
17 Reviews
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Confusing & Generic But Overall Entertaining & Fun
21 January 2024
I was concerned for this one because Jason Statham's 2023 products weren't that good, but I was shocked.

David Ayer's direction, particularly of the action sequences, helped this film out. Also, Jason Statham being Jason Statham & Josh Hutcherson as the villan really helped out as well. The main character Adam Clay is someone you can root for, which makes this movie fun to watch. Also, the sound design was spectacular. That was one of the best things about this film.

Now, like most action films, it is very confusing and half the time you won't know what the hell is going on with all the agencies and companies brought in to the spectrum, but for the most part that's excusable.

If you like Jason Statham and are overall and action fan, you should check this one out.
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Night Swim (2024)
Not Good, But Definitely Not Bad
6 January 2024
This film was weird. It wasn't good but not bad. The good thing is effort is definitely put into this film, but the output just isn't there. This should have stayed a short because it works out like that, not a feature film. Because of that, this film has a lot of filler that really have nothing to do with the story/very unnecessary. It's only 90 minutes, but it feels like 2 hours. The premise was ok but didn't work for this film. If they really wanted to expand on a short, they needed to execute the premise perfectly, which as I said didn't happen. Also the monster design YEESH. Not scary at all and very poor cgi. The musical score was good though, and it does offer a few surprises. Might be good but overall just meh. Also it won't leave you permanently scared of pools as you won't remember this film.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Funny, Gory Good Time
5 January 2024
I had never heard of Grindhouse until the trailer for this movie dropped. I will not be watching Grindhouse, but for years to come, I will watch this one. It's got plenty of gore and plenty of humor, and it's never funny unintentionally. The best thing about this film is that it is VERY well thought out. From the riot that sets the events into motion to the killer reveal, everything is done so well. Heck, it even explores advanced themes of capitalism and greed, which is never expected from a slasher film like this. Eli Roth did a great job with this one, and I am super stoked for Thanksgiving 2!
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More Than Your Generic August Horror Film
12 August 2023
Take last years August thriller/horror films. Fall was pretty good, but still slightly above average and forgettable. Beast and The Invitation had their moments, but were just average. This movie was not that.

I went in expecting average quality and excessive jump scares. Although the latter was true and predictable, it was actually quite good. The design of Dracula wasn't so good at sometimes, but when you got a full look, it was scary and unsettling. Even though they didn't take a human approach, I appreciate the attempt to make him scary. The cast was well put together. There are also many scenes that are touching and might even induce a few tears, something that I wasn't expecting. The musical score was awesome It's pacing wasn't the best, and maybe the movie could have been shorter. Also, I think at some points the cgi was a bit obvious. However, most of the flaws are excusable.

After Cocaine Bear, there wasn't much bloody horror movies, until Talk To Me and this. Those films delivered. I would give this a try if you are a horror fan.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Familiar, Cheap, But Otherwise Genius And WILL Send Chills Down Your Spine
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I walked out of this film... with a smile. It was really good. It was scary and disturbing at the same time, there was plenty of blood and gore, and it was surprising. You didn't know when things were going to happen. The acting was very good, it was creative, the music score was good, and many other things were good too.

Now, all goods come with bads. There isn't very much, and it is excusable, but with a low budget comes some noticeable things. The shots of the demon at the end were pretty good, but you could tell it was lower budget. It also uses a lot of cgi. It also will probably remind you of many other horror films, such as The Ring, It Follows, Lights Out, The Final Destination, to name a few.

Despite all of this bad things, this is a really good horror movie. If you want a creepy, disturbing, and bloody film, this is the perfect one for you.
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The Menu (2022)
No One Will Agree With Me, But It's Perfect. Just Wow
5 August 2023
I love horror, and I thought I would love this one. I thought correctly. This one was just perfect. The direction, the cast/acting, the horror elements, the suspense, the chuckles, the kills, just everything. Ralph Fiennes wouldn't have been my first choice for a roll like this, but boy does he do a good job. I love the performances of Taylor-Joy and Hoult, as well as all of the supporting cast. They did a good job selecting the cast. It's original, it's funny, and delivers surprises I wasn't expecting.

