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So nuanced and beautiful love story of the minds
25 September 2022
One of the most beautifully told story from perspectives of these two different extremely charming characters, but who are unreliable narrators. A story that incorporates history and some of its stark characters into a fabric of narratives that makes you wonder what is real, what is not, and does it matter?

Idris Elba effortlessly balances the complex character motivations, emotions, mysticism and wisdom. Perhaps something from which Will Smith could learn. Tilda Swinton at her usual best of complete character personification, as a paradox of someone very content with her life but some deep rooted desires. What does it mean to be human? What does love mean?
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Lead actors got it, the writers screwed it up
28 May 2022
John Cho and Mustafa Shakir understood their characters really well and played them to perfection, even though the writers don't seem to understand character study. The script is plot and visual feel focused instead of being character driven. As a result the show lost what it was about - sociological commentary on the self destructive nature of people and destructive nature of greed / capitalism. This is pretty much why GoT last season sucked compare to the books / previous seasons.

In addition, the original show let you fill in the blanks and treated the viewers with intelligence. The live action just spells everything out, and I don't need to see everything just because it looks visually good. Pineda understood her character well, but she is not as good an actor, yet, as the other leads, who delivered despite the script challenges.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Completely loses the point of the actual story
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Any storytelling is built on the characters. This movie did absolutely nothing to build the characters. The main tension in the movie is because 1. Light is a genius megalomaniac who hates attention and always plans 50 steps ahead. 2. L is a genius who can see and plan 50 steps ahead. The cat and mouse between the two has legs because Light and L both anticipate and plan every move that the other person would/could make. 3. Both characters are so stoic and intelligent that they know not to cloud their judgment with emotions. This movie did not even think of this.

In this mess of a movie, Light is a just a teenager who doesn't even plan ahead enough to hide the Deathnote well enough just in case his home is searched. His dad is the freakin Chief of Police!

Likewise, L would very very rarely lose his temper, because a) he has thought through all outcomes and issues, b) is he loses his temper, he knows that emotions would cloud his judgment.

