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Underhanded film that's interesting in what it reveals about it's maker
4 June 2011
Many of the scenes in this docu are obviously staged and come off as facetious. I got a slight whiff of racism that's been swept under the carpet. The director refuses to show the white lower class,which is one way I believe the MSM use to frame wealth inequality. What about showing the white families poisoned by coal mining & fracking in PA,e obesity epidemic and the wage slavery that causes it,non-urban poor,the waste created by the amount the wealthiest 10% consume? The most pressing issue I believe he doesn't address: unemployment, which is a relatively new form of suffering. HG Wells wrote the Time Traveler in response to newly created overproduction which allowed huge masses of people to become unemployable. Mr.Johnson should read Nickle & Dimed to Death as well. I get the sense Mr.Johnson portrays wealthy people as simply the middle class with lots 'o money, the way he sets up some of the casual scenes with various advisers & family members. This is the most interesting part of the film because you get a sense of the conflict between the MSM created aesthetic portraying the wealthy as glamorous VS the film which goes out of it's way to portray individuals like Milton Friedman in casual settings. Mr. Johnson also address the media in showing the Italian count/media figure which seems to conclude that the American people demand the fetishism of wealth. It is subtle dig at Americans believe in egalitarianism by suggesting that secretly Americans dream of the old world aristocracy. In reality, the medias portrayal of wealth is a new form of propaganda,either to provide escapism,make excuses for the wealth gap, or spread the idea that eventually you too will be rich in America. I would say the biggest flaw in this docu is the refusal to address unemployment,which has largely been created by the actions of the wealthy 1%. I find the Kinkos founder mocking of Hollywoods portrayal of wealthy business to be funny because we continually see the people in this film saying that capitalism is the a flawed system but the only way to get things done, that realize people will be hurt by gentrification but they do it anyways, that the selfish drive to be wealthy is what make America successful. In doing so, they become real life caricature of the very same Hollywood villains. These people seem unmoved or oblivious to the real problems that hurt millions of people in this country like unemployment caused by cheap illegal immigrants,manufacturing bases moved to China, and the whole nations school system being stripped of funding. Their tactics to excuse the reality they play a major part in shaping is: 1. Look at those very very poor -black- people in Africs or inner-city America, 2. Well,capitalism is the only system this raises the wealth of all classes, and 3. Attempts to manipulate our common interest in providing for our families by attempting to show the hoarding of wealth by the 1% families as simply providing for their kids futures as opposed to what it truly is: the accumulation and holding of power, which by it's very nature nepotism and evil. Finally we see underlying racism in the film by it's subtitling of Jamican farmers whose accent is clearly audible(an insidious and underhanded tactic used by Mr.Johnson which would make Goebbels proud),the police officer pausing before describing the sugar can workers as "ethnic, very ethnic"(was really about to use the n word),the officers description of the poor worker community as being talented in spite of it as it has produced several football players(the subtext: all an AA is good for is sports), and the Kinkos founder's description of black and white to be a fitting color combo for a bum to be wearing. In light of the increasing xenophobia in America, I find the underlying racism,which maybe the filmmaker didn't even notice(though I doubt it as if he did and found it repulsive he would have commented on it in the narration) to be disturbing. It seems that racism could be a natural response to a class system which treats black workers & their kids like dirt,as to care for these people would undermine the entire structure of capitalism, To sum it up: Mr.Johnson has unintentionally made a film that helps portray the wealthy as similar to the fascist ghosts in The Shining....

