
26 Reviews
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
8 March 2014
Game of Thrones is one of those shows that I avoided watching for a long time because usually I find that when everyone is telling me to watch a show and that it is awesome, and there is so much hype building up around it, I am pretty much always disappointed when I actually watch the show and don't end up liking it. But I was totally wrong to assume that would happen here!

Game of Thrones is an excellent show. If I had to nitpick I would say that maybe sometimes they race too quickly through story lines when I would like to see a bit more of what is going on. It can be hard to keep up with all the stories and characters but what there is here is amazing, really amazing.

I just find it harder to follow than most people because I guess I'm one of the few people who has not read the books. I can't wait to see more of this show!
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Inspector Gadget!
25 April 2011
This movie is not that great, but it's not terrible either. The rating is probably fair here, about a 4 out of 10. Matthew Broderick isn't really an Inspector Gadget type he is cast wrong here, but I like him in everything I've seen him in. I'm a bit surprised they made a sequel because I didn't think this movie made much money but I guess it must have. The sequel is easily worse and it's too bad because I like the actor who played Inspector Gadget in that one. It's not much at all like the cartoon Inspector Gadget. I like that they tried to do this it just didn't turn out very great. The end of my review is right here and right now.
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Good Campy Fun
18 April 2011
The acting and writing of this show is below par but the show delivers what it promises, campy fun with cheesy fights and a busty demon huntress who wears very tight or revealing shirts. This show is obviously trying to cash in on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer model and does a relatively good job for what must be a very low budget show. When you consider that it is also impressive that this show has some very good CGI in it, much better than you would expect in most low budget Canadian TV shows. Some of it seems a bit dodgy, like the laser bars in their prison cells, but most of it is as good quality as you would expect in most Hollywood movies, not something like Avatar but you know what I mean. It doesn't deliver as much as Buffy or Firefly but if you don't expect serious scifi and want a bit of fun campiness Summer Vale delivers!
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The Love Boat (1977–1987)
This Was a Hit?
18 April 2011
Seriously people actually watched and loved this show back in the 1970s? Times must have really changed because I have seen several episodes now and it is just a stupid show. They introduce "guest celebrities" as people taking cruises on the Love Boat and then play out stupid (usually very predictable) romantic stories between them all. The characters are super cheesy and the only one that is cheesy in a fun way is Isaac the frequently parodied bartender. "Hey!" The doctor on the ship is also apparently a womanizer even though he's not exactly handsome or anything, in fact he is usually just plain creepy. I can't believe this show was a huge hit, the only value I get out of it is the unintentional comedy I get from how serious they take these ridiculous stories and how terrible the acting usually is.
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Sanctum (2011)
Feeling Generous
31 March 2011
I'm feeling generous and that is the only reason I would give this a 5 out of 10 rating, really it is about a 3 or a 4. The only good parts about this movie are some of the visual scenes, 3D views of the caves and underwater scenes that are pretty cool sometimes. But the plot is total garbage, there pretty much is no plot at all except the fact they go to explore dangerous caves and then big surprise they end up with their lives in danger! James Cameron is just one of several producers so this movie is nothing like Terminator or Titanic or anything, that is kind of a rip off and was disappointing because I thought it would be a much bigger, more expensive, better movie.
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29 March 2011
I am a big fan of David Spade but he has really fallen off as a comedy genius since his friend and frequent collaborator/comedy partner Chris Farley died sadly several years ago. I thought Joe Dirt was kind of funny in spots but over all pretty disappointing and this movie is even more disappointing. There are a couple of funny jokes in the movie and it is a very good premise for a movie but over all the plot is just too stupid and the jokes are predictable. The fact that David Spade plays a guy who is just unlikeable and a jerk gets old very fast and you can figure out exactly how the movie is going to go like ten minutes into watching it.
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Great Supporting Cast But McConnaughey Can't Pull This Off
29 March 2011
The supporting cast in this movie is very, very good. Marisa Tomei is fantastic as always, I have always been a big fan of her work because she is a great actress and very professional. Not quite worth an award here or anything but still very, very good. Same thing goes for William H Macy Jr, I have always loved his work and thought he deserved more awards for what he has done and he is sensational in his role in this movie but still the material is not great enough that he can show enough of his skills to win an Oscar or anything. The real downfall in this movie is that first off the movie is a good idea and not badly written but it is definitely not a sensational story or anything, and mostly #2, that Matthew McConnaughey just is not a good enough actor to pull off being the lead in this. I keep expecting him to take his shirt off and start delivering terrible jokes like in all his other movies, and he plays pretty much the same person all the time (himself) so here it is like "why is McConnaughey pretending to be a lawyer?" Worth seeing but definitely wait till it's on TV cuz it's not worth wasting good money on.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
