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Lets give one to Amy Schumer too
2 June 2024
Cause thats what this looks like, of all the comedians out there right now I'm completely dumbfounded on how this person wins any type of award for comedy.

Sure some may like him but hes no where up there on top comedian board and can bet my car they simply picked him for 'reasons' and finally why is there an award for comedy anyway.

Either I'm old at 28 or people really are losing their standards on what comedy use to be much like a lot of movies and tv now a days.

I've laughed at his jokes once or twice but its not prize worthy comedy. It anything hes the next Jimmy Kimmel, lame jokes and cringe human being overall.
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Armageddon (1998)
Stop calling things underrated you idiots
2 June 2024
Because its not even properly rated in my honestly opinion it should be a lot lower on the score count. Not even because its unrealistic but because the writing and the people they brought on for certain roles seems like a major misfire.

Like half of the actors feel like they could of had way better acting choices who could of costed less money but because their idea was basically hiring people who could put others in theaters thats the only reason they're in this

Owen Wilson / Billy Bob / Ben Affleck off the top of my head don't fit this type of film at all. Besides I'm tired of Affleck specific he has three specific looks or emotions while playing himself thats not acting its being a hollywood star. Too many claim hes good but it was in movies 20 years ago great hes crap than if he hasn't had a hit in forever.
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What happened?
26 May 2024
I enjoyed Godzilla 2014 because they were going for a more civilian horror theme of how powerful these monsters were and how little chance humanity could actually do to them.

Fast foward to Godzilla vs Kong now all of a sudden we have the tech and its turning fast into some happy-go-lucky team of monsters for kids like if it was a cartoon shows on saturday mornings.

I'm also very tired of how much its a monster movie but the monsters seem to take the trunk while humans deal with soap opera drama. I DO NOT CARE AND HAVING THIS GIRL PLAYING SOME CENTRAL ROLE IS LAME. The russels were annoying and so is this one.

This one has to be the worst so far, uses the most generic trope we've seen time and time again yet writers believe they deserve more pay for this generic trash.
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I gave it a chance
26 May 2024
Its awful they build up this entire premise of some vast empire that had its king slain about 40 times cool we get it however its so massive that they have to STEAL WHEAT from neutral planets. I'm sorry what?

How is your empire even alive if you cannot supply your people nay your flipping military rations? They claim because the supply depot is gone but you dont have any type of rations on board your ship or even a supply ship to help?

Modern day military has supply trucks that take part in convoys just for that exact reason if not anything else they may run short of.

I couldn't care less about any of the characters everyone in it is some edgelord or cliche driven theme thats been done time and time again

This motherworld place should be in full on revolt if they can't feed their own not just this small 20 man group of rebels.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Why is this so highly rated?
26 May 2024
Its a soap opera thats all it is, instead of following any type of logic or its own setup the people portraying the teenagers are easily the worst part of this. If it was just the adults on the space station I could bare this show longer but its not.

It comes from the CW which should tell you all you need to know about why people like this. Their entire catalog of shows are pretty much awful outside of archer/flash or so I hear.

Everyone told me I have to DRAG MYSELF THROUGH S1 to enjoy the show. Sorry but if a show fails so hard I have to masochist myself to actually enjoy it; its a failed show.

Your entire purpose for S1 should be getting me invested not making me want to pluck my eyes out with a melon ball scooper. Amazing how this made it anywhere to a S4.
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Civil War (2024)
Needed more oomph
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Simply because I could almost see what Alex was going for with this film of how much the US has become divided and when even a 100 year old man that served is claiming the US is not what it was suppose to be an unrecognizable we're bound for something worse.

Yes the man making this is British but how many American films about Middle East or some foreign situation is accurate as well?

Down to the point of my possibly longest post about a movie..

It feels like he was trying to add in different segments of enough anti-war propaganda for something that might very well be happening down the road with 5-100 years who knows.

