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Ghost Town (I) (2008)
Rose above expectations.
29 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I came into this film not expecting much, I loved the office and extras but never really thought of Ricky Gervais as a feature length actor considering his pretty much repetitive role as a character that is a magnet to awkwardness. I was correct in the sense that he played this character however what surprised me was the premise and narrative of the film completely complemented this role... weird considering he didn't even write it.

However not indulging on this idea the film was made for Gervais all I can say what a great little movie! The acting was solid, but what impressed me most was the was it went from being a comedy to a very moving rom-com that speaks in a non self preachy way how much better the world would be if people realised that everybody suffers the downs of life not just themselves.

A perfect example of this without spoiling too much is when Gervais helps one of the ghosts return a cherished stuffed toy to his son. On returning the stuffed toy Gervais then realises that the mother of the boy is the chatty woman he is always shutting up at the dentist. Which highlights Gervais's failure at the start of the film to realise other peoples pains but is now redeemed thanks to his interaction with the ghosts thus making him a fulfilled and much better person. It is almost the Christmas Carroll of the 21st century albeit a funnier and much light hearted one. But more importantly it was a pleasant surprise on what has been a bad year for comedy 'cough' love guru 'cough'. YNWA
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Not intensely funny but still Brilliant!
29 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong their were some amusing parts in the film (sellers line of 'no fighting in the war room' springs to mind)but on a whole similar to the novel Animal Farm by George Orwel, Dr Strangelove is not such a comedy but as good as satire will ever get.

Many people identify Strangelove as being a black comedy however I believe one can't identify it as a solid genre for it could equally fall under the brackets of being a thriller or more importantly a horror. The way in which the politicians bicker over petty differences while on the brink of nuclear destruction may seem funny, but leaves one to question is this really as far off from the real world as it seems?

Think about it the cold war was mainly based on the very one dimensional appearance of both Communism and capitalism (my ideal is better than yours etc)yet the looming threat of destruction was evident because of it. It is scary to think that people that behave like children have the fate of the world in their hands and this is the idea that Strangelove feeds off and through this brings a sense of dread and fear to the audience making the inevitable nuclear holocaust presented in the film not as much a dramatic climax than a dramatic realisation.

To tie up this effective portrayal would not be achieved without great direction and acting; both delivered immaculately in this masterpiece. Go see it before the world really does end.YNWA
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Saw V (2008)
You wont believe how it ends..terribly!
26 October 2008
Im going to keep this short but not so sweet. The first 3 saw movies were brilliant. The 4th was alright but this is the black sheep of the saw franchise. I have to admit along with the consistency of the previous sequels and its tag line saw v dragged me in instantly with wonder and excitement wanting to know what happens next...nothing the twists are predictable and the death scenes are poor compared to their predecessors. Actings okay but that cant carry what is essentially a tedious been-there plot that shows the sad truth of Hollywood...entertainment is second to making money. I feel more worse off than a jigsaw victim. YNWA
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Death Note (2006)
A brilliant thriller that will not just appeal to manga fans.
13 August 2008
Similar to the word 'subtitle', the phrase 'manga adaptation' will raise a crescendo of groans across the western hemisphere. Without going into too much detail of the struggle of foreign films making it in Britain and America all one wants to say that this is a stone cold fact. Not a word more will be contributed to the minimal impact it made in the west, for lets not indulge in what this film failed to achieve, but what it did. Without a doubt Death Note is a superb piece of work that defines a great translation from manga to film. It is true that a lot of detail is missing, but the essence of Tsugumi Ohba's supernatural thriller is here for more than just anime fans to enjoy.

One doesn't want to really ruin the premise of this film, for part of the enjoyment for the viewer is learning the rules and consequences of the death note. Instead to sum it up in a sentence seems far more sufficient. Death note is like watching a twisted magic show where the performers are perfectly on cue, the surprises are there, the suspense is there and it will be a performance that will stick with the viewer for a long time.

There are only two negative aspects about death note. Firstly the death god ryuk is a pretty poor cgi conjure- that looks more 90's than 21st century technology. Although, in fairness it may of been to stay true with the image of ryuk in the manga.Besides this isn't supposed to be a film revolving around visual style. Lastly the film at the end feels incomplete with the story not being fully told to satisfy an average movie goer that doesn't know there's more to be covered. However that is the job of a sequel and if its as half as good as this then it will be one hell of an achievement. YNWA
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Proof that foreign films are overlooked.
5 June 2008
Yes it may of won 3 Oscars and yes at the time of writing it sits snugly at number 56 of the IMDb all time movie chart, but ask an average Joe in the street if they've seen it then you'll be looked at in a way that would make a hardcore nudist feel uneasy. It is a great travesty that despite this film being in many moguls eyes (mine included) the stand out film of 2006, it will forever remain only a cult classic, shunned by the masses.

One wonders if the role of Ofelia played by the superb Ivana Baquero was instead played by, lets say, Dakota Fanning and the equally impressive/terrifying Sergi Lopez as Captain Fidal was instead filled by, hmmmm, Johny Depp then along with the addition of an English dialect this film most probably would've got somewhere in the USA/Britain.

I'm not firing sour grapes at the fact that only movies spawned from Hollywood are deemed watchable by the mass public, for on a large scale I agree that those straight out of tinsel town are in most cases the best. And I do understand that people want to watch movies in their own tongue; its natural. I just wish that people would not make negative prejudgements on foreign movies before they see them, for that is the way brilliant films like Pans Labrinth get largely overlooked which is a tremendous shame not only for the people who made it but a potential audience of people that are in my opinion missing out.

