affair is turned into a big pro-religious pile of moral issues. The main hero is an ex-priest, and the whole second half of the movie is about how he realizes that what happens around him cannot possibly be a pure concidence, and that perhaps he should return to the faith. AND THAT'S IT! The aliens cease to be important anymore; the mystery is gone, the suspense is gone, and the whole danger disappears within the last moments of the movie. The only thing that remains important is how the ex-priest questions his faith (or non-faith). Why put aliens in there? Why the cropsigns?? Okay, so he lost his wife in a car accident - this isn't much of a spoiler, it's shown in the first 10 minutes of the movie. So he lost his faith when she died, okay, a nice movie beginning. So something happens that makes him rethink his views... But why market it as a mystery thriller with aliens in it!?

In a nutshell: - plotholes big enough for the starship Enterprise to fly through. - storyline... WHAT storyline? Summarizeable in two-three sentences. And left completely unexplained (or very badly explained, for that matter). - religious messages cheap and cheesy. Good religious doubts were in "End of Days", in "Stigmata", NOT in here at all! Here, religion=good, atheism=bad, plain and simple. - acting... not bad, but only Gibson matters, the other actors are just in the background, far far away.

*** BIG SPOILER : the movie summarized! ***

First, we have strange cropsigns, all over the world, and radio appliances emit strange noises. Enter the aliens: they come in ships and hover over cities. Part three, aliens come to hunt people, Gibson with his family hides in the basement. Part four, the invasion is aborted and the aliens leave, defeated with... water. So Gibson fights one horrifyingly stupid alien and returns to being a priest, deciding that it's all a sign from God, more or less. END OF MOVIE.

*** Spoilers end ***

I think I'm going to re-watch "The Return of the Living Dead 2" tonight, for a change. Crap, low-budget and b-class, but better effects, better acting, less plotholes. Sadly.

If you want a really good and frightening movie with a message by this director, return to the "Sixth Sense".
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Jade (1995)
Uhh... Tried to follow "Basic Instinct"'s footsteps... to no avail
11 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** The movie had as much sexual tension as a dead frog on a highway. Actually, all the "sex" scenes made me laugh, especially with Loreena McKennitt's beautiful and rich musical scores and vocals played as the background for what must've been the cheesiest and most "tried to be ambitious but failed miserably" scenes I've ever seen. After the one when the main heroine withdraws from the encounter with another guy, and rushes home, I really expected her to reach out and turn a stereo off, or something. The whole action stops, and still the music continues till the scene is changed?? How cheap is that?? And this "Mystic Dream" song was way abused throughout the movie, appearing in every single intercourse scene (I can't bring myself to call it "sex", sorry!).

SPOILERS AHEAD, be warned.

Apart from the music, though, the characters were simply... dumb. A policeman sees a woman being literally run over by a car and runs to check if she is alive, instead of just telling someone to call an ambulance and starting the chase immediately, forgetting the basic police rule "NEVER EVER start a chase without calling for backup"?? He chases the black Thunderbird through a Chinatown parade, gets his windows knocked out and stuff, instead of just getting out of the car and running on foot which would've been way faster in that case?? Didn't he have a roof-mounted signal light or something, like most police cars do?? Earlier on, he has to do a full zoom on Jade's face on the tape, to recognize her? Come on, I saw it was her minutes before that! I re-watched this scene several times, certain that he must be looking for some tattoo, or something, to have to look this close at her face...

EVEN WORSE SPOILER to the very movie ending!!

In the end, it all comes to... nothing! The cause for all the killing was the governor's affair with Jade. So the overzealous policemen are killed, but the governor stays alive and well, and the main hero can do nothing to him... Great going, all for naught, evil still walks the Earth. Together with the woman's husband being yet another killer, and her still being trapped in a very uncomfortable marital situation. I understand bad endings all right, but there was no REASON for this here. It all just... happened. I wouldn't be surprised if in the end the main hero shot himself in the head, all of a sudden, just like that. Who needs logical reasons anyway?..

Generally, the movie was dump and cheesy. 3 out of 10.
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A good piece of heroic s-f
17 May 2002
I find the movie very good. Actually, out of episodes I, IV, V and VI, I find it the best one - it has everything the previous episodes had, but more focus on character development than on action.

Everything about special effects and battles have already been said, so I'll focus on characters and their personalities. The most controversive point is Anakin+Padme romance. People yell that it is too much focused on, getting too much on-screen time. Indeed, some parts were too heavy with Anakin's speeches, but it was probably because their relationship got TOO LITTLE time and it had to be rushed to make it tragic enough (and they had to insert certain amount of words into limited amount of time, so it turned out to be a bit too much of "Gone with the Wind" or "Titanic" style). So, if you're looking for Leia+Solo styled, crazy Jones-like or Bond-like romance, you probably won't enjoy this movie (or this part of it) - as the love story follows the "doomed lovers" style, not an cute little adventure love story.

I liked also the way Obi-Wan Kenobi was portrayed. I won't go into details as not to spoil the plot, but we have portrayed both - the generation-conflict and Anakin's feelings to him in a father-to-son-like manner. Still, I think Ewan McGregor had some problems with playing serious parts of the movie. He's good when he fights, he's good when he's mean, but when he's just to be serious and adult, he seems somehow stiff.

And, of course, Yoda is wonderful! He makes the Yoda from Original Trilogy look pale and outdated. He gets a lot of onscreen time.

Generally, I'm looking forward to seeing Ep.3 - I hope they'll manage to make an ending fulfilling the expectations created by this movie.
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