28 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I give this a two because some of the visuals were kind of cool (i.e. the enemy soldiers in the world war segment) but over all this movie was just a big mess and on top of that the whole 'fantasy within a fantasy' story line was very very predictable, you can tell almost right away exactly what is happening and what is real and what is not. What is the point of most of this movie? The acting is sub par except the villain is pretty good and Scott Glenn as the wise man is really good, but he is good in everything. Baby Doll is pretty and a good actress but the rest of them are pretty much just awful. John Hamm is totally wasted as the high roller. I was expecting this to be not as good as 300 but still a good movie and it was just terrible! I wish I had walked out after fifteen minutes like my gut feeling said to do instead of expecting it to get better because it did not.
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I Was Hoping This Would Be Better...
28 March 2011
I was really hoping this movie would have been a better experience for me. I liked the other movie so it was very disappointing, I actually thought it looked like a good trailer too, for a decent family movie that a kid would like but that wouldn't bore parents out of their minds too. Oh well at least we had fun making fun of it. It was very predictable and not very deep plot wise, even for a kid's movie. I thought the acting was okay it's just that the characters were so basic and one dimensional, even more so than in the beginning, that there really was not much for any actors to do. The writing was obviously very lazy in this. It was a decent concept and I didn't hate it but there are much better kid's movies to see and much better things to spend your money on than this below average movie.
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Comedy Inc. (2002–2007)
Surprisingly Horrible, The Worst Sketch Comedy Show I Have Seen
28 March 2011
I have seen at least two of the performers on this show perform their comedy live and they were very funny, in particular I am thinking of the man in the cast who does a lot of dancing who I saw here in Halifax performing at the Halifax CBC Comedy Festival. He was hilarious, very brilliant stuff and also obviously quite skilled as a dancer/comedian. I was surprised by how awful this show was though, the laugh track is almost deafening and it is put over top every joke as if they are the best jokes ever, in fact they are just about the worst jokes I have ever heard in my life. I don't blame the performers they get paid to do their parts and I assume they obviously don't write their own stuff (again I saw two live and they were very funny). The other one I saw live was the brunette girl who screams a lot who is also on Video On Trial or at least used to be, she was very funny too (and angry! ha ha). Anyway the writing is just terrible and the main actor is also terrible with doing awful parodies of CSI and Tom Cruise. Literally this is the worst sketch comedy show I have seen.
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Sean Cullen's Hilarious, This Show Is Not
3 March 2011
First of all I want to say that I am not bashing Sean Cullen at all because I have seen him perform so many times live, and his comedy and music on TV for example on CTV and in the American show "Last Comic Standing". He is always hilarious to me as a performer and he has a fantastic look and just seems like a genuinely nice person. But this show was just so weird and did not make me laugh. I really wanted to like it but I found the characters were all very forced and just not funny at all. Sean hosted as himself and there were times when his live comedy shone through, I remember him once doing a song about building things out of hot dogs that made me laugh a lot, but the rest of the show was just strange without being funny. I hope he gets to do another show someday and that it is better than this show turned out to be, sad to say it was not very good.
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Rango (2011)
Good Not Great
3 March 2011
Rango is one of those movies where I did not have any idea what to expect when I took my seat in the theater to watch it. I have always been a big big fan of Johnny Depp and all the movie choices he has made over the years so I had an open mind but thought this movie looked like it was maybe a big mistake based on the commercials and trailers I had seen for it. Over all I was not disappointed, it was a decent animated movie. Not like other things I've seen from Johnny Depp that's for certain. It's funny in places and definitely is the kind of movie you would want to take your kids to see, it's safe for kids just a couple of "rude parts" as the ratings warning says. That is about it, the voices are great including Ned Beatty, I would recommend it but not a big deal if you wait to see it on TV or DVD.
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Harvey (1950)
Still One Of The Greatest
3 March 2011
Harvey is still one of the best movies ever made in my opinion. I am and always have been (and always will be!) a big fan of James Stewart and this role seems to have been tailor made for him, I would say probably his best role except for maybe the other Jimmy Stewart classic, a little Christmas movie that we all see every year during the holidays with Clarence earning his wings if you even need a hint. I had no idea this was based on a play on Broadway but that doesn't surprise me at all because it's not very visual or explosive it is just a wonderful story about a man that is both very touching emotionally and also very very funny.
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Pure Pwnage (2010)
I Don't like it!
2 March 2011
I really don't like this show, it seems like the people in this show and/or the people who created and produced/wrote it really think they are cool and clever but I don't like any of the writing in this show, the characters are so unreal it's just stupid and most important to me is that this comedy did not make me laugh even just one time. I know it is supposed to cater just to gamers and I am not a hard core gamer but I do game quite a bit with my friends and after work etc so it's not that I don't get the jokes or the characters, I just don't find the show funny or good at all. The girl in it is pretty good and I guess the lead guy is not a bad actor it is just that the characters and writing are no good at all.
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Not Funny
28 February 2011
This show was just not funny.

