11 Reviews
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Love Actually (2003)
Where to start...
25 December 2022
Hugh Grant is the genius in this role arguably the only stand out performance. The rest, over the top, sexist to men, annoying. I get that everyone could relate to this in some ways like a classic part of one's life, that's unbelievably sad to me. I am not knocking the hidden messages or storyline because those were terrific - although I doubt enough people truly understood. More so the way in which actors portrayed the characters, like the married guy who felt past it and surprised the office girl was trying it on with him. Hmm why did that have to be the man solely made to look bad? Like Kiera's absolutely ridiculous me me mr type of performance. God she didn't half love herself. The makeup on kids annoyed me a lot too. Liam Neeson did alright. The rest were quite unlikeable in their own ways. Defo Kiera's character. The drawing attention to her lips and posing she did made my stomach turn. Just no. Okay this is an old one now a classic. Hugh brilliant, Neeson erm apart from dodgy accent okay, but aside from those two, just a big no no. Cheesy music, typical men looking bad women including the recently married on (Kiera) no! The over the top flash photography. The constant reminders this is more a musical of courting as suppose to an xmas movie. Oh mr Bean or mr Atkinson in his two minutes of screen time impressed me more.
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Very odd
25 December 2022
For starters how come the Asian girl has an American accent? And how come they're wearing makeup at that age for a Disney film? Ridiculous. Come on guys learn from this. Not even picking bones, from start to end even with the soundtrack pulling it through it was a total disaster. Money wasted. Sure visually you get a lot which is what made me give at least some stars to the rating. But not a good one. The American accents does didn't work either. Anyway, I have to add more text to this review apparently. The annoying thing is, this film had all the potential but just didn't deliver. Did kids like the over the top American acting and voiceovers and visionary? Yeh so I guess that's all that matters right...
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Separation (I) (2021)
Shame on critics
10 August 2022
They claimed this wasn't at all a horror type movie more just flat and idiotic. Look no one in this film did badly, and although over the top sometimes there was plenty in terms of a good watch to deserve a better rating. Plus this wasn't a typical waste of time like so many Netflix horrors. They tried things a bit different and kept us viewing.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
Fake and fake
10 August 2022
I don't care if this was inaccurate for servicemen, that isn't what I was annoyed about. I was annoyed having watched this because really (and let's finally be very honest) the movie masked the fact it actually threw a cheesy predictable romantic script at us and used a girl lead who could draw lots of feel sorry for me I am beautiful feminist attitude to try and deliver. She really loves herself, queue the pouting and excessive makeup (this is America after all no one would watch if she was normal. The film wasn't about her but her performance made it about her. She wanted the focus on her and so did the makers. It felt like Christano Ronaldo playing for himself. What can we do to make this character more likeable? I know we can pretend that she can sing, let's appeal to a wider very narrow minded audience. Threw in further more emphasis on her eyelashes. Let's really go for that deep sorry for me not the soldiers appearance. Perhaps some texting and some ridiculous concerts and Oops we forgot there's a sob story here. Let's cheat the system. No let's go into a different direction let's make them fall in love and then ten min later bicker when e already know all that make up doesn't hide the predicament they're in. They fancy each other and have to go the long way round first. Back to the injured solider story. No wait the girls pearly whites and lip fillers keep distracting me. I forgot they were acting then.

Nothing about this movie was likeable unless your into drawing attention to yourself bad acting and modern lingo. It was an absolute mess. Poor picture, inaccurate story, inaccurate and ignorant military reflection and too much of the female lead and her ridiculous pouting. If this is the near future of Netflix and cinema then god help us. Undoubtedly this will appeal to the type of viewers who just can't get enough of snap chat filters and only fans. Yeah! I said it.
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Utolér (2011)
13 July 2022
Sorry Hungary but nothing new just the same stuff we've seen too many times in a different order. Some disturbing scenes somewhat chilling just not enough.

The film had the look and feel of a low budget BBC drama series. You know, when the acting is weak the scenes are weak and the dialogue is a bit too bland that this gets in the way of us effectively caring for the main characters.

Adults take the law into their own hands. There's a lack of I don't know what maybe it wasn't very testy except a few cringe scenes and some chilling music. Kind of boring.
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Flat as a pancake.
7 July 2022
Okay firstly Carnage looked amazing as did venom. Tom Hardy looked Stone faced unenthusiastic and warn out and the others might as well have pulled out. Slapstick, unfunny, clumsy and lacked story.
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The Batman (2022)
And here we go
7 July 2022
On your marks gets set go. Go. And go. No we're still on extra long shots of Robert Patterson' face. This was the biggest sin, the delays. Batman has to do some detective work with a new look Commission, erm and again, queue fixing the camera on his face for too long, queue setting the tone with excessive rain and music for a dark and dramatic effect. Let's dim the lights out a bit. Or even add more screen time for Selina who never shut up. Another club scene. Another close up on Robert's suspicions, another scene where the rain hammers down and the seizure lights come on.

