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I quit watching after an hour
17 March 2019
What I expected from this film was a look into flat earthers "theories" and a solid debunking of them by real scientists. This movie does none of that and barely explains anything about what they believe and what the actual science is. Instead it tried to focus on the flat earthers themselves and it turned into a really dull vlog. Around 40 minutes in I started to get bored and eventually quit watching.
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Robin Hood (2010)
Confusing Mess
15 July 2016
In many ways it's a good film, quite fun at times. It certainly looks gorgeous. But in the end there's just too much dragging it down to be anything but mediocre. For one thing, what does this really have to do with Robin Hood? If anything, it just seems like a ten episode historical drama series that got cut down to two hours, and someone inserted Robin Hood in it for some reason. It's drowning in a sea of characters, none of whom get enough screen time to be fleshed out, or even give one the ability to tell them apart. Plus the historical illiteracy, and the obligatory Christianity is evil narrative, and you have a film that will be enjoyed once and then never seen again.
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Spotlight (I) (2015)
The Best Of 2015?
11 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The problem is that Spotlight is just not that good a film. If you take away the importance of its subject matter there is nothing noteworthy in this. Just a dull, boring movie that made me appreciate The Big Short a lot more.

The Silent Night song part was the worst scene in the film. After the entire movie failed to stir any emotion the film makers go for the old „play a sad song" as if that is a good substitute for a compelling plot.

The actors are good and each plays their part well. But since the plot doesn't really flesh them out they don't have much to do to make their characters more memorable. They come in, do their part and you don't really find out more about them as humans.

Now maybe if I had the opportunity to see this movie before the Oscars, or even the nominations, I could judge this movie more soberly but I can't. With such high achievements you naturally come into the movie theatre expecting something grand but the film just doesn't deliver. Overall Spotlight isn't bad by any means, but the best film of the year?
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Bumbling Idiots And Cartoonish Villains
9 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There are some funny parts in Horrible Bosses but they are entirely predictable. Most of the time it's just not funny and instead of being smart it settles for being raunchy and explicit with crude, disgusting sex jokes.

The bosses were too unrealistic. Zero subtlety was involved in their roles. Instead they just openly said how horrible they are in such a cartoonish way that it was hard to take the main characters situation seriously. It didn't develop any empathy for them. The only boss that really sticks in your mind is the one played by Kevin Spacey as the rest are barely given any time to develop as characters.

Probably the best thing about this film was the three main characters. They had great chemistry together and you really liked watching their failures as they went about their mission like bumbling idiots. And that's what basically happens in the movie – despite their idiocy through sheer luck they manage to come on top and solve all their problems.

Overall this is not a completely unwatchable movie and personally I rather liked it but I can't see myself ever recommending it to anyone or even watching it a second time.
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Mellow Mud (2016)
Story Of Parentless Children
8 March 2016
Es Esmu Šeit is a moody, at times depressing, film about a young girl named Raja who, alongside her brother Robis, is trying to survive in this world while being parentless. It was at times a difficult movie to watch as it elicited strong emotions in me about loss and abandonment.

The main actress did a great job in creating this lost character. Raja first appears as an angry and angsty teen, but through out the film becomes a complex character. You start to see beyond the rough edges into a vulnerable person trying to get by as best as they can.

The film is a visually beautiful portrait of the Latvian countryside but without ignoring all its messiness and ugliness. It rings true and reminded of my own grandparents home.

The only flaw I could see in this film is that at times it felt too dragged out and you'd wish it would pick up the pace. And as a minor nitpick there's the fact that the film is supposed to take place in Rēzekne but not a single character has a Latgalian accent.

But other than that Es Esmu Šeit is a perfectly good film which I would recommend to fans of serious drama.
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A Film About Family
6 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Descendants is a great portrayal of family. It shows it in a realistic way with the sort of characters you recognize in your own family. It is at times not the prettiest picture but one that rings true. The very name „The Descendants" might seem puzzling at first but it is basically the theme of the film. This is a film about what we leave behind and to whom. Our legacy, in other words.

For me the most interesting thing in this movie was the relationship between Matt (George Clooney) and Alexandra (Shailene Woodley). They play the roles of absent father and rebellious daughter. They fight one another while both try to protect the younger sister Scottie from the harsher facts of life.

Besides the family drama Matt also has land/money drama. He and his relatives are about to sell land that has been theirs for many generations. Matt is originally for it, but at the very last moment he refuses to sign the papers. He then gives a great speech about how it is not theirs to sell, it was entrusted to them. It was a great moment, but all the time I kept thinking – is there a more selfish reason for this? We had previously learned that his wife's lover would greatly benefit from this sale so is his secret motive to screw the guy over? It kind of ruined a great moment.

