
5 Reviews
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Freaky Friday (2003)
A Return to Form for Disney Films
18 August 2003
As many of us know, Disney are great at animated features. The lapse in quality among those is extremely rare. However, the same cannot be said for the company's live-action fare, which has been on a downwards spiral since the great family entertainment released in the '60s.

I haven't seen 2002's "Holes" yet (which I've heard is great), but 2001's "The Princess Diaries" showed a glimmer of hope, which, I'm pleased to say, is alive and kicking in "Freaky Friday". I originally hated the idea of this remake, as I didn't think the original was that great anyway. However, this movie is luckily held up by a good script, genuinely hilarious comedy moments (one of the standouts being Jamie Lee Curtis' conversation with the caterers - "Halibut? Eew!") and two terrific performances from the leads.

Jamie Lee Curtis simply chews up the scenery as the mother with a teenager inside her, while Lindsay Lohan proves to be one of the few movie teens with charisma and comic timing.

Yes, it is predictible in places and yes, there are a couple of schmaltzy moments that threaten to bring down the whole movie, but when you're having such a great time, it's hard to care.

What with "Finding Nemo", "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Freaky Friday", it looks like Disney is on a roll this year. All I have to say is, it's about time we got some quality family entertainment.
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Chicago (2002)
dflayne, I don't think you quite got the point of "Chicago"...
20 February 2003
First of all, I'd like to say how much I loved "Chicago" - an achievement, as I normally hate musicals. It was just so brilliantly acted (Renee Zellweger in court), directed ("Roxie Heart" and the mirrors), choreographed ("Cell Block Tango"), and it had a MESSAGE.

This is the message that I think people like 'dflayne' (comment below) missed; the movie does show two murderers getting away with everything, and the public applauding them. But that's exactly what the musical is about; it's an allegorical, satirical comment on our celebrity-obsessed society: two women can kill a man, but that doesn't make people hate them; in fact, it gets them more publicity. I know, it's a tragic flaw in our world, but it does exist; people get famous for the wrong reasons, and they'd do anything to get their "15 minutes of fame". But soon, those 15 minutes are up, and there's always some new person around the corner waiting to get famous for something completely undeserving respect.

This is the main reason I love "Chicago" - as a musical, it's one of the cleverest I've ever seen. It's dark, cynical, crazy, sexual and raw; rather than applauding Velma's and Roxie's behaviour, Fosse is asking the audience to view them as negative aspects of our society. It would be great to see them locked up - or worse for them, FAIL - but the real world is not that bright. And "Chicago" makes a great job of showing that.

My rating: 10/10
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Disney Should Make More Films Like This
28 May 2002
My main problem with Disney now is their live-action films. Although their animated features are miles ahead of every other company's (yes, they are), they seem to have forgotten to add the same quality to their live-action movies. Disney, give us more movies like "That Darn Cat!" (the remake never happened for me) "The Princess Diaries" was very good, in my opinion, but it's nowhere on the level of this movie. Like someone else said, this film doesn't talk down to children; it spurts big, clever words like "conspicuous" and doesn't care whether the kids will get it or not. This film is clever, fast and amazingly funny. In fact, I'm shocked it only got a measly 6 out of 10 here. It deserves much, much more.
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Veronica's Closet (1997–2000)
Such A Shame...
3 May 2002
OK, I don't know what all you people are talking about. The 3rd season of this sitcom SUCKED.

The first season, on the other hand, was brilliant - it was laugh-out-loud funny (a whole lot better than the boring, repetitive "Friends"), and it satirised the fashion industry and all its air-head models so...beautifully.

I never missed an episode. I would watch each one about 3 times until the following week's episode. But once Hunter came in and took over the company, I felt physically sick. "NO!" I thought. After that, the sitcom got worse and worse, what with the boring Alec Bilson (Ron Silver) and the excruciatingly unfunny 3rd season featuring the great June (one of the redeeming but under-used features of that season). I have not seen those "final-and-previously-unaired" episodes, as I lost interest in the show.

But I wish NBC would just take the show from the first season, before Hunter took over the company, and carry it on from there. Correct the mistakes; forget everything that happened afterwards, don't introduce anybody new (ALWAYS a mistake, in my opinion), keep the great characters of Veronica's dad Pat and ex-husband Bryce, and let "Veronica's Closet" save itself from itself.
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The Others (2001)
Best Movie of 2001!
14 March 2002
"The Others" was totally robbed. IT should have been nominated for at least FIVE Oscars (including Best Picture), not NONE AT ALL. I loved "Moulin Rouge" (it was my second favourite film of 2001 after this), but Nicole Kidman's talents were more obvious in Amenabar's (freaky) masterpiece.

This film, unlike many these days, is intelligent. It is classy, brilliantly acted, and mysterious. Plus, it packs a massive punch in the end that'll overwhelm you. I predicted the ending of "The Sixth Sense" before I'd even seen the movie, but I just didn't see this one coming.

"The Others" will amaze you. I was so gobsmacked by it when I first watched it that I went back to the cinema the next day, the day after that, the day after that, and again...the day after that. Unlike most movies, this one will stay with you LONG after the first viewing.
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