
21 Reviews
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The Guardian (I) (2006)
8 October 2006
"The Guardian" is a very good movie, one that will stay with you long after you have left the theater. At its heart, the film is about emotional journeys undertaken by its lead characters. The action sequences are exciting, but it's the character development that makes this movie. This is one of the very best roles of Kevin Costner's career (and he's had a lot of great ones), and you feel every up and down his character, Ben Randall, goes through. Jake Fischer is probably the most normal character Ashton Kutcher has ever played, and he does so nicely. He works well with Costner and with Melissa Sagemiller, who plays the woman Jake wants to woo. Some critics have carped about the length of the movie, but I disagree. I think it is well-paced, with good detail about what Coast Guard recruits go through. Some edits suggest that valuable parts of the story were left on the cutting-room floor, and there are other characters I would like to have seen more of. Overall, though,this is a fitting tribute to the Coast Guard. Don't miss this film.
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31 December 2005
Do not listen to the critics, who can only think in terms of comparing this to "The Graduate".....This movie does not set out to be a cultural touchstone, just an entertaining romantic comedy, which it is. I'm not a Jennifer Aniston fan, but she worked well in this movie. I thought she and Mark Ruffalo had good chemistry together. Shirley MacLaine was a pro, though I wish she wasn't forced, as so many over-65 actors and actresses seem to be, to have filth coming out of her mouth. And I would have liked to see her more on the screen with Kevin Costner. Costner had a fine performance, even better than The Upside of Anger. He has several scenes that are just a hoot, and he had subtle moments that prevented, at least for me, the "ick" factor that so many critics seem to have seen. Maybe we didn't see the same movie. I hope the public gives this film more of a chance than the critics have.
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25 March 2005
The movie was okay. I thought Joan Allen, Alicia Witt, Erika Christenson, Keri Russell and Evan Rachel Wood were terrific in their roles. I'm a big Kevin Costner fan, but I don't see this as one of his best performances. It seemed as if he spent the first half-hour channeling Jack Nicholson, but Costner was much better during the rest of the movie, as his character, Denny, evolved.

I thought Mike Binder was good as the sleazy producer. But I had problems with Binder's writing; I didn't think he chronicled the passage of time that well, and some plot elements didn't make much sense. I did enjoy the music score; I know a lot of people haven't, but it's different, quirky. One thing, though: I scratch my head at the comparison of Denny to Crash Davis in Bull Durham. If Denny's like any Bull Durham character, it's probably Nuke LaLoosh.
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Open Range (2003)
16 August 2003
Kevin Costner takes everything we ever thought we knew about Westerns, and turns it inside out in this remarkable movie. Kudos to him for his stellar direction, the fine cast, particularly Robert Duvall in an Oscar-worthy role, and James Muro's cinematography. Don't miss this one, folks.
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Indeed a classic
28 March 2003
Field of Dreams is already a classic, and will be one 50, 100, 1000 years from now. From beginning to end, the movie is perfection. No one but Kevin Costner could have played the role of Ray Kinsella, with the right touch of idealism and wonder. James Earl Jones was wonderful as well. James Horner's score was Oscar-worthy. And yes, the movie has one of the greatest endings of all time. So go hear "The Voice".....and watch a masterpiece.
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Tin Cup (1996)
Great fun!
20 December 2002
What a ride. Kevin Costner is excellent as the driving range pro given a second chance at redemption. Cheech Marin is also excellent as his caddy. Crackling dialogue and a perfect balance between humor and drama make this one shine. So pop this one in your VHS and DVD, and, as Roy says, "Tee it up."
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29 November 2002
They don't make 'em like this anymore. Marvelous film, from start to finish, which deserved every award it won. Great performances from the entire cast, and gorgeous photography. Truly groundbreaking. Ignore the anti-Costner revisionists who want to smear this film. "Dances With Wolves" should be required viewing for anyone who loves movies.
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4 November 2002
Tell the makers of today's dime-store thrillers that THIS is the way you make a thriller. It's a real throwback to the great movies of the Golden Years of Hollywood. A lot of Eliott Ness' true story was fictionalized for the movie, but who cares? "The Untouchables" really does leave you hanging on the edge of your seat. Sean Connery is excellent, and truly deserved his Oscar.