O Mass Grave scene

o Redneck boys scene

o Florida/US fighting scene

o Sniper scene

o Water rations scene

o Stadium refuge scene

These are the main points I feel he was trying to make unfortunately with such a small budget it didn't really do too great at making these impacts stick.. either they were too short or simply weren't set up well enough to give any real sick to stomach.

The only one that stuck with me personally was sniper scene as its quite possibly the most accurate on what'll be happening in a civil war.. no one will be know who they're fighting anymore but simply surviving in this environment. People with whatever view they have will turn most of the country into a walking minefield.

There was no promise the sniper was even US/Cali/Texas or Florida soldier could just be someone random gun nut.

Its still very much worth a watch but I'd suggest HBO's second civil war over this, it has a how and why. No conflict until the very end of it but its point hits a lot closer to home than this does.
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Atlas (2024)
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It has certain things that make me thing of a game.. not the point of my review but just saying when the director even says its inspired by this game its.. ok? *cough tf2*

Anyway the movie itself is bad, like hilariously bad. I'm not sure if Jlo is banging some netflix executive or what but deciding she should be the lead has to be some type of typo in itself.

Shes playing some lead person in AI expertise but her acting is a lot like her own persona.. terrible.

I'd rather would of had nicholas cage be this character and I'm non too crazy about the guy being in a bunch of straight to dvd movies. However this feels right up his alley.

The plot or writing is stupid, you send one singular ship to a world with no deep scans or scouts or maybe a massive fleet to just glass the planet. Because we've decided we need to capture a genocidal AI being for whatever reason.

More importantly this AI was being hunted on your planet originally how did it have the time to build a spaceship and escape. Were you on coffee breaks? Which btw is super important in this movie for whatever reason.
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This proves it
24 May 2024
How much of a hack Snyder is, if it doesn't please seek help in the nearest medical center near you because you've been indoctrinated into a cult of Snyder.

300 / Watchmen those are pieces of work I'll give credit for but anything more is a no go. Especially this, I'm not even sure what to write because he clearly had no idea how to write a script for either of these parts.

I'm all for new universes be it modern, scifi, fantasy, whatever.. but his films here have helped decrease the chances of them getting funded anytime soon.

The characters are all over the place with their bland cliche backstories which I guarantee you didn't need flashbacks for every single one.

Michael Bay looks like a more competent director and all he does is explosions.
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World War Z (2013)
Cliche movie that removes any traces of the book
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Even Max Brooks couldn't be upset about his book to movie adaptation because he said its nothing similar to it other than name.

However this ruined any chance of it ever being adapted into a mini-series like the book feels like. Each character has their own segments of trying to survive world war z. How the military both fails and adapts to fighting it.

The audiobook is great as well with Mark Hamill voicing Todd and easily takes one of the higher points of characters during.

Also explains how it started being patient zero in china which I'm not sure why this is an issue these days its a fictional story.

Brad Pitt ruined this by reshooting it 20 times over as well, being the cliche character who is more important than anyone else knows everyone in high positions of power and is the one who saves everyone.

What a waste of a movie.
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What F&F should of been
28 April 2024
Are you tired of Don saying familia every 5 minutes in every single F&F film and instead of them being street racers that made the franchise popular at all but super secret space agents? Yah me too.

If you're a fan of Need for Speed games I believe you will enjoy this, the stories in those games were never 100% solid but enjoyable like always. This one is no exception, it has its flaws but it keeps the actual feel of it being a street racer against hot shots and cops.

Cross country speeding mixed in with his buddies keeping an eye on him both land and air its a fun time if you like any sense of nfs.

Wish it had gotten a sequel with the same crew.
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Humane (2024)
Enjoyable till the end
28 April 2024
I thought it was a new good idea until it got to the 2nd half of the film which seems to be the trend of movies now, they know how to hook you in but not know how to end it properly.

1) How is noah this stupid? He gets betrayed.. TWICE by this ashley chick and still decides family. I thought they were going for a whole different tone with the constant "We're like a family here" but nah.