NO ONE will agree with me, but this is just outstanding. Horror enthusiasts will FOR SURE find this a fun time, and if you don't, it's you CAN'T call yourself a horror enthusiast.
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Elemental (2023)
Surprisingly Enjoyable
5 August 2023
I'm more of a horror/thriller guy, but I decided to try something different. I actually loved this movie. It explores themes of racism and prejudice, which are brilliantly used. I thought the screenplay wasn't great but satisfactory, the voice acting was pretty good, and the animation was excellent. Its also got some good chuckles in there, too. It's upper PG.

Now, the goods come with bads too. It was a bit cliched, which is understandable for an animated film, but Pixar usually does a good job with that. Honestly, that's pretty much it.

The reviews won't show it, but I truly believe this is upper tier Pixar. It's no Toy Story, Up, or The Incredibles by any means, but it makes for a fun time.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Funny And Good Cast, But Not This "Great" Movie Everyone's Been Saying
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't dying to see this, but I felt like I had to participate in the Barbenheimer phenomenon, and the trailer looked good, so I went. I went in with reasonably high expectations because the reviews were high and it has a good cast and crew behind it. I was slightly disappointed.

I enjoy Robbie's acting, and I also like Will Ferrell (who doesn't), it's got some good chuckles, the screenplay is solid. The soundtrack is also pretty good.

Now, what's bad about it? Well, I felt like a film like this would be a tad more realistic then it was. This felt like an animated film inside a live action film. I feel like there were some parts that were unnecessary.

Well, it was pretty good. If you want a comedy, you'd like this one.

NOTE: Although I enjoyed both, I think Oppenheimer reigns superior to Barbie.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Could Have Been Shorter, But Absolutely Astonishing And Blasts Away Barbie
5 August 2023
Barbie ain't got nothing on Oppenheimer

Just wow. That's all I can say. The practical effect are just on another level, the screenplay is weak at sometimes but for the most part excellent, the visuals are unlike anything I've seen, and the acting is just... Cillian Murphy at his best, Emily Blunt and Robert Downey Jr acting at a level worthy of an Oscar, and I enjoyed Pugh, Damon, Malek, to name a few. Christopher Nolan's direction is something else. He really knows what he is doing.

Now, with all of that, there are few things to point out. Mostly, it is very, very long. For the most part, it is excusable, but there are some dill points. The exciting parts make up for it, but I do feel like it could have been 20 minutes shorter.

If you like biopics, I think you'd like this one.

NOTE: Although I enjoyed both, Oppenheimer reigns superior over Barbie.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Has Plenty Of Heart, Nostalgia, And Top Notch Acting, But Overhyped
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was a tier above the average superhero film. It has some heart to it, really good acting (particularly Keaton), and some scenes might even induce tears. The story could be better but it's satisfactory.

All goods must come with bads though. The visual effects are AWFUL. For that big of a budget, I expected WAY more. It feels like they weren't even trying to make things look real. Also, the climax isn't great and could have been better. That part was a bit predictable.

Now, with all of that said, I think this was a good film for the DCEU. The reception is decent news for the upcoming DCU, although the money definitely isn't. I think a superhero enthusiast would enjoy this one.
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Got Some Serious Chills And Atmosphere, But Very Basic And Forgettable
5 August 2023
I'm glad they decided to release this film in the summer, because a horror fan like me needs more than just Insidious in the summer. Now, yes, it has many good things about it. The acting is solid, it's got just as many good jump scares as meh ones, and the design of the monster is different and interesting.

With all of the good, there is some bad with it to. It is very predictable and just very basic. When I watched this movie, I thought a lot about several other horror movies, namely Smile. The script at times feels forced, and it isn't as good as it could be.

