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STHLM Blackout (2024– )
What a mess!
8 May 2024
This series is described as an action comedy. Having suffered through episode one, I can report a total of about one minute of action, mainly consisting of running down staircases and escalators. The comedy, then? Nowhere to be found, I would say. Literally none at all. The rest is mainly an awkward date with a very unlikely "professor" and constant bickering with a hysterical news anchor in dire need of a punch in the face...

On the other hand, totally unnatural dialogue, stilted direction, inept editing and bad acting are abundant. Did I mention annoying "music" and bad CGI?

As the saying goes, I wish whoever wrote this mess good luck with their next job - because I very much doubt he or she will ever work in film or TV again.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Good old-fashioned silliness very well done - more, please!
5 May 2024
I must admit I wasn't expecting much. Comedians/actors that turn directors are rarely any good, and Jerry Seinfled - though a very funny writer - is not even much of an actor.

But I was pleasantly surprised by Unfrosted, despite the presence of Melissa McCarthy, who is perhaps the most annoying human being ever born. But everyone else does a stellar job of making us laugh at this very much made-up story of the origins of Pop Tarts. Lots of barely noticeable (but really good) jokes on the side, and you never get bored.

The two dumpster kids are phenomenal, and Hugh Grant parodying himself is delightful. But the jewel in the crown is seeing Jon Hamm and John Slattery mocking their Mad Men characters.
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Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
Well-written, funny and thrilling all at once
31 March 2024
I stumbled across this show and was a bit reluctant at first, since I always found Giovanni Ribisi a bit annoying. But then I saw that Bryan Cranston was involved, so I decided to give it a go. And I am glad I did.

Firstly, you need to be prepared for a major league suspension of disbelief to swallow the basic premise of the story. But it's worth it!

This is pure quality. None of the usual plot clichés,with unexpected twists and turns galore, good dialogue and actors on their absolute A-game all around, especially Peter Gerety and Margo Martindale. Couldn't ask for much more.

My only (tiny) gripe is the ages of the cast members. According to the storyline, Pete would be 31 and Julia about 25 - which Ribisi and Ireland obviously hadn't been for well over a decade at the time of shooting. And having someone 20 years your senior playing your grandma??? And a 25-year-old playing 15? Come on.
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Retribution (I) (2023)
A new low!
10 March 2024
Those people who have awarded this movie 10 stars should not be allowed to watch movies. They need their heads examined, and then being locked up in straight-jackets.

I have never ever encountered.a more illogical storyline. The plot has more holes than an entire year's production of Swiss cheese. The whole premise of the threat to Neeson's life is beyond all logic. But all these shortcomings fade away completely when you listen to what is being said - and not said.

Nobody listens to anyone, ever. Nobody answers a single question, noone reacts to what is being said, noone tries to explain to the police what is going on. And what is being said is totally unnatural, as if written by some drunk AI. And, once again - listen, film makers everywhere: There are no Interpol or Europol agents. Those are administrative organizations, set up to simplify collaboration between national police forces. Only German police would be allowed to carry guns in Germany.

Liam Neeson is, normally, a really good actor, but it is sad to see him accept such dysmal roles just to make some more money. Surely he has enough saved up by now to be able to turn down awful projects like this. Time to quit while you're ahead, Liam.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
No action, no comedy
18 February 2024
I like action. I also like comedies. This series is labelled as an action comedy, but so far I have seen very little action, and no comedy whatsoever.

The pacing is unbearably sloooow, and the writer/director/editor have no clues how to tell a story efficiently. The dialogue is cringeworthy, long-winded and babbling, unfunny and getting nowhere very slowly. Nothing happens, just relationship talk and "yeah, okay, yeah". There's maybe two minutes of (very lame) action near the end of each episode, and the storylines make no sense.

Even worse than this, though, is the abysmal acting. C- and D-list extras in every single role, and absolutely no chemistry whatsoever between the leads. Everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves and have a hard think about changing careers. Maybe working in the sewers - less public and more suited to their abilities to work with fecal matter.
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Fargo: Bisquik (2024)
Season 5, Episode 10
Worst ending ever?
25 January 2024
Fargo the movie was brilliant in every way. Series 1 and 2 were also great, series 3 okay-ish, and then series 4 lost it completely with Jessie Buckley and Chris Rock... So my hopes for series 5 were set pretty low.