"Trees cause more pollution than automobiles." Ronald Reagan
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Psycho (1998)
Van Sant betrayed Htich,but I'll survive
20 May 2011
First I was afraid I was petrified Kept thinking I could never sit  Through you with out shuteye But I spent so many nights thinking how you did Hitch wrong I hate Vince Vaugn I learned and since then never turned it on and so you're back With your film Gerry intact They just walk on and on and grew a beard with that mad look upon Matt Damon's face I should have changed my Netflix queue I should have erased all of Afflecks too If I had known in two thousand three  He'd be back with Gigli

Go on now, with you I mopped the floor Must hurt a lot  now 'cause you're not directing no more weren't you the one who churn out Cowgirls got the blues  you think I'd crumble you think I'd lay down and die Oh no, not I I will survive as long as i have that movie love I know I will not give in and add u to my queue I've got all my Hulu picks on there too And got all my Bluray disks uploaded soon I've got all my love to give and I'll survive I will survive
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Troll Hunter (2010)
Wanted:Media Studies students who are atheist for govt sponsored project. Experience working with large animals is a plus. Christians need not apply
18 May 2011
In this smash hit from Norway, the appetites of the famous creatures of Norway's   national mythological are used as wry topical humor that won't be starting riots like the infamous Scandanavian Allah comic strip. Newcomer Øvredal uses many inventive twists to make the creatures from a thousand children's bedtime stories relevant in the modern world in which they must deal with telephone wires, thrill seeking reporters ,and of course a shady government agency which will stop at nothing to make sure the existence of the Trolls never reaches light of day. We've seen the basic setup before in Cloverfield, The Host, and most memorably in the film  triptych Tokyo!, in which the short directed by the  Frenchman Leos Carax recreates the story of Godzilla using a sewer dwelling,human hating,flower eating Leprechaun who is on a rampage.  All four films use realize the monster genre in a realistic way and use the genre to explore serious social issue like xenophobia,terrorism,environmental problems,and the MSM. The Host and Tokyo! share Troll's humor and both Troll and The Host employ comedic actors from their home turf in the role of the hunter. The monumental  beauty of Norway's landscape  gives Troll a unique stage for it's action, with -one- lane highways leading up into the northern snow covered hills and  dense pine forests infested with trolls. The writers try to bring in a conflict between irresponsible  corporate planning and incompetent,rule loving bureaucrats yet this never really pans out . The focus stays where it should: on how to go about smashing,trapping or exploding trolls.
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The Collector (1967)
Bon Vivant Neo Nazis
18 April 2011
It's amazing how diabolical those people sound when they declare that the ovens are the only place for those lacking beauty-completely ignoring the variety of good human attributes. This is the trap that many architects,artists, and designers get stuck in the search for beauty. The film is interesting despite my hate for it's characters because of it's exploration of the ideas of beauty and perception,it also was filmed in a gorgeous old mansion in the country. 1967 was an interesting year in film :Week End,Oedipus Rex,The Graduate,2 or 3 Things I Know About Her,Point Blank,Belle Du Jour,Bonnie and Clyde, Dirty Dozen, this one is worth checking out in addition to those others.
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Autumn Sonata (1978)
Finally get consensus on Bergman's power as Premier storyteller
30 November 2008
This is the film that made me finally understand and appreciate the power of Bergman.Bergman has a psychoanalyst's understanding of basic human emotions and of relationships between family members. The cinematography is minimalist when it comes to motions of the camera, exquisite when it comes to color, and the unforgettable close-up figural compositions .I understand that some might criticize that this film is melodramatic, what makes it compelling is it doesn't use cheap tricks to provoke emotion in the viewer, it uses brilliant dialog and outstanding pacing to draw the viewer in. Once started, it is the character interactions that draw you in more than anything.Bergmann makes us feel for these characters despite their flaws and portrays the utter tragedy of people unable to change or reconcile themselves, much like in real life relationships.He knows how to push our buttons as humans but doesn't do it to give us nightmares but to expand our understanding of the human dilemma. This is one of a handful of films that I've watched out of hundreds of classics that has truly moved me emotionally. Another poster said that this movie isn't gender specific; I agree entirely and argue that this film deals with universal truths between offspring and parent, not just mother and daughter issues or the problem of divorce or abandonment. Sure there are directors that can shock you or give you nightmares or make you cry: Gaspar Noe, Lukas Moodysson "Lilia 4 Ever" as two examples. This is different, but I can't place my finger on exactly what... I can get the sense that Lars von Trier's pursuit of somewhat melodramatic plots in movies like Breaking the Waves might have some roots in Bergman's work
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