
114 Reviews
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Tenet (2020)
Dumb plot hiding behind silly science.
15 September 2023
A thin veneer of science over a seemingly intelligent plot that has no actual science and no real intelligence.

The film tries to confuse the viewer with pseudo-science and special effects that hide the complete absence of plot.

It is in reality a dumb action movie with no character development and annoying backward scenes to try and distract from the lack of substance.

The acting is good, the cast deliver as much as they can given the lack of real dialogue. The token "my son is in danger" moments are annoying given the rest of the plot.

If you want to watch something smart this isn't it, if you want to watch something fun this isn't it either you would be better watching an old Arnie movie, at least it will not be pretentious.
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Dramatic music hiding a lack of content
29 November 2022
The idea of civilizations before the end of the ice age is interesting, if they were near the sea they could be hidden by rising sea levels. This is mentioned but without substance, instead it is a tour of other "mysteries" that might tangentially offer credence to that idea.

The first episode suggests many things that seem unscientific and a quick search afterwards backed that up, nothing of substances there.

The second episode is just dull and silly, I gave up after that.

The host wants to push a narrative that he is an outsider fighting to reveal the truth, but offers nothing of value, no facts, no science just vague notions.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Clichéd action movie with a female instead of male
12 January 2022
The only difference between this and any other formulaic action movie is having a female lead, other than that it is paint by numbers, no originality at all.

The 1 day time frame makes you think of Crank but this had no humour at all, it takes itself as seriously as a real movie while having the plot of a b-movie.

The acting is ok, better than most cheap action movies with the exception of the fight scenes, these are odd, the lead seems uncomfortable and sometimes moves so slowly or awkwardly that it looks like everyone else is waiting for her and the whole scene feels amateurish.

It's barely watchable as long as you fast forward through some of the failed attempts to add depth.
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Written by a cliche machine
2 January 2022
I finished this because I hoped there must be something to justify the good reviews but there isn't.

Firstly it is called science fiction but it isn't, it is fantasy wearing sciency clothing, there is no sense or intelligence in the story let alone science. That alone isn't enough to kill a show, I am happy to watch fantasy and suspend disbelief for a good story but unfortunately that was a mistake here.

The plot is so paper thin it barely qualifies as a plot, it makes no sense and is just cliche after cliche, no originality or thought at all, like a really poor action movie stretched out for hour after hour.

The ending forces in extra cliches for no sane reason making the last episode almost unwatchable.

The acting is ok, that is the only positive I can think of, but everything else is awful.
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Hotel Artemis (2018)
A waste of a good cast.
12 November 2020
This movie has a really good cast who sleep walk through a stupid and unoriginal script.

The dialog is bland and cliché, the plot is silly and the ending is really dumb.

There is a huge disconnect between the onscreen talent and the offscreen lack of talent.
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Devs (2020)
A laudable attempt at a high concept sci-fi that falls flat.
11 May 2020
This is very slow moving, it looks like the director was paid per minute or they somehow believe that interminable pauses add gravitas. The characters spend a lot of time staring into space or moving very slowly while doing nothing, I don't know what the intended effect is but the reality is boring, you could make the show 50% shorter without losing anything.

Moving on to the content, there is just enough to keep you watching but there isn't much originality, the actors are slowly plodding through standard sci-fi tropes with unconvincing occasional burst of violence.

The ending is ok but has nothing original in it and since the characters are so wooden you are not invested in the outcome.

Slow and unsatisfying.
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6 Underground (2019)
Staggeringly cliché
14 December 2019
There is really no cliché this movie doesn't use, we start with ridiculous chase sequences using every cliché you can think of before moving to clichéd fights and emotional scenes so heavy handed as to be almost funny. Then you realize there are a few clichés that had been missed when they throw them in.

The cast do a decent job but there isn't much for them to work with. There are a couple of OK jokes and the pace stops you from getting completely bored.

Take a series of movie trailers and stitch them together and you get this dumb movie.
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Ip Man (2008)
A pleasant surprise.
20 July 2014
I was expecting a dumb martial film but got something much better.