2) They go on and on throughout the movie how DOCS is almost like another federal government agency like the CIA/FBI so killing one I couldn't see any celeb getting away with. Yet they kill supposedly 5 of them and they're all just fastforwarded into whatever future and everyone is ok?

I thought for sure they were going to go for another purge theme on how the system was actually twisted with the lying of % volunteers but nope its touched once and never again. Feels like this movie missed a severe opportunity.
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This was cringe factor five
27 April 2024
I don't understand how

o Dropping pamphlets o Cutting power o Causing traffic jams o Using snow white's deer

Is suppose to make a country the size of US collapse. The movie is all over the place also with the characters. No one here does a good job at acting. Its obvious half of it is due to the writing. They tried to built tense between the MC and his wife so they imply she'll cheat which was needed for some reason.

Next ridiculous thing is the son's teeth suddenly fall out from microwave radiation.. like bleeding and falling out rapid fast.

Their fix is a guy with pills. GJ son we got drugs. No teeth tho.

Finally the daughter and the deer, it makes no sense to me how they jump at even a twig breaking but all hell breaking lose means they'll find just this specific girl out to somehow ESP tell her to hide.

They scream at the deer at one point and I couldn't help but laugh it was so ridiculous.
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Infested (2023)
Surprised me was originally gonna skim
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its almost like what I've been waiting for someone to do in the sense of a eight legged freaks remake in the sense instead of comedy being more actual horror dark based.

While not a remake itself it obvious has that arachnophobia like any other movie with spiders involved. Definitely will make you chill and feel like something is crawling on you at some point. Totally watch this movie in the dark nothing will happen.

The ending is where it kinda gets rushed and falls apart a little bit with no real explanation on either side of the main characters or the government thats locking them in.

===SPOILER ===

At the end they're cuffed by the police hiding in the parking garage, one of the characters busts open a door letting the spiders in

Btw they're the size of a camel spider if not bigger which is a thing in rl just ask people in the military

Gets a little confusing on why the police don't just have flood lights connected to an outside source and not this run down building. Nor any form of flammable idk flamethrowers.

They escape by car to the gate and theres a giant spider waiting instead of just running it over they pause for whatever reason. Whole movie they claim light bothers them but turns the headlights off and nothing happens.. he opens the door and thats it.

Government just demolishes the building and the spiders don't migrate anywhere else somehow. Nevermind they flood the vents/pipes/etc.

Still enjoyable, wish IMDB gave us 6.5 options not just 6 or 7. Mine would be a 6.8/10.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
Not "bad" but makes me want to read the books instead
25 April 2024
Never seen the Golden Compass movie but was curious about it until I kept reading how much it wasn't like the books and was way too rushed to a fair amount of people.

Never read the books either but I figured the show might have enough of a lore/setting or plot to reel me into it and encourage me to read the books as well which I feel like I read more than watch tv or movies now a days. Mostly due to adaptations falling flat.

As someone who is 100% new to this franchise I will say my biggest gripe with it is the characters. I only know this Lyra but she just feels soulless? I don't see any real character from and I don't believe to be the actress' fault seeing as I did enjoy her in Logan possibly more so the writing.

It goes for a lot of characters, if you don't have decent writing for them or actors/actresses you can't keep the viewer engaged long enough to see the rest of whatever it is.

I'm sure book fans or people who simply loved the movie are enjoying this to some extent but for me I will just read the books instead.
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Gf watches but please
24 April 2024
Stop singing.. theres a reason why you're on a talk show and not doing tour dates, selling music or anything of the same venue anymore.

Do everyone a favor and stop butchering music that is good and adding your voice into the mix with some of the worst remixes I've ever heard. No one watches your show for your singing thats a fact.

If they wanted to hear you sing they'd pay for you to go back on tour which they don't.

Otherwise like a lot of reviews say you talk wayyy to much even for a talk show host. You don't give your guests their own time to talk and instead talk over them. Another terrible talk show we dont need.
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What has horror come to
20 April 2024
I'm in the twilight zone with how people are praising this film right now.

