
3 Reviews
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Not great, not horrible
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Not a totally horrible movie, but not great. I can't say much more than has already been said, but there were some errors the size of a Mack truck in this movie that have not been pointed out.

1. There is a storm severe enough to cause commercial airplanes to be grounded, yet a small private plane can fly.

2. Alex is getting married the next day, Ben is doing surgery the next day, yet they are both across the country.

3. Conveniently for the plot, the pilot doesn't file a flight plan.

4. The plane crashes in the mountains, yet the passengers survive with minor injuries. I'll forgive this one, only because without it, the movie would be ten minutes long.

5. The damsel in distress injures her leg, and conveniently, Ben is a surgeon.

6. They crash in the Rocky Mountains at an altitude that's above timberline, at the end of December, without proper clothing and food, and don't die of hypothermia.

7. Alex tells Ben to use her camera with a telephoto lens to get a close up view around them. It is a rangefinder camera, and thus the viewfinder doesn't enlarge the view.

8. Ben slides several hundred feet down a snow slope, and is stopped by hitting a conveniently placed low rock ridge which stops him from going over a cliff, yet doesn't break both his legs.

9. Alex falls through ice into a stream, yet is not carried downstream so that Ben can fish her out.

10. They finally find a cabin, which was built and furnished (including a piano) with no road near it.

11. Ben steps in a bear trap. It's possible that a trapper neglected to pick up the trap, but not likely. Bears are hibernating that time of the year.

On the plus side, there is adventure, romance, and some fantastic scenery. And a dog that steals the show.
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The Family (I) (2013)
Sad, Just sad.
23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the movie theater and my girlfriend thought "The Family" might be good. A mafia movie starring Robert DeNiro? What could go wrong? Everything, it turned out. (Spoiler alert!) To start with, it's not a mafia movie, it's about a former mafia member in witness protection. In the south of France. Like that's gonna happen. Not only that, but he breaks his cover multiple times, and just gets moved from one place to another. In real life, he'd be told "you're on your own." Like what happened to Henry Hill, who's life was made into a movie, a great movie about the mafia starring. . .oh, it's too depressing to think about. So we start off with a shaky premise, which would be forgivable if it was a good movie. I had to read about the movie on IMDb to find out that it was supposed to be a comedy. The only comedy I saw was that it almost sunk to the level of so bad it was good, along the line of "Plan 9 from Outer Space." Almost. It didn't even get to that level. Then, to top off a shaky premise and poor writing, there is a lengthy reference to "Goodfellas," as if to slap the audience in the face with the reminder that DeNiro once starred in some of the greatest mafia movies ever. I know I sound like I'm picking on DeNiro, and I hate to do it, but this movie and "The Big Wedding" are sad reminders that Hollywood will use the big names of once great actors to draw a crowd without respecting them enough to give them good scripts to work with.
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Watching Ellie (2002–2003)
The "Seinfeld" curse is alive and well
28 February 2002
I love Julia Louis-Dreyfus. As talented as she is beautiful, I wanted to like her show. What a disappointment, very little humor, what humor there was could have been written by a junior high school English class, the show was unwatchable. Not merely bad, but a torture to watch. It started off with Ellie prancing around in her bra for five minutes. While I can appreciate her beauty, it seems like this was thrown in as a cheap shot to compensate for lack of substance by the writers. And what's with the doctor running naked to her house? Do I really need to see an old guy's bare butt? And he was a vet. . .couldn't the writers come up with a better gag? When Ellie went to the super's apartment, she asked him "Is your phone off the hook?" And the phone was being used to prop the window open. Sadly, this was the best joke in the whole show. Julia, you can do better.
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