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Great Adventure & Contradictions
14 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Desolation continues the adventure with fights, shocks, humour and as usual great characters and fantastic scenery. Peter Jackson (appearing briefly on camera in Bree biting into a Carrot)has once again produced a masterpiece and yet? Wheareas the LOTR varied (as it had to) frequently from the book. The Hobbit: Desolation in particular bears little or no resemblance to the original story. Anyone hoping to tie this series in with LOTR should forget that notion. Both stories are excellent but there the relationship ends. Gandalf in this story is far more knowing about Saurons resurrection then he ever was in LOTR where his surprise at the extent of Saurons recovery (as told to him by Saroman) was very clear. While Sauron is gradually regaining his powers the Gandalf of LOTR would never have sought a direct confrontation with the evil one nor was that intended when he and his fellow wizards were sent to Middle Earth.I loved the film but to tell the truth it felt stretched. The scenes with Smaug were repeated over and over during the chase. Certain aspects were dragged out far longer than they needed to be. The Hobbit could and should have been made into two extended films but not three. That is only making it last for three movies harder. No doubt the final chapter will be great entertainment and I will enjoy it thoroughly its just that........?
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Another View of John & The Beatles Early Days
30 January 2013
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As mentioned by other reviewers there are a host of inaccuracies within this version of the Beatles early days, and yet. There is something genuinely enjoyable about this film. Just for once the character of John's humour is clearly in evidence. Too many early "Beatles" films show John as the angry young man always shouting and being nasty/violent. While that may have been a facet of his character this simply does not equate with the comments of Tony Sheridan and some other people from those Hamburg days. They talk about Johns magnetic personality. How everyone wanted to be with John, to sit next to him. This simply would not have happened if all he had was anger and aggression. Another aspect to the film is the banter between group members and again the quick fire humour. So while not a good film about a great group I would urge film buffs and especially Beatles fans to view this take to avoid getting a one sided view of early Beatles life.
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An absolute classic
10 July 2012
If you've never seen this film or perhaps are of a certain age and consider this too old for you then you are missing a classic. This film does not desire to be nor is it historically correct. What it is, is simply a wonderful entertainment playing the Robin Hood legend in full. Every character is rich and the adventure you are invited to follow is wonderful. Errol Flynn is at his physical and romantic best. De Havilland is perfect as the demure yet quietly sensual Maid Marion, and as to Basil Rathbone! What a wonderful villain he portrays. Please younger film buffs see this film and enjoy it as it plays. You are in for a real treat and a fantastic adventure!
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From The Jules Verne Collection
10 July 2012
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Master of The World is not a classic film, but for those of a certain age who also used perhaps to be Jules Verne fans it is remains an interesting film. It has nothing else to recommend it other than a young Charles Bronson and a typical piece of Vincent Price over acting. Others have written better reviews suffice to say this is not a film for the anorak brigade who wish to dissect every nuance or argue the historical factuality. It is simple entertainment giving one the opportunity to see a couple of your favourite actors from times past. This Jules Vernes story deserves better than this and a new version with a leading director and financial support could turn a poor film version into a modern classic?
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A Classic From The John Ford Apache Sagas
7 June 2012
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It has taken me a long time to write a review about this film which I saw as a child and have long since added to my personal film collection. For me the strongest elements of this film as with so many John Ford films are the characterisations. John Wayne, Victor McClaglen, Ben Johnson and the rest. There are better films in this genre and to modern ears the theme tune supposedly sung by the troopers sounds almost embarrassingly naive, but boy what a great movie. It is always the simple things, the mannerisms that enchant and entertain. Others have covered the details of this film far better than I and I will not attempt to repeat that. Simply to add that if you don't mind a bit of sentimentality mixed in with belly laughs and western folklore then you are on a winner with this one. Incidentally the use of colours and shades in filming are exceptional. Monument Valley rarely looked so good.
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A Classic Beatle Film
22 May 2012
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As an Englishman or at least part English/ Irish man this film evokes memories not only of the Beatles but also of the sights and sounds from that era. In some ways it almost brings to mind the smells as well. Buildings/ streets that no longer exist. I love Norman Rossingtons attempts to open a milk carton from a machine because I can remember how difficult they were and also getting milk over my jacket when trying the same thing myself. Hard Days Night works even though it is contrived because it allows non actors (The Beatles) to play to their individual strengths. Ringo stands out but don't forget John who although he recognised their inability to act managed to add his own persona quite naturally with many comments being ad-lib. John contributed the lions share of the tunes but as a group it reflects their talents and the simplicity of a now lost era. This remains an uncomplicated film that fall very naturally under my heading of "Simply enjoy".
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Simple entertainment
2 January 2012
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In todays world every film, character, storyline and the equipment used is reviewed and dissected. What has to be remembered is that in those days films where intended as simple entertainment and in the case of westerns just good fun and escapism. Yes, the Indian's are not technically correct neither are the weapons used etc.,but lets face it, who cares? This is a simple old fashioned cowboy story with a difference. Enjoy it as it is presented and you most definitely will. Not a classic but you'll find yourself watching this again and again.

