
11 Reviews
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Actually pretty funny
6 June 2008
I watched this the other night and i had rented it because i am a big fan of nearly all of the actors in the movie..guys from Superbad, Saving Silverman, Super Troopers, and Grandma's Boy. And i really was not disappointed. While the movie is incredibly stupid and may have some of the dumbest "dumb but funny" jokes of all time, it is the perfect stoner film. The movie relies on stupid humor and jokes that virtually make no sense, but are for some reason hilarious. There are a few times where the film does drag and seems to make no sense....but the jokes make it worth it as they had me and my friend laughing all night. Jonah Hill is once again hilarious as is Zahn with the animal commentary including the bear, seal, and ending shark segments. Just hilarious.

I am surprised that the movie was not bigger with all of these names, but it seems to be doing just like Grandma's Boy did 2 years ago..almost no box office but lots of DVD rentals and sales. Just pop it in, sit back and either smoke, drink, or just watch and i guarantee you will laugh much more than your average comedy.

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Absolutely Hilarious!
22 April 2008
Going in to this i did not think that it could come anywhere close to topping "Superbad," or "Knocked Up," but it did. And it did with flying colors. This movie is awesome, the casting and writing are easily the two best parts of the movie, as you truly care about the characters and laugh at almost everything they say. Jason Segel is surprisingly awesome at writing scripts, I knew he could act after watching "How I Met your mother," but this was just THAT funny.

Mila Kunis is hotter than ever in her role, and really does a great job. This movie kept the entire theatre laughing out loud the entire movie, with constant laughs, as there was probably only a few points in the movie where the were no jokes.

Overall fantastic comedy, one of my favorites ever.---10/10
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Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
Most Ridiculous, and one of the most fun movies ever made
17 March 2008
Shoot 'em up starts out insane, and never lets up. The movie is straight up action, much like the Transporter 2 was made, just EVEN MORE ridiculous. The stunts and guns were just awesome, as was the acting by Clive and Paul. They were both funny and intense at the same time. While at the times the stunts are too unbelievable, they still add to the fun and will keep you saying "No way!", "Wow", and "What the hell?!" throughout.

Overall it is definitely worth a look if you are looking for something to do and love brainless action films.

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Rambo (2008)
Easily the best action movie in a LONG time!
25 January 2008
Congrats Sly, you have once again reinvented and brought us a new installment of one of the best movie franchise's in history. What he did with "Rocky Balboa" last year, he does once again in "Rambo". This movie is AWESOME. The action is perfectly spaced out and well done. Stallone looks great as Rambo, and the movie plays out even better. While watching this I have never rooted for a character more in a movie than i did in this. I wanted Rambo to punish the enemy Burmese characters more than anything, they were just brutal people. It makes me feel as if we need a John Rambo in todays society haha

Overall it was the most fun action movie I have seen in a while and although it is incredibly gory and intense, it made it feel more realistic, and had you rooting for John from the start. Great job stallone!--9/10
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Cloverfield (2008)
Pretty cool monster movie
21 January 2008
The much anticipated "Cloverfield" was finally released and I finally saw it today. Being a looooong time Godzilla fan (japanese movies) I have been excited to see this movie since seeing the original teaser before "Transformers", and I really was not let down. It was an extremely original monster movie, and brought new life into the genre. The movie feels unbelievably realistic, to the point where it is pretty freaky sometimes. Although, I can really see where all of the people complaining about it making them remember the events of 9/11 are coming from. Because it feels exactly like it in many scenes where the monster is not involved. It's almost TOO realistic. If i have one complaint though, it is the monster. I thought it looked to cgi and fake sometimes, and wasn't shown enough, but maybe that's just me.

Overall I thought Matt Reeves and JJ Abrams did a great job with this idea and made it very realistic and fun--7/10
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Urban Justice (2007 Video)
Pretty damn good action flick
16 January 2008
"Urban Justice" obviously has its problems, and isn't exactly golden globes material- but it is still extremely fun to watch, and a very good action movie. The movie is straightforward and Seagal gives his best performance in a long time, both acting and action wise. The fight scenes involving him are grade B material and fast paced. Towards the end, Seagal's dialogue became great and even kind of pumped you up to listen to as he's going after the "bad guys".