But overall The Descendants is a solid drama film which I enjoyed watching.
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500 Days Of Time Jumps
5 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you asked me what this movie was about I would be baffled at what to answer. There is a beginning, middle and end, but the film jumps around the timeline so much that it leaves you confused about what's happening and where you exactly are in the story.

But the biggest problem is that the movie is basically riding on Joseph Gordon-Levitt's charm. He's really good in this role which I can't say about his co-star. I found nothing likable about Zooey Deschanel's character Summer. Through out the film I struggled to understand what Tom saw in her. The movie tries to make her in this There's Something About Mary irresistible type but it really doesn't work. She's a one note character.

And Chloe Grace Moretz was too adult. Usually I like the mature kid character, but her Rachel felt completely unnatural. It's like the character was originally written to be ten years older.

With that out of the way there are a lot of good things to be said about this film. It was funny and had some meaningful things to say. The final scene with Tom and Summer was great and it brought together the film's point and illustrated it perfectly. It would have been a great ending to the film, but then it goes on and in the final scene Tom meets the girl that will, supposedly, be his one true love. The clichéd ending ruins everything the film had been building up to this point. It's just the type of Hollywoodized BS that Tom was deriding earlier in the film.

But overall 500 Days of Summer is a very enjoyable film. I liked it and would still recommend seeing it despite its flaws.
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Garden State (2004)
Feels Empty
2 March 2016
I wasn't even sure if I should write this review as I struggled to come up with words to describe it. On the one hand there are some good things about it, quality moments where you really empathise with Zach Braff's character and his feelings. The movie really well captures the numbness of depression. And on the opposite spectrum I really liked Natalie Portman's character as she brought a lot of energy to it. There are some funny scenes and interesting characters but after a while the quirkiness becomes old and stale. Just being random doesn't make it funny.

But there is a profound emptiness that comes upon me when I think about the Garden State. It left me feeling nothing, as if I had forgotten half the film and now struggled to remember what was good about it. The film's better moments don't come together to a satisfying whole and the plot just feels unfinished.

Overall this is by no means a bad film. But it's one of those movies that you watch when there is nothing better on. It's satisfying as long as you don't expect too much.
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Concussion (2015)
Fence Sitter
1 March 2016
Will Smith was good in this film and he created an interesting character. His doctor Omalu was not just a silly accent, as some have called him, but a many layered character with whom you could empathise in his struggles. And I also liked David Morse in his small part but Concussion's biggest problem is that it's really not a people story. It's more concerned about the events and and the people serve more as accessories to them.

Also they clearly didn't want to alienate football fans by making this a „football = bad" movie. But how they went about doing this was by having the various characters give „football is great" speeches and it all comes out as lots of tell and little show. If what they wanted to do was show why it matters to so many people they should have made the audiences feel what a majestic game it is. But they don't and the film becomes a boring fence sitter.

The best part about Concussion's story is its good themes about religion. Through out the film it talks about how sport has taken the church's place in the modern world and just how inadequate it is in that role. There are some smart things in this story but they are never fully realised.

Overall Concussion is a decent film but more fitting for the small screen.
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The Departed (2006)
Great Crime Film
28 February 2016
In The Departed every actor plays to his strengths and it's a film that's worth watching just for the performances. The casting is just perfect. Leonardo DiCaprio is at his best playing the kind of character he was born to play. Matt Damon adds his typical humour to the film.

But besides that this is a film you would expect from Martin Scorcese in its combination of violence and comedy. It's a gritty crime thriller with just enough pictures of the real world to make it feel realistic.

The story is top notch. It keeps you on your toes as you observe its every twist and turn never knowing in whose favour the story might end. The characters play a cat and mouse game with one another with the roles often switching. And of course you can't not mention the music. The film's theme song is one of those catchy tunes that sticks in your head for a long time.

Perhaps the only thing I didn't like about the film is the ending which seemed abrupt. Other than that The Departed is a great film and a must see for all crime genre fans.
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Frank (II) (2014)
Hilarious But Uneven
27 February 2016
Frank is one of the funniest films I've ever seen. It is, at its core, a drama film but it has some hilarious eye wetting moments. If only it could have kept that mood through out the film. Towards the end it gets too dramatic and sad and it's way too severe a shift from the previous mood.

The only other thing I could say against it is that in the beginning it tries to create a mystery about what Frank's face really looks like. Now that could be interesting, but he is played by Michael Fassbender so I already know what he looks like. So all that seemed pointless.

