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Well, visuals were amazing... That;'s all the positives I can think of.
2 September 2022
Visually was breathtaking. But there's no story here...Zero... Dialogues were not professionally crafted, characters were one dimensional and I couldn't relate to any of them..And the worst sin... I was bored out of my skull. So, as much as I wanted to love this show...I cannot keep being lenient with incompetent story-telling just because the visuals were amazing. Yes, each shot was a master piece...Well I can find 4k screen-savers for free on the internet. I knew the show was going to look good..I was here for the entertainment value... I was not entertained.

For the rest of the show I guess you got to Keep an open mind?(""") I mean to be patient with a show based on the long awaited promise that entertainment will be eventually delivered in the future.. I suppose. Maybe at some point this season will pick up..on episode three or four or five,,,The fact remains that I invested two hours of my life expecting to be entertained and I was let down. Let's be real, I do not have an obligation to invest two hours and be patient, so a show would have time to slowly develop and give me back my investment with enough dividends. Good shows deliver from the pilot. And many great ones reel you in from the first ten minutes and won't let you go. This one lost my business I refuse to waste one more minute on this borefest..
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Went expecting Independence Day resurgence; I got instead The Godfather part II
16 August 2022
I honestly didn't have much expectations. This was a sequel I didn't ask for, that I didn't want ... and apparently that I didn't know I needed it this badly. Color me surprise, this movie is not just my favorite film of the might be my favorite one of the last 10 years.... I had no idea going to the theater I was going to find this relic.

Top Gun 1986 was okay..not my favorite from that year by any stretch of imagination, so why would expect this 2022 film to be any good. Boy I was wrong.
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Stop making franchises of every intelectual property.
23 November 2021
I watched Ghostbusters in theater back in 1984. I enjoyed it, but I did not became a fan. I never was able of completely understand what the film had to create that much hysteria. It was fun, and a very witty comedy, but not much more. Hence, nostalgia was not for me a factor when it comes to rate Afterlife.

Attending to watch this film my expectations were moderate. I left the theater with a smile on my face. I think that the film makers managed this project with love, respect and heart. What else can you ask from a film maker? Many critics have mentioned fan-service...What I detected was fan-respect. They knew this intelectual property was loved by many and they decided to treat fans with respect and give them exactly what they deserved.

Yes the film was littered with references from the original, but that was not obstacle to create an endearing film, with lovable characters. The film have a few call backs to other film from the 80's such as Gremlins, Goonies, but nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn't interfere with the story being told.

I loved the scene at the end when Harold Ramis was brought digitally, however opposite to Peter Cushing or Carrie Fisher's characters in Rogue one, this time it was done with taste and respect, the character this time didn't have lines and was done with class and mostly emphasizing the homage they wanted to pay to the actor and to his legacy as an original writer of the 1984 film.