This is an insult to the intelligence of viewers and a clear cheap trick to make money.
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A Bit of Fry and Laurie (1987–1995)
Funny, insane, sometimes thought provoking and of course Fry and Laurie.
22 September 2009
Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie are known for their comical timing, wit and acting skills and until now one could only imagine what sort of mad magic will be created if they script down and act out a "sketch" themselves. A bit of Fry and Laurie encapsulates the talents of both of them in the perfect proportions to make the audience laugh. Not having to use a script, but just 'Bits' as the title suggests, makes it all the more light-hearted. The use of language to make something absolutely innocent, to outrageously funny is probably the most striking aspect. Sure they go overboard sometime, but hey like I said, its madness. Funny, insane, sometimes thought provoking and of course Fry and Laurie.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Most unexpectedly hysterical.
22 September 2009
What I think: Simon Pegg is a funny guy. I find him funny even he is trying to be serious. Well, I guess thats what the director was aiming for. Hot fuzz is hilarious. Simon Pegg and Nick frost together form a lethal funny combination. Edgar Wright popular for his offbeat story lines does it again. The story is different, but that doesn't matter. The movie is out and out Pegg and Frost. The cinematography is gives you the feeling of a fast paced action-thriller and Pegg and Frost make it the parody that it is.Put the three guys (Wright, Frost and Pegg) together and you get madness. Well that's what the movie is. Appears to be the perfect blend of action, suspense, comedy and thrill. Most unexpectedly hysterical.
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Clerks II (2006)
The magic lives on
22 September 2009
A perfect sequel to a great movie. We keep hearing that sequels hardly live up to the expectation. But this is one is a genuine exception. Absolutely brilliant. The same crazy characters, similar simple script and cinematography, and all the more profanity. Kevin Smith has definitely managed to re-create the magic that was he created ten years before this one. And this time you don't even need the introduction to the characters. You've known them, you've loved them. Well the production did have a rep to live up to and it does so in style. If you've loved Clerks, you will love this just as much.In other words, simply AWESOME :)
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Clerks (1994)
Splendid. Bloody hilarious.
22 September 2009
This is by far one of the most interesting and funniest movies I have seen lately. The director Kevin Smith manages to keep the viewer glued to the screen, despite the fact that there is no substantial progress in the story as such. The script uses a lot of time to establish the characters, while maintaining the charm of the movie. The director has managed to keep the whole picture simple and realistic. The best bits are the parts of conversation between the two leads. Its no surprise to me that the movie caught up with the 'Cult' status instantaneously. The characters are exquisitely portrayed by all actors. It seemed like the actors are in real life like the characters they played, which made the acting seem so natural. Probably the reason why many of the characters are immortalized. Funny characters, simple script and cinematography blend with a some profanity in language is probable one of the most famous mantras to make a 'low-budget, high-rated cult classic'.
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Nine Queens (2000)
Simple and elegant
3 September 2009
Nine Queens is a simple story about two con men. Like any other story of this type, there is confusion, different characters and of course 'Money'. The story proceeds very smoothly and as it moves, there comes a point when you wonder who is a bad guy and who is good. Simple story line and good acting make it a very interesting watch. The director has obviously focused strongly on story telling and not tried any gimmicks. I found this movie during some random surfing and it was pretty fun to watch. As long as you don't have any specific expectations in mind, you will like it. There was definitely not one point during the movie that I felt bored. I would rate it 7/10 for its simplicity and elegance.
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Go (1999)
Fun, fast - paced and funny in a way
26 August 2009
The movie genre is not very uncommon, but it is still fun to watch. The twists and turns in the plot may not blow your mind away but are interesting and entertaining in their own way. The screenplay is awesome. The story is told from different perspectives and maintains a very fast pace all through out. You will be glued to your seat and wondering what is going to happen next. No part of the movie seemed boring or dragging as such to me. The actors would have had a tough time as the story gives no character hardly any time to establish their place in the plot. Nevertheless, everything simplifies as the story moves on. And it is funny. Not the clichéd slapstick,SITCOM comedy sort of funny, but the psychedelic,satirical,ironical sort of funny. Definitely fun to watch.
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Office Space (1999)
Simply Entertaining
18 August 2009
The script is pretty simple. The director has done well to make a simple plot like this look so appealing. The actors' portrayal of each character is seems so sincere. Characters;you will love a few, hate a few. You will empathize with a few and sympathize with a few. Most of us hate our jobs and the way the story runs, it kind of reminds you of your co-workers and of course, your boss. Hell, it at least reminded me of my sad ass job. The characters and the familiar scene of the office environment, is what makes this movie lovable. Some parts are absolutely hilarious and the actors have done a very good job to get that effect. All of us can relate to the story. Trust me, you will not get bored. On the whole, simply entertaining.
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Big Nothing (2006)
27 July 2009
I saw this movie yesterday, and I must say I was impressed. Where do i start? The music, the cinematography, the plot or the acting? Well the music was delightful. A little different from what you usually hear running in the background. The cinematography is simply superb, whether it is the choice of colors or background or the usage of split screens or just the swift movement of camera. The actors did a good job. All actors played their characters convincingly, especially Simon Pegg. The plot. Oh My GOD!. After a long time have I come across a plot like this, with so many twists and turns that it just keeps getting wackier every minute. You get so involved in the plot, that you feel sad when.....I'll leave the rest for you to watch :)
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Walk the Line (2005)
Gets you hooked
23 November 2008
I stumbled upon this movie as i was browsing through the net. The plot seemed interesting. But when i finally saw this movie last night, i found the plot more than interesting. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon sizzle in their portrayals of John and June. the performance by other supporting actors adding an overall aura of reality is also commendable. James Mangold is able to pull off something that could controversial in an artistic style. Brilliant performances by both the protagonists and a very inspiring script,really gets you hooked on to it. its got music, romance, awesome acting and a wonderful storyline with a good screenplay. the perfect combo to a good movie. Definitely enjoyable.
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Not as good as expected.
17 November 2008
The film has a good line up cast, but the script is not really that strong enough to utilize all the talent in the cast. There seemed to be some scope for Pitt's character but the act was too short. George Clooney's performance is pretty good. But again the script doesn't seem to have the substance required. I sat through the movie expecting the Coen Brothers to create magic as the plot proceeds (like they usually do) but that moment never seemed to come at all. The Coen brothers definitely were not successful at showing what they saw in the plot. I really don't understand the very high rating. Or it could be just me. Not a movie to watch if you expect a lot from the Coen brothers. You'd just get disappointed.
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