Sorry to say Robert is NOT a good actor. He appeared way more comfortable in the suit than when his scrawny Bruce Wayne took the scene which was obvious. Even the scene in the hospital was weak.

Now, that's the majority wrong with this movie which I thought I'd avoid watching because I visualised the film as over the top with probably your typical modern day lingo and too many special effects. I was wrong in some ways. Compared with Nolan's trilogy, this film prides itself in being different. A dark, eerie, visually stunning film.

Batman hasn't convinced citizens or himself if he's helping or not, spends most of the time walking or doing his police work, his car isn't the usual Batman car, he lives in a tower block not a mansion shot in one of England's snobby little towns.

This film is actually less ridiculous, a Batman searching for purpose but firstly uncovering hone truths. He's a human in an armoured suit not really a superhero with a bat wing etc.

In parts they lost that a bit of realism. Sort of Gotham the tv series mixed with a blockbuster. Some of the scenes were meant to be the films strongest points but a few annoyed me too much which for me meant The Dark Knight trio get my vote. Yet although they tried hard often too hard, the vast majority of the movie is unmissable.

The Maddison square garden scene the creators were very proud of due to how this changed some of Gotham's citizens into trusting a masked vigilante. I felt the last part of the movie was the weakest apart from some of the quotes a lot of people should learn from.

In the end people learnt to follow and trust. Bruce felt he had a purpose and needed to set an example to justice. But this scene in particularly lacked on the action front and lacked conviction given how hyped the film was. Regardless as to the ending being lacklustre this showed Batman like everyone needs help, isn't invincible etc.

I'm still shocked as to what I've just seen on DVD. I only hope the follow up doesn't disappoint because of how much effort they put into this.
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Scream (I) (2022)
HMV refund please
5 July 2022
Actually the dvd cost only seven pounds. Whatever that is in dollars. A lot probably. To sell the dvd at that price when it's on the latest release section made me wonder.

The film has good parts, but just like the others in the franchise with over the top scenes, unfunny dialogue, cheesy acting and jump scare shots, I wasn't so thrilled to see this one.

My partner worked out who the killer was immediately, I worked out the second one. Somewhat vulnerable caring characters could always be suspects just like the old sheriff sort of said. This to me comes down to predictability.

So many times when the usual intense background music kicked in, one of the characters on the list of 'to slash' opens a door and holds the door open for a few moments then nothing happens. We expect the slasher to have used that as an opportunity. Alternatively we have other typical horror movie tactics. I'm just not into them as they've been used relentlessly. There was an occasion where I think Google maps was used to show the killer in close proximity even that was slightly messy.

So throw in some cheesy acting, teens with attitudes, lack of police presence, how could they make this better with minimal effort? By throwing in the senior actors from the past movies in the franchise. Queue Monica Gellar's incorrectly set Botox, throw in Sid who looked gorgeous I have to add, a silly character in Courtney's ex husband who she met on the set, and the former slasher himself into the mix. Hey presto a good watch? No. The teens are still talking. This won't be good.
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
Really good
4 July 2022
Only half way into this and already happy with my choice of films for tonight. Intelligent dialogue, intelligent well rounded story, realistic (for a change being American) and the acting is good. Jason Bateman, the ultra annoying girl who plays Natalie and George Clooney are fantastic in this.
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Deserves more praise
4 July 2022
People are always quick to judge if anything is cheesy. The bad guys with their outrageous accent were awful the fight scenes too friendly, it was over the top and some of the chemistry wasn't right with Amber and Gillian in particular annoying me. But this was meant to be friendly, was meant not to scare a younger generation and the hidden messages were brilliant showing family values but also life values and lessons which more kids or teens these days really need. A family fun film with a few laughs but not too many to take you away from the drama.

Sorry to say most Jackie films are a bit sort of slapstick and cheesy. A guy his age doing his stunts and carrying the Film well he easily gets my vote. I think he has more in his locker in terms of acting.

Anyway I wanted to put on a family film that was about protecting children being a role model but something cool and this was exactly that.
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Shattered Memories (2018 TV Movie)
Decent one
3 July 2022
Watched this in the middle of a stomach bug, only realising part way through we'd already seen this during lockdown. Still watched to the end. Enough goes on in this film to be entertaining providing you stay tuned otherwise you miss something that follows on from another. A brain workout yet often the shifting between past and present became frustrating as the reviews suggest.

Felt sorry for that Ray. Deserved better although a bit lousy. Some of the romantic scenes let's say we're a bit dull. A lot of viewers put off with how the Film was edited even the ending discouraged the audience.

All in all though, quite good, not messy enough for me to award a lower rating, much better than the majority of stuff on Netflix recently and the lead female did well.
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