Summarizing, this was the most fun I had in a movie theater all year, the movie has some flaws but it was way better than I expected. A solid 8/10. I found this a perfect epilogue to the Ghostbuster mythology, it ends in the right note, no need for a sequel. Stop with the absurdity of making franchises about every single successful film. No need.
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I gave it a solid 8 back in 2004. I wish I can change my rating... Can I?
31 December 2019
I will stick to my rating. after these many years this movie gets better and better though. I will not blame those who give this movie a 1 star. I get it that is not for everyone. I have read many people that after hating this movie the first time it grew on them. I watched recently a few bloopers and outtakes that curiously were not included in either the DVD or Bluray. Those kind of puts in perspective hoe hard it was for the actors to keep a straight face while reciting the absurdity of the dialogues and the whole aspect of the movie. Also props to the editing and the score and sound track of the movie. A quick search in youtube will take you to the "I caught you a delicious bass" final scene and song which many found just perfect and beautiful in tone. This movie is meaningless, yes, but is to me endearing and fills me with a sense of warmth and nostalgia every time. Transports me to an era where everything was simpler and magical.
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Flatliners (2017)
Fanboys of the original will not appreciate this re-make for modern times.
23 December 2019
Or at least this is how failures are being justified nowadays in Hollywood. They take no responsibility, They make mediocre or horrible products and they expect we should like it or we are misogynists, or fanboys who are craving nostalgia. First off I was not a fan of the original Flatliner, i wasn't even aware that there was a group of people who considered the original Joel Schumacher thriller a fan favorite or a cult classic. I watched that movie in theaters in 1990, And i still considere it to be a good, entertaining movie but not particularly a master piece or a nostalgia driven favorite. Is just an interesting concept with very fleshed out tridimensional characters. Great acting from Bacon, Sutherland and Roberts and little more than that. My point is why are we so invaded by remakes and sequels nowadays. I mean if you're going to do a reboot, make sure you have in mind something that will considerably improves upon from the original, and no, new CGI technology is not a reason to remake a story. Also, if a movie is clearly a master piece, i.e. The Shinning, Gone with the Wind, Casablanca or ET the Extraterrestrial there is no reason to remake or reboot that to start with, I mean is not like we cannot remaster the originals to 4K for the new generations to watch and appreciate there is no need to readapt a classic to modern times, but if you do, make them better, not worse. In this case this 2017 Flatliners is considerably worse that its predecessor. And filmmakers need to accept their failures and not justify them by saying that nostalgia seekers or fanboyism is the reason their garbage is not well received. Just make good movies with a good script and good characters! This movie is not recommended, 1 out of 10 stars.
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In contrast to Dark Fate this one is not that bad.
23 November 2019
When I watched this movie back in 2015 I had very high expectations. I wanted to see Emilia Clark playing Sarah Connor, the trailers make her look amazing and also Arnie was coming back...awesome. I left the theater sad and confused...very confused...I was really disappointed for how convoluted they make this sequel that partially ruined the timeline of The Terminator and T2. However after watching the absolute pile of garbage that Dark Fate was...and how disrespectful to the characters has been I decided to watch the whole franchise all over again...I started with The terminator and T 2...And then I skipped T3 and Salvation and went straight to Genesys.. And I was amazed to finf Genesys far better sequel to T2 than Dark the point of not even close. Genesys is a lot of fun and is funny...yes it screws up the timeline to the point of no return...but still respects the characters of Sarah, Reese and the T-800. U don't like what they did with the script but at the very least they respect the characters and their legacy...When i left the theater in 2015 I would have rate this movie 2/10 but now that i compare it with a lesser sequel..I can say that this movie as generic action film deserves a 8/10...As a sequel to Terminator maybe I'll give it a 5/10. that brings the total to a 6,5/10 so I give it 7 stars. Is unfortunate and almost laughable that such an atrocity like Dark Fate played a role in me at second view to value this disappointing film some more. Who knows..if they keep destroying this franchise they will make another sequel that will make Dark Fate look like Citizen Kane in contrast... Is that what Hollywood is doing?
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Entertaining flick, deserves a 6/10 as generic action film...but
17 November 2019
If you want to be entertained, you will. Is a decent entertaining film. It would get a 6/10 if this were a generic action film. If you have never heard or seen a Terminator movie, you would no doubt be entertained by this flick. However as a Terminator fan this film will spit on your childhood memories, will destroy the characters that you learned to love during the 80's and early 90's, disrespects its fans and disrespect its own legacy... As part of the Terminator lore this film is 10 times worse than Genesys. This film is a travesty. As a Terminator film this one deserves 0 out of ten stars. So, if this a decent generic action film worth 6/10 and an absolute pile of feces as a Terminator film deserving 0/10...let's average out to 3/10. It seems that giving it a 3, I am being fair...but I still feel that the disservice this travesty is giving to the people who went to see this movie based on Nostalgia and Hope of the revival of the franchise..This movie deserves much less than that...But stick to the 3 stars to be somehow congruent.
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I thought I'd seen it all....
9 March 2019
No, seriously I've seen tons of Family movies, some are heartwarming, some are deep, some shallow but funny, and after watching how many of my favorites Family movies have been re-made I kinda thought ideas are running out and mainly I've seen it all. Every once in a while, however, I stumble upon an old flick that for whatever reason I had skipped in the past and leaves me really impressed. I picked this title because I loved little Thora Birch in "Patriot Games and "Paradise" and I thought let's give it a try, I read also that Harvey Keitel was in it, so I thought maybe there is a good movie that I've missed. Didn't expect much, after all I've seen it all in Family movies, dolphins, gorillas, orcas, mice, parrots, cats, dogs, llamas, so what a monkey could bring in addition to that. Well, when you think you've seen it all, something will stun you, that is this movie, Thora Birch at her best no doubt about it, the monkey is so funny, and script absolutely hilarious, specially about the confusion over framing the adorable protagonist as a common thief, well I'm not gonna give anything up, but give it a try I bet you will enjoy it.
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Sahara (1983)
Surprisingly not as bad as the critics tolds us back in the 80's
25 December 2011
Today I watched this movie for the very first time. Back in the 80's this movie never made it to my home town, I guess because of the poor critics, and that was a shame because i really wanted to watch it, I had such a big crush on Brooke Shields during the early 80's. I knew that the movie was probably just a lame excuse to expose her sex appeal and popularity, and there were probably little to none substance in the movie it self. After reading the reviews I thought that this was probably a horrible fiasco of a movie I still wanted to watch it, but like i said I was never able until today. What a surprise... the movie is indeed not a big deal at all, but by far boring, it was rather entertaining, I mean not every piece of cinema has to be a master piece, but as long it is entertaining it will be alright, and this one it is alright. The rating is 4 out of 10, my self out of watching it and enjoying it and being able to watch again young Brooke in her prime it was worth it. I would give it a 5 out of 10.
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Very good adaptation, too bad the DVD is not worth it
15 December 2005
Very enjoyable adaptation of the Jules Verne Novel.