Gary Cooper plays his usual understated yet likable part and Richard Widmark seems to enjoy the character he portrays. The other actors are all interesting in their own way and fit in so well with the 'Old fashioned' colouration and backgrounds provided. There is a suggestion of characters/scenes removed from the finished article but unlike today they will never appear as a 'Direstors cut' so view and enjoy without thinking too deeply about the plot.
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Warlock (1959)
One of the good 'Ole Westerns
2 January 2012
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Warlock represents one of those western timepieces when the sets, characters and colours had that certain shade to them and before the cynicism of the 60's. The classic situation where the town brings in a hired lawman to help them against an evil gang who are taking too much for granted and become too powerful.

Clay has his standards albeit they are not those of normal townsfolk while his friend and to some extent mentor Tom Morgan (Quinn) has no such illusions. He is a hard faced yet likable killer probably the one man actually faster than Clay. He sets up his gambling and hostess den to earn as much money as quickly as possible and then moves on. No commitments. Quinns character could have been developed more but perhaps that might have detracted from the storyline. DeForrest Kelly is entertaining as the slightly friendly gang member while Richard Widmarks part while it follows a standard pattern of the time is sometimes corny perhaps even boring. Not a classic western in the best sense but definitely one you will find yourself looking At again and again it is simply enjoyable.
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Bond meets Blofeld
14 November 2011
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You Only Live Twice pales into comparison with previous Bond films Dr.No, From Russia With Love (my favourite) and Goldfinger. Although still entertaining the rot had started to creep in with Thunderball and this one, You Only Live Twice continued the decline. Still worth watching? Yes, if you haven't seen it before. The biggest mistake made in this film and increasingly common in so many modern films, is the film makers need to show you the main villain! In From Russia With Love we had that terrific voice of control. Rich and with great sinister undertones. You knew this guy (Blofeld) meant business. I like Donald Pleasance but the make up is comical and the acting wooden. This Blofeld is no clever, manipulative master. Just another satirical character who reminds you of some Adolf Hitler comedy take off. Shame because Connery was always my favourite and the best Bond!
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Backbeat (1994)
A Flavour of early 60's pop music in the raw
3 October 2011
I won't attempt to cover the detail that so many others have simply to add. Sheryl plays Astrid very well, she implies the flavour of those early days of popular music very much in the raw. Not musically perfect or electronically sanitised but real thumping music for kids which they (and I was of that time albeit a little younger than the characters) loved. Remember there had been nothing like it before. Even Elvis's influence lacked the raw dark, smoky, sweaty feel of Hamburg, the Cavern Club and many venues that have disappeared from history. Astrid's art work through pictures captured the early feel of the Beatles and their lives/times like no other. When you look at those photos you can almost touch that slightly dangerous era.

The various films about the Beatles early years all contribute varying flavours of that time without individually capturing the whole and I would recommend Beatles/film buffs to look up and watch all versions.

