
38 Reviews
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25th Hour (2002)
Proof that Spike Lee is under-rated
10 November 2003
Spike Lee is possibly the boldest film-maker alive today. His films take place in the real world, not on some hollywood set. Most movies that take place in New York right now, take place in a New York that never experienced tragedy, they completly forget about what happened on 9/11. Spike Lee's New York of 25th hour is not only a New York where 9/11 happened, he doesn't just show ground zero briefly or have a character make one reference to it, it is a New York where everyone in it is saddened and angered and rudley awakened after it happened. But, this isn't a documentry on 9/11 either, the plot is about Monty Brogan going off to prison for seven years and reflecting on his mistakes (in some cases) and trying to cope with his anger. But, as I said before, he isn't some steril character, this is a man who heard the planes crash, a man who has a friend that lives right next to ground zero, a man that has an other friend who is attracted to his teenage student. I won't write a long review for this, because, this movie isn't about the plot, it's about the emotions, and to understand that, you have to see it. 10/10
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I saw it three times already....
12 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I put the spoilers heading on the top of this review, just in case there are people who are really hard core about that sort of thing. But, I also must say that it is impossible to really spoil this movie for anyone by telling them plot elements, because you know what's going to ultimately happen by just reading the plot description. Eventually, The Bride is going to Kill Bill and everyone associated with reuning her wedding day. This is not a movie that you watch for the plot, and not a movie that you can enjoy being told about. This is a movie that needs to be watched, it demands it. Roger Ebert described it best when he refered to it as "story telling without a story", this is exactly right because we have all seen this story before, hero gets wronged, and wrongs the evil doers. But, because Tarantino is so good at what he does, he uses every element he can to make this the most interesting thing imaginable. I have already heard people complain about the amount of blood in this movie; these people obviously didn't get the point: this is a MOVIE about MOVIES that has NO grounding in reality. It is a throw back to very low budget Kung-Fu films and also to film noir and spagatti westerns. The movie is almost a thesis on the simularities between the genres; by combining the elements together, you get to thinking that there were already many elements there in the first place; in all three genres, somebody has been wronged, usually someone important to them has died or they have had an attempt on their life and they are out for quick justice by killing everyone of them. In fact, many spaggeti westerns took plots from samari movies and vice versa.

Quentin makes it very clear that the audience are his puppets and he is the puppet master controlling every aspect of the film. He of course has always done this to an extent, as in Pulp Fiction in Res Dogs where he jumps the story around simply for effect. He of coursse does that here too; but, in this movie he even goes as far as to bleep The Bride's real name out simply because he doesn't want you to know it yet; and he wants you to know that he doesn't want you to know.

This is a tribute to the asian art of film making; he even goes as far as to make one of the chapters (if you didn't know yet, the movie is divided into chapters, five in this movie, five in the next) an anime sequence. This helps him bring home the idea that this is not an emotionaly serious movie, that the violence is cartoonish and that should be accepted, what better way to do this then to have a cartoon in the middle of the movie? This also helps him tell elements of the story, that if he tried to tell in live action, he would have gotten an NC-17 or X rating as opposed to the R rating he did recieve.

There are slow motion shots in this movie, there are black and white shots in this movie, there's a shadow fight sequence in this movie, and a snow fight sequence. And those are just a hand-full of the elements that he uses. I've seen it three times already and plan on seeing it several more times before it gets out of theaters, this truly is the most entertaining movie to come out in a very long time. A+
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The Best PG-13 Movie I Have Ever Seen
7 October 2003

From start to finish, this movie never stops being entertaining and thought provoking. In one sequence, you're watching a heartfelt sequence of a man finally getting to have father/daughter time with the child that he never had, and you honestly forget that what they are doing is swindeling people, people who don't have alot to spare in the first place. But, this is not an unapologetic movie that simply turns unethical charecters into heros, even Roy himself admits that most of the people that he swindels, do not deserve it. The film has enough light-heartedness to be fun, but enough intelligence to point the camera at the victims. This is a movie that knows that there are several sides to everything, and that what you may think is one thing at one point, can in actuallity, be something completly different. And though this movie has many twists and turns, non of them cheapen the story in any way and help to inrich it in reality and originality. This movie is not for everyone, which is one of the reasons why I like it so much, this movie is for people who have gotten born with all the same crap and like to see a story with charecters that are relatable. 11/10
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A Whole Hell Of A Lot Better Then I Was Expecting
7 September 2003

So, I don't really like pirate stories, and the idea of a movie based on a ride doesn't blow my skirt up either, and i'm not one of those guys who just sees movies because they're movies, i love movies, but, i don't have time to see everything out there. So, why is the hell did i go see this one? My friends Justin said that he felt that it was going to be the best movie of the summer, and i figured what the hell, i'll just go see it, if i'm gonna be an actor, i prolly won't act in movies i like all the time, so, it'll be a good excercise.