But hey, it started out back on form! And there it stayed for more or less the first 9 episodes, only to end in an enormous anti-climax. Nothing that should have happened actually happened, nothing was explained. The only saving grace was the prison visit scene.

So many characters that were never explored. Why did Danish have an eyepatch, and why was he called Danish? How could Wayne Lyon be so immensely stupid, even before he got zapped? Where did his mom get her money and influence? Why does Dot look like a little anorectic rat, and how can she fight muscular guys twice her size and win, like some big sister of Kevin McAllister's? What about the female cop - she just petered out. And her p-o-s golf playing husband? How could Ole have gone through life being so totally weird? How could the burned down house be rebuilt that quickly? And so on.

So, Noah. Give up the franchise, or get a lot better.
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Deserves a big fat ZERO
15 December 2023
I have seen some bad drama series in my time. I mean, really bad ones. And then I've seen this piece of garbage, which shoots straight in to the number one spot of the all-time-worst list.

Several more or less unconnected - and unresolved - plots going on simultaneously, none of them believeable. "Music" that seems to rejected scores from "The bold and the beautiful". Unnatural dialogue, awful acting from all the main characters and a soapy script that makes "Hollyoaks" seem like a Shakespeare masterpiece in comparison.

I feel sorry for Hugh Dennis and Janine Duvitski for being tricked into this abysmal production. Hope they got well paid for having to be ashamed for the rest of their lives...
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A good idea spoilt by awful presenter
15 December 2023
A TV show about technology, physics, chemistry, mecahnics or whatever the scientific subject may be is automatically a good thing. But "The secret genius of modern life" is too dumbed down to really work for anyone with a three figure IQ and/or over the age of 12.

But the big annoyance here is Professor Fry. Anyone who introduces themselves as "professor so and so" needs to be taken down a peg or two (that also applies to her colleauge Alice Roberts, by the way).

She obviously loves the sound of her own voice and to have the camera pointing at her constantly. Her "jokes" are as unfunny as they get, and she seems to be totally immersed in the "cloud of smug" of South Park fame.

This show seems to have been created solely as a vehicle to boost Ms Fry's celebrity status and earnings. Give us a proper presenter who takes the subject seriously and treats the viewers like intelligent human beings, please.
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Boat Story (2023)
Thumbs up!
28 November 2023
Wow, was this a nice surprise! Comedy drama that is actually funny AND dramatic. Clever dialogue and plot twists galore - for once you have no clue what is going to happen, or what someone is going to say. Totally un-formulaic, well acted and - especially - masterfully edited. Even the narrator (a feature I normally never like) works. I'm three episodes in when I write this, so I guess they could still manage a really disappointing ending, but I don't think they will.

If you liked "Inside Man" with David Tennant and Stanley Tucci, you will love this. The same applies if you are a fan of Quentin Tarantino or the Coen brothers. This is right up there with the two first series of Fargo.

More, please!
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Kin (2021– )
Wooden mumbling
19 November 2023
Mumbling actors is a nuisance. Actors mumbling with a heavy Irish accent is even worse. And mumbling Irish actors accompanied by loud, unnecessary, overly suspenseful music is absolutely intolerable. And that is what you get with Kin.

Add to that a bunch of bad actors (especially Emmett Scanlan, who is bad in everything), a complete set of totallyunlikable (or, really, despicable) characters - violent, impulsive, brainless eejits the lot of them - shaky hand-held cameras, a very slow pace and a really lack-luster script, and you have a prime example of a total waste of time.

In short, there is absolutely nothing to like here. Take a look at something else. Anything else, just not this load of swearing.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Going downhill fast
4 November 2023
Yellowstone started out in a promising way. Stunning cinematography in stunning locations, storylines that seemed unusually multi-dimensional, et cetera. But soon, the facade started to crack - and it has gotten a lot worse with each new season.