Is it because King gave it his endorsement? The equivalent of Oprah's book club stamp? I hate to break it to you but King's own new books or work hasn't been golden and people can lose their sense of style.

I'm gonna spoil this whole thing.. if you've seen paranormal or exorcist movie its basically this but on a 70s themed late night show.

Theres no real horror its basically the most basic crap of levitation/screen flickering and people dying.

It waits till the last 15 minutes to actually do anything. You can tell its foreshadowed as heck simply cause they reference this grove over and over.

If this is horror now its as dead as every other art form entertainment wise.
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King Kong (2005)
Better Intro to Kong than Skull Island
19 April 2024
All the characters feel more developed

Ann - Jack - Hayes - Jimmy - Englehart - Carl - Preston - Baxter

Skull Island fails at anything like this badly, I couldn't care less for any human on Skull Island's version honestly, they focused too much on the pointless tribals being innocent/good.

The natives on King Kong aren't necessarily evil but simply believe in the old ways of worshipping a god. Not exact to aztecas or mayans but still same principle.

I even remember the extras from the ship, who remembers the last time they recall what which extra looked like exactly? Or even when they had bigger roles or development. Skull Island just treats them as expendable boom bang michael bay style.

The only complaint I see people try to say about 2005 King Kong is the runtime which it does have its moment but to completely say its bad for it shows me your actual sense for movies or entertainment is null n void.

2005 will hold up a lot longer than any of this trash Godzilla v Kong stuff will.
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Animated Films are good - Snyderverse not so much
19 April 2024
I honestly don't care what anyone else has to say, the man is known for 3 movies specifically..

  • Watchmen
  • 300
  • Dawn of the Dead

Outside of those three which I did enjoy I can say whole heartedly his works are jokes. Hes completely ruined the DC universe of ever being taken serious or even being considered good live action wise.

I'm glad they're replacing his clown universe with James Gunn's. At least someone who doesn't spam slow mo effects every 5 seconds and knows how to properly cast/direct film will hopefully show as much respect as he has with Suicide Squad and Guardians.

Good riddance Snyder.
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Get James Cameron to raise the bar please
19 April 2024
If you've never seen the reference I'm talking about South Park made a joke about how James Cameron took his crew out to sea so he could raise the bar. Its been lowered so much that people enjoyed Honey Boo Boo for example.

This might as well be another Honey Boo Boo lowered bar quality made item. I'm not even sure what process went with this to show their board members/etc that its current pilot episode/writing/characters and everything else is good.

If this is what hollywood's writing capacity is like now I think I'll take AI generated things over actual humans writing anything anymore....
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Fallout (2024– )
Fan of Fallout games not of the show
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you like it great keep watching it I honestly don't care I'm just gonna list off reasons why I don't like loving a series that seems to be retconning/resetting all the past things they've created for something new that seems lame or same old cliche.

  • Apparently the NCR isn't around anywhere in Cali; I'm 4 episodes in and I haven't seen a trace of them in any society function. Its only been 15-20 years since NV. They would be like Roman Empire, broken but into pieces more than anything. Nope its just people in tin shacks.

  • Turning the BoS into this edgy london Knight/Lord theme. Yes their titles are Knight/Elder/Scribe/etc however I've never once seen them have dialogue like this show does. Its hammered into them since either birth in the bunkers or if we're going east coast then since they join.

  • I'm not crazy of Lucy being the center not cause shes a bad actor but because I would of enjoyed her more if they simply either gave her smaller lines or mute to transition a RPG character almost just being dragged along in the story like most do.

  • The writing is basic, people act like this is masterpiece writing but it isn't. They've done the father/son/daughter thing now 3 times.

Fallout 3/4 and now this show. Its getting old. Oh but guess what the vault's waterchip is busted where else have I seen this.