But despite that and the problems of unevenness Frank is still a solidly good film. It's weird and crazy, it explores human creativity. The actors do a good job in creating a bunch of quirky characters that you love to watch while exploring their near surreal world.

Overall Frank is a very watchable movie even if it somewhat loses its way towards the end.
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Looks Adorable
25 February 2016
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is one of those rare animated films that can be enjoyed and laughed at even by adults. And it's not due to „adult" humour but by simply being smart and clever. It's as much a comedy as an animated film.

My favourite part was the kid horror, for lack of a better term. The sort of Halloween-ized „scary moments" always make me nostalgic for my childhood and this film uses them to good effect. And the clay animation is just adorable. The rabbits particularly are some of the cutest I've ever seen.

In many ways this is a film that only the British could make. It creates a quaint little country village where our two main heroes work as pest control. Not being familiar with the original Wallace and Gromit shorts I don't know how accurate the adaptations here are, but nevertheless they are very likable.

But what I liked best is that the film didn't try to be too big. Usually films of this type try to add unnecessary character drama or backstories. This plot is not longer than it needs to be, but just right. Overall it is a simple story but there is nothing to complain about in this film.
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
23 February 2016
Well, this was confusing. Somewhere underneath there is a smart story that is unfortunately buried under several plot threads and a revolving door of characters that come and go before you have a chance to know them. Even the main leads don't leave much of an impression on you and nobody's story is really fleshed out.

That's my biggest problem is just how short this movie feels. It's like a 2+ hour film that got cut to just the basics of the story. It all feels rushed and hasty.

But Hail, Caesar is not all bad. It's an entertaining film with great humour and many laugh out loud scenes. It has a story with some interesting metaphors about religion. An okay film, in short. But since it's the Coen brothers you naturally expect something more. At least something that isn't a confusing mess.

I would only recommend this film to people who are already fans of the Coen brothers style. If you are one of them this film might of be of interest to you, but I'm not sure what it would do to anyone else. Overall it is a mediocre film.
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Lincoln (2012)
Pulls You In
21 February 2016
In a film like this the last thing you would want is for the film makers to be historically illiterate. Usually it takes a sharp eye to catch that but this film takes no time and right at the very start destroys your confidence in the film's accuracy by calling the north free. That put me on the edge and I couldn't just relax and enjoy the rest of the film.

And yet despite that early blunder Lincoln did turn out to be a great film that was superbly acted. It was a film where the main character gave many speeches and told strange tales that went nowhere. Usually saying that would mean criticising the film but here it's made to work. You want to keep watching Daniel Day-Lewis. The movie pulls you in and doesn't let you go until the end.

It also looks spectacular. It has the type of gorgeous visuals that you'd want in a grand historical epic. If only it was one, because while the story is good it is somewhat lacking. Generally politics doesn't make for the most interesting story subject and that maybe the films problem.

But overall Lincoln is the type of film you would expect from Steven Spielberg in terms of quality and I highly recommend it to fans of historical drama.
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Deadpool (2016)
Good Shines Over The Bad
16 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As always it's what you don't see in the trailer that kills a film. In Deadpool's case it's the sappy moments that drag it down. You know the ones where the music gets all sad and you're supposed to feel that this is important and dramatic as if you had some Pavlovian response. Much time is wasted on unnecessary long origin story. Instead of spending time with Deadpool we are stuck with Wade and you just wish it would return to the action again.

But what's the weirdest part about this film is how basic the plot is. What would typically be a half, or even a third, of a typical superhero plot is the entire story in this film. And when you learn how small the budget was you kind of have to wonder did they simply not have enough money for a big scale action film?

And of course your enjoyment of the film will depend on your tolerance for crude, juvenile profanity that becomes old really fast. The problem is that it's so overused in this film that it looses its punch towards the end.

That's about what's bad about the film, but it has plenty of good to make up for it. The humour for one thing as this film seems more like a parody than a legitimate superhero film. Ryan Reynolds plays it perfectly, so much that you can forgive him for a certain other superhero film. The first 20 minutes or so are made of pure awesome as it's the type of action that should have been the entire film. And there's an Adventure Time watch (yes I'm including this).

Overall I ended up liking Deadpool because its good parts shine over the flaws, but after a film like Mad Max: Fury Road last year I can't say I'm not a little disappointed.
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Funny Story Of A Dislikeable Character
14 February 2016
The Sweet and Lowdown will make you believe it is a story about actual people. The narrators and the stranger than fiction portraits of life give a realistic feel to it. It's a typical Woody Allen flick in its combination of humour and interesting story.

