
52 Reviews
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Hightown (2020–2024)
A nice find
20 May 2024
We were looking for shows during this recent release drought that had occurred and someone recommended this one. Was a great bine watch opportunity. Monica Raymund delivers a great performance as someone who is dancing on this position of power but struggling to make the best decisions for herself and her team due to her substance dependence issues. She captures how destructive addiction behaviors can be quite well in her role through delivery of her acting, in addition to a well written script. Overall the show keeps you entertained due to multiple storylines that seem to be unrelated but ultimately come back to piece everything together.

Would recommend.
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Light hearted comedy
20 May 2024
Was an interesting comedy. I recall that Mike danced around some pretty serious topics such as health, and even how that affected him and his perspective throughout life. But he seemed to find a gentle way to bring it back to the comedy and get laughter out of what might be considered topics most comedians would just avoid haha. Definitely a different comedic approach but can understand how Mike finds success among more of the shock style comedy that can exist today. It is good for the scene to have that balance and I think Birbiglia captured it well in this release. Would recommend for anyone looking for recent stand up.
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True Detective (2014– )
One of the best seasons
20 May 2024
This one rivals the 1st for best season of the show. I am admittedly a big Joni Foster fan (I loved her performance in Contact), so came into this season knowing she would deliver, and she did. Supporting cast is also amazing and well thought out. Great suspense throughout the entire season but not getting too sidetracked with elements outside of the main story theme. Overall touches enough bases to help the viewer identify with what could be considered a very distanced part of American culture, but American culture nonetheless. Helps remind us that there are some really weird parts of this country, which we might not even consider as being reality, but yet these places do exist. Would like to visit one day.
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Loudermilk (2017–2020)
Fantastic show
20 May 2024
This is one I consider a must watch for anyone just finding out about it. Is a great binge watching opportunity due to the multiple seasons and show (as far as I know) already being concluded. The actors were well placed and fit their roles rather well, also a well balanced cast. Loudermilk. Ron Livingston and Anja Savcic bring it home as the leads in the show and create a nice duo that continues to make you interested in the next episode. Is a lighthearted take on substance abuse, though has its serious moments as well that doesnt make a joke of the whole thing. Walks the line rather well and serves as a reminder that people need to find their balance, and if some substance doesnt work for you, dont try and force it to work.
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Race to Survive (2023– )
Was a fantastic show
20 May 2024
I hope they make more of these. It was really cool watching the teams go through their own struggles in order to try and compete. Some were very successful while others had issues that took them out of the race. It was interesting to see how team dynamics played such an essential role in whether teams were able to continue the race, or when it eventually led to them tapping out. It would certainly be a regularly viewed show if they were to continue making new seasons. I will put it on the list in hope that they will make a few more. It is a little inspiring to get out in the wild as well just to adventure and get some of these outdoor experiences. Seems like they got a wonderful experience.
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Narcos (2015–2017)
Great show
22 January 2024
This was a good show about the drug trade that was going down in the 70s and 80s. I think they accurately captured some of the difficulties associated with taking down some of the druglords of this time, and how much of a toll it took on civilian life. I dont typically care for shows that glamorize any real people but feel that they walked the line pretty well. We have gotten through season 2, and am interested to finish this one as I dont really know how things ended up for escobar. While I am sure there is dramatization and maybe some events that didnt happen as depicted in the show it seems to follow history cloesly enough that by the end any viewer will probably have a good understanding of how those events all played out.