Around the world in 80 days. Pierce Brosnan is fantastic in his role of the inventor and scientist Phileas Fogg. The cast is superb and the photography fantastic. Far better production that the new adaptation with Jacky Chan on it. Unfortunaly when finally after a very long wait the DVD came up, what a disappointment, the DVD simply sucks, no production notes, or special features or anything at all, besides, the quality of the image is at the very least 1/10. The poorest I've ever seen in a long time. I mean if you are going to produce something, put a little heart on it. I hope we can very soon enjoy this mini series in its complete extend, with a special edition DVD.
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Burnt Money (2000)
I was expecting more a lot more...
19 December 2004
I am an enthusiastic of foreign cinema, somebody told me look over southamerica cinema, since Mexican movie-making has gone since time ago down the drain, I was trying to find masterpieces out of Spain, France and Asia. OK, I started my search with Brasil, and I'm tellin' you I wasn't disappointed at all, I was lucky to find very good movies like Tieta do Agreste, Four Days in September, and Central Do Brasil, I switched to Argentina by advice of few friends, I started with this movie,(Burnt Money) supposedly historical what I found was, a melodrama, some good acting, but mostly a lot of bad acting, the set up of the period was well done, but somehow the whole movie was centered in the period or in the robbery, instead I attended to a disgustin' gay melodrama. I have nothing against homosexuallity, but this movie should have been place in a different category. I found it repulsive, I'm gonna still try to find something better among the argentina cinema, hopefully something like Brasil has to offer. If you want my advice, OK, watch any Brazilian movies, you won't be disappointed, about argentina, I don't know yet, I can only tell you, stay away from "Burnt money", unless you are into gay films of course.
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OH Brazil, Brazil, Great Cinema
19 December 2004
One more time I turn off my DVD player, satisfied, with a very good production, I've never been left disappointed when I pick a Brazilian film to watch, I'm also an enthusiastic of Brazilian soap-opera, I'm telling you that is the best of the world, may look the traditional American soap opera like trash, not to mention that the soap-opera from Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, etc is in my opinion pure garbage. So getting' back to this movie, I don't know what to tell you, I'm not very good describing movies, I left that for Ebert and Roeper, just trust me and watch the movie, it worth it. Great acting, great photography, besides, all the beautiful landscape from Brazil, do your self a favor and don't miss it, I recommend as well, Central Do Brazil, and Tieta Do Agreste
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Paper Moon (1973)
This is what I call a Classic!!
6 March 2004
Perfect prototype of a family classic, this movie is as close to perfection as it can gets, brilliant performance of Ryan and Tatum O'neall, Madeline Kahn, Great Direction, great photography. It was nominated just for 4 oscars and won just one. Very underrated but since the dvd was just released, I'm sure that as soon as people start watching this movie this rating is gonna go up undoubtely. As far as my opinion concerns, I give this movie a full 10 out of 10. Thanks Bogdanovitch, this is your master piece. I highly recommend to by the DVD it's wonderful filled with comments, extras, and hilarious out-takes, worth to watch.
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The Best epic movie ever
22 December 2003
This movie (I'm talking about the three installments) is extraordinary, the best epic movie ever. It's true, JR Tolkien imagination is fantastic, a master piece, but just consider how many masterpieces books have been turned in a despicable pile of trash when a director or a cast or the studio didn't know what they were doing, I bet this same story could have been a terrible disappointment with another director,or another cast. Everything in this movie went perfect. And yes people read a lot Tolkien now, but is because of this movie, 85 to 90 % of the people who said yes, this movie is good but tolkien is a genius, never picked up a tolkien book before this movie. Well the books are great but this whole cinema masterpiece is just as good as tolkien's work, in my opinion, this movie deserves a 9.9 out of 10 and that is just because I don't believe any movie deserves a 10 out of 10.