There were flaws in it. The scene where Depp gets swung around the wooden poll, it is very obvious that it is a stunt double. Also, pirates that can't get killed fight on and on with their swords. But, all of that crap is ok, because, this is not the type of movie that is suppose have everything be flawless and to always makes sense. This is suppose to provide a good time, and that it does do. It would have been nice if some of the problems weren't there, but, they are a non issue just because of the sheer energy of the film. Depp's charecter and Depp himself also do this movie alot of justice. Depp's charecter, Jack, is a perfect example of a charecter that that does not need to have an arch, but can still be interesting threw it's dinamic. Jack doesn't change in the movie, your perception of him does, but, he doesn't, he's the same robber baron that he was at the begining. His performance of the role is also something to behold because he plays it with incredible comic timing and with sparking originality, which saves the part, because, as i said, it has no arch, Depp adds the dinamic.

All in all, a good flick, i suck at deciding what number to give films, but, i think this is a pretty solid 8.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
worth all of it's hype
7 September 2003

From day one, everyone hears all of the hype of this particular movie. "Classic" is the word alot of people use to describe it, and that word usually scares me away from a film as that usually goes hand and hand with "boring", i mean, the bulk of classics are good films, don't get me wrong, but, i don't usually go out of my way to see them because they just move so slow, some of the techniques aren't as interesting as they were back in the day and the stories themselves can become very easily dated. This movie doesn't do any of that, in fact, even though it's 62 years old now, it still has an incredibly modern feel to it.

There is in fact only one flaw that i have noticed, and that is at the very begining where they are showing shots of the outside of his manor and it is quite apperent that there are backdrops, but, you must remember that this was on a super tight budget over 6 decads ago. Besides that, the film is flawless. It tells the story of a man who was able to haev an extrodinary life and still not be able to be happy with it. This film is the kind of movie that inspires people to become film makers, as it uplifts without being cheesy, shocks without swearing or bloog or gore and speaks volumes of a man's life without truly telling all there is to tell about him. Citizen Kane is absolutely amazing, go see it if you haven't already, i'm pretty sure you won't get bored, even you film snobs that visit this website.

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A Tragic Case Of Mismarketing
20 April 2003
I saw the TV spot for this movie last year and i said to myself that i was going to avoid it at all costs, just another dumb teenage geared movie with one demintional charecters, not to mention the fact that i was afraid i was going to hear that god awfull "She F*cking Hates Me" song if i was going to see it. So, I completly avoided the damn thing until today, when a friend of mind who i greatly respect the oppions of said he heard that it was really good and that we should rent, i decided "what the hell, I'll give the thing a chance" and I am so glad that i did. This film is a work of art, plain and simple. It is NOT making sex and drugs seem cool or fun or anything of the sort. This movie is a complete send off of the idea that young adults can have carefree sex with no side effects. People who say this movie is just a typical teen movie need to look a little closer at what is really going on: every sex scene in this film is shot to make sex as unapealing as possible, in fact, the only time i was less turned on by sex scenes was watching "A Clockwork Orange", it shows sex as being something that when you make it a big deal in your life, it will consume you and draw out any humanity you may have. People who were like me that haven't seen this film yet, people who think "It's just going to be another waste of time" should see this film, and i have a feeling that if you really pay attention, you will see this disturbing masterpiece for what it really is.
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22 February 2003
I gave this one a 9, which is higher then alot of people have been giving this one. I gave it a 9, because i felt that it was good, but not great. A good movie entertains you from begining to end, like training day or bandits, a great movie entertains you and changes your life, like american beauty or requiem for a dream. This was a VERY good movie, with great acting, a good script and good direction. What keeps it from being great is that it really isn't anything new, it's another sexualy charged thriller with the same sorts of twists. There are some new things in it, it's the first anti-death penalty movie i've seen in a while and it offers a new view of everything, a very complex one with incredibly complex charecters. All in all, worth your money, but, it won't change your life.
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watch this instead of american history x
8 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers

This is a very good anti-nazi film. It shows the pain that comes as a result of hate not through redemption like the ever-so-hollywood American History X, but rather through simply having the main hatefull charecters all either die in a horrible death or wish that they could be given that priveledge. Gritty and amazingly realistic, this is the movie that people SHOULD be talking about when they want to talk about the subject of racism. 10/10
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one of the best period peices
22 December 2002
As a rule, I don't really like period peices, if for no other reasons then I find it hard to get into them, because it seems that nobody can realisticaly portray the past, it becames so incredibly obvious that it was made in the present by people in the present and overall becomes very boring. So, one might ask why i would go into the theater to see this in the first place. The reason being is that I love Martin Scorsese. And he, Leo, Diaz, and Daniel Day-Lewis make this genre, which as I said I usualy i don't like, interesting and exciting. This movie pays great attention to detail, and greatly focuses on the persecution of the Irish, something I think alot of people have forgotten. Overall, great film, higly recommended. 10/10
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funny as hell
28 November 2002
While I like seeing Robin Williams explore his darker side in "Death to Smoochie" and "Insomnia", it is still nice to see him do what he does best: be funny as all hell. The special is essentially one sentence. I saw this because he never really finishes a thought. He starts on something, goes on about whatever topic and then once he reaches another topic, he launches into that one, leaving the previous topic behind never to return to it. It is always nice to see a comedian at the top of his game and this is certainly that. 10/10
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Pi (1998)
Good First Film
28 November 2002
I saw pi a little while ago, I never thought to comment on it, not that i didn't like it or anything, it just never crossed my mind. Now that i have seen Requiem For A Dream, I feel that I should put in my two cents about this movie. I have to say that I found the film inspiring. It shows that you don't need money, magor stars, and tons of experience in Hollywood to make a good film. This movie shows that if you have a good idea and alot of talent that you can produce a work of art that just smacks people in the face. Defently a must see for anybody interested in movies and how far one can really go with film. If you plan on seeing Requiem for a dream, make a point to see this one first, that way you can appreciate the growth that Arnofsky went threw between the two projects. 9/10
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Casino (1995)
28 November 2002
This is the kind of movie that I love, a deep charecter study that shows the development of people that are REAL people, i.e. they do things that actual people would do, they're not just one d charecters that you can't relate to at all. If you liked The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, or Resevoir Dogs, tyhen chances are you'll like this. 9/10
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28 November 2002
I'm giving this movie a 10 outta 10, i know that i usually give movies a 10 on this webiste, because, I dont comment on movies i don't like. In this case, i'm giving this movie a 10 out of 10, because I don't feel that it belongs on the bottom one hundred. Which is why I have declared this to be a countervote, even though i probably spelled it wrong. This movie has some very funny moments, and is worth watching with the family. If i wasn't countervoting, I would have given it a 6.
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28 November 2002
I love this film, always have, ever since the first time I saw it. This movie is what film musical's were all about, flashy, light hearted and a whole lotta fun. The singing is great, the acting is right on and the dancing is just plain wonderfull. Gene Kelly is obviously an amazing dancer, but, one should not overlook the equally amazing Donald O'Conner, who simply stops the show with "Make Em Laugh". Other good numbers include "Moses", "Beutifull Girl" and of course the title song. Anybody who likes having fun when they watch a movie needs to see this. 10/10
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Sugar & Spice (2001)
Not As Bad As You Might Think
27 November 2002
I did not think i would like this movie, that's why i avoided seeing it for a while, but, it was on starz 2, the station that plays the same 4 movies for a week, and i thought, what the hell, i'll give it a shot. And, I have to say, while it wasn't anything amazing, it was certainly entertaining and i think that people should at least give it a shot. Some very funny momenets. 6/10
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Office Space (1999)
I Believe You Have My Stapler
20 November 2002
I've worked in an office since i was 15, and while it has always been better then working at a job where you have to ask "do you want frys with that", it didn't always feel like a blessing. I think this movie is for anybody that has ever worked, and especially for anybody who has ever worked in an office, and if you have ever worked at a computer company like i did, you have to see this movie. While it is funny, sometimes it's pretty scary how close to truth it gets. Ex: trying to get to work and everytime you switch lanes, the lane that you are in ALWAYS moves slower. I've met guys like Bill Lumburgh, and thankfully, they got fired. In anycase, don't believe the trash talk you hear about this movie, just watch it and enjoy.