This is an intelligent film covering the difficulty of maintain personal integrity against economic pressures and then moving into the difficulty of life during military occupation.

The cast all deliver good performances, everyone is believable and convincing.

The plot is compelling especially after the Japanese occupation begins, the real life elements give it more punch.

There are moments of sadness and a few surprises.

The martial arts is a little disjointed, sometimes a bit silly and over done and at others times simple and brutal, this inconsistent approach is a bit of a weakness in a heavily martial arts based film.

A times it feels preachy and jingoistic but never for long.

A surprisingly good film.
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Cello (2005)
A standard supernatural revenge story.
9 July 2013
There is nothing new or interesting here, the plot is a mix of clichés with the twists being predictable and no suspense built up.

There is the question of who is causing the problems but all the main candidates are dismissed so quickly they might as well not have been there.

The acting is mixed, Hyeon-a Seong is good as the lead but Da-an Park is poor as the friend in the flashback sequences.

Far from improving things the final twist seems desperate and pathetic, the last cliché of a writer with no ideas.

Barely watchable, instantly forgettable.
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The Machinist (2004)
Dull or boring
24 June 2012
The acting is excellent but nothing else.

Cette is just dull, I made several attempts to finish it but just couldn't.

The pace is beyond plodding, the characters are not likable or interesting. Bale is convincing but convincing doesn't mean entertaining.

I eventually got through the first hour and wondered why I was punishing myself with it. I really couldn't find anything to like about cette film.

Slow moving and dreary.
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Natural City (2003)
A mindless action flick.
12 August 2011
This is a mindless action flick dressed up as sci-fi.

It has some themes in common with common but lacks any of the intelligence or depth.

The pace is slow, very little happens for most of the film, flashes of action and violence but very formulaic and dull.

The characters are 2 dimensional, as you'd expect from an action flick.

The plot doesn't hang together very well and the clichés pile up continuously.

The ending is poor; we have the annoying cliché of the super villains, who earlier were so good one of them could slaughter a troop of soldiers without getting a bruise, suddenly turning into cannon fodder for the hero with all their speed and skill vanishing because now he is serious and angry! Some of the visuals are good but nothing original or spectacular.

This is pure paint-by-number, no vision or imagination, not terrible but never approaching good.

I was expecting something better, worth a glance if it's on TV and there is nothing else but not worth paying any money to watch.
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Surprisingly funny.
6 August 2011
Considering the subject matter I was a little nervous that this would become whiny or preachy but it does neither, it stays light-hearted and funny through-out.

The acting is good, Hyo-jin Kong delivers an excellent performance as the slightly demented lead and Seo Woo is surprisingly good as her partner in exile from normal society.

The plot is straight-forward with a mostly harmless but obsessed stalker trying to get her man while has no interest as well as a wife and another paramour.

There are lots of little bits of humour as the two girls plans progress and come close to working but not quite succeeding, the cyber sex scenes are especially funny.

This is all situational humour, no slap-stick or word play just characters doing things that seem normal to them but not to anyone else or situations that get out of control, and there is plenty of it.

The ending lets the film down a bit, the reveal with the wife has very little humour and goes on far too long.

Still an enjoyable comedy with some genuine laugh-out-loud moments.
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Harmless trash.
6 August 2011
This is a simple, very simple, fantasy film.

The central premise is OK, a buried evil being freed by a man seeking power.

The acting is bad, the two leads are OK but the rest of the cast are completely unconvincing especially the bee-keeper girl.

The fight scenes are very power rangers with lots of fake blood thrown in.

The creature is weird but in an almost funny way, they use cheap CGI and it looks like those 1960s films when such things were new, Jason and the Argonauts style.

The ending is predictable.

It's not an awful film, I didn't feel the need to switch it off, but it's not good.
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Interesting but a bit dead.
3 August 2011
This isn't a bad film but it isn't engaging, you have a good cast who have been told to act as if they have no emotions or personality, so there is no empathy; this isn't helped by the fact that some of the important events happen off-screen so whether people live or die is of no real concern to you, you just shrug and think "oh so that character is gone".