The movie follows a dislikeable character, played by Sean Penn, who you love to see through out his many failures in life. The film has vibrant characters and that is arguably the best part of it.

The only really bad thing I could say against this film is that it doesn't really have an ending. It just goes on until it ends at an arbitrary point. If this were an actual biopic you could understand it as just following history, but as it is it just seems odd. Though it could be said that it just sticks to style.

Overall the Sweet and Lowdown is like a familiar meal that is filling while not exactly novel. It's a movie that will be more enjoyed by Woody Allen's fans because while it is funny the plot leaves one feeling empty and longing for more.
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The Debt (I) (2010)
Too Little Drama
13 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Debt tries too much to be an action thriller when it should have focused on being a drama, because there really isn't that much action in the story. On the other hand a drama with a focus on the characters could have given the story more depth.

But honestly that is just criticizing the movie for what it isn't. As for what it is is a very decent film that will be entertaining even despite the story's flaws. Out of those the most annoying would probably be the flash forwards that are then later repeated in their entirety even though we've seen them already. It's annoying and adds nothing new to the experience.

That and the story doesn't really lead to anything with an ending that seems weird and made up on the last minute. What was Vogel's relationship to the patient claiming to be him and why was he doing it? None of that is explained and the fight at the end seems out of place.

That said The Debt is not a bad film, above mediocre I would say, and overall a good watch.
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Visioneers (2008)
Fall Asleep Boring
11 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well, that was... something. If at first you might have hope that this will be a nice surreal flick then all those hopes are dashed as the film slowly drags its feet wearing down your patience. Towards the end the main character walks around like a zombie without saying a word or giving any sign of human emotion as it all moves slowly to an ending you no longer care about.

Problem is there is not enough story for even a one hour and thirty minute long film. It has got often heard clichés about the corporate world and suburbia but does nothing new or interesting with them. Whatever humor it has in the beginning it exchanges for being utterly depressive.

But Visioneers biggest sin is that it's just plain boring. It's the cardinal sin of movies and the biggest source of my low score. At some point I wondered had I actually fallen asleep and what I was seeing now was just some fever dream.

Overall, the premise is interesting and its what made me want to watch it, but it delivers nothing that you would expect.
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Trumbo (2015)
Performance Film With Messages
9 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning of the film Trumbo's daughter Nikola asks her father what is communism. He says what if you had a sandwich and saw a boy who was hungry? When she answers that she would share her sandwich her father says that is communism. But it's not. Real communism would be the teacher coming in, eating the sandwich so now they're both hungry. It is a monstrous ideology that made 20th the bloodiest century in history, so to turn its opponents into crazed witch hunters is repulsive to me.

But even leaving personal biases aside Trumbo is still not a good film. It's one of those Performance Films, that gets all kinds of nominations for the main actor, but the story is just meh.

For a time I had some hope for this movie. In the middle we see Trumbo becoming the family tyrant. He's demanding and bullies those who oppose him and I thought that it was very clever. Trumbo becoming just like the people who persecuted him would show just how such attitudes are born. It would be introspective. But then it just moves along and after that I lost my faith in this movie.

The movie is inconsistent and suffers for it. Plus it's just all too speechy. Pretty much every thing Trumbo says is some kind of speech and he just never talks like a human being. The film makers really wanted you to get The Message. And sure, the nominations for Bryan Cranston are well deserved, but other than that there is no point in seeing this film.
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King Kong (2005)
Lady, You're Weird!
7 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In many ways King Kong is a great film. It's cinematic, it's epic! The beginning gives you the feel that you're in for a great film. But alas it's all down hill from there.

The biggest failure is in the action scenes that happen during the middle. There they fight a number of weird creatures and prehistoric beasts and it's all just so contrived and redundant. What was the point of all this? All it did was make me bored. It didn't help that it was very one toned so it was hard to tell what is going on. Plus the green screen was just terrible. Immersion in the world: zero.

The second, and by far the most awkward thing about this film, was the film makers attempt to create some kind of romance between King Kong and Ann. Like supposedly in her brief time as a kidnapee she falls in love with him and all the time as I was watching it I wanted to yell: „lady, you're weird!" The whole thing is just bizarre.

But it's all just a shame because the movie has a good story and interesting metaphors about film. The things that are not butchered are done well. It had the potential for greatness but it missed the mark.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Rotten On The Inside
4 February 2016
The truth is I actually liked some of the stories of this film and for the most part it was good and visually beautiful. And yet in the end Cloud Atlas is like a fruit that looks gorgeous and juicy from the outside but that you cut open only to reveal green rot inside.