Steve Smith is best known of course from doing his other show here in Hamilton called Red Green, he played the main character Red Green obviously who is the famous plaid shirt wearing, bearded guy's guy who fixes everything with duct tape and lives in a lodge up north and talks about his adventures with all his weird friends slash lodge buddies tagging along.

I don't like Red Green much but at least it was a show and I can understand people liking it.

Steve Smith Playhouse is just him adding his own lines to a bad movie, essentially he becomes the lead character of the movie dubbing over his lines and leaving the rest of the movie untouched.

Not a bad idea but it's just not funny, there are way too many sex jokes and none of the jokes are funny and the quality of the show is just really poor.

Just a bad show!
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22 February 2011
The Muppets are always great, I have loved them ever since I was a kid when we would watch all the muppet movies again and again that my mom would show us, probably to keep us from fighting or tearing the whole house apart when she was trying to do something :) I didn't even see the TV show the muppets did until the last couple of years and it is great too, it obviously holds up well because the characters and jokes are so good but also now that I am an adult I still enjoy it and not just because of nostalgia from watching it as a kid, I still think these shows are good! They maybe aren't quite as good as they used to be, I guess that's expected when the creator Jim Henson passed away so long ago, but still awesome and worth buying!
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I Remember This, It Was Awful
22 February 2011
I remember this show only I remember it under the title "Open Mike with Mike Bullard", and it was terrible! I had no idea it lasted several years and I don't see how it lasted one full episode let alone one full season or even the several seasons it apparently was on TV for! Mike Bullard was the worst Canadian talk show host ever, even worse than Popcultured, although there is now one who is even worse, Frank D'Angelo from the Being Frank Show with Frank D'Angelo that is nothing more than a guy who is buying his own advertising time (Frank D'Angelo owns Cheeta Energy Drinks) to have his own talk show.

Anyway Mike Bullard was a terrible host, the jokes were never funny and he was just mean to people half the time, the audience just looked uncomfortable and would force laughter to be nice. All the sketches and jokes they did were just groan worthy bad.
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MTV Live (I) (2006– )
Surprised at the Name Calling and I Don't Like the Show Either
22 February 2011
First of all I'm surprised at the name calling on both sides but I guess that can be expected when a show is going for an audience of teens and even younger. It's just not appropriate though to call each other names when they just happen to disagree with you, everyone is allowed to have their own opinion whether they like this show or hate it.

I am not the audience for this show because I am older than the teens they are trying to do the show for, but I have watched many episodes and I do not like the show and find all the hosts/crew people on camera to be very annoying.

Then again I don't like most things I see on MTV or Much Music.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
22 February 2011
This is a great movie.

The main thing that is great that this movie has going for it is Liam Neeson, he is so awesome as the lead character in this movie it is amazing.

I loved him also in that movie where he was a retired special ops or CIA agent who has to track down his daughter after she is kidnapped in France, so maybe he is starting to do these action type movies more often now which is a great thing because he is perfect in these roles and sells the drama and action well. He is a professional actor in every sense of the word.

Go see this movie! He is great but the movie is also very good and almost all of the actors are good.
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RoboCop (1987)
Great Action Flick!
16 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
RoboCop is a great action flick! It is not for people who are faint of heart at all because this movie originally had an X rating for a reason, if there was NC-17 rating systems back then this movie definitely would have qualified for it. I won't get into details but this is definitely a hard rated R movie that children should not be allowed to see. Murphy's "death" scene near the beginning where he is cruelly gunned down and shot to pieces over a stretched out period of time by psychotic criminals (led by the dad from That 70s Show unbelievably) is hard to stomach. Also the scene near the end where one of the bad guy's henchmen is kind of melted by dangerous acidic chemicals then blows up when he is run over by a van is disgusting too. This movie doesn't pull any punches with the blood and gore quotient and there is also a lot of funny dark humour in it too. I love this flick but make sure to notice how blood and gutsy it is before you watch it!
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The Mechanic (2011)
Not as good as the Original but Still Good!
1 February 2011
I give this version of The Mechanic a score of seven out of ten points. I am writing out the full words for numbers instead of just putting the numbers because I hate how we have to type a full ten lines just to get a review approved. Alse it helps that I just wrote all that stuff explaining how I was typing out full words haha just a few more lines to go.