Would recommend.
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Loved it
22 January 2024
We didnt realize this was recently released and looking for some late night comedy were pretty impressed with the routine. Stavros Halkias I am not sure which comedian he is connected with but am pretty sure hes been in the scene for a while. We enjoyed the light humor of his routine as well as the faces and his mannerisms which kind of add a second layer of light hearted comedy. I think it was a good divergence from most comedic approaches especially those which try to bang their heads against political atmospheres. This was more goofy jokes and vibing with the atmosphere at the venue. Would recommend!
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The Bear (2022– )
Fantastic show
22 January 2024
Now I need to look up if this was somehow based on a real story, because it feels as such. As a family that enjoys cooking this was a pleasant surprise. The interaction between the cast displaying their specific talents as part of the group effort while combating whatever personal stuff they have going on was a cool dynamic. I think the show gets better as it continues, which makes me excited for a third season. Season one almost seems to be a build up to season two, and it feel like if they wanted to end it there they couldve, but instead left a lot on the table for whats to come. Definitely recommend this one.
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Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer (2023 TV Special)
Loved it!
12 January 2024
Chappelle does it again and again. No joke he is one of the few living comedians who can still make me laugh out loud on the couch. His style is just so natural and he comes across as a person then blindsides with humor that is taboo and which contrasts wonderfully with one another. His knocks on subcultures like the trans movement is just funny to me. I think thats probably more of a symbiosis than a clash between them as he continuously references the culture instead of ignoring it like most people. I personally dont care either way and am pretty sure outside of funny bit that is rather successful for him, Chappelle doesnt either.

Anyways, could go on but will just stick with you need to watch it, you wont regret it! Would recommend.
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Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (2023 TV Special)
Wonderful comedic performance
12 January 2024
Gervais does it again coming to stage with some of his classic wit and humor. I found this one just as electric as any other performances in his recent repertoire. I think hes got a dark style of comedy that balances well with contemporary events and keeps the audience involved and eager to see where the direction is going. He definitely as a multidimensional nature to his comedic style which I enjoy as you sometimes have to think deeper into the meaning of his joke to find the point hes really trying to make. Of the comedies that have recently come out this was one we were a bit more excited to turn on.

Would recommend!
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10,000 BC (2015–2016)
Fantastic show!
12 January 2024
We enjoyed watching both seasons. In fact I got through the first and was like dang too bad thats over.. Then noticed a 2nd, so we binged through that one too. I think one of the cooler aspects of the show was the social dynamic they tried to introduce in different ways across the seasons, and really am not sure which I enjoyed more. Season 1 was cool because they were really just figuring things out, and learned fast that without some additional help and resources the people were just going to starve. Shows how difficult it was maybe for nomadic hunter gatherer tribes. Also consider how these people did versus those on naked and afraid. Skilled survivalists with less tools, MUCH less tools, or people who had a head start but maybe not the skills. Guess it shows, the skills almost always wins out.

Still two cool contrasts between seasons. Wish they wouldve made more. Would recommend!
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Chernobyl (2019)
Fantastic Show!
12 January 2024
I was looking at highest rated shows and saw this one - was intrigued and am so glad I took the time to watch it. Really the show gets going immediately with brilliant directing and sequencing of events. It goes without saying that this is about the tragic event that still has an impact on the affected area some 30 plus years later. I did not know how close the event was to creating a potentially larger catastrophe as was explained in the 2nd or 3rd episode. Pretty wild considering the difference between what it was and what it could've been was only a matter of days, weeks at most, as well as some people making the right decisions under duress of a jacked-up government body.

Amazing show, would recommend!
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High Desert (2023)
Fantastic show
25 September 2023
We really hopped right into this one, and luckily after it had finished releasing all its shows. Bingeworthy series that you can crank out in a few weekends with some drinks late at night.

I really liked the cast and funny character archetypes - like some kind of desert people working their hustle to survive in the area. Its kind of on par with what you could expect heading out to some small desert town, lot of fun to be had, though maybe a bit of trouble as well if you get involved with the wrong people.

I liked that they stayed pretty much on point to the narrative of the story and didnt stray too much to different sub stories within. That type of approach to a series can be a breath of fresh air from time to time, and you can just roll with a storyline that doesnt go all ADHD.