  • The world is bland, feels like they spent most of the budget on actors/costumes and thats about it. Theres one "settlement" if you wanna call it that and its somehow worse than megaton. Again in Cali where NCR had a full fledged nation happening.
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The Lion King (2019)
Nope try again
12 April 2024
Except to try again all Disney has to do is simply relist the old 1994 film back into theaters with a higher quality of animations maybe in 2D not 3D.

There are plenty of animation/cartoons that kids still watch if anything they are popular among kids and adults. You have a lot more R rated adult cartoon shows taking spotlight. Making it 3D with the animals having no real facial expression or eyebrows is beyond crazy.

The singing is bad as well either thanks to certain people they brought in who had no business singing or acting or both. I'm looking at you John Oliver. Or they just changed classic songs into jokes not hitting the notes well at all.

YES THE SINGING IS THAT IMPORTANT - Its a musical type of movie anyway so if you fail there your movie is 50% of a flop.

-- What happened to Voice Actors? Instead we have celebs.

Seth Rogan stinks in this John Oliver shouldn't be in this Beyonce has no business being in this or at least have someone else act cause she cannot Donald Glover shouldn't be in this.
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Even the Minions were off
6 April 2024
Everything about this was off..

  • The girls
  • Lucy
  • Gru - Convinced Dru is just a figment in his head
  • Minions
  • AVL
  • Story/Writing
  • Villain
  • Fights
  • Creativity

It was all over the place with the cringe Jack & Jill spin off. It wasn't great when Adam Sandler tried it and its even worse here.

For some reason the writers have issue with just making Gru go back to stealing, AVL kicks them out fine sure whatever you would think Lucy and them would all be for going back to stealing. Nope

Its the same as the 2nd one after everything you'd think they'd go back to stealing. Nope.

I think so many enjoy the minions and 1st more cause it was what so many others don't do. Being a villain end of story.

Felt like everything here is phoned in, if 4 stinks then this franchise is DOA.
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Good riddance
1 March 2024
I don't care what people say on here or anywhere how they claim you should learn to separate the artist/actor/etc from their profession yet when you look at your most basic common worker/society human being they are fired or hated for smallest things.

This guy beat his gf/wife who then obviously defended him because abused spouses never defend their SO? Who is also pregnant.

You're gay? Guess what this guy will beat you in a bathroom for simply being just that and record it while laughing.

I really don't care what his background is a lot of people go through stuff and to try to excuse it you might as well excuse some of the most horrible people in history then and you can probably guess who I mean.

Stop separating horrible people from their deeds simply cause they're gone.
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Worse than Wolverine
29 February 2024
These newer x-men have been great .. First Class Days of Futures Past Apocalypse was iffy.. felt seriously rushed but not entirely bad.

This one though oh boy this one is a stinker you could smell further than skunk. For some reason the director allowed some really painful dialog and questionable remarks from characters.

For example no one here is saying x-men is called x-men cause men are superior but Jennifer Lawrence/Mystique had to critique the name like it was something sexist. I'm sorry what? She had no issue with the name 3 other movies but this is the one she does.

The movie is also suppose to be about Jean but its not its more about Raven (AGAIN) seriously why is Dark Phoenix more about Raven than Jean? If its not Raven its aliens.. its like Jean took a backseat for her own character development story.

Finally its called Dark Phoenix.. wheres the dark part of it? One person dies and thats it.. wow super dark guys.

X3 had more dark theme to it and it wasn't that great but compared it might as well be a 9/10.
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How is this news
24 February 2024
They talk about the most pointless basic stuff you've ever heard and would only need common sense to figure out to know.

The news itself takes a backseat while they jammer on about what celebrity is banging who.

Israel/Ukraine/Etc? That stuff is irrelevant.

Our current economy? Irrelevant.

Crime? Irrelevant

Instead they talk like a flipping elderly commercial network who push expensive jewelry on people. The amount of advertising they do with bags and things is ridiculous.

They should be forced to take away the news section of their programming cause they are the exact opposite of it.

Jenna and Bush stink as well.
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