The problems of the film are that its way to dark in a lot of scenes: you really can't tell what exactly is going on, and most of the gangster dialogue is over used, getting pretty annoying. But other than that the movie was a fun ride, and one of Seagal's best films.

Overall-- 7/10
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The Orphanage (2007)
14 January 2008
This movie was honestly incredible, one of the best story, acting, screen writing, and directing I've seen in a horror movie. The film was incredibly tense, and pretty scary at moments (not one of the scariest movies I have seen, but still frightening to say the least). The lead actress was phenomenal and it all felt so real and that it was happening to you. You may even get a little teary-eyed towards the ending, as it is a pretty touching/depressing movie. The ghost children were downright creepy, especially sack mask kid, as was Benigne i think her name was from the beginning. This movie deserves to be seen by any horror fan, and should definitely win "Best Foreign Film" at the Oscars.

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Juno (2007)
Really good, pretty funny date movie
8 January 2008
This movie was not technically a "chick flick" but sure acted like one for most of the movie, but it was surprisingly welcoming. The movie was very funny, the dialogue was fast and quirky, and Ellen Page was awesome. The role almost seemed to be made for her. J.K. Simmons as the dad also was hilarious, and brought most of the funniest lines and actions of the movie. Micheal Cera was also pretty good, with not too many lines but some funny facial expressions and actions, much like he did in "Superbad". I wouldn't call it one of the funniest movies of the year, but a good one.

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Besides the first 20 minutes, very entertaining...
8 January 2008
When the movie first opened i had almost no expectations as I had heard that it was not as good as the first one, and that wasn't exactly the best movie ever either. Until about a half hour into it i believed all of the reviews, until the battling began. From there on, it never really let up. The Predalien looks awesome, the aliens look very realistic, and the Predator kicked some serious ass.

The movie definitely gets better as it goes along, and the finale is actually pretty cool, surprisingly enough. The acting really was not THAT bad for this type of movie, and there is one death that I bet no one saw coming. Don't go into it expecting too much and I'm sure you'll be entertained. If a third one were to come out, I would probably be in line to see it.

Overall--the first third of the movie was wayyy to slow and stupid and some of the action could have been better 6/10
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Not AS BAD as i expected, but still....
7 January 2008
okay, this movie was honestly not AS awful as i had heard and expected. I've seen worse attempts at horror with "The Grudge", or "The Ring 2", "Pulse", "When a Stranger Calls" or the hilarious "The Wicker Man", but it is still embarrassing at how lame Hollywood "horror" movies have become. The only good ones are the independent films like "SAW" or the upcoming "Poughkeepsie Tapes", which by the way you know its sad when a trailer is actually scarier than the film you are presenting it before.

So the movie actually begins pretty decent and just slowly declines from there. The scares are so obvious and pathetically done that the audience usually ends up laughing. The acting was pretty horrendous, but hey, its a horror movie. The pacing was one of the better parts of the film as the kills are spaced enough to keep just a little bit of interest, as does the so-called plot. The ending is what truly ruins the movie though, as it's just a typical PG-13 horror film ending, so it was virtually expected. Overall---4/10
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I Am Legend (2007)
Extremely Over-rated
7 January 2008
If you want the definition of "rip-off" watch 28 days or even 28 weeks later, and then watch this movie. Now, i understand that there was an older version and it was virtually the same plot, but i heard they were vampires and acted and looked differently than these new "zombies". But, I'm not even sure zombies is even the right word considering they looked like a bad mix of an evil spider-man/ x-men villain. They all looked generally the same; fake, and mysteriously had super-human speed and strength. The CGI was horrific and looked like something out of a PS2 game.

Anyway, besides that aspect, the plot has been over-used and was not done well enough to keep me interested. I pretty much knew what was going to happen, and I am sure most people did as well, considering the films title basically gives away the ending.

Granted, Will Smith was phenomenal, working with just a dog for most of the movie. He was great, and i believe that he deserves to one day be an Oscar winner. Overall the film gets a 3/10 just because of Will's performance.
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