A+, would recommend!
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Fantastic spin on a great show
25 September 2023
We absolutely love naked and afraid, and can't get enough of their regular season, XL, and really any spinoffs. There is something so cool about watching people trying to survive in environments that no human being should want to try to go to. This show delivers on par with the rest with a great cast utilizing a newer generation of survivalists. I love the idea of no tools, you got to work with what you find. I think this is a little more realistic of a situation than someone being stranded but they have a machete, firestarter, etc... If you are a survivalist you got to try and survive with your hands and what you can forage.

We aren't finished with the season yet but am quite pleased and exited to see how it all ends. Would certainly watch more seasons with similar rules, etc.. and really am just adding this to the list of potential naked and afraid spin offs to keep an eye out for moving forward.

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Thought it was funny
11 September 2023
Always liked Schneider and this was kind of him following his brand of comedy. Clearly takes a lot of jabs at the left and woke culture which is pretty low hanging fruit but no problem if you want to sit with a bowl of popcorn and just laugh at it all via Schneider's perspective. He had some aside stories which referenced previous movies he made like Bigalow and other characters which had good moments. It seemed like the audience responded well to his style of humor as well. I think there is room for Schneider to build upon this set for another return and find success. He's definitely funny and his accents are as good as ever.

Would definitely recommend.
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Fantastic bingeworthy show
21 August 2023
We gave it a try based on a recommendation from a friend, it was worth the investment of time. It took an episode or two to get up to speed and into the vibe of the show, but once we were into it we just watched one episode after the next. Is great being two seasons in as we were able to legit binge through the first. Now being caught up its another thats on our list of weekly must watch.

The cast is great, john c riley,quincy isaiah, solomon hughes,sean patrick small, and well, really the list goes on and on - pretty much extremely well put together cast and everyone does a great job supporting each other's story.

I am not a fan of basketball, and really do not watch the sport (I find it quite boring), but the history is amazing, even if embellished. I respect the rivalry aspects across multiple characters. All of this show has to offer might actually get me to watch a game.

Would 100% recommend.
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Quarterback (2023– )
One of the best
2 August 2023
Lenses into the life of a quarterback trying to balance his career against personal life and auxiliary pressures. I was so impressed with the level of training Mahomes goes through as part of his regimen to compete in the league. It really showed why this player is operating at such a high caliiber, especially when compared to that of other quarterbacks on the documentary.

That being said, each player seems to have a way to play to their own strengths. I really enjoyed the focus on personal lives and how this dynamic impacts the players. The eventual transition to a major focus on teams that continued into the playoffs, and then the superbowl made the experience immensely enjoyable.

Ok so disclaimer - I am a Chiefs fan, and probably carry a lot of bias as the show really began to focus on Mahomes and his journey towards the end of the season, but imagine if this was the QB of your team, and having this to reflect on after going on that journey with your favorite team throughout the season.. I think it was just epic timing by the show, and and super grateful to have been given this deeper insight into what the players go through to try and be their best. Honestly, I feel like the rest of the league might need to catch up to KC, because danggggg these guys take practice seriously. Rooting for them to get plenty more rings over the coming year, Go KC!!

A+, would totally recommend.
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Another fantastic Alone show
31 July 2023
This one was unexpected as we are finishing up the regular alone season but ran out of episodes. 12 20-minute episodes was a really cool find to binge watch and get a little more exposure to some of the participants and their skillsets. Typically these are repeat contestants which helps to give a lens into their strengths and areas of improvement with regard to survival skills. Knowing this helps us better understand who is going potentially do well in the actual Alone challenge.

Its certainly worth the watch just to chill and see survivalists compete in skills challenges in a casual manner - not starving, lonely, etc... Those elements are dynamic in the interplay of the show too, when youre talking about legit competition for cash prizes. This being just a bragging rights type of challenge is more like watching shorts, quick episodes to get you back into the Alone spirit.

Super cool show, would reccomend!
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American Gladiators (1989–1996)
Thought it was great
22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was a kid during the 90s and spent quite a few nights watching this show. In fact when we stumbled upon this documentary I was like oh look Gemini!!