Jason Statham does his typical Jason Statham thing and for a fan of his movies like me that is great, he's not as awesome as he was in the Transporter movies etc but is still very good in this movie and it is a less intense movie than those movies were anyway. He is a hit-man and that is all you really need to know. Guys will like this movie a lot but it is less good when you saw the original the Mechanic movie with Charles Bronson which was a very awesome and surprisingly under rated movie masterpiece.
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Titanic (1997)
I am firmly in the "I didn't like it" camp.
19 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I did not like Titanic. I thought the acting was way way way over the top, it definitely was not historically accurate, and the whole old-woman-with-the-valuable-necklace thing was just way too over the top. I am a fan of Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet (I think she's maybe the best actress working today in films) but I couldn't stand this movie. The fact that is was so very over-hyped to me by my girlfriend at the time who saw it with her friends before dragging me to go see it did not help probably. The action was pretty good with great effects of the boat sailing the ocean and especially during the sinking scenes, but it felt very long and was trying way too hard to pluck at heartstrings. I don't understand why the leads had to have the fate that they did, don't want to spoil it but if you've seen it I think you know what I mean when I say why couldn't she share the furniture? Overacting, overly desperate to cause us to have an emotional reaction, I think it will go down as a well produced movie that was too basic a story, an unoriginal love story, and way over-hyped because for some reason a lot of people loved it when it came out.
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Good, Not Great.
19 September 2010
This is a good example of the kind of film to expect from England's Hammer Films co., who through the 1960's produced a lot of action/adventure/fantasy/horror films of the low budget variety. This movie is about a beautiful Viking princess who is forced to share her reign with a Roman commander named Justinian. The confusing thing is she is apparently also a druid and worships Zeus, etc, etc, all that makes no sense but it doesn't really have to. Carita (never heard of her before) is not a fantastic actress but gets the job done capably enough. Don Murray plays Justinian and he as well does a capable but not fantastic job. He is the better of the two though. Various Romans are sacrificed to the druids' gods in a fire pit that has to be stoked between sacrifices by a priest (????) and there is action galore, this is a great example of 1960s schlock action/adventure that features violence and good looking girls.
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This Movie Sucks! (2010– )
A Great Surprise!
13 September 2010
I was just on another board writing about how Dan For Mayor and Hiccups are not very good. It is nice to now be balancing out that with a little positive since I don't want to become someone who just gets bitter talking about all the shows I hate. This Movie Sucks was a great surprise for me. I avoided watching it for a few weeks because I have always been a huge fan of Ed the Socks from his old show and of Ron Sparks who was always my favorite on Much Music and Video on Trial (also he is my Facebook friend which is how I heard about this show, ha). It is so good to see them back on TV, Liana is still pretty hot too (is it cliché to say hubba hubba nowadays?) I avoided watching at first because I was sure it would be terrible. The comments I read on Ed's home page for episode one were terrible and I wanted to remember him in a good way. Also I am possibly the biggest fan of MST3000 in the world and nothing can compare to that. The truth is this show doesn't compare to that but as I said nothing could do the bashing-a-bad-movie-thing better than MST3000, but it is still very funny and not so much like MST as I feared/assumed it would be. They still watch bad movies, including two so far that I know MST3000 already did, but they have different jokes and they talk a lot in the studio, have guests, other differences. This is totally worth checking out, the bashes of the movies are really very good.
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Dan for Mayor (2010– )
Predictable, Lame, Sad...
13 September 2010
I'm sad that I did not like this show more. I gave it enough of a chance it is the end of season one and I have seen every episode except one. The jokes in all those episodes have not made me laugh once and I find ever single character to be annoying and poorly acted. The most annoying thing to me is that Fred Ewanwuick has not changed his character one bit from when he was Hank on Corner Gas (sorry if I'm spelling it wrong but that last name's a tough one). I was a Corner Gas fan so even though I didn't think the previews for these shows made it look like they were very good, and even when friends told me Hiccups and Dan For Mayor were both terrible, I hoped my gut feeling was somehow wrong and I would like these shows. No such luck. Ever since episode one I have been very disappointed with both shows, equally disappointed in how bad and unfunny they are. The characters in both shows are just terrible! I can't believe they got a season two but I hope they can somehow turn both shows around so that they are good, I don't see how that's possible though even if they replace all the writers and start getting good writing like Corner Gas had the characters are a huge problem.
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