Which leads me to my conclusion, I will not tell much other than it is a fairytale set in Francos Spain, an odd combination im sure but truly unique and visually beautiful. Add this to integration between history and fantasy done by the perfectionist that is Del Toro, magnificent acting and an enthralling storyline; what you have here is not just a great film, but a masterpiece. Throw off the xenophobic shackles you must see this film! YNWA
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Most Haunted (2002–2019)
Real or not it still gives an entertaining shiver down my spine.
29 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It may not be believable- the numerous mediums on the show (especially Derek Acorah) seem to know too much for their own good, but regardless it is a highly entertaining programme- and its high tallying seasons and loyal fan base can pay diffidence for this.

It is really hard to tell whether this show is real or not- for while the psychics show overly exaggerated knowledge that one presumes would warrant a high paying government job, I do believe that integrated between the 'i can see dead people' nonsense are some genuinely real elements linking to the paranormal. The parapsychologist and historians aid the show with some much needed respectability, while the vigil teams reaction to some uneasy events not only entertain but made me uneasy alone in my extremely modern home (it was built on an orchid aswel, not an ancient Indian burial ground!).

One episode that sums this show up, springs to mind - the 100th episode where the cameraman appears to get deeply scratched by a hostile entity and they hear the eery sound of the piano playing in an empty room- not only is Yvette Feilding's (the presenter)genuine reaction hilarious but at the same time the events (real or not) are in one word- unnerving. The 100th shows main downfall is like I've already said the mediums but I would gladly watch most haunted again...which I have its strangely addictive even the somewhat dry parts are mysteriously enthralling.
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I really don't know what to think about this movie.
2 May 2008
First of all it is not a comedy as the adverts would have you think. There are some elements of comedy but first and foremost this is most definitely a drama and not one about tube drivers. It is a drama about the right to aid suicide and there are some really touching moments in this film, especially just before the ending. I wouldn't say the acting was wonderful but despite it's cloudy script the actors give a solid performance and despite being a bit of a dick, i really did feel for Colm Meaneys character. I went into the this movie expecting to laugh, I didn't much, it depressed me, but whether that was the movies intentions is beyond me. My advice rent it on DVD with an open mind you will find some clear gold amongst the ambiguity.YNWA.
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The Cottage (2008)
Well regardless of the IMDb score i thought it was a good film.
15 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Original no. Tasteful no. But this film is still worth seeing. The films plot line revolves around a wannabe gangster, his sissy brother and a big fat dumb bloke, kidnapping this big gangsters daughter in order to hold her off for a ransom of 100,000 pounds. However things go terribly wrong and eventually after a slow but subtly funny beginning (the two brothers act it out like a bickering married couple and the fat dumb bloke cant help but to make you smile) the main characters stumble across this cottage hosted by a deformed, demented farmer who in many cringe-worthy ways (i.e heads getting split in 2 by garden spades) picks them off. Like i said it was never going to win awards for originality, but i laughed at this film in the same way i did to Shaun of the dead, which to me makes it worhty for at least one viewing, but people who love black comedies (like me) will definitely want to see this again. YWNA
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Donnie Darko (2001)
One word; Masterpiece.
14 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
All i can say is you must see this film. On first viewing it completely went over my head but when I sat down and watched it again ,what I saw was a film that is as cryptic as a Dickinson poem while maintaining a spine tingling sort of beauty which warrants it to be, in my opinion, the first stone cold classic of the 21st century.

The acting is marvellous from the excellent Jake Gyllenhal who manages to play the role of a schizophrenic-arsonist in a somehow dignified fashion to Mary Mcdonnell who deserves a masterclass for portraying emotion without speaking a word (see ending to know what I'm on about).

Every actor plays there part in making this a fantastic film, but what even tops the tremendous acting is the spot-on direction from Richard Kelly, with not a shot out of place. What is also evident is the presence of many memorable scenes; from the encounter between Gyllenhall and preacher/child molester Swayze to the extremely unnerving scene with Frank in the shrink office, there is guaranteed to be a scene that will stay with you. On a final note, the soundtrack is brilliant with the excellent implement of 'Mad World' featured at the end. YNWA.
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Tasteless, Terrible, Trash
28 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Before you account me as one of these sensitive people who are anti violence, sex and gore, i can assure you im not. I love movies like SAW and even the first instalment of this series but there is two things which are contained in these movies that never seems present here; substance and satisfaction.

While SAW enthralled me with a thrilling storyline with elements of gorno linking the plot, this just felt like a movie aimed to disgust and thats all. My first gripe is the feature of two castrations; in my opinion one of these would be fine for shock value, but two just makes me feel like the director enjoys this perverse violence. This isn't the only case of overused gore, the killing of one of the Slovakian children is random and stupid. Unfortunately that wasn't the only random and stupid thing either; compared to the originals ending, part twos was sudden and well...terrible. It is a kick in the teeth that pretty much suggests that the rich will always triumph over the lower class of society; if you are not rich then your life is worthless. Maybe one should applaud the director for featuring such an honest ending that is closer to reality than the originals. However despite its truth hostel part twos ending feels like a step in the wrong direction from its kick-ass ancestors.

To finish off the acting isn't terrible but seems incredibly distance; despite what hardships the main character goes through i feel little sympathy for her. All in all if your a fan of stupid two dimensional gorno then this will be right up your alley but if not just stick to the central street.
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