Bardem is quite creepy as the psychopath but Tommy Lee Jones is completely wasted, he just wanders around having no impact at all, this is deliberate, not bad acting, but still seems to be a waste.

The pace is good, there is always something happening and you never get completely bored.

The ending is good, darker than I expected and not a standard Hollywood finish but since you don't care who lives and dies it isn't enough to save the film.

Given the hype and the great reviews I was expecting something much better than this, it's simply an average forgettable film.
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Strange and original.
1 August 2011
As you would expect from Chan-wook Park this is a strange film.

The film starts of with quite a bit of humour, some of it very dark, and with odd slapstick as we see the protagonist as not being exactly bright.

Unlike his later film which kept the humour even as the plot progressed and became darker in this one the humour vanishes once things start to go wrong.

The acting is excellent, Ha-kyun Shin and Kang-ho Song are superb particularly as things become more and more emotionally charged.

The violence is well timed and with one exception not very gruesome.

The plot does jump at times, skipping events and showing you the outcome, and that leaves you a bit disconcerted until you realise what must have happened, I found that a little annoying as it does leave you playing catch-up a couple of times.

The film gives you no clear villain or hero, you can fell sympathy for everyone involved and understand their motives.

The pace is good, and there are several twists and surprises towards the end.

It's better than Lady Vengeance but not as good as Oldboy or Thirst.
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All the humour of opera.
1 August 2011
This is a complete waste of time.

The new material is not even slightly funny and the operatic style kills the humour of the old material.

The singing is good but not really suited to comedy. The music is good but again this is supposed to be comedy so that isn't very important.

There are some odd cameos that fail to be funny.

It ends with the crowd-pleasers like a concert.

If you like Monty Python then watch the film, if you don't like them this won't convert you.

The only positive is that watching this has convinced me to re-watch The Life of Brian just to clear this rubbish from my mind.
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Narc (2002)
Decent but nothing special.
31 July 2011
This film has a lot of clichés but it uses them quite well.

The pace is quick, there is plenty of action and violence.

The acting is good; Patric and Liotta deliver excellent performances are are convincing and believable.

There is a very annoying and completely unnecessary three minute section where we are subjected to a baby screaming, and although this is believable in terms of the plot and it wasn't required, I am glad I didn't have to sit through that in a cinema. The relationship side of things isn't very convincing in general but it isn't very important to the plot either.

The ending is good, it has a some predictable bits but also a little twist.
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Barely watchable trash.
26 July 2011
The plot is silly, one hurried kiss and the two main characters have fallen so deeply in love they will risk their lives for each other.

The acting is OK, Kilmer plays an over-weight doctor well, you can really believe he is struggling gamely to run and out of breath! The rest of the cast are OK.

The story is a mess, none of it makes sense.

The dialogue is poor.

The ending is almost comical it is so ridiculous.

This isn't a good film but if you can switch your brain off you can watch it.
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Lord of War (2005)
Interesting but unsatisfying.
25 July 2011
This is a quick moving film, jumping from anecdote to anecdote as we see Yuri expand his empire, taking bigger risks as he does so.

The acting is OK, Cage is understated in the lead and the rest of the cast have little to do.

The story is very dark and cynical, you could see it as the absolute pinnacle of capitalism laid bare, no morals just money.

There are some nice flashes of humour in Yuri's escapes from the police.

I found the film a bit hard to get into, the situations are bizarre but not really funny, the characters aren't interesting and the narration is unemotional.

The ending is better than I expected, very cynical.

It is almost a good film but there is something missing that makes it feel too clinical.
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The Code (I) (2009)
No tension or originality.
17 July 2011
This feels like a made-for-TV movie that somehow got some big actors attached to it.

The directing is lacklustre, there is no style here at all, it is like the sweepings of the cutting floor of every other heist film.

The pace is OK, things are continuously happening, but there is never a feeling of impetus, even as we get towards the end.

Freeman and Banderas are sleep-walking through the film, they are acceptable in their roles but certainly not interesting and Mitchell seems to be playing a parody of every honest, determined cop.

