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The Favourite (2018)
Can not recommend this movie.
3 December 2023
I did not like this movie. Just watch Soviet movie "Glass of water" (1979). The same persons, the same place, but it was made like fairytale or like a dream. Main heroes: Alla Demidova (Sarah Churchill) and Natalya Belokhvostikova (Queen Anna) are absolutely gorgeous women and 100 times smarter. Scenes between Sarah Churchill and Lord Bolingbrock (Kirill Lavrov) are pure delight. As for this movie, it is just naturalistic and ugly stuff, made about parodies of human beings. I can agree, that it is much closer to the real story and real persons but I managed to watch only 20 minutes, then get bored and turned TV off.
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Admiral (2008)
Pure lie
31 July 2013
Kolchak is just another scum. He made his own GULAG and put in concentration camps about 1000000 people. Не killed hundreds of thousands: only in Ekaterinburg region "whites" killed 25000 civils and POWs. One American (from Red cross) described the situation: "I swear to God, I am not exaggerating! ... In Siberia, the horror and death at every step on a scale that would have shocked the most callous heart... ". Now they are trying to make some sort of "hero" out of murderer, traitor and British agent. They are even trying to show, that he can fell in love with somebody and some morons even think, that it is real "stirring story of love, honour, patriotism and heroism". Pure lie!!!
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Watched yesterday, a pirate copy ...
8 September 2011
I strongly sympathized with the man who taped this copy in the cinema theater. It must have been so boring for him, that he tossed and turned all the way in his chair. May be only Terrence Malick feel so bored, when he tried to think about God. This movie had everything. The relationship of father and son as that as in "Solyaris" by Tarkovsky, the organ, as that as in "Solyaris" by Tarkovsky, flowing water, as that as in "Solyaris" by Tarkovsky soaring teddy-bear, as that as candlestick in "Solyaris" by Tarkovsky, noise, as that as in "Solyaris" by Tarkovsky ... and even boiling semolina porridge, as that as in "Solyaris" by Tarkovsky . I noticed only two differences between the "Solaris" and "Tree of Life" - Tarkovsky is genius, and Terrence Malick is not genius at all.
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Come and See (1985)
It was much more terrifying in real life
19 November 2010
Recently I have read the book of Alexander Dukov "What Soviet people fought for". I think this book will never be issued in the West. I think Europeans (not only Germans) killed 15-20 millions civil people in the Soviet Union, including 5-7 millions children. But some children survived, like Flera and here is their recollections, I took from the book of Dukov.

Me and my father drove on the cart, then he stopped horse and told me «I must take a look». Germans killed his cousin near that place. So, he walked into the forest and I followed him. Suddenly my father turned to me, trying to not show me the grave: «Do not go farther. You should not». I am only noticed, that the water in the creek was red and crows flied up… There was so many crows, that I shouted… And my daddy can not eat for several days. And if he spotted crow, then he run home and he was all trembling, just like he had some fever... Nina Yaroshevich, 9 years old

«German truck stopped near our home. I think it was made not intentionally, but because of some fault with the truck. Soldiers got into our home and send me and my grandma away and they compelled my mother to help them... Night fell and it was dark. Suddenly my mom breaking into the room, took me by the hand and run from home. Our yard is empty, and we did not know, where we can hide. And we crawled under the truck They came from home after us, but they did not find us. Mom was lying on me and I heard her teeth clattering... In the morning we returned to our home, after Germans leaved it. We entered home and found our grandma on the bed. She lied, tied to it… Naked! Grandma... My grandma... I shouted in fear and mom expelled me from home. And I shouted and shouted and can not stop...» Luda Andreeva, 5 years old

They took 13 children, everyone they managed to find and set us in the head of the convoy because they were afraid of the mines, set by partisans. We walked and they ride after us on tracks. If they need water, they send one of us. Boys were not afraid, but girls cried. I remember it was early spring and we were barefoot… Germans walked around the village, entering all homes in turn and they herd all parents, they suspected that thy have children fighting as partisan... And they behead them in the center of the village... They ordered: «Look». They did not find anyone in one house and they caught and hanged their cat. It pouched like little child». Luba Alexandrovich, 11 years old

There were 6 persons in our home: grandma, mom, my olden brother, me and my two younger brothers... I looked in the window and found that they were heading to our neighbors. Me and one of my brothers run into the mud room and fasten the door by hook. Then we sat on to the chest near our mother. The hook was feeble and German broke it in one moment. He overstep the threshold and shoot at us salvo fire. I had not time even to discern, is he young or old. All of us fell onto the floor and I fell behind the chest... When I came back to consciences, I feel something dropping on me… It was dropping and dropping, just like water. I raised my head and found that it was my mother's blood and mom is lying killed. I crawled under the bed and all the floor was covered by blood. And I was wet of blood... Leonid Sivakov, 6 years old

They did not shoot outdoors, they entering homes. We stayed near the window, watching: — Here they go, to shoot Aniska... — They finished with Aniska family, and coming to aunt Anfisa... And we stayed, waiting, when they will come to us. We do not cried, no one of us. We just stayed... I remember, how my mothers hair burned and napkins of my little brother... We crawled from them with my olden brother, in to the yard, then – in to the bushes, in our kitchen garden. And only there I started to cry....» Tonya Rudakova, 5 years old