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Why is this only #44?
18 November 2002
I just got through watching this movie. I rented it because i kept hearing people talk about it and i figured that i had to figure out what the hell everybody was talking about. I had to see for myself, to see if all of what i heard was for a good reason. And it was. I have never seen a film that was so relentless with it's attack on its audience. Darren Arnofsky(sp) is a brilliant director that doesn't pull a punch and won't let any members of his cast do so either. Addiction has never been captured on film like this before, and even though many will try to, i doubt that it will be again. I Put this movie in the same catogory as Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange. This is the type of film that you can't let sink into the backround, you can't talk with your friends while you watch this movie. In fact, it's probably best to not watch this movie with your friends. But, no matter how you watch it, it demands to be watched. It sucks you in and then pulls you out. A must see for anybody who truly loves movies. 10/10
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Snatch (2000)
good movie
23 August 2002
I saw Snatch with a group of very loud friends, even though they were incredibly loud, I still enjoyed this movie emensely (sp?). It has what at first seems to be a simple plot (a bunch of people going after a diamond) but when you begin to peal back the layers you have one of the most complicated things that I have seen ever. If you liked Pulp Fiction, you should like this.
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Men in Black (1997)
Good Flick
23 August 2002
Apparently, some people did not like this movie, however, most people I have talked to like this movie so much that they watched it until they got completly sick of it (which in this case, means ALOT of times). I have seen it just as many times as anybody else, possibly more and I am yet to get sick of it. It has a great story, great special effects, and pretty dran good acting. All in all, a good picture to be enjoyed by the people who want to see it (ie, fans of the whole sci-fi action comedy genre).
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The Rock (1996)
how do you not love this movie?
23 August 2002
This movie has it all: a great cast, great direction and a great story. Sean connery is great as the James Bond type figure who got caught (you'll understand when you see the movie) and Nicolas cage is great as the chemist who really doesn't want anything to do with all of this action stuff. All in all, a must see for any action fan.
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this movie is under rated
23 August 2002
I started watching this on a tape my dad taped off of cable. We were unpleasently suprised when we found out that the ending was missing when we got to the end of it (it was replaced by a member of member of my house playing super mario brothers). So, we rented the movie and saw the ending. And I don't think I uderstood it more for seeing it. This is more then just a violent and profane action movie, it's a movie that makes you say "huh?" and keeps you entertained. Highly recomended. 10/10
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crime at it's best
22 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
My favorite movies are ones that are violent, humorous and thought provoking. This is all three. The screenplay is great and so is the directing and acting. Several things that make this movie worth seeing: (may contain spoilers, depending on how you look at it) the story manages to show before the robbery and after the robbery without showing the robbery itself and still have it be interesting. Also, it uses a radio like it were an actual radio (in the "stuck in the middle with you" scene, it's noticable when you watch the movie). As far as I'm concerned those two things alone would be enough reason to see it, but, there are even more reasons to see it, just ask anybody who's seen it. Bottom line, those who have seen it, I don't have to tell you to see it again and if there is anybody who has not seen it: SEE IT.
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Not As Bad As Some Might Say
22 August 2002
This is not a bad movie, it isn't an oscar winner either, but, that doesn't mean that it isn't worth watching. I really like the plot and the acting really isn't all that bad. All in all, it's entertaining and one of those movies that you should for yourself before you let others tell you it's bad.
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Multi-Facial (1995)
a must see for all
14 August 2002
This short was everything people told me it was going to be. I love Vin Diesel and anybody who loves him, and people who don't should see this. The people who love him should see the work that inspired speilberg (sp) to wrtite him into Saving Private Ryan and the people who think that he's a bad actor should see this just to eat there words. Oh, and just as an added little bonus, if you see this, you also get to see vin rap, :). All in all, a highly recomended movie. 10/10
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Reign of Fire (2002)
good, but not great
13 August 2002
This movie has a good concept: dragons as actual animals instead of mystical sorts of creatures that go bump in the night. It also had good special effects, and alright acting. This is not the most amazing action/adventure mvoie I have ever seen, however, there are some really good moments (some really funny ones even) and it's just generaly speaking alot of fun. It's out of theaters now, but, i think it's defently worth checking out at the video store. Not amazing, but, worth a look: 7/10.
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