The film was utterly ruined by its need to deliver The Message and its anti-religious preaching. Its plot is a thinly disguised vehicle for political propaganda. It is just impossible to enjoy a movie when you are repeatedly being slapped in the face.

Leaving that aside, with all its bitter aftertaste, I can still see how it could be justly liked by those already part of the choir. Its many stories are well intertwined and come together nicely, even if you have no idea to what exactly.

There lies possibly the movie's biggest fault is that as you ask yourself in the end – what was the point – and you come away with nothing. The film is a plot built around inspirational quotes that sound deep until you actually stop to think about them for a second.

Overall Cloud Atlas is a well made film but, and I think the box office reflected this, it's not a film for everyone to enjoy.
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The Big Short (2015)
High Quality Docudrama
2 February 2016
This is the part where I would say The Big Short is a movie about this or that, but I'm not sure if I can even call it a movie. It seems more like a high quality docudrama with some parts like something out of a Youtube video. It's very informative if verging on being too wordy.

However I'm struggling to find more words for it. Its lack of a people centred narrative makes it hard to compare to other films. The film's main star is facts and hard history and that might be offsetting to some viewers. But to be fair I'm not sure how it could have been done differently.

How do you make a movie about such complicated and hard to understand things without giving the audience a bunch of lessons? To the film makers credit The Big Short is a fun film, it certainly won't bore you, which is not an easy feat to manage with such material.

It is well acted even if the actors don't have much to do and there are some emotional moments. I think the brightest gem in this is Steve Carell and he's very much the star of the film.

Overall The Big Short is a good film, it's enjoyable, but there's not much more to say about it afterwards.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Slow Moving Spectacle
26 January 2016
What strikes one about The Revenant is its realism. It gives the feeling that you're actually there as the characters are (literally) breathing unto the camera. It is a gorgeously looking movie that's a love letter to nature. However the cinematography is almost better than the story actually deserves.

The problem is that The Revenant drags its feet. It is a two and a half hour film and you feel it easily could have been shortened down to two hours of even less when you look at the actual substance of the story. Its slow movement and too many weird dream sequences can wear one's patience down.

That said if you don't mind slow moving films then The Revenant is highly recommendable. It is a quality drama film with solid performances. It is teeming with metaphors that will take many viewings to decipher. The story was good, but I did not like the ending. For all the time that it took to get there the final resolution felt quick. In fact the movie is less satisfying the more it goes on.

Overall The Revenant is a spectacle that's a visual joy, but I doubt its for everyone. I'm not even sure whether I liked it and my high score is due more to the film's obvious quality rather than personal favour.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Heartwarming New Start
19 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In a time of bad remakes and reboots Creed manages to go into a new direction without falling on its face. It's a fresh start that's a logical continuation of the Rocky series.

By far the shining gem of this film was Sylvester Stallone. He delivers an unexpectedly good performance. Just for that alone I would recommend this film. Besides that you see a heartwarming relationship develop between Rocky and Adonis.

Creed is a film with both drama and comedy, all equally proportioned. I liked it very much, however there were several flaws that kept me from loving it.

Film's quality dropped during the second half. Final fight is not impressive as there were no real stakes to it. The film would have almost been better without it by just focusing on the two main characters and their friendship. But I guess they felt a boxing movie needs a climactic fight to end with even though it doesn't really add anything to the story.

There is too much name dropping. Yes, we know, he's Apollo Creed's son, you don't have to repeat it every ten seconds. And it's a bit too self-aware and trying too much to be meta.

Overall Creed is a good film and I can easily see why some people will love it a lot more than me.
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A Violent Mystery
12 January 2016
Let's start with the good. The Hateful Eight is very entertaining. If you're a fan of Tarantino's style, not merely gory violence, then you will definitely like it at least. And for a three hour film it didn't feel long, or dragged out. When the credits rolled I was almost surprised that it was already over. Overall it is a good film, for the first half at least. After that is when we come to the bad.

Roughly around the second third of the movie all the story that was previously built gets thrown out the window. It goes in a whole new direction and not for the better, because it feels like someone just got bored with making up a mystery so they abandoned everything. The movie feels almost unfinished, especially due to all the weird edits.

Then of course there is the subject of violence towards its female character - Daisy. In the Kill Bill films most of the violence towards women was done by other women, it's all part of the same cartoonish world. But here, towards the end, it broke the illusion for me. It took me out of the film completely to see such violence done to a female character.

This could have been among my favourite's of this year, but by the end it left a bad taste in my mouth.
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