Congratulations to peter jackson and all the cast, one more thing, how can movies like "a beautiful mind" and "chicago" win the oscar in 2001 and 2002 and not this great movie. I think maybe they had to wait to the last installment to give the oscar to it, otherwise they had to give the oscar to this movie three times in a row, one for every part, and that would have been unfair (the first movie winner of the oscar three times). This is not only the best production in moviemaking in a while, I'm sure it will remain in that status for various decades.
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disturbing film
21 December 2003
very disturbing film, great performance from johnny depp, and also frank langella, the whole set up was great and good direction from the oscar winner director from the pianist roman polanski. A nice thriller that did not use special effects or sound to scare you, 8 out of 10.
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The most amazing movie I've seen.
3 October 2003
Spectacular. This is the most important movie of the 21st century, this is just a peek of how movies are gonna be made in this new century. Is good taking a break from the midiocre hollywood made films and watch this wonderful adventure. If the books are pure magic, the movie really is fantastic. 10.
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E.T. (1982)
It's pure magic
13 April 2003
I like the new version of the movie,with enhanced special effects, and remastered images. But still the old film is my favorite, I like the message that gives the movie at the end, it is about hope and faith, and that is why the guns and the shotguns are present, that means that you can triumph against evil, and tiryny with hope,and that the miracles do exist.
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O (2001)
good adaptation
6 April 2003
Shakespeare is not easy to bring to screen, what the hell Shakespeare is not easy to understand most of the time. So a play that bring the story about Othello the Moor to our era, and is so strong and easy top understand for all audience, even the youngsters and teenagers, is really a very good job, I enjoyed, and believe is such a fine job, like the version of Romeo and Juliet in William Shakespeare's Romeo+Juliet I'll give it an 8/10.
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nice film
6 April 2003
Low budget film with no pretentions, nevertheless is a nice film good performances, the story is simple but is amusing. Good for a TV film, if you're bored a saturday afternoon you can see this movie and relax.
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The Mummy (1999)
stunning special effects
6 April 2003
Most of the people would think that nothing is as good as it was in the past, and that the remakes ain't worth enough. I love classics too, but it is just that you can not compare classics movies like Boris Karloff's "The Mummy" with this new version. It looks at times that even the genre is completely different, the first one was an scary movie, this one is an adventure almost comedy movie. Both are rather good in their respective genre, but this new version I think is a lot richer with special effects and humor and a lot of extras that the first one didn't have. I enjoyed both, but I have to say I like the new version very much, it was a lot of fun indeed.
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6 April 2003
The story is not much about war as it is about friendship, however, it is a little bit to long and to slow, I think it can bring the point and the message saving us all the dull environment.Any way it was a good job, and a powerful deliverance from De niro, Streep and Walken. I give it 7/10
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20 March 2003
great,amazing, astonishing,well made,bedazzling,a master piece. Flawless, well directed, photography is perfect, acting is powerful, The story is magnificent... What else do you want me to say....
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Kangaroo Jack (2003)
Is it just me or is that last two years have brought anything good in movies
10 March 2003
Year 2001, 2002, and now 2003, try to rescue a good film from this years, think fast, think fast..... What is going on in Hollywood? yeah, I'm not surprised to find films like this, and I can think in hundreds mediocre, and even awful flicks, like Scary movie 2, Kangaroo Jack, Shallow Hal, Proof of Life, Hearts in Atlantis, Master of Disguise, Goldmember,Driven and so on... I can remember wonderful years like 1976, you remember TAXI DRIVER, NETWORK, ROCKY... Last year for example, Beautiful mind won the oscar, but... I'm not gonna say it was a bad movie, but is just a nice movie, average movie, not more than that. I really hope this is not the begginning of the end of the 7th art, this is just a transsition and we can soon enjoy again masterpieces, maybe this is just the normal transsition period that marks the evolution of this art.
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El Chavo del Ocho (1972–1983)
Simply the best comic show ever made in Spanish language
8 December 2002
Hard to believe that 40 years old actors can play 8 years old characters and with flawless performance capture ingenuity and mischievousness... But they did.

The casting during the years 1973 throughout 1978 was just perfection... Praises for Ramon Valdez, who was by far the best of them. This is a comedy that has become an instant classic of all times (specially all the seasons until 1979). At the same level of white humor comedies like "I love Lucy","Three is company" or "Alf" Most of the jokes are so clean, and smart. Too bad that many of them are untranslatable. This show is recommended for all audiences and all ages, and trust me everyone will enjoy it. Great Talent displayed for all the casting including the show creator Roberto Gomez Bolanos (chespirito) "the little Shakespeare".I give the show 10 stars hands down.
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Is a question of values!
4 April 2002
I've seen this movie when I was in Ecuador. This is an interesting try, It's the first time I've not been totally disappointed about an Ecuadorian film, just let's remember the awful "Train to heaven" even though the Oscar winner James Coburn was playing on it, but was a naive and dumb movie anyway. This time Sebastian Cordero made a valiant film about bad habits. People who live in Ecuador can understand me. Was interesting, but unfortunely I don't recall any moral values or of any other kind, to comment about it. I think that this movie is a good try, but has a complete lack of trascendence or a message for the people from a Country who needs more moral examples, not the opposite. I gave it a 4.
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