«I saw something, the human being can not see. He must not... The previous night someone throw the train off the rails and in the morning Germans put the people, who worked on railway on the rails and set another train to go on them… I watched, how they knocked children from the hands of their mothers by bayonet and throw them into the well... I watched our neighbor's dog crying. It sat on the ashes left of their home. All alone...» Yura Karpovich, 8 years old

We lived in the Mehovaya village in Orel region. They took us from there and make move afoot to Byelorussia. They punch us from one concentration camp to another. When Germans wanted to take me to Germany, my mom made a false belly for her and gave me my little brother. So they crossed me out of their list... There were children, torn by dogs. We just sat over the one such baby and wait, when he or she stop breathing. Then we cover baby by snow and here is the grave until next spring... And we go to the next baby, to check is he still alive or not...» Anya Pavlova, 9 years old
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Great war movie almost unknown even in Russia
20 July 2010
That was just an amazing experience to watch this movie on TV yesterday. Old forester and his grandson found little girl, which mom was killed by Germans. And then you will see such a moving story of two poor children, hunt by German solders, collaborating scum and dogs in the forests, struggling to survive almost for whole movie. Germans, trying to catch 5 years old girl to make her their hostage, because her father is the Soviet partisan commander, and young boy trying to save her. For some time, when little baby was lost in the forest alone or when Germans finally caught two children your hope is almost broken, but surprisingly, this movie have happy end. It is a simple story, that reminds “Hotaru no haka” but you just sit on the edge of your seat through the all movie.
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The first mission was stylish at least
29 June 2010
But this one just boring. As usually everything went wrong, but then, great American spy saved the world. Bullshit. Crappy fairytale. CIA, FBA, NSA, and 16 other terrorist organizations, established by US government... what had they brought to the world? Only wars, poverty, economic disasters, tortures, corruption, famine, new diseases. And drugs, of course, the hell lot of drugs. Trained murderers, they are traveling all around the world and destroying future of the mankind. It is funny to watch this scum feeling nostalgia for humanity, for innocence, trying to show love. It is impossible for them to become human beings again. They are traitors of their humanity, they can not live like that, they will die very soon.
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Casablanca (1942)
Weak plot
30 September 2008
That is just preposterous! Some bourgeois fighting Hitler… hehehe… in bar and… hehehe… dreaming only about leaving for US. Absolutely naive American look on the situation in Europe. This plot is not interesting and is not possible in real life. I do not know anything about American intelligence nets in occupied Europe, but if Germans only knew that Laslo have any information about resistance leaders in so many countries, then: 1) he would never escape his confinement in Germany (or all Europe, including south France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland and north Africa); 2) he would never save his secrets from Nazi SD specialists. If you want, I can recommend "Vyzyvaem ogon na sebya" – absolutely REAL story of 18 years old girl and she is a REAL hero.
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Great film
30 September 2008
Good actors, good directing, good plot. It would be only a good film, but two moments made this film great: that part with the song and their last date. Listening to "Eternal Love" you looking at all that woes, struggles, pains, sacrifices, deaths and you have some strange feeling, that somewhere in all this or somewhere behind all this, there really IS eternal Love. And their love story had a great truth about life in it. You met, then immediately lost each other, 30 years of parting, then you have one short date and… all good in your life is only short-lived dream and you will inevitably lose everything you love, you just have not any chance to save anything but memory. It is so sad, but again, you have the same filling (especially during the church scene), that there is eternal Love in this tragedy.
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21 September 2008
Bogdan Khmelnitsky is the one of the great epic war films. It is not so famous, like 'Alexandr Nevsky', but still great. And besides, it is much more stuck to the real history. 17th century, Ukraine is under the yoke of the Polish servitude for centuries. And there is almost constant war between Tatars, Poles and Cossaсks for decades. Finally Poles decided to eliminate the Ukrainians. But there was a time, when Cossacks lived in the Ukraine. The real Cossacks, they were brave, decent and devoted to their brotherhood. You can even be Tatar or Pole, but if you became orthodox and love freedom, they accept you like their brother. You only should not drink 'gorilka' after Cossacks set out against an enemy. May be they look funny to the western public, but you can find a lot of great deeds and sacrifices in this movie.

Two Cossacks captured by the Poles and they lead them right on the pompous ball. One of the Poles cursing them and jabbing them with his sable. Cossacks are not paid any attention, but just asking each other, did the flea bite you? Polish general said: - Stop it, I know, how to talk with them… You, slaves, do you know, that this evening we will torture you by the hot iron and we will impale you next morning. And then we will watch on you, until the stake will achieve your throat. - O, thank you lord, - answered laughing Cossacks, - You have a kind heart. But can we ask you for a last wish? - OK, what do you want? - O, please, seat us on a low stake… - But why do you want these low stakes? - If we will be impaled on the low stakes, then you can kiss us in the asses more convenient… he-he-he…. Polish ladies are fainting…
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