
7 Reviews
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Gave up on comedy about half way through
27 May 2003
This movie could have been great. Bruce Almighty had its comedic moments in the first half but then it took itself too serious. The movie took a course of showing its witless meaning while completely giving up on trying to be funny. A movie with a silly premise like this should stick with comedy.
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Family Guy (1999– )
Funniest Show Ever
27 May 2003
I just bought the first two seasons on DVD. Every episode is hilarious. Filled with jokes others would be afraid to say. Makes fun of every stupid sitcom cliche. I can't wait until the next Two seasons come out on DVD. WHY WON"T SOME NETWORK PICK THIS SHOW UP AND MAKE NEW EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Roseanne (1988–2018)
One of the all time great sitcoms
19 May 2002
The TV series is one of the few sitcoms that is able to blend both comedy and drama, and still remain one of the funniest shows on TV. An episode comes to mind where Roseanne's father dies. The episode consists of Roseanne mourning over her father and reconsidering her feelings towards him, yet the episode still kept its comic charm. I usually can't stand a sitcom when it tries to be a drama. This series was always able to slip in a joke at the right time keeping even the most dramatic episodes funny. "Roseanne" wasn't like most sitcoms, say "Friends" for example. Roseanne isn't made up of perfect looking people who just goof off and seem to have an endless supply of money. The basis of this show had realistic characters with realistic problems. A show the common person could relate to. People may criticize Roseanne by saying it wasn't funny the last 3 or 4 seasons. This is true but very few shows that were on TV for more than 6 years were able to keep their soul throughout.
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One of the worst movies I ever saw in the theater.
14 May 2002
I know this movie isn't supposed to be a work of art. It's just supposed to be a mindless roller coaster ride with car chase scenes. I can respect shallow entertainment sometimes. THIS MOVIE IS AWFUL. I'm not going to go into detail about the horrible acting; predictable, unoriginal plot; and the complete absence of any kind of meaning. This is a dumb action movie that is just supposed to appeal to a person's shallow senses. The running time of this movie is 106 min. Maybe 15 min of this movie actually has car chase scenes or action happening on the screen. A mindless action movie should be at least 1/3 action. Most of this movie is filled with unlikeable characters in their 20's, who act like they're in junior high, just conversing with each other like morons. The only character in this movie I liked was the truck driver towards the end of the movie trying to kill all the main characters with a shotgun. (2 out of 10)

(If you want to see a movie with great car chase scenes, see the movie RONIN)
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
Doesn't fulfill its potential, but an ok show.
23 April 2002
When Star Trek Voyager came out, I didn't like it. In its last 3 or 4 seasons I became a fan because of it got better special effects, better story lines, and the most of the characters grew on me.

I've casually been watching Enterprise in its first season, but it hasn't acheived my expectations. The special effects are better than any other show on tv, but most of the characters are annoying.

The characters resemble children on their missions. I guess since the show is supposed to be earth's first deep space exploration, the creators wanted the characters to act more like a child's first trip to an amusement park. I find it hard to root for characters that just act immature.

Scott Bakula does not make a good captain. They make the captain seem incompetant. When Bakula trys to act like some courageous hero, it comes out comical.

I do like the Vulcan chick and the guy with the southern accent. I'm still waiting for some of the other characters to grow on me.

Sometimes I'll catch an episode I like. The 2 hour season premier was good. I would be happier with the show if it had more episodes with ships flying around and fighting; giving the show a kind of star wars look. Special effects have gotten better throughout the past few star trek series, and I think Enterprise should take more advantage of that.

I am not completely enjoying this show but it does have potential. I think it can and will improve
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I do not understand why this movie is so loved
15 March 2002
The Fellowship of the Ring is praised by most critics and nominated for several Academy awards including Best Picture. I have no idea why.

This movie is visually stunning with great special effects and beautiful scenery but there is few other things worth watching in this movie. The drama and suspense in this movie is corny and predictable. I don't pride myself in predicting movies but there were several scenes that followed the stereotypical hollywood action movie routine. The Fellowship (group of the good guys with the ring) has to get themselves out of several bad situations on their quest. Instead of solving these problems in an unpredictable interesting fashion they just give some of the characters an invincible superhero complex and easily fight their way out. The drama that is in this movie is no different than the predictable formula the rest of the movie follows. Parts of this movie that are supposed to make me cry just made me laugh. One scene at the end of the movie when one of the characters dies seems to drag on for 20 minutes.

Even the cute little joke occasionally thrown in this movie was never funny. The acting in this movie was ok I guess. Elijah Wood was good. I like Ian Mckellan but in the beginning of this movie when he was trying to set up the plot he mumbled a lot and he was hard to understand. I give this movie a 4 out of 10 at best. This movie was not that good and certainly doesn't deserve to be #2 on IMDB's top 250 list.
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the never ending story
7 January 2002
The last hour of this movie made me feel more uncomfortable in a movie theater, than I have ever been. It was like Chinese water torture. Not only did it have a bad ending, it had several bad endings. Just when you thought it had ended, it would keep going with dumber conclusions. I dont mean just once or twice. There was about 5 or 6 tease endings. As it continued it got worse. I want my eight bucks back.
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