Actually, there is only one decent actor in the whole cast, and that's Kevin Costner. All the rest are wooden miscasts and go through totally improbable personality changes (back and forth and back again). "Jamie" looks like a constipated ex-underwear model...

The pace is so slow that if the show had been a person, that person would have been declared dead by the doctores. And don't get me started on the ever-present funeral music which is extremely depressing - only interrupted by really bad, equally gloomy, songs that people these days seem to think of as country (which they are not). One more rodeo scene. And I will theow a brick at my TV....

There is not one single even remotely likeable character, and the plot is looking more and more like a sleazy daytime soap. Reminds me a bit of Dallas, but with everyone playing JR - having a non-existant fuse, always ready for a bloody fistfight or a random killing for no reason.

Season five has been totally abysmal and I reaaly hope it won't get renewed for a sixth season.
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Bravo Alpha Delta
30 September 2023
Oh, what a stinker. Half the dialogue is in Chinese, another quarter is in English with unintelligible Chinese accents, and the rest is mumbled. But this isn't really a problem, since it is all written in pure gibberish. Not one single line feels natural. The science bit, oooh...this makes Star Wars look like a documentary. A total disregard for the laws of physics, extremely silly.

It's sad to think how much money was spent on this, when it could have financed at least ten good movies with stories to tell and actors who can actually act. And the no doubt very expensive CGI wasn't even very good... DOn't waste two hours on this. If you like Jason Statham, watch The Transporter for a second time instead.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Action for 12 year olds with low expectations
21 August 2023
Oooh, where to begin...An absolutely awful script which no amount of suspended disbelief could save. Hardly any proper skilled actors at all in the cast. CGI way over the top. Pitiful dialogue, Awful accents all around - especially Gal Gadot's. She REALLY needs to practice her English.

Then there's the usual extremely unrealistic stuff: Superfast 2.5 ton vans, a way OTT computer interface, omnipotent bad guys with armies of evil henchmen ready to deploy everywhere, an airship that would not be able to lift off the ground, a server hall that just happens to have the exact right, unique connectors, loads of breaking the laws of physics, etc.

If this had been a 1 dollar rental, I still would have been very disappointed. Please Netflix, stop churning out this kind of dross.
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Justified (2010–2015)
A master writer at work
5 August 2023
I came across this show 13 years too late purely by chance while enjoying a month's free trial of Amazon Prime Video, not expecting very much but, what the heck - I had 40 minutes to spare.

Five minutes in, and I was hooked. I kept thinking "this is almost like an Elmore Leonard novel, a really juicy yarn with clever dialogue and unexpected twists"... And, lo and behold - it is based on a Leonard story, with the man himself as executive producer and sometimes writer, displaying all the dark humor and quirky characters I've grown to love over the years.

This is right up there with shows like Better Call Saul and The Wire - pure brilliance. Add to that superb set design and perfect casting (especially Raylan's boss Art and all the dimwitted redneck lowlifes) and the 10th star is within range.
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Blindspot (2023– )
Dross Kemp is back - phoning it in
6 July 2023
Channel 5 and quality drama. Words seldom used in the same sentences, for good reason. Not surprisingly then, my expectations were pretty low. But this wasn't just mediocre, it was really, really bad.

Every action and reaction throughout is utterly unbelievable as well as badly acted - either lamely or way OTT. Having been in Eastenders is hardly a strong merit acting-wise, but this was below par even for Ross Kemp.

This is just a low budget exercise in woke box-ticking done in a laughable way, loaded with plotholes and extremely unlikely events.

I very nearly gave up at half time, but decided to waste another half hour on the first episode. But it just kept getting worse, and the trailer for Ep. 2 did not encourage giving it another shot. Stay far away if you value the time you have left to live.
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Van der Valk: Freedom in Amsterdam (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Soo wrong
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What's the matter with the people who commission TV drama? This is just a bunch of chliches and PC box-ticking.