I think like many PG 13 horror movies, it makes for a really good teen sleepover movie. I think a horror enthusiast would find this satisfactory.
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65 (2023)
Adam Driver Gives It His All, But It Falls Short Of Its Potential
5 August 2023
Out of all the movies I saw this year, this one probably has one of the best premises. I mean, it's not great, but at least it's original and creative. Now, what's wrong with it? Adam Driver.... NOT. He saves this film with his acting. It's really good. Also the acting of Ariana Greenblatt is pretty good as well.

Ok, so for real, what's bad about it? This part is maybe just me, but I think it could have been about 10 minutes longer. I think it was a bit short. I found myself wanting more. I feel like the subplot (which I won't reveal) was a tad bit unnecessary. Now, for the really really bad part. The designs of the dinosaurs. They should have got some tips from Universal, because these monsters were bad. I don't think they looked close to what they should look like.

All in all, Adam Driver saves this from being a bad movie. If you want a fun time that's short, I think you'd like this one.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
It Wasn't That Good, But It Was Very Fun To Watch
2 August 2023
Was it necessarily a good movie? Honestly... not really. The plot is all over the place and at times difficult to keep up with. There are also some pointless scenes which contribute little or nothing to the story. So why did I rank it so high?

Just like I said, it's fun to watch. It's got some good laughs, the cast is enjoyable, and it's got some creative kills and other stuff like that. The titular bear is also used very well, in a comedic manner. It also has plenty of blood and gore, which is also used in a comedic manner.

All in all, it might end up forgotten. However, if you like comedy and can tolerate some blood and gore, I think you might like this one.
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You Left... Me Mad After Watching This
30 July 2023
Jesus, where to begin. I think I'll start by saying this: was this movie even necessary? Did we really need this? I think we didn't, but we did.

This movie is just the definition of low budget. The lighting is terrible, there are pointless scenes, and the acting is somewhat uneven. Honestly though, the worst part is they don't even try to hide the fact that Pooh and Piglet were guys in masks. THE MASKS WEREN'T EVEN MADE FOR THE FILM THEY WERE PURCHASED.

Ok, I got it out of my system. There are some good things, like it's kills and locations, but that may be about it. Oh yeah, the musical score was something I enjoyed, at least that got some effort.

Bottom line, this movie is simply clickbait horror. I wouldn't blame you if you watch it, but lower expectations.
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Not As Surprising As Other M Night Films
30 July 2023
Is it better than most M Night films? The answer is yes. Dave Bautista is really good in this movie, I enjoy the atmosphere, and the direction isn't that bad. I also think it does better than the source material, as I think that it makes a much better change to the ending. However, there was a big twist or something at the end. Be honest, we were all expecting something like "oh these people are part of a suicide cult or something like that..." Be honest, you were thinking that. However, it didn't happen, and something normal happened. There wasn't much twists really, and I think that makes an impact to some extent.

Yes, this is still an enjoyable watch. I do recommend it, but there aren't any twists.
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Plane (2023)
B Movie At It's Best! You Can't Bet Against Gerard Butler!
30 July 2023
What an amazing film. When the trailer came out, I thought "hmm, another Lionsgate B/C movie" and decided to go see it. I was blown away. Now sure, it's not perfect by any means, and if it had more notable names in it, this rating would be much lower.

The whole cast does a good job, it is packed with action, and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Now there were some points where it was predictable, and sometimes things feel forced, but when it's all said and done, you forget about that stuff. Gerard Butler has truly solidified himself as the king of the B action movies. Thriller enthusiasts, this one is for you!
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M3GAN (2022)
Funny, Well Done, But Forgettable Film
30 July 2023
I think this movie was pretty solid, although I don't know if I loved it. The comedy was really good, and it did well with the PG 13 style. They did really good with the doll itself. The camera work is also really good, too. So, what didn't I like about it? Well, it felt pretty generic. It was a basic script, basic doll movie, and just overall pretty predictable.

Overall, it did really good in elevating the average horror film. Also, I'm glad this was originally supposed to be an R rated gory film, because they easily could have made it to where it was PG 13 from the start and it was aimed at the teens. Anyway, if you are having a sleepover, this might be the film to watch!
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