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Thirteen Days (2000)
Overlooked for Oscar
11 October 2002
Why, WHY was this movie neglected at awards time? That may be one of the greatest mysteries in recent movie history. The film is excellent. Bruce Greenwood and Steven Culp give Oscar-nomination worthy performances as JFK and RFK. Kevin Costner does a fine job in the role of Kenny O'Donnell, and the cast of supporting actors is excellent. This movie will only grow in stature as the years pass.
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6 September 2002
This may be blasphemy, but I enjoy this movie more than the Erroll Flynn version. This movie does a better job of presenting the conditions that the people in not-so-Merrie Olde England faced. I couldn't care less about Kevin Costner's accent; he holds his own (How come no one fussed over Christian Slater's accent?). A fine cast and an entertaining movie.
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17 August 2002
This is the movie that proves that most critics don't know what they're doing. The critics shed their sentimentalism sometime in the mid-1960's, so how could they know or care?

One must have a heart to enjoy "Message in a Bottle". It's a treasure--beautiful, poignant, tragic. The cast is wonderful, and if you don't cry at the ending, you aren't human (which most critics apparently aren't).
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Hidden treasure
13 July 2002
Not a frequently shown film, but a highly recommended one. A good chance to see Kevin Costner early in his career; you see the spark that made him into one of Hollywood's most prominent actors. Also an early chance to see an odd type of performance from Jennifer Grey, before "Dirty Dancing." You don't have to be a cycling fan to enjoy this poignant movie.
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JFK (1991)
3 July 2002
I'm not an Oliver Stone fan, but "JFK" is riveting, from start to finish. I agree with movie critic Leonard Maltin that this movie is not to be taken as documentary. It does, however, back up the public's doubts about the conclusions of the Warren Report. The cast is excellent (Kevin Costner did Garrison a few favors in temperament). It's only been a decade since this movie was made, but they just don't make 'em like this anymore.
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The War (1994)
Great cast
29 June 2002
A film that got lost in the shuffle. "The War" has an excellent cast, with quiet scenes that are treasures. What's not so good is when the movie is not so quiet, as in the scenes when the children use weapons. I think, unfortunately, that these scene veers from the message that director Jon Avnet wants to convey.
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Bull Durham (1988)
21 June 2002
Some good moments, but this movie doesn't completely win me over--and neither does Kevin Costner's performance as Crash Davis. His performance seems surprisingly one-note. Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon are both excellent, however. And the mound conference scene is hilarious--the best thing in the film.
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Fandango (1985)
Funny and poignant
6 June 2002
This treasure can be hard to find, but worth the while of anyone who does. A great up-and-coming cast (including a very young Kevin Costner) collectively delivered performances that were funny and poignant. You don't have to have grown up in this era to appreciate this movie!
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Costner's terrific
10 May 2002
Kevin Costner is a delight in this movie, and so are the scenes of the ballgame. On the field, there has never been anyone better at portraying a baseball player. Off the field, Costner's terrific at portraying a man at the crossroads. If there is one sour note in this movie, it's Kelly Preston's weak portrayal of his girlfriend. A stronger actress who had better chemistry with Costner would have improved the situation. So would getting rid of the awful scene where Costner's character injures his hand and is taken to a clinic. Otherwise, the movie is pretty good.
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Wyatt Earp (1994)
Rich in detail
19 April 2002
I've seen pictures of the real Wyatt Earp, and Kevin Costner nailed this part. This movie is rich in detail, and likely the most accurate of all the movies about the famous lawman to date. Dennis Quaid should have received an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Doc Holliday.
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The Bodyguard (1992)
Good acting, bad action scenes
30 March 2002
The actors, led by Kevin Costner, did a great job. But they could have left out a couple of the action sequences. And if you're trying to create a mystery, the script concentrated too much on the glitz and not enough on the substance.
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The Postman (1997)
23 March 2002
I give Kevin Costner all due credit for making a movie about two potential threats: A post-apocalyptic society and a tyrannical government. It takes a while to get going; there are scenes that could have been cut, and Costner looks a bit uncomfortable as a charlatan. But once it gets moving, it produces satisfactory results. Even if the film didn't produce the desired results at the box office or with critics, I give Costner an A for effort.
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Dragonfly (2002)
16 March 2002
The mark of a good movie is one that keeps your eyes riveted to the screen. "Dragonfly" is just such a movie. Kevin Costner and the rest of the cast were excellent. Costner conveyed the emotions of the character perfectly. I hope this movie succeeds, despite the critics.
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