1. Why set a british production in Amsterdam, with not a single actor speaking dutch?

2. Why so woke and predictable? A moody, msyterious loner of a DI with a quriky old car. An asian woman with pronoun fixation and a photographic memory, an arabic vegan with a dark history, a lesbian female lead, a drunk pathologist wo plays the saxophone at work, a homeless character...

3. Why such a lame plot? Freerunners training to get in to shippping containers... what about using a ladder to climb up?

Revive Hustle instead, if you feel the need to keep Marc Warren occupied.
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A disaster movie - literally
16 June 2023
Oh, where to begin... A large collection of really bad non-actors running around shooting, slashing, bombing and throwing grenades, more or less non-stop from start to finish. That's not a spoiler. Sadly, its exactly what it says on the tin. And then someone flashed enough money in front of Helen Mirren and Eddie Marsan for them to sell out completely - shame on you guys for being greedy and not caring what kind of movie your name will help sell.

OK, uptempo action movies can be entertaining. I'm not a stickler for realism, and Jason Statham can be quite cool despite not being a great actor (Johnson can not, though) But this just gets extremely tiring. And the leading lady isn't just a very wooden "actress", she's not even halfway good looking.

Avoid if your IQ is above 75.
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Car S.O.S. (2013– )
Leave comedy to comedians
8 June 2023
The basic sob-story premise of this show annoys me. The owners various ailments are a concern for their immediate families, not for the viewing public.

Otherwise, this could be an interesting show, if Fuzz gave Tim Shaw his marching orders. Shaw must be the unfunniest attention-seeker in TV history, making Mike Brewer seem almost normal. He manages to ruin the whole show with his inane "jokes", his pretend haggling/begging and stupid reveal events.

It would also be interesting to know how much they spend on their restorations, as in most cases that would be way, way more than the finished result will ever be worth. Some cars actually should be scrapped, and anyone who places so much sentimental value on inanimate objects needs a prompt reality check.

And to be frank, they are really giving these top-restored cars to the undeserving kids, since most of the owners are on their very last legs.
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The Repair Shop (2017– )
More craftsmanship, less sob stories, please
8 June 2023
Mostly I find The Repair Shop quite interesting to watch, even captivating at times. I especially enjoy seeing the formidable Fletcher siblings doing their magic.

But the show could be so much better, if they only focused on the craftsmanship and left the sob stories behind. I really couldn't care less about someone's great grandma being blind and deaf and loving that ugly teapot...

These overly sentimental parts take up half the time, time which could have been used to show much more of the techniques involved in restoring the objects that are brought in through the barn doors.

The syrupy feel also extends to the restorers themselves. It's just a little bit too polite, too nice, too caring - there's a slightly unnerving whiff of The Stepford Wives about the mood in the barn.

So let's see more of the actual repairing. But no stuffed toys, please, and no more scottish narrators.
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Whitechapel: Episode #2.3 (2010)
Season 2, Episode 3
And the Oscar for silliest writing goes to...
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The 2nd series of Whitechapel must be the weirdest piece of drama writing in the history of TV. An OCD DI with a motley crew of detectives brimming with insubordination, obstruction and generally bad behaviour. And then out of the blue the Kray twins emerge reincarnated, living with their mum, as the new supreme crime lords of London, controlling all criminal activities, having 90 percent of the police force on the take - and no one has ever heard of their existence. They set about recreating historical murders - just like the ripper in S1, what an original idea! - with seemingly endless resources. If you find this believable, please send me your bank account number and login details and I will make your money grow. Promise!

To add insult to injury, the editing seems to be done by someone on an acid trip. Pretentious and extremely annoying. Stop it!
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Stowaway (II) (2021)
SHould have been ZERO
31 May 2023
Wow. I thought I had seen my share of rotten movies. But no, here we have a new record low. On the plus side, there is half decent lioghting in some scenes. On the negative side, there ios everything else you could ever think of.

The storyline itself is very lame, and the plotholes would make a really good sieve - they would put an Emmenthaler cheese to shame.