I thought it was really cool to get a behind the scenes understanding of the show, its beginnings, climax and then descent. I particularly enjoyed some of the reenactments of gladiators, via cartoons or otherwise. It was very well crafted and keeps the viewer interested, I would think even if they had never seen the original show.

Was a shame to learn some of the ways these gladiators got screwed by the producers and owners of the show, but also not surprising - jacked up industry of rich idiots trying to churn out a profit for themselves at the expense of others, but I digress. Was also sad to see that some of the gladiators had a less than glamourous ride off into the sunset.

I think the show could make a comeback with the right approach to current culture, but it would be a task. Either way, was great to relive that moment in time.

A+ would recommend.
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Fantastic show
22 July 2023
We were able to get right into this one. Great humor through the season and enticing storylines that keeps curiosity and drives the need to watch another episode. The acting is quite on point and I feel hits the pulse of current culture, with a few throwbacks as well.

The focus certainly seems to be on keeping the humor present, with creative twists and scenes that reference characters moods rather than what is actually happening. The variety of comedic angles is pretty impressive.

I would certainly recommend this to friends and hope they keep churning out seasons. Due to the funny storyline they could approach this via spinoffs or just by keeping it going with the original cast.

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Champions (2023)
Cool flick
9 July 2023
Was unexpectedly browsing movies and saw this one. Being a fan of Harrelson turned it on and got right into the storyline. I like the casting of different personalities. Every character had their own story and background which highlighted the theme of the movie that we are all individuals with meaning in this life, who can come together and achieve happiness.

That they created a sports focused theme made it quite relatable, even for someone who is not a huge basketball fan. I do enjoy team competitions and stories that describe growth both of the individual and team.

Would highly recommend, A+.
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The Machine (I) (2023)
Loved it
9 July 2023
Classic Berk Kreischer humor, with some cool unexpected roles by Mark Hamill. Kind of knew what to expect going into the movie, knowing so much of this comedians background, and I think he really delivered in the creation of a comedy that you can go back to and enjoy. I would recommend to friends/family, and already have actually.

Overall is a good movie to watch with 3-4 drinks and as you get hammered the whole thing will start to make more sense. By the end of it when things start to get climactic, if you are properly drunk you will enjoy it the way it was intended, which is just to laugh and not take anything too seriously or critically.
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Project Runway (2004– )
Fantastic Show
9 July 2023
They dont make enough seasons of this. It should run 2x a year. Highly entertaining watching designers clash against one another to try and win it all. Though there is another element of collaboration amongst contestants usually that is fun to watch. Part of competition can be allowing your opponent to have their best game possible, and if you can still outperform them, you are truly a creative talent.

Over the seasons weve seen that typically the most successul designers are the ones who dont stand in the way of any others, but are focused on their own craft.

Anyways, my wife and I watch this with drinks whenever its own. My only complaint is that it doesnt air often enough.
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Masterchef (V) (2010– )
Another goto
9 July 2023
Of the many Gordon Ramsay shows out there this one is near the top of our list. I love picking who is going to win and rooting for that person throughout the competition. This has a good combination of drama and talent, which makes choosing a bit more difficult as contestants can be well trained but lacking some other quality that would make them suitable to win the competition. Overall a fair challenge that lets contestants showcase their abilities to cook, and watching one of them ascend and grow as a chef makes the show rather palatable. A great one to sit down with at the end of the week with a few drinks and enjoy.
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Alone (2015– )
Fantastic Show - keep making them
9 July 2023
We love watching these seasons. I kind of wish it kept going year round, like when one ends, another is about to begin. Just another instance of people pushing themselves to the limits, and not always for the money but to meet their own personal goals, see what comes out during their most difficult times while starving and probably sleep deprived.

I really like the shows focus on how the people work through the challenges of wilderness survival emotionally, and how they cope with these emotions. Weve seen so many survival TV shows and it almost always comes down to mental fortitude, how hard can someone push themselves physically and why are they motivated?

Love the show and hope they make more. Take out the curse word censorship stuff though. Let em curse.
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