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Fantasia 2000 (1999)
11 February 2002
"Fantasia 2000" was everything I hoped it would be. Every segment dazzled me beyond belief! The musical pieces selected were wonderful and I was exposed to pieces that I'd never heard of. Of all the music I was introduced to I particularly loved "Pines of Rome", and my old favorites "Rhapsody in Blue" and the "Firebird Suite" were wonderful to hear in a Fantasia movie. What pleased me the most about all the segments was their great variety in the style of animation. One was completely computer generated (and the result was surprisingly lovely), one was completely hand drawn in flat 2-D, one was painted entirely in watercolor (!), and another combined computer images with hand painted ones to create a beautiful result.

My one complaint (a minor one, but still present) was the fact that they included "The Sorceror's Apprentice". If you've seen this segment as many times as I have (they used to air it constantly on the Disney Channel between shows), you would have welcomed something new that you haven't seen before. Sadly, when this segment rolled around, I was bored. Fortunately, the rest of the movie so enchanted me, that the complaint could almost go unsaid, and I gave "Fantasia 2000" a 10/10 ANYWAY! The movie could have been longer too, actually, as the original was nearly 2 hours. Another complaint (which isn't the fault of the movie) is that I never got to see this in the IMAX... how's that for disappointing?

All in all, a wonderful experience, and a must see for anyone who loves the old "Fantasia", classical music, and/or animation at its finest! Oh, and wait until you see the "Firebird Suite" finale.... it will blow you away!!!!!
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The most hyperactive movie I've ever seen!
11 February 2002
Wow! What a fun movie! I love "Cats Don't Dance" with a passion. I found it so refreshing to see animation like this after such a long string of Disney films so bent on realism. Here, the animation is cartooney, way-overblown, and UNBELIEVABLY manic! The story is wonderfully carried out with anthropomorphic animal characters (something you don't often see in features), and the uplifting message is catching. It's very entertaining and very funny! I recommend you view "Cats Don't Dance" while feeling very energetic. Otherwise, it'll just make you tired. Probably not everybody's cup of tea, but it sure is MINE! An enthusiastic 10/10 stars!

P.S. Did you know that Scott Bakula can sing? He sure can!
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Man, what a let down!
9 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Was "Atlantis" beautiful to look at? Yes, it was absolutely breathtaking. And the music? Just gorgeous. How about the story structure and the character development........ oh my. Ouch. The sad truth is that this visually beautiful movie could have been wonderful! It had so much potential! Shall we inspect the problems? (Don't worry, I have at least ONE good thing to say, so bear with me, Atlantis fans)

  • Character Development: Very poor. The characters (as cute as some of them are) come across as very shallow and cardboard. Not a good thing. It's hard to care about what happens to characters like these.

-Pacing: The pace of the movie was jarring. The first part of the movie seems so rushed as if the directors just wanted to get it out of the way and get to the "good" stuff. They introduce the spectacularly rendered submarine.... and that's all they do with it. Give it a 5 minute long intro so we can gaze on it with reverence... and then it's out. No more use of it in the story at all! Well THAT was a waste of time! The timing throughout the movie was just ALL wrong.

-Plot: Nice idea... now if only they could have gone about it in a way that wasn't predictable. You shouldn't be one step ahead of the movie. There's a big problem when you are!

Okay, now onto the ONE compliment I have, and please note that it IS on the visual aspects of the movie..... possible SPOILER ALERT!!

The scene where Princess Kida becomes one with the Heart of Atlantis blew my mind. It was SO DARN COOL! And when she spoke in the creepy voice, it gave me the chills. WOWIE! Good job on that, fellas.


I wanna conclude by saying that if it takes more than 7 people to write the script.... especially one like this... something is VERY WRONG.

Oh, and by the way, see "The Emperor's New Groove". If you're looking for a Disney movie that IS fresh and original, look no further than that. THIS one isn't.
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WONDERFUL prequel to the master of horror movies
7 February 2002
Wow... I don't know whether to love Sadako or fear her. "Ring 0" completes the trilogy and makes it into an epic. We delve into the complicated and frightening (yet very tragic) character that is Sadako Yamamura. Like "Ring 2", this film continues the enrichment of the Ring mythos. We watch the frightening, tragic story of Sadako unfold before our eyes. We discover a more human Sadako... one that feels love and compassion in spite of her peculiarities, and we are once again frightened as we were in the previous movies. In a way, the terror is more effective here than in "Ring 2" even in light of a movie that feels more like a tear-jerking drama at times than like a horror film. This is a must-see for fans of the first two movies. Watch it. You won't be sorry.. even if some of the introduced story elements seem a little strange. They are carried out beautifully! Sadako herself is beautiful and enchanting.

I'll conclude with one final statement: If you thought a staggering, ghostly Sadako was intimidating, wait until you see her when she's alive and kicking, and more powerful than she ever was as an ethereal presence. Now she has the ability to kill at will rather than with a cursed videotape!

Hmm.. do I sound like I'm contradicting myself about Sadako? I'm not going to explain myself. Just watch the movie and see for yourselves!
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Good Weird Fun!
7 February 2002
Just about the strangest thing I've ever seen. THIS cult classic puts "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" to shame if you ask me! Danny Elfman and The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo perform the music and they even make a strange appearance in the movie. Elfman shines in his brief but delectable role as Satan.