The directing seems to more or less absent, or maybe this was all that could be done with such an abysmal cast. Every single actor/actress in this rancid tomato of a movie is more wooden than a piece of wood, especially Ruby Rose in the lead role. Never has so much incompetence combined in one place at the same time.

This is noty a B-movie. More like K or T if you move down the alphabet. Or rather a BS movie, which I hope ends in a huge loss for the producers. Stay away from Stowaway!
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I sense a Razzie or two coming up
22 April 2023
Ooooh, this was painful. Watching so much money spent with so little return really hurts. I have seen a few films with plots all over the place, but not on this scale. It's just so bad that it defies description, no words could do it justice.

Watching this babble-fest I suddenly don't see Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston anymore. The extremely annoying dialogue and the bad acting have me convinced that I'm really being force-fed a movie with Zach Gallifianakis and Melissa McCarthy, the two most irritating human beings ever to walk this planet. OK, that is possibly to be expected from Sandler, but from Aniston???

Don't waste two hours of your life on this. Go outside and pick up other people's doggie-droppings with your bare hands, that will be more rewarding.
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Countdown (1982– )
Totally addictive
1 April 2023
I can understand why some people don't get Countdown and find it boring. Not having neither linguistic nor mathematical talents must really suck.

But for the rest of us that are blessed with those abilities, it's a daily delight. It's also a perfect brain workout - if you can keep up with the contestants you need'nt worry about dementia just yet.

OK, the decor is awful, the countdown music is even worse, and the clock should really cover 30 seconds in a full lap, not stop at 6. Some dictionary corner guests are a bit annoying. And I cannot understand what Rachel Riley is doing there, that couldn't be done better by an automated computer display. Getting a bit tired of her tasteless outfits by now, and her futile attempts at being "funny".

But after a thousand episodes or so, you don't notice the bad stuff any longer. Mainly because the rest is so brilliant, especially since Colin Murray came along. He is just perfect for the job, far better than any of his predecessors.
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Annika (2021– )
Brooklyn Nine Nine set in Scotland...
31 March 2023
Oooh, so many things wrong with this.

  • A huge "Marine Homicide Unit". Come on, who's legs are you trying to pull?

  • The whole team consisting of inept, bickering and sarcastic people, totally unbelievable. In real life, all of them would have been in uniform directing traffic. Annika herself being the sarkiest of them all.

  • Breaking the fourth wall to drop one-liners every two minutes or so? Not a good idea.

  • "Annika Strandhed" is a name that could only be Swedish, nothing Norwegian about it. Had she been Norwegian, she would have been called Jannike.

  • Salted licquorice is a Finnish thing, and partly Swedish, not really Norwegian.

  • And so on. Lazy writing with nearly all the box-ticking characters behaving like mental patients, this just doesn't work at all. It's like a slightly (very slightly more serious version of Brooklyn Nine Nine sitcom, and just as badly acted and unfunny.
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Beyond Paradise (2023– )
Half baked
25 March 2023
Tony Jordan has been involved in quite a few really good shows, not least the brilliant Hustle. But this, sadly, does not even come close.

Death in Paradise was quite enjoyable, though totally unrealistic. Utterly stupid, clownish constables. An English chief inspector on a French Caribbean island, come on! Don Warringtons silly beltline. Accents all over the place. Interviewing suspects together. Gathering all suspects to reveal the killer, Agatha Christie style. All killers confessing calmly. Etc, etc.

This fairytale set-up in picturesque surroundings worked for a couple of seasons, especially with Kris Marshall at the helm. But it has become very tired in later years. So why would the same, worn-out recipe work set in Devon? Well, it probably could have, but it doesn't.

There's no chemistry between Kris Marshall and Sally Bretton (always moody and crying, for some unnecessary reason). The local cops are way over the top, even worse than their tropical colleagues. There's REALLY LOUD and misfitting music drowning out 90 per cent of the dialogue, which makes it extremely annoying to watch - subtitles are obligatory. And finally, the plots are thinner than ever, close to non-existant.

The only redeeming factor is getting yet another chance to see Barbara Flynn in action, magnificent as ever. A firm favourite ever since A Family at War back in 1970!
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