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it was so bad it was funny--
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so goddamn ridiculous honestly it was worse than twilight but that's why i love it-- the lead was pretty bad i will say that- Alexa's style (at least her style in 2008) seemed to be more like Evanescence so her singing was not amazing- she hardly lip synced when recording too which made it very easy to know it's fake and the character was wonky- so childish and a pretty annoying voice ;-; wasn't a big fan- bUt i really really loved Grave Robber- idk why but i really loved him- he just had alllll the vibes- and Mag was also quite good- and her final scene was incredible other than that the movie was terrible but it was one of those things that was so bad it was funny (like twilight!) so i was laughing at it and enjoying it the whole time-- 0/10 will recommend and rewatch.
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pleasantly surprised!
3 August 2022
This movie is actually a lot better than i thought it would be! The beginning of it had me pretty hesitant, and i was confused why they set it in Japan, but it surprised me with its development later on! I was in a production of this play in February 2022, and it was really fun to see the differences in this one.

The actor of Rosalind is beautiful, and they also did really well with adding in humor.

It's awesome that they decided to cast POC for the De Boys and some other characters. It's very hard to find POC in Shakespeare, so that was a pleasant surprise.

And while the creators did make a couple questionable choices, it still was very well done, even until the end when they broke the fourth wall with the epilogue!
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Mercutio was good but the rest...
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay i'm just gonna say it right away: this movie was bad.

The opening scene was confusing and pure chaos, Benvolio looked like Biff from Back To The Future (and was the most un-Benvolio Benvolio i've seen. Benvolio is supposed to be the voice of reason. The anti-fight guy. This person literally started a gun fight.), and there were too many random fights and people getting mad. They cut the Queen Mab speech really awfully, and the two POC were the first ones killed off.

Another thing, why did you do the balcony scene, not on a balcony??

And in the final scene, Romeo is supposed to kill Paris at Juliet's tomb, but they just completely forgot about him. And Juliet woke up before Romeo died too??

Many of the actors did not seem like they knew how to recite Shakespearean language (the actor of Friar Lawrence as an exception) aaand somehow Mercutio died because he was cut by a shard of glass... i think the saving graces of this movie were Mercutio and the Nurse. Mercutio was a queer icon, i loved him. How often do you get to see a black person in drag in movies? It's quite unfortunate though that Romeo can't even pronounce his name right.

This movie had potential, since the style was pretty cool, and Mercutio was such an entertaining and iconic character, but it was executed quite poorly.
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Macbeth (I) (2015)
my opinion is that it's pretty boring
3 August 2022
I wasn't too sure what to expect from this at first, since i just saw it when randomly scrolling through my HBO Max account. But it was pretty disappointing.

They took everything way too seriously. The environment was very dark and dirty. Hardly anyone smiled in the two hours that the show ran. And they did it pretty much strictly to the era where and when it took place (1200s Scotland), leading it to be very boring. The fun of Shakespeare is that you can interpret it in any way you want. When i did the show we had it take place in a bar called the Wayward, and had lots of cool coloured lighting, making it have a sense of difference and immediately draw you in. If you do it strictly to the era, it gets very boring very fast.

They also cut many lines (like the vast majority of the witches lines. What's up with that?), and took some from one scene and placed it in a totally different one. (pretty much they mixed and matched the lines to their liking.) they assigned some peoples lines to very different characters, and they cut entire characters and scenes. (all of 4.2!! That was an incredible scene, and the execution of it was extremely disappointing.) it's unfortunate though, because some of the ideas and imagery were pretty artistic (like Lady M seeing the witches in her last moments), and the actors were quite good, and definitely knew how to speak Shakespeare.

There was a lot of talent wasted on a movie that gets as boring as this one.

I'm giving it 4 stars because 1, The actors and some of the crew had incredible talent, and it wasn't their fault this was poorly done; and 2, the reason i'm so bored with this movie is an opinion. Personally i really hate the style in which they did it, but others may like it.

If you want something serious and very strict to the era where it takes place, watch this, it isn't bad for that! But if you're here for fun new versions of Shakespeare, please watch something else.
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one of my favorites!
13 March 2022
It's a really funny movie! Captain Jack Sparrow is a complete bicon and sort of a dumbass, but that's all part of his character. Will Turner is not only attractive but also has good morals, and is an amazing sword fighter, same with Elizabeth Swan. The action scenes are good, and the sword fighting is realistic. One large problem i have with it though, is the awful lack of diversity. I am aware it takes place in the 1800s or whatnot, but you can't call it "pirates of the CARIBBEAN" and barely have any people of color.

Other than that, and the fact that it gets quite cheesy at points, i like it :p.
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