I'm certain that "Forbidden Zone" isn't for everyone, but its loopy, nutty humor will appeal to some folks... especially fans of Boingo. Give it a try! If you thought that Rocky Horror was weird, take a gander at THIS!!
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Ring 2 (1999)
An enjoyable sequel to the almighty "Ring"
6 February 2002
While "Ring 2" did not have the same effect on me as "Ring" (That scared the living you-know-what out of me!), it was equally enjoyable to me. The elaboration of the mythos of "Ring" was welcome, and didn't take away from the enchantment of the first film in the slightest. If anything it made the experience more enriching. The first film frightens you as it introduces you to the character of Sadako. The second film lets you in on more details about this frightening presence of a "movie monster". And believe you me, "Ring 2" does have a scare or two up its sleeve. As I find apparent in all three Ring movies, the climaxes (enhanced by the building tension and dread throughout the movies) provide you with a nightmarish jolt. In my opinion, the ethereal climax of Ring 2 delivers beautifully. To sum it up, don't expect the tsunami of terror the first film provided you, but do expect a worthwhile sequel to the master of horror films... and don't get too comfy... all due scares will be provided, I assure you!
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Ringu (1998)
What has not already been said about this terrifying film?!?
6 February 2002
I probably shouldn't even bother posting a review! About the aspects of the film itself, there's nothing more to say. On the other hand, I was compelled to add my own personal reaction to this movie and the reason I found it so impressive. I was convinced that no horror movie could ever scare me. I had taken the mind set that "It's just a movie! What's to be scared of?" I've gotta tell you that "Ring" came along and blew me away. I was scared senseless. Other movies/shows had succeeded in creeping me out a bit: "The Shining", "House on Haunted Hill"(the 1999 version. Fun at some places but downright unnerving at others!), and "Twin Peaks" to name almost all of 'em. And recently, "The Mothman Prophecies" was a welcome addition to the list. Oh, and Stephen King's "Rose Red" too! I even let my imagination loose and allowed myself to be bothered by the infamous "Blair Witch". I've also enjoyed many an ominous Lovecraft story. The point is that as much as these things disturbed me to an extent, none of them compare to "Ring". Any movie that has the ability to give me an unbearable cramp in my leg from remaining tense and breathless for an hour and a half and bestow upon me a fear of the dark (and of my television of course) has to be doing something right! Even now, months after my first viewing, I don't think I have the courage to watch it by myself in the dark. "Ring" did what I had thought no movie could do... it terrified me. I never knew I could have such a psychological and emotional reaction from a mere movie. I was proven wrong (BOY was I proven wrong) and it has renewed my faith in the horror genre. A horror movie that actually terrifies? Wow, what a concept! One more thing.... I defy you to find a more terrifying presence than Sadako!
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Freakazoid! (1995–1997)
Comedy in its highest form.
5 February 2002
"Freakazoid" is perhaps the most under-appreciated comedy series ever! Of course, aiming something like this to a Sunday morning audience of children will doom it from the start. Sadly, it lasted only 24 episodes before getting canned. On the upside, it did win an Emmy for its theme song! That's a good thing! Anyway, there are several types of humor. Slapstick (i.e. "The Three Stooges'), dry and sarcastic (i.e. "Daria"), that old Warner Brotherish humor that I'm still trying to put a name to.... and then there's "What?!?!?!? Why?!?!?" humor that comes out of no where and strikes us as funny because it doesn't make sense and yet it does make sense... does that make sense? Freakazoid is a delightful mixture of this kind of humor, the most obscure movie/historical/cultural references you could possibly imagine, and (lets face it) utter childishness. This is the only show you would be able to hear big-name actors like David Warner behave like a child throwing a tantrum, or hear deadpan Ed Asner say things like "Poo-gas", or even hear the world famous carpenter Norm Abram say something like, "You're and evil man!" All of this is brought to us by the comic genius of Paul Rugg (who not only writes but does the voice of Freakazoid himself because the part was too weird for anyone else to handle) and his partner in crime, John P. McCann. These guys wrote all the good, memorable episodes of the hit series "Animaniacs". I'm not sure if my rant is making much sense, so I'll stop. I cannot recommend "Freakazoid" to you enough. I'll put it this way: If you enjoy humor similar to "The Tick" comic book (the show is much tamer than what I'm talking about), the "Earthworm Jim" video game, or "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast", this is for you! ENJOY!!!
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The usual Miyazaki quality
5 February 2002
Once again, Hayao Miyazaki treats us to a beautiful, enchanting, yet simple story in "Tonari no Totoro". As simple as Totoro's story is, it strikes all the right chords, triggering tender emotions that we needn't ignore as we grow older and more cynical. As I'm sure you've already read in the countless reviews, Totoro tells the story of two country children coming across magical creatures called totoro. As always, the animation is gorgeous, beautifully fluid and expressive and (unlike many American animated films) not over-animated. Although Totoro may lack in slam-bang action, I recommend it to anybody who is a fan of other Miyazaki films, animation in general, or an innocent, beautiful story that reminds us that we still possess that innocence.
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