Most of all the individuals.John was THE leader. Paul the workaholic perfectionist. George dedicated to improving his art while not taking any of it too seriously. Stuart doing his best for his friend John but inevitably his destiny (sadly abbreviated) was art. Pete was only transitional and Ringo who had already performed with them became an important factor. Tony Sheridan and others in Hamburg made important contributions and Brian Epstien was the final and very important cog.

Enjoy all of the films.
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Sexy Beast (2000)
An average British gangster tale
30 September 2011
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Sexy Beast is a very ordinary film and certainly doesn't rate among Ray Winstones better roles.Ben Kingsleys character plays a shouting, threatening, over the top bully boy full on psycho come to force Ray to return to England to take part in the robbery. Bens character delights in make his "victims" squirm as he makes certain to play heavily upon past extra marital relationships with the other guys wives. The plot is full of holes and there are definitely goofs yet somehow it does tend to draw you in as you watch it. Perhaps in many ways because it is so bad! The best role in the film is Ian McShane as the gang boss in England, Teddy Bass. Ian plays this guy to perfection and much better than anyone you'll see in most British gangster movies. Teddy is frightening but never threatening. You know he'll eliminate you as easily as clicking his fingers but you never know when or if. He sees through any stories Ray tries to tell him, chuckles in a sinister manner but never opening challenges the explanations. Teddy never shouts or talks about what he is going to do. On the one occasion he kills someone it is sudden and without any warning, emotion or explanation. Classically understated.
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The Joys Of Pickwick
21 September 2011
Pickwick Papers exemplifies the joys of the Dickens film series made by David Lean. While not the best it is thoroughly entertaining and the characters are marvellous. Childhood memories of those familiar faces among the actors who took part and appeared in so many other British classics. Last but not least the most wonderfully rich tones of James Hayter. His was a voice you heard and loved on TV and film and never forgot from the moment he spoke.If you have only heard about this film and never seen it then do you very best to obtain a copy (if possible) for it is in its own way a minor classic. For British TV followers who were children during the fifties another regular and lovable character is Harry Fowler.
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The Eagle (2011)
Entertaining enough but otherwise average
19 August 2011
I enjoyed this film without being overwhelmed by it. Nice enough to view but don't make a special point of seeing this one.

Many comments about the use of gaelic in the film. My mother was gaelic and I can up to a point speak gaelic although my first tongue is English. I cant see why in a general entertainment film which should not claim to be historically accurate that demonstrating actors speaking gaelic for a mainly English speaking audience is so important. Once upon a time it made change in films but in many films it is irrelevant.

The historical inaccuracies have been highlighted by others and at the risk of repeating anyone else, the many films appearing surrounding the destruction/disappearance of the 9th Legion all focus on Scotland. The last known location of the 9th was on the Rhine and some artifacts have been found to support that possibility. In other words no where near Scotland!
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Blofelds character
19 August 2011
The biggest problem with the character of Blofeld is that the film makers felt the need for him to be seen. None of his appearances in film have done the super villain any justice at all. He either looks idiotic or simply lacking the substance he ought to have.

Blofeld was at his best in From Russia With Love. The voice had authority, threatened in a calm forbidding manner, never shouting nor excited. You could believe this man was the top guy and this Blofeld would never have put himself in direct opposition to Bond face to face. There would have been an army of Spectre agents in between them.

Grey tried to look evil, Pleasance whom I otherwise liked as an actor, simply looked ridiculous.
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Promising but ultimately disappointing follow up to the first F4 movie
8 October 2007
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The Rise of the Silver Surfer started to live up to my expectations even allowing for the odd goofs. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters, action, effects and basic storyline. That is I did until the character of Galactus was introduced.

Reduced from a truly formidable Planet destroying and virtually impotent super being to a vague cloud of gas? The final ending was abysmal. The Silver Surfer is simply not capable of destroying or even hurting Galactus. Why did Marvel accept such a travesty. Potentially a real good film seduced into effecting a very poor ending.

Please Marvel make things right. Reintroduce Galactus into a future F4 movie and this time make him live up to the being that all true Marvel fans know he should be. I'm sure many super hero movie fans would enjoy meeting the ultimate super character?
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