The dialogue is terrible, all clichés and no imagination. The plot is pretty standard, all the clichés with nothing new added. The opening sequence is especially ridiculous and unbelievable.

The twists at the end are OK, there are a few and I didn't expect all of them.

It's not a terrible movie it's just completely forgettable, a sort paint-by-numbers heist film. Watchable if you have absolutely nothing else to watch.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
A decent romantic comedy.
15 July 2011
This has a fair straight-forward plot, as you'd expect from a romantic comedy, the opening sequence is one of the best parts of the film.

Smith and James are both very funny, James in particular plays the clumsy, bumbling nice guy really well. Mendes has very little to do, other than look pretty, and her character isn't very likable.

The pace is good, something always happening and normally a joke isn't too far away.

There are some badly over-played melodramatic bits that are hard to sit through but the don't spoil the film.

The ending is poor, clichéd and over done and boring, it makes it feel like the film just ran out of steam.
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Fallen (1998)
An interesting idea but poorly written.
13 July 2011
A supernatural thriller without any special effects is unusual but this one has nothing except the odd change of camera lens.

The plot is OK, a fairly simple good versus evil story, and the pace is decent, never too slow for long although never very quick.

The problem is the lack of personality of any of the characters, you have a good cast wasted. Washington is the only one given any real screen time but he doesn't bring any depth to the character, he tries but the script just isn't good enough. The rest of the cast are in the same boat, they are completely two dimensional. Even the villain of the story has nothing to offer, no humour, no creepiness and no real dialogue.

The ending is darker than I was expecting but other than that quite predictable.

Pretty boring.
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I expected much better.
12 July 2011
Given the director and writer I was expecting more.

The opening sequence feels like Sorkin with quick witty dialogue and there are a couple of other bits like that but they are few and far between, the rest of the dialogue, and narration, is pedestrian, anyone could have written it.

The direction is similarly disappointing, it's not bad, but there is nothing special here.

And that really describes the film, not bad but nothing special.

The acting is good Eisenberg, Garfield and Timberlake in particular deliver excellent performances and the rest of the cast are all convincing.

The main problem with this film is that it is hard to care about anyone in it, they all come across as arrogant, egotistic and generally unpleasant. Eduardo Saverin is the only likable character and he gets little screen time and spends the film being manipulated and generally messed about.

Zuckerberg comes across as less unpleasant than he should be, if you look at the events portrayed he should be the villain; instead he simply doesn't develop a personality, or at least not a believable one, a mixture of naivety and ruthlessness and don't go together and the film makes no attempt to explain his actions leaving the plot unsatisfying.

There are some nice flashes of humour, some funny dialogue and some well times slapstick, but not enough for this to be a comedy; it isn't detailed enough for a biography; it lacks the depth to be a good drama; that leaves it nowhere.

It took three sittings to finish since I kept losing interest.
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A light-hearted comedy
11 July 2011
This is an odd film. It is a mix of slapstick and visual gags with some of the pranks played being bizarre and funny.

There is a mixture of a coming of age drama due to the police officer's attractive wife and there are a few well done sensitive scenes.

The casting is not great, the "teenagers" look so old it is very hard to take them seriously in their roles, sure they could have found actors that actually looked like they were in school! That said the acting is good, everyone does their part but and the timing on the slap stick is excellent.

Not a incredible film but a nice, fun watch.
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Lovely to look at but doesn't hold the attention.
9 July 2011
This is visually stunning but lacks depth.

There isn't much scope for acting in the film, Li Gong is the only one who gets any real opportunity and she delivers a good performance but the rest of the cast have little to do.

The fight scenes are boring. The battles are ridiculous without being spectacular, they make The Lord of the Rings look realistic, and that leaves them as dull and they don't sustain your interest at all.

The politics seems interesting although it isn't fully developed and the lack of real dialogue makes for a shallow plot.

The real success of the film is the visuals, these are beautiful, I'm not sure I have ever seen quite such a use of colour and style, the palace is lovely to look at as are the costumes especially when shown in groups.

The ending has a few surprises and is darker than I was expecting, it is enough to salvage some enjoyment from the film but not enough to make it good.

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