
5 Reviews
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Only 1/2 ⭐
20 February 2024
My 1/2 star rating must've got rounded up I guess. Look, I know she used to have a little and now she has a lot and she's still Jenny from the block, yes, yes but.... what the actual is this???? The whole show is a rambling mess. It's how like how I am this sentence constructing that I am just here did. See what I actually did there? I made up an incoherent sentence to describe just how much jibberish the viewer needs to put up with watching this. Now imagine if I have punctuated that last sentence with singing and dancing. You'll also have to imagine what this show could have been if Jenny had also punctuated it with singing and dancing.

I've chosen the 'no spoilers' option to round this out. I honestly couldn't give away a spoiler if I tried - there's nothing in this show that I understood.
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Glitch (2015–2019)
Perhaps if there had been even one likeable character?
4 February 2024
The basic premise isn't too bad but they could've done so much more with the story to make this a suspenseful and enthralling ride. Instead you never really care too much about wanting things explained because of all the plot holes and seeing justice for any of the characters doesn't matter because they're all so unlikeable. In the end you don't even know or care who's dead or undead or respawned or whatever (I figure that you're supposed to though). They all really deserve to be put back in the ground and forgotten about. I especially disliked Kate. Such a shallow person.

Then there's the new characters that came along with each new season without really adding much. Just no need.

I wouldn't bother going the long haul with this. Maybe watch the first few episodes and google the rest if you must.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Here for the lols
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's really hard to believe that the whole time they were stranded up the tower only one of them needed to pee and only ONCE.

But that irregularity aside, apparently the tower was a six hour drive away. It was made out that the girl and her dad lived in the same town so presumably he also had to drive for six hours at the end of the movie once she'd been rescued. Now what kind of police, rescue, fire crew, whatever would've kept her sitting on the back of an ambulance for six freaking hours after having rescued her from spending three days up said tower??!!! Also she'd have to have been rescued by helicopter. They then wouldn't have flown her straight to the nearest hospital??!!

A better ending BTW would've been for the other one Hunter? To have survived and then show a ffwd of her 11m later so full of guilt that she's now the alcoholic with her life in the toilet - it would be nothing less than she deserved.

Overall not the most believable movie ever made but then stupid is as stupid does.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Nicole Kidman is the winner
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
No, good old Nic doesn't appear in FMO it's just that she's my least favorite actor ever. Ever. I would sooner watch anything with her in it than subject myself to this trash again.

All Coben's Netflix shows are convoluted beyond ridiculousness but this one is especially cringe-worthy of mention with its one-dimensional, wooden acting. Trying to portray characters with so many unbelievable traits and behaviours must bring that out worst acting ability in people.

Like the kid who's just lost her dad after also recently losing an aunt not been the least bit traumatised or even having any questions regarding death. Perhaps she's still too young to count so hasn't noticed her dwinding family numbers. Anyway, her nanny then attacks her mom with pepper spray to the face. Thats also cool, this kid is so mentally well-adjusted (just not quite old enough to stay at home by herself) that she can be shipped off to some random childcare center to find solace with a bunch of strangers. Mom's not too concerned, maybe it was not having the usual long wait lists to deal with.

Like mom then leaving the kid with the evil mother-in-law, who has already threatened a custody battle for said kid. Now MIL is wealthy and has implied acces to a fine legal team. Mom's not too concerned about this either. At least not enough to actually bother going back to pick her kid up.

Like when mom thinks there's an intruder in the house so grabs a firearm from her gun safe and then her military traing must kick in because she leaves the safe door wide open so that any intruder could just help themself to the remaining weapons. This chick BTW, like any suburban mom, has got some serious weaponary too. But in fairness, and I like to be fair, she obviously didn't have that many to give the local copper any concerns when he saw them. Still, again to be fair, it's the same copper who saw her pepper-sprayed face right after the attack and just thought '' 'ello, 'ello, 'ello, nope nothing to see here ''

It's all a bit hard to believe until you find out that mom is the murderer. Sometimes you'll get a plot twist that makes you go ''WOW''. But not here, It still doesn't make sense.

Oh and how did the evil MIL know about the existence of the nanny cam anyway? As stupid as she is, even that mom would know the idea is to keep it secret?
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Wanted (2016–2018)
Sometimes it's better not to be a marathon
2 March 2023
Pretty fair effort overall but very reliant on using the same base formulas that we've all already seen: crooked cops - too many crooked cops, shootouts, kidnappings, prison life, road trips etc.

The biggest failing was having the 3rd season which introduced unnecessary new characters and needless sub plots and failed to bring back some old characters to tie up a few loose ends. Actually it even felt this way during season 2. It's as though they had too many writers on the show but had to let each one contribute something towards what ended up being a meandering script. The result was a lack of continuity and, by the end, farcical characters. I think the actors would've been glad when it was over